#ifndef __drvbase_h #define __drvbase_h /* drvbase.h : This file is part of pstoedit Base class for all specific driver classes/backends. All virtual functions have to be implemented by the specific driver class. See drvSAMPL.cpp Copyright (C) 1993 - 2014 Wolfgang Glunz, wglunz35_AT_pstoedit.net This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* // ============================================================================ // // = LIBRARY // pstoedit // // = FILENAME // drvbase.h // // = RCSID // $Id$ */ #ifndef cppcomp_h #include "cppcomp.h" #endif #include I_fstream #include I_stdio #include I_stdlib #include I_string_h USESTD #ifndef assert #include <assert.h> #endif #include "pstoeditoptions.h" #ifndef miscutil_h #include "miscutil.h" #endif #if defined(HAVE_STL) && !defined(USE_FIXED_ARRAY) #include <vector> #endif // for compatibility checking static const unsigned int drvbaseVersion = 108; // 101 introduced the driverOK function // 102 introduced the font optimization (lasttextinfo_) // 103 introduced the -ssp support and the virtual pathscanbemerged // 104 introduced the fontmatrix handling // 105 introduced the miterlimit Info and outputPageSize // 106 introduced some new utility functions for transformation (*_trans*) // 107 new driver descriptions -- added info about clipping // 108 new driver descriptions -- added info about driver options const unsigned int maxPages = 10000; // maximum number of pages - needed for the array of bounding boxes #if defined(HAVE_STL) && !defined(USE_FIXED_ARRAY) // we can use std::vector #else const unsigned int maxPoints = 80000; // twice the maximal number of points in a path const unsigned int maxElements = maxPoints/2; const unsigned int maxSegments = maxPoints/2;// at least half of maxpoints (if we only have segments with one point) #endif class DLLEXPORT Point { public: Point(float x, float y) : x_(x),y_(y) {} Point() : x_(0.0f), y_(0.0f) {}; // for arrays float x_; float y_; bool operator==(const Point & p2) const { return (x_ == p2.x_) && (y_ == p2.y_); //lint !e777 } bool operator!=(const Point & p2) const { return !(*this == p2); } Point operator+(const Point & p) const { return Point (x_+p.x_,y_+p.y_); } const Point & operator+=(const Point & p) { x_+=p.x_; y_+=p.y_; return *this; } Point operator*(float f) const { return Point (x_*f,y_*f); } #if 0 friend bool operator==(const Point & p1, const Point & p2) { return (p1.x_ == p2.x_) && (p1.y_ == p2.y_); //lint !e777 } #endif #ifdef BUGGYGPP Point transform(const float * matrix) const; #else Point transform(const float matrix[6]) const; #endif friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & out,const Point &p) { return out << "x: " << p.x_ << " y: " << p.y_ ; } private: }; struct DLLEXPORT BBox // holds two points describing a Bounding Box { public: Point ll; Point ur; friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & out,const BBox &bb) { return out << "LL: " << bb.ll << " UR: " << bb.ur ; } }; // image needs Point ! #include "psimage.h" static const char emptyDashPattern[] = "[ ] 0.0"; class basedrawingelement; // forward class DriverDescription ; // forward class DLLEXPORT drvbase // = TITLE // Base class for backends to pstoedit // // = CLASS TYPE // Abstract // // = AUDIENCE // Developers of new backends // // = DESCRIPTION // Abstract base class for backends to pstoedit. // This class defines the virtual functions that every backend has // to implement and some functions that are common to all backends // { friend class sub_path; // needs PathInfo friend class sub_path_list; public: // = PUBLIC TYPES //lint -esym(578,drvbase::fill,fill) enum showtype { stroke, fill, eofill }; enum cliptype { clip , eoclip }; enum linetype { solid=0, dashed, dotted, dashdot, dashdotdot }; // corresponding to the CGM patterns struct DLLEXPORT TextInfo { float x; float y; float FontMatrix[6]; float x_end; // pen coordinates after show in PostScript float y_end; // RSString thetext; RSString glyphnames; bool is_non_standard_font; RSString currentFontName; RSString