Copyright (C) 2013-2015 John W. Eaton
Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Alexander Barth
Copyright (C) 2009 David Bateman
This file is part of Octave.
Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, see
// Author: Alexander Barth
// Author: jwe
#if !defined (octave_url_transfer_h)
#define octave_url_transfer_h 1
static void delete_file (const std::string& file);
static void reset_path (base_url_transfer *curl_xfer)
curl_xfer->cwd ("..");
friend class url_transfer;
base_url_transfer (void)
: count (1), host_or_url (), valid (false), ftp (false),
ascii_mode (false), ok (true), errmsg (),
curr_istream (&std::cin), curr_ostream (&std::cout)
{ }
base_url_transfer (const std::string& host,
const std::string& /* user_arg */,
const std::string& /* passwd */,
std::ostream& os)
: count (1), host_or_url (host), valid (false), ftp (true),
ascii_mode (false), ok (true), errmsg (), curr_istream (&std::cin),
curr_ostream (&os) { }
base_url_transfer (const std::string& url, std::ostream& os)
: count (1), host_or_url (url), valid (false), ftp (false),
ascii_mode (false), ok (true), errmsg (),
curr_istream (&std::cin), curr_ostream (&os) { }
virtual ~base_url_transfer (void) { }
bool is_valid (void) const { return valid; }
bool good (void) const { return valid && ok; }
virtual void perform (void) { }
virtual std::string lasterror (void) const { return errmsg; }
virtual std::ostream& set_ostream (std::ostream& /* os */)
return *curr_ostream;
virtual std::istream& set_istream (std::istream& /* is */)
return *curr_istream;
virtual void ascii (void) { }
virtual void binary (void) { }
bool is_ascii (void) const { return ascii_mode; }
bool is_binary (void) const { return !ascii_mode; }
virtual void cwd (const std::string& /* path */) { }
virtual void del (const std::string& /* file */) { }
virtual void rmdir (const std::string& /* path */) { }
virtual void mkdir (const std::string& /* path */) { }
virtual void rename (const std::string& /* oldname */,
const std::string& /* newname */) { }
virtual void put (const std::string& /* file */,
std::istream& /* is */) { }
virtual void get (const std::string& /* file */,
std::ostream& /* os */) { }
void mget_directory (const std::string& directory,
const std::string& target);
string_vector mput_directory (const std::string& base,
const std::string& directory);
virtual void dir (void) { }
virtual string_vector list (void) { return string_vector (); }
virtual void get_fileinfo (const std::string& /* filename */,
double& /* filesize */,
time_t& /* filetime */,
bool& /* fileisdir */) { }
virtual std::string pwd (void) { return std::string (); }
virtual void http_get (const Array& /* param */) { }
virtual void http_post (const Array& /* param */) { }
virtual void http_action (const Array& /* param */,
const std::string& /* action */) { }
// Reference count.
octave_refcount count;
// Host for ftp transfers or full URL for http requests.
std::string host_or_url;
bool valid;
bool ftp;
bool ascii_mode;
bool ok;
std::string errmsg;
std::istream *curr_istream;
std::ostream *curr_ostream;
// No copying!
base_url_transfer (const base_url_transfer&);
base_url_transfer& operator = (const base_url_transfer&);
url_transfer (void);
url_transfer (const std::string& host, const std::string& user,
const std::string& passwd, std::ostream& os);
url_transfer (const std::string& url, std::ostream& os);
url_transfer (const url_transfer& h) : rep (h.rep)
~url_transfer (void)
if (--rep->count == 0)
delete rep;
url_transfer& operator = (const url_transfer& h)
if (this != &h)
if (--rep->count == 0)
delete rep;
rep = h.rep;
return *this;
bool is_valid (void) const { return rep->is_valid (); }
bool good (void) const { return rep->good (); }
std::string lasterror (void) const { return rep->lasterror (); }
std::ostream& set_ostream (std::ostream& os)
return rep->set_ostream (os);
std::istream& set_istream (std::istream& is)
return rep->set_istream (is);
void ascii (void) { rep->ascii (); }
void binary (void) { rep->binary (); }
bool is_ascii (void) const { return rep->is_ascii (); }
bool is_binary (void) const { return rep->is_binary (); }
void cwd (const std::string& path) { rep->cwd (path); }
void del (const std::string& file) { rep->del (file); }
void rmdir (const std::string& path) { rep->rmdir (path); }
void mkdir (const std::string& path) { rep->mkdir (path); }
void rename (const std::string& oldname, const std::string& newname)
rep->rename (oldname, newname);
void put (const std::string& file, std::istream& is)
rep->put (file, is);
void get (const std::string& file, std::ostream& os)
rep->get (file, os);
void mget_directory (const std::string& directory,
const std::string& target)
rep->mget_directory (directory, target);
string_vector mput_directory (const std::string& base,
const std::string& directory)
return rep->mput_directory (base, directory);
void dir (void) { rep->dir (); }
string_vector list (void) { return rep->list (); }
void get_fileinfo (const std::string& filename, double& filesize,
time_t& filetime, bool& fileisdir)
rep->get_fileinfo (filename, filesize, filetime, fileisdir);
std::string pwd (void) { return rep->pwd (); }
void http_get (const Array& param) { rep->http_get (param); }
void http_post (const Array& param) { rep->http_post (param); }
void http_action (const Array& param,
const std::string& action)
rep->http_action (param, action);
base_url_transfer *rep;