Copyright (C) 1993-2015 John W. Eaton
This file is part of Octave.
Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, see
#if !defined (octave_variables_h)
#define octave_variables_h 1
class octave_function;
class octave_user_function;
class tree_identifier;
class octave_value;
class octave_value_list;
class octave_builtin;
class string_vector;
#include "lo-ieee.h"
#include "ov.h"
#include "ov-builtin.h"
#include "symtab.h"
extern OCTINTERP_API void clear_mex_functions (void);
extern OCTINTERP_API octave_function *
is_valid_function (const octave_value&, const std::string& = std::string (),
bool warn = false);
extern OCTINTERP_API octave_function *
is_valid_function (const std::string&, const std::string& = std::string (),
bool warn = false);
extern OCTINTERP_API octave_function *
extract_function (const octave_value& arg, const std::string& warn_for,
const std::string& fname, const std::string& header,
const std::string& trailer);
extern OCTINTERP_API string_vector
get_struct_elts (const std::string& text);
extern OCTINTERP_API string_vector
generate_struct_completions (const std::string& text, std::string& prefix,
std::string& hint);
extern OCTINTERP_API bool
looks_like_struct (const std::string& text);
extern OCTINTERP_API int
symbol_exist (const std::string& name, const std::string& type = "any");
extern OCTINTERP_API std::string
unique_symbol_name (const std::string& basename);
extern OCTINTERP_API octave_value
lookup_function_handle (const std::string& nm);
extern OCTINTERP_API octave_value
get_global_value (const std::string& nm, bool silent = false);
extern OCTINTERP_API void
set_global_value (const std::string& nm, const octave_value& val);
extern OCTINTERP_API octave_value
get_top_level_value (const std::string& nm, bool silent = false);
extern OCTINTERP_API void
set_top_level_value (const std::string& nm, const octave_value& val);
extern OCTINTERP_API octave_value
set_internal_variable (bool& var, const octave_value_list& args,
int nargout, const char *nm);
extern OCTINTERP_API octave_value
set_internal_variable (char& var, const octave_value_list& args,
int nargout, const char *nm);
extern OCTINTERP_API octave_value
set_internal_variable (int& var, const octave_value_list& args,
int nargout, const char *nm,
int minval = std::numeric_limits::min (),
int maxval = std::numeric_limits::max ());
extern OCTINTERP_API octave_value
set_internal_variable (double& var, const octave_value_list& args,
int nargout, const char *nm,
double minval = -octave_Inf,
double maxval = octave_Inf);
extern OCTINTERP_API octave_value
set_internal_variable (std::string& var, const octave_value_list& args,
int nargout, const char *nm, bool empty_ok = true);
extern OCTINTERP_API octave_value
set_internal_variable (int& var, const octave_value_list& args,
int nargout, const char *nm, const char **choices);
set_internal_variable (V ## NM, args, nargout, #NM)
set_internal_variable (V ## NM, args, nargout, #NM, false)
set_internal_variable (V ## NM, args, nargout, #NM, MINVAL, MAXVAL)
// in the following, CHOICES must be a C string array terminated by null.
set_internal_variable (V ## NM, args, nargout, #NM, CHOICES)
extern OCTINTERP_API std::string builtin_string_variable (const std::string&);
extern OCTINTERP_API int builtin_real_scalar_variable (const std::string&,
extern OCTINTERP_API octave_value builtin_any_variable (const std::string&);
extern OCTINTERP_API void bind_ans (const octave_value& val, bool print);
extern OCTINTERP_API void
bind_internal_variable (const std::string& fname,
const octave_value& val) GCC_ATTR_DEPRECATED;
extern OCTINTERP_API void mlock (void);
extern OCTINTERP_API void munlock (const std::string&);
extern OCTINTERP_API bool mislocked (const std::string&);
extern OCTINTERP_API void clear_function (const std::string& nm);
extern OCTINTERP_API void clear_variable (const std::string& nm);
extern OCTINTERP_API void clear_symbol (const std::string& nm);
extern OCTINTERP_API void maybe_missing_function_hook (const std::string& name);