currentFontUnmappedName; RSString currentFontFamilyName; RSString currentFontFullName; RSString currentFontWeight; float currentFontSize; float currentFontAngle; float currentR; // Colors float currentG; float currentB; RSString colorName; // extracted from PostScript colorspace if /Separation type float cx; // next five items correspond to the float cy; // params for the awidthshow operator int Char; // of PostScript float ax; float ay; bool mappedtoIsoLatin1; bool remappedfont; // was remapped via fontmap bool samefont(const TextInfo& cmp) const { return ( currentFontName == cmp.currentFontName ) && //lint !e1702 // ( currentFontFamilyName == cmp.currentFontFamilyName ) && // ( currentFontFullName == cmp.currentFontFullName ) && ( currentFontWeight == cmp.currentFontWeight ) && //lint !e1702 ( currentFontSize == cmp.currentFontSize ) && //lint !e777 // testing floats for == ( currentFontAngle == cmp.currentFontAngle ) ; //lint !e777 // testing floats for == } bool samecolor(const TextInfo& cmp) const { return ( currentR == cmp.currentR ) && //lint !e777 // testing floats for == ( currentG == cmp.currentG ) && //lint !e777 // testing floats for == ( currentB == cmp.currentB ); //lint !e777 // testing floats for == } TextInfo() : x(0.0f), y(0.0f), x_end(0.0f), y_end(0.0f), // thetext(0), // use standard ctor is_non_standard_font(false), currentFontSize(10.0f), currentFontAngle(0.0f), currentR(0.0f), currentG(0.0f), currentB(0.0f), colorName(""), cx(0.0f), cy(0.0f), Char(32), // 32 means space ax(0.0f), ay(0.0f), mappedtoIsoLatin1(true), remappedfont(false) { for (int i = 0; i < 6 ; i++ ) FontMatrix[i] = 0.0f; } ~TextInfo() { } private: // declared but not defined // const TextInfo & operator = (const TextInfo &); // default is ok // TextInfo(const TextInfo &); // default is ok }; private: // = PRIVATE TYPES protected: // = PROTECTED TYPES struct DLLEXPORT PathInfo { showtype currentShowType; linetype currentLineType; unsigned int currentLineCap; // Shape of line ends for stroke (0 = butt, 1 = round, 2 = square) unsigned int currentLineJoin; float currentMiterLimit; unsigned int nr; #if defined(HAVE_STL) && !defined(USE_FIXED_ARRAY) std::vector<basedrawingelement *> path; #else basedrawingelement * * path; // a path is an array of pointers to basedrawingelements #endif bool isPolygon; // whether current path was closed via closepath or not unsigned int numberOfElementsInPath; unsigned int subpathoffset; // normally 0, but if subpathes are simulated // then this is set to the begin of the current subpath // before show_path is executed float currentLineWidth; float edgeR; // edge colors float edgeG; float edgeB; float fillR; // fill colors float fillG; float fillB; RSString colorName; bool pathWasMerged; // true, if this path is a result of a merge operation RSString dashPattern; // just the dump of currentdash as string PathInfo() : currentShowType(drvbase::stroke), currentLineType(drvbase::solid), currentLineCap(0), currentLineJoin(0), currentMiterLimit(10.0f), nr(0), path(0), isPolygon(false), numberOfElementsInPath(0), subpathoffset(0), currentLineWidth(0.0f), edgeR(0.0f), edgeG(0.0f), edgeB(0.0f), fillR(0.0f), fillG(0.0f), fillB(0.0f), colorName(""), pathWasMerged(false), dashPattern(emptyDashPattern) { #if defined(HAVE_STL) && !defined(USE_FIXED_ARRAY) #else path = new basedrawingelement *[maxElements]; #endif } virtual ~PathInfo() { // added virtual because of windows memory handling // the path content is deleted by clear clear(); #if defined(HAVE_STL) && !defined(USE_FIXED_ARRAY) // use std dtor #else delete [] path; #endif } void addtopath(basedrawingelement * newelement, ostream & errf); void clear(); void copyInfo(const PathInfo & p); // copies the whole path state except the path array void rearrange(); // rearrange subpaths for backends which do not support them private: // Inhibitors (declared, but not defined) const PathInfo& operator=(const PathInfo&); PathInfo(const PathInfo &); }; //lint -esym(1712,SaveRestoreInfo) // no default ctor class DLLEXPORT SaveRestoreInfo { public: unsigned int clippathlevel; // number of clippathes since opening (=save) unsigned int savelevel; SaveRestoreInfo * previous; SaveRestoreInfo * next; SaveRestoreInfo(SaveRestoreInfo * parent) : clippathlevel(0), previous(parent), next(NIL) { if (parent) { parent->next=this; savelevel = parent->savelevel + 1; } else { savelevel = 0; } } }; public: // = PUBLIC DATA const DriverDescription& driverdesc; // reference to the derived class' driverdescription ProgramOptions* DOptions_ptr; PSImage imageInfo; static FontMapper& theFontMapper(); static bool Verbose(); // need a wrapper function because static initialized data cannot be DLLEXPORTed static void SetVerbose(bool param); static unsigned int &totalNumberOfPages(); static BBox * bboxes() ; // [maxPages]; // array of bboxes - maxpages long static RSString& pstoeditHomeDir(); // usually the place where the binary is installed static RSString& pstoeditDataDir(); // where the fmp and other data files are stored protected: // = PROTECTED DATA ostream & outf; // the output stream ostream & errf; // the error stream const RSString inFileName; // full name of input file const RSString outFileName; // full name of output file RSString outDirName; // output path with trailing slash or backslash RSString outBaseName; // just the basename (no path, no suffix) unsigned int d_argc; const char ** d_argv; // array of driver argument strings class PsToEditOptions & globaloptions; /* non const because driver can also add an option during ctor */ float currentDeviceHeight; // normally 792 pt (US Letter); used for flipping y values. float currentDeviceWidth; float x_offset; float y_offset; friend class PSFrontEnd; // PSFrontEnd needs access to currentPageNumber unsigned int currentPageNumber; bool domerge; const char * defaultFontName; // name of default font bool ctorOK; // indicated Constructor failure // returned via driverOK() function SaveRestoreInfo saveRestoreInfo; SaveRestoreInfo * currentSaveLevel; private: // = PRIVATE DATA static bool verbose; // access via Verbose() bool page_empty; // indicates whether the current page is empty or not char * driveroptions; // string containing options for backend PathInfo PI1,PI2,clippath; // pi1 and pi2 are filled alternatively (to allow merge), clippath when a clippath is read PathInfo * currentPath; // for filling from lexer PathInfo * last_currentPath; // need to save during usage of currentPath for clippath protected: // for drvrtf PathInfo * outputPath; // for output driver private: PathInfo * lastPath; // for merging TextInfo textInfo_; // this is used both by the lexer to fill in text related info // but also by the backends for query of info, e.g. via "fontchanged" TextInfo mergedTextInfo; // for collecting pieces of text when doing text merge TextInfo lastTextInfo_; // for saving font settings. This is the last really dumped text public: // = PUBLIC METHODS // = CONSTRUCTION, DESTRUCTION AND COPYING drvbase( const char * driverOptions_p, ostream & theoutStream, ostream & theerrStream, const char* nameOfInputFile_p, const char* nameOfOutputFile_p, PsToEditOptions & globaloptions_p, const class DriverDescription & driverdesc_p ); // constructor virtual ~drvbase(); // destructor // = BACKEND GENERIC FUNCTIONS // These functions are not backend specific and should not have to be // changed for new backends void startup(bool merge); virtual void finalize(); // needed because base destructor will be called after derived destructor // and thus the base destructor could no longer use the backend. // virtual because so we can achieve that it is called in the // context (DLL) of the real backend. Otherwise it would be called // in the context of the main program which causes memory problems // under windows since the plugins are NOT and extension DLL // void setdefaultFontName(const char * n) {defaultFontName = n;} virtual bool textIsWorthToPrint(const RSString & thetext) const; // in the default implementation full blank strings are ignored virtual bool textCanBeMerged(const TextInfo & text1, const TextInfo & text2) const; // checked whether two pieces of text can be merged into one. void setCurrentDeviceHeight(const float deviceHeight) { currentDeviceHeight = deviceHeight; } void setCurrentDeviceWidth(const float deviceWidth) { currentDeviceWidth = deviceWidth; } float getScale() const { return 1.0f; } inline long l_transX (float x) const { return (long)((x + x_offset) + .5); // rounded long } inline long l_transY (float y) const { return (long)((-1.0f*y + y_offset) + .5); // rounded long, mirrored } inline int i_transX (float x) const { return (int)((x + x_offset) + .5); // rounded int } inline int i_transY (float y) const { return (int)((-1.0f*y + y_offset) + .5); // rounded int, mirrored } inline float f_transX (float x) const { return (x + x_offset) ; } inline float f_transY (float y) const { return (-1.0f*y + y_offset) ; } const RSString & getPageSize() const; // { return globaloptions.outputPageSize; } bool close_output_file_and_reopen_in_binary_mode(); // bool fontchanged() const { return ! textInfo_.samefont(lastTextInfo_); } bool textcolorchanged() const { return ! textInfo_.samecolor(lastTextInfo_); } void setColorName(const char * const name) { textInfo_.colorName = name ; currentPath->colorName = name; } void setRGB(const float R,const float G, const float B) { if ( ( R > 1.0 ) || ( G > 1.0 ) || ( B > 1.0 ) || ( R < 0.0 ) || ( G < 0.0 ) || ( B < 0.0 ) ) { errf << "Warning: color value out of range (0..1). Color change ignored." << R << ' ' << G << ' ' << B << endl; } else { textInfo_.currentR = R ; textInfo_.currentG = G; textInfo_.currentB = B; currentPath->edgeR = R ; currentPath->edgeG = G; currentPath->edgeB = B; currentPath->fillR = R ; currentPath->fillG = G; currentPath->fillB = B; } } void showpage(); const BBox & getCurrentBBox() const; void beginClipPath(); void endClipPath(cliptype clipmode) ; // virtuals - to be implemented by backends virtual void ClipPath(cliptype clipmode); virtual void Save(); virtual void Restore(); // = DRAWING RELATED METHODS void addtopath(basedrawingelement * newelement); void removeFromElementFromPath(); unsigned int &numberOfElementsInPath() { return outputPath->numberOfElementsInPath; } unsigned int numberOfElementsInPath() const { return outputPath->numberOfElementsInPath; } const basedrawingelement & pathElement(unsigned int index) const; void setCurrentLineType(const linetype how) { currentPath->currentLineType = how; } void setCurrentLineWidth(const float linewidth) { currentPath->currentLineWidth = linewidth; } void setDash(const char * const dash) { currentPath->dashPattern.assign(dash); } void setIsPolygon(bool what) { currentPath->isPolygon=what; } // whether current path was closed via closepath or not void setPathNumber(unsigned int nr) { currentPath->nr=nr; } void setCurrentLineJoin(const unsigned int joinType) { currentPath->currentLineJoin = joinType; } void setCurrentMiterLimit(const float miterLimit) { currentPath->currentMiterLimit = miterLimit; } void setCurrentLineCap(const unsigned int capType) { currentPath->currentLineCap = capType; } void setCurrentShowType(const showtype how) { currentPath->currentShowType = how; } void dumpPath(bool doFlushText = true); // shows current path //lint -esym(578,flushall) // flushall hides same name in stdio enum flushmode_t { flushall, flushtext, flushpath }; void flushOutStanding( flushmode_t flushmode = flushall); void dumpRearrangedPathes(); // show the current subpathes after calling rearrange unsigned int nrOfSubpaths() const; void dumpImage(); // shows current image // = TEXT RELATED METHODS void setCurrentWidthParams( const float ax, const float ay, const int Char, const float cx, const float cy, const float x_end = 0.0f, const float y_end = 0.0f); void setMappedtoisolatin1 ( const bool mapped ) { textInfo_.mappedtoIsoLatin1 = mapped; } void setCurrentFontName(const char *const Name,bool is_non_standard_font); void setCurrentFontFamilyName(const char *const Name); void setCurrentFontFullName(const char *const Name); void setCurrentFontWeight(const