Copyright (C) 1993-2015 John W. Eaton
This file is part of Octave.
Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, see
#if !defined (octave_toplev_h)
#define octave_toplev_h 1
class octave_value;
class octave_value_list;
class octave_function;
class octave_user_script;
class tree_statement;
class tree_statement_list;
class charMatrix;
#include "quit.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "oct-map.h"
#include "symtab.h"
typedef void (*octave_exit_func) (int);
extern OCTINTERP_API octave_exit_func octave_exit;
extern OCTINTERP_API bool quit_allowed;
extern OCTINTERP_API bool quitting_gracefully;
extern OCTINTERP_API int exit_status;
extern OCTINTERP_API void
clean_up_and_exit (int status, bool safe_to_return = false);
extern OCTINTERP_API void recover_from_exception (void);
extern OCTINTERP_API int main_loop (void);
extern OCTINTERP_API void
octave_add_atexit_function (const std::string& fname);
extern OCTINTERP_API bool
octave_remove_atexit_function (const std::string& fname);
// TRUE means we are ready to interpret commands, but not everything
// is ready for interactive use.
extern OCTINTERP_API bool octave_interpreter_ready;
// TRUE means we've processed all the init code and we are good to go.
extern OCTINTERP_API bool octave_initialized;
octave_call_stack (void) : cs (), curr_frame (0) { }
class stack_frame
friend class octave_call_stack;
stack_frame (octave_function *fcn = 0, symbol_table::scope_id scope = 0,
symbol_table::context_id context = 0, size_t prev = 0)
: m_fcn (fcn), m_line (-1), m_column (-1), m_scope (scope),
m_context (context), m_prev (prev)
{ }
stack_frame (const stack_frame& elt)
: m_fcn (elt.m_fcn), m_line (elt.m_line), m_column (elt.m_column),
m_scope (elt.m_scope), m_context (elt.m_context), m_prev (elt.m_prev)
{ }
int line (void) const { return m_line; }
int column (void) const { return m_column; }
std::string fcn_file_name (void) const;
std::string fcn_name (bool print_subfn = true) const;
octave_function *m_fcn;
int m_line;
int m_column;
symbol_table::scope_id m_scope;
symbol_table::context_id m_context;
size_t m_prev;
typedef std::deque::iterator iterator;
typedef std::deque::const_iterator const_iterator;
typedef std::deque::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
typedef std::deque::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator;
static void create_instance (void);
static bool instance_ok (void)
bool retval = true;
if (! instance)
create_instance ();
if (! instance)
::error ("unable to create call stack object!");
retval = false;
return retval;
// Current function (top of stack).
static octave_function *current (void)
return instance_ok () ? instance->do_current () : 0;
// Current line in current function.
static int current_line (void)
return instance_ok () ? instance->do_current_line () : -1;
// Current column in current function.
static int current_column (void)
return instance_ok () ? instance->do_current_column () : -1;
// Line in user code caller.
static int caller_user_code_line (void)
return instance_ok () ? instance->do_caller_user_code_line () : -1;
// Column in user code caller.
static int caller_user_code_column (void)
return instance_ok () ? instance->do_caller_user_code_column () : -1;
// Caller function, may be built-in.
static octave_function *caller (void)
return instance_ok () ? instance->do_caller () : 0;
static size_t current_frame (void)
return instance_ok () ? instance->do_current_frame () : 0;
static size_t size (void)
return instance_ok () ? instance->do_size () : 0;
static size_t num_user_code_frames (octave_idx_type& curr_user_frame)
return instance_ok ()
? instance->do_num_user_code_frames (curr_user_frame) : 0;
static symbol_table::scope_id current_scope (void)
return instance_ok () ? instance->do_current_scope () : 0;
static symbol_table::context_id current_context (void)
return instance_ok () ? instance->do_current_context () : 0;
static stack_frame frame (size_t idx)
return instance_ok () ? instance->do_frame (idx) : stack_frame ();
// Function at location N on the call stack (N == 0 is current), may
// be built-in.
static octave_function *element (size_t n)
return instance_ok () ? instance->do_element (n) : 0;
// First user-defined function on the stack.
static octave_user_code *caller_user_code (size_t nskip = 0)
return instance_ok () ? instance->do_caller_user_code (nskip) : 0;
// Return TRUE if all elements on the call stack are scripts.