char *const Name); void setCurrentFontSize(const float Size); void setCurrentFontAngle(float value); const float * getCurrentFontMatrix() const { return textInfo_.FontMatrix; } void setCurrentFontMatrix(const float mat[6]) { for (unsigned short i = 0; i< 6; i++) textInfo_.FontMatrix[i] = mat[i]; } // the push*Text methods set the textinfo_ member and then call the // showOrMergeText(textinfo_) ; void pushText(const size_t len, const char *const thetext, const float x, const float y, const char * const glyphnames=0); void pushHEXText(const char *const thetext, const float x, const float y, const char * const glyphnames=0); void flushTextBuffer(bool useMergeBuffer); // flushes text from the text (merge) buffer void showOrMergeText(); // = BACKEND SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS // If a backend only deals with a special set of font names // the following function must return a 0 terminated list // of font names. virtual const char * const * knownFontNames() const { return 0; } // The next functions are virtual with a default empty implementation virtual void show_image(const PSImage & /* imageinfo */) { cerr << "show_image called, although backend does not support images" << endl; //unused(&imageinfo); } // if during construction something may go wrong, a backend can // overwrite this function and return false in case of an error. // or it can just set the ctorOK to false. virtual bool driverOK() const { return ctorOK; } // some // needed to check for pseude drivers which do not have a real backend // but instead just do the job in the gs frontend. virtual bool withbackend() const { return true; } protected: // = PROTECTED METHODS showtype currentShowType() const { return outputPath->currentShowType; } linetype currentLineType() const { return outputPath->currentLineType; } unsigned int currentLineCap() const { return outputPath->currentLineCap; } unsigned int currentLineJoin() const { return outputPath->currentLineJoin; } float currentMiterLimit() const { return outputPath->currentMiterLimit; } bool isPolygon() const { return outputPath->isPolygon;} // whether current path was closed via closepath or not virtual bool pathsCanBeMerged (const PathInfo & p1, const PathInfo & p2) const; bool pathWasMerged() const { return outputPath->pathWasMerged; } float currentLineWidth() const { return outputPath->currentLineWidth; } unsigned int currentNr() const { return outputPath->nr; } float edgeR() const { return outputPath->edgeR; } // edge colors float edgeG() const { return outputPath->edgeG; } float edgeB() const { return outputPath->edgeB; } float fillR() const { return outputPath->fillR; } // fill colors float fillG() const { return outputPath->fillG; } float fillB() const { return outputPath->fillB; } const RSString & currentColorName() const { return outputPath->colorName; } const char * dashPattern() const { return outputPath->dashPattern.c_str(); } float currentR() const { return outputPath->fillR; } // backends that do not support merging float currentG() const { return outputPath->fillG; } // do not need to differentiate and float currentB() const { return outputPath->fillB; } // can use these functions. void add_to_page(); private: // = PRIVATE METHODS void guess_linetype(); bool is_a_rectangle() const; // = BACKEND SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS // These next functions are pure virtual and thus need to be implemented for every new backend. virtual void close_page() = 0; // writes a trailer whenever a page is finished (triggered by showpage) virtual void open_page() = 0; // writes a page header whenever a new page is needed virtual void show_path() = 0; void show_or_convert_path(); void simulate_fill(); // the next functions are virtual with default implementations virtual void show_text(const TextInfo & textinfo) ; virtual void show_rectangle( const float llx, const float lly, const float urx, const float ury); // writes a rectangle at points (llx,lly) (urx,ury) // = INHIBITORS (declared, but not defined) drvbase(); // avoid default ctor drvbase(const drvbase &); drvbase & operator=(const drvbase&); }; //lint -esym(1712,DashPattern) // no default ctor class DLLEXPORT DashPattern { public: DashPattern(const char * patternAsSetDashString); ~DashPattern(); const RSString dashString; int nrOfEntries; float * numbers; float offset; private: NOCOPYANDASSIGN(DashPattern) DashPattern(); }; typedef const char * (*makeColorNameType)(float r, float g, float b); const unsigned int maxcolors = 10000 ; // maximum number of colors //lint -esym(1712,ColorTable) // no default ctor class DLLEXPORT ColorTable { public: ColorTable(const char * const * defaultColors, const unsigned int numberOfDefaultColors, makeColorNameType makeColorName); ~ColorTable(); unsigned int getColorIndex(float r, float g, float b) ; // non const const char * getColorString(float r, float g, float b); // non const ; bool isKnownColor(float r, float g, float b) const; const char * getColorString(unsigned int index) const; private: const char * const * const defaultColors_; const unsigned int numberOfDefaultColors_; char * newColors[maxcolors]; const makeColorNameType makeColorName_ ; NOCOPYANDASSIGN(ColorTable) }; #ifdef __TCPLUSPLUS__ // turbo C++ has problems with enum for template parameters typedef unsigned int Dtype; const Dtype moveto = 1; const Dtype lineto = 2; const Dtype closepath = 3; const Dtype curveto = 4; #else enum Dtype {moveto, lineto, closepath, curveto}; #endif // closepath is only generated if backend supportes subpathes // curveto is only generated if backend supportes it //lint -esym(1769,basedrawingelement) // default ctor sufficient since no members anyway class DLLEXPORT basedrawingelement { public: // default ctor sufficient since no members anyway // basedrawingelement(unsigned int size_p) /*: size(size_p) */ {} virtual const Point &getPoint(unsigned int i) const = 0; virtual Dtype getType() const = 0; friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, const basedrawingelement &elem); bool operator==(const basedrawingelement& bd2) const; virtual unsigned int getNrOfPoints() const = 0; virtual basedrawingelement* clone() const = 0; // make a copy // deleteyourself is needed because under Windows, the deletion // of memory needs to be done by the same dll which did the allocation. // this is not simply achieved if plugins are loaded as DLL. virtual void deleteyourself() { delete this; } virtual ~basedrawingelement() {} private: // const unsigned int size; }; inline void copyPoints(unsigned int nr, const Point src[], Point target[]) { // needed because CenterLine cannot inline for loops for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < nr ; i++ ) target[i] = src[i]; } template <unsigned int nr, Dtype curtype> class drawingelement : public basedrawingelement { public: // CenterLine !!!! // "drvbase.h", line 455: sorry, not implemented: cannot expand inline function drawingelement // <1 , 0 >::drawingelement__pt__19_XCUiL11XC5DtypeL10(Point*) with for statement in inline drawingelement(float x_1, float y_1, float x_2 = 0.0, float y_2 = 0.0, float x_3 = 0.0, float y_3 = 0.0) : basedrawingelement() { #if defined (__GNUG__) || defined (_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1100 const Point p[] = {Point(x_1,y_1),Point(x_2,y_2),Point(x_3,y_3)}; copyPoints(nr,p,points); #else // Turbo C++ hangs if the other solution is used. // and the HP CC compiler does not like it either // so use this for all compilers besides GNU and MS VC++ // This, however, is somewhat slower than the solution above Point * p = new Point[3]; p[0] = Point(x_1,y_1); p[1] = Point(x_2,y_2); p[2] = Point(x_3,y_3); copyPoints(nr,p,points); delete [] p; #endif } drawingelement(const Point p[]) : basedrawingelement() { // for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < nr ; i++ ) points[i] = p[i]; copyPoints(nr,p,points); } drawingelement(const drawingelement<nr,curtype> & orig) : basedrawingelement() //lint !e1724 // Argument to copy constructor for class drawingelement<<1>,<2>> should be a const reference { // copy