static bool all_scripts (void)
return instance_ok () ? instance->do_all_scripts () : false;
static void
push (octave_function *f,
symbol_table::scope_id scope = symbol_table::current_scope (),
symbol_table::context_id context = symbol_table::current_context ())
if (instance_ok ())
instance->do_push (f, scope, context);
static void
push (symbol_table::scope_id scope = symbol_table::current_scope (),
symbol_table::context_id context = symbol_table::current_context ())
if (instance_ok ())
instance->do_push (0, scope, context);
static void set_location (int l, int c)
if (instance_ok ())
instance->do_set_location (l, c);
static void set_line (int l)
if (instance_ok ())
instance->do_set_line (l);
static void set_column (int c)
if (instance_ok ())
instance->do_set_column (c);
static bool goto_frame (size_t n = 0, bool verbose = false)
return instance_ok () ? instance->do_goto_frame (n, verbose) : false;
static void restore_frame (size_t n)
goto_frame (n);
static bool goto_frame_relative (int n, bool verbose = false)
return instance_ok ()
? instance->do_goto_frame_relative (n, verbose) : false;
static void goto_caller_frame (void)
if (instance_ok ())
instance->do_goto_caller_frame ();
static void goto_base_frame (void)
if (instance_ok ())
instance->do_goto_base_frame ();
static octave_map backtrace (size_t nskip = 0)
octave_idx_type curr_user_frame = -1;
return instance_ok ()
? instance->do_backtrace (nskip, curr_user_frame, true)
: octave_map ();
static octave_map backtrace (size_t nskip, octave_idx_type& curr_user_frame,
bool print_subfn = true)
return instance_ok ()
? instance->do_backtrace (nskip, curr_user_frame, print_subfn)
: octave_map ();
static std::list
backtrace_frames (size_t nskip = 0)
octave_idx_type curr_user_frame = -1;
return instance_ok ()
? instance->do_backtrace_frames (nskip, curr_user_frame)
: std::list ();
static std::list
backtrace_frames (size_t nskip, octave_idx_type& curr_user_frame)
return instance_ok ()
? instance->do_backtrace_frames (nskip, curr_user_frame)
: std::list ();
static octave_map empty_backtrace (void);
static void pop (void)
if (instance_ok ())
instance->do_pop ();
static void clear (void)
if (instance_ok ())
instance->do_clear ();
// The current call stack.
std::deque cs;
size_t curr_frame;
static octave_call_stack *instance;
static void cleanup_instance (void) { delete instance; instance = 0; }
int do_current_line (void) const;
int do_current_column (void) const;
int do_caller_user_code_line (void) const;
int do_caller_user_code_column (void) const;
octave_function *do_caller (void) const
return curr_frame > 1 ? cs[curr_frame-1].m_fcn : cs[0].m_fcn;
size_t do_current_frame (void) { return curr_frame; }
size_t do_size (void) { return cs.size (); }
size_t do_num_user_code_frames (octave_idx_type& curr_user_frame) const;
symbol_table::scope_id do_current_scope (void) const
return curr_frame > 0 && curr_frame < cs.size ()
? cs[curr_frame].m_scope : 0;
symbol_table::context_id do_current_context (void) const
return curr_frame > 0 && curr_frame < cs.size ()
? cs[curr_frame].m_context : 0;
/* const stack_frame& do_frame (size_t idx)
static stack_frame foobar;
return idx < cs.size () ? cs[idx] : foobar;
octave_function *do_element (size_t n)
octave_function *retval = 0;
if (cs.size () > n)
stack_frame& elt = cs[n];
retval = elt.m_fcn;
return retval;
octave_user_code *do_caller_user_code (size_t nskip) const;
bool do_all_scripts (void) const;
void do_push (octave_function *fcn, symbol_table::scope_id scope,
symbol_table::context_id context)
size_t prev_frame = curr_frame;
curr_frame = cs.size ();
cs.push_back (stack_frame (fcn, scope, context, prev_frame));
symbol_table::set_scope_and_context (scope, context);
octave_function *do_current (void) const
octave_function *retval = 0;
if (! cs.empty ())
const stack_frame& elt = cs[curr_frame];
retval = elt.m_fcn;
return retval;
void do_set_location (int l, int c)
if (! cs.empty ())
stack_frame& elt = cs.back ();
elt.m_line = l;
elt.m_column = c;
void do_set_line (int l)
if (! cs.empty ())
stack_frame& elt = cs.back ();
elt.m_line = l;
void do_set_column (int c)
if (! cs.empty ())
stack_frame& elt = cs.back ();
elt.m_column = c;
do_backtrace_frames (size_t nskip, octave_idx_type& curr_user_frame) const;
octave_map do_backtrace (size_t nskip,
octave_idx_type& curr_user_frame,
bool print_subfn) const;
bool do_goto_frame (size_t n, bool verbose);
bool do_goto_frame_relative (int n, bool verbose);
void do_goto_caller_frame (void);
void do_goto_base_frame (void);
void do_pop (void)
if (cs.size () > 1)
const stack_frame& elt = cs.back ();
curr_frame = elt.m_prev;
cs.pop_back ();
const stack_frame& new_elt = cs[curr_frame];
symbol_table::set_scope_and_context (new_elt.m_scope, new_elt.m_context);
void do_clear (void) { cs.clear (); }
// Call a function with exceptions handled to avoid problems with
// errors while shutting down.
catch (E) \
{ \
std::cerr << "error: ignoring " #E " while preparing to exit" << std::endl; \
recover_from_exception (); \
do \
{ \
try \
{ \
unwind_protect frame; \
frame.protect_var (Vdebug_on_error); \
frame.protect_var (Vdebug_on_warning); \
Vdebug_on_error = false; \
Vdebug_on_warning = false; \
} \
OCTAVE_IGNORE_EXCEPTION (octave_interrupt_exception) \
OCTAVE_IGNORE_EXCEPTION (octave_execution_exception) \
OCTAVE_IGNORE_EXCEPTION (std::bad_alloc) \
if (error_state) \
error_state = 0; \
} \
while (0)