ctor if (orig.getType() != curtype ) { cerr << "illegal usage of copy ctor of drawingelement" << endl; exit(1); } else { copyPoints(nr,orig.points,points); } } virtual basedrawingelement* clone() const { return new drawingelement<nr,curtype>(*this); } const Point &getPoint(unsigned int i) const { #ifndef _lint assert( (i+1) < (nr+1) ); // nr can be 0 - so unsigned i could never be < 0 // but if nr==0, i==0 is also invalid. (logically i has to be <nr) #endif return points[i]; } virtual Dtype getType() const { return (Dtype) curtype; } // This cast (Dtype) is necessary // to eliminate a compiler warning // from the SparcCompiler 4.1. // although curtype is of type Dtype virtual unsigned int getNrOfPoints() const { return nr; } private: Point points[(nr > 0) ? nr : (unsigned int)1]; //lint !e62 //Incompatible types (basic) for operator ':' const drawingelement<nr,curtype> & operator=( const drawingelement<nr,curtype> & rhs ); // not implemented }; // CenterLine !!!! // "drvbase.h", line 477: sorry, not implemented: cannot expand inline function // drawingelement <3 , 3 >::drawingelement__pt__19_XCUiL13XC5DtypeL13(Point*) with for statement in inline #if 0 template <unsigned int nr, Dtype curtype> inline drawingelement<nr,curtype>::drawingelement(Point p[]) : basedrawingelement() { for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < nr ; i++ ) points[i] = p[i]; } #endif typedef drawingelement<(unsigned int) 1,moveto> Moveto; typedef drawingelement<(unsigned int) 1,lineto> Lineto; typedef drawingelement<(unsigned int) 1,closepath> Closepath; typedef drawingelement<(unsigned int) 3,curveto> Curveto; #define derivedConstructor(Class) \ Class(const char * driveroptions_p, \ ostream & theoutStream, \ ostream & theerrStream, \ const char* nameOfInputFile_p, \ const char* nameOfOutputFile_p, \ PsToEditOptions & globaloptions_p, /* non const because driver can also add options */ \ const class DriverDescription & descref) // use of static_cast instead of dynamic_cast, because some tools complain about problems then since // in theory dynamic_cast could return 0 #define constructBase drvbase(driveroptions_p,theoutStream,theerrStream,nameOfInputFile_p,nameOfOutputFile_p,globaloptions_p,descref), options(static_cast<DriverOptions*>(DOptions_ptr)) class DLLEXPORT DescriptionRegister { enum {maxelems = 100 }; public: DescriptionRegister() :ind(0) { for (int i = 0; i < maxelems; i++) rp[i] = 0; // cout << " R constructed " << (void *) this << endl; } #if 0 // removed - since otherwise one gets a runtime error when the .so is unloaded // (happens with g++ only). This is a noop anyway. ~DescriptionRegister() { // cout << " R destructed " << (void *) this << endl; } #endif static DescriptionRegister& getInstance(); void registerDriver(DriverDescription* xp); void mergeRegister(ostream & out,const DescriptionRegister & src,const char * filename); void explainformats(ostream & out,bool withdetails=false) const; void listdrivers(ostream &out) const; const DriverDescription * getDriverDescForName(const char * drivername) const; const DriverDescription * getDriverDescForSuffix(const char * suffix) const; DriverDescription* rp[maxelems]; int nrOfDescriptions() const { return ind; } private: int ind; NOCOPYANDASSIGN(DescriptionRegister) }; //extern DLLEXPORT DescriptionRegister* globalRp; extern "C" DLLEXPORT DescriptionRegister * getglobalRp(void); //extern __declspec ( dllexport) "C" { //not needed // DescriptionRegister* getglobalRp(); typedef DescriptionRegister* (*getglobalRpFuncPtr)(void); //} //class Rinit //{ //public: // Rinit() { if (!globalRp) {globalRp = new DescriptionRegister; ref = 1 ; } else { ref++;} } // ~Rinit() { ref--; if (ref == 0) delete globalRp; } // //private: // static int ref; //}; //static Rinit Rinit_var; //now in drvdesc.h typedef bool (*checkfuncptr)(); // static bool nocheck() { return true; } typedef bool (*checkfuncptr)(void); class drvbase; struct OptionDescription { OptionDescription(const char * n = 0, const char * p = 0, const char * d = 0) :Name(n), Parameter(p), Description(d) {} const char * const Name; const char * const Parameter; // e.g. "String" or "numeric", or 0 (implicitly a boolean option then (no argument) const char * const Description; // private: // OptionDescription(const OptionDescription&); const OptionDescription& operator=(const OptionDescription&); // no special copy ctor, assignment op or dtor needed since this class is NOT owner of the (static) strings. }; // An Array of OptionDescription is delimited by an element where Name is 0 //FIXME const OptionDescription endofoptions(0,0,0); //FIXME const OptionDescription nodriverspecificoptions[] = {OptionDescription("driver has no further options",0,0),endofoptions}; //lint -esym(1712,DriverDescription) // no default ctor class DLLEXPORT DriverDescription { public: enum opentype {noopen, normalopen, binaryopen}; enum imageformat { noimage, png, bmp, eps, memoryeps }; // format to be used for transfer of raster images DriverDescription(const char * const s_name, const char * const short_expl, const char * const long_expl, const char * const suffix_p, const bool backendSupportsSubPathes_p, const bool backendSupportsCurveto_p, const bool backendSupportsMerging_p, // merge a separate outline and filling of a polygon -> 1. element const bool backendSupportsText_p, const imageformat backendDesiredImageFormat_p, const opentype backendFileOpenType_p, const bool backendSupportsMultiplePages_p, const bool backendSupportsClipping_p, const bool nativedriver_p = true, checkfuncptr checkfunc_p = 0); virtual ~DriverDescription() { // symbolicname = NIL; // these are const // explanation= NIL; // suffix= NIL; // additionalInfo= NIL; } //lint !e1540 virtual drvbase * CreateBackend (const char * const driveroptions_P, ostream & theoutStream, ostream & theerrStream, const char* const nameOfInputFile, const char* const nameOfOutputFile, PsToEditOptions & globaloptions_p ) const = 0; virtual ProgramOptions * createDriverOptions() const = 0; virtual unsigned int getdrvbaseVersion() const { return 0; } // this is only needed for the driverless backends (ps/dump/gs) const char * additionalInfo() const; // Data members const char * const symbolicname; const char * const short_explanation; const char * const long_explanation; const char * const suffix; const bool backendSupportsSubPathes; const bool backendSupportsCurveto; const bool backendSupportsMerging; // merge a separate outline and filling of a polygon -> 1. element const bool backendSupportsText; const imageformat backendDesiredImageFormat; const opentype backendFileOpenType; const bool backendSupportsMultiplePages; const bool backendSupportsClipping; const bool nativedriver; RSString filename; // where this driver is loaded from // Note: formerly this was a RSString - but that caused problems under X64 / Windows // it seems as constructing and deleting heap during start-up phase when not all DLLs are fully initialized // can cause these problems (well - I know then order of init among DLLs/SOs is not guaranteed by C++) // But the passed strings are temporary - so we need to take a copy to the heap (without destroying it later -> small leak) const checkfuncptr checkfunc; static const char * currentfilename; // the name of the file from which the plugin is loaded NOCOPYANDASSIGN(DriverDescription) }; class DescriptionRegister; //lint -esym(1712,DriverDescription*) // no default ctor template <class T> class DLLEXPORT DriverDescriptionT : public DriverDescription { public: DriverDescriptionT(const char * s_name, const char * short_expl_p, const char * long_expl_p, const char * suffix_p, const bool backendSupportsSubPathes_p, const bool backendSupportsCurveto_p, const bool backendSupportsMerging_p, // merge a separate outline and filling of a polygon -> 1. element const bool backendSupportsText_p, const imageformat backendDesiredImageFormat_p, // supports images from a PNG files const DriverDescription::opentype backendFileOpenType_p, const bool backendSupportsMultiplePages_p, const bool backendSupportsClipping_p, const bool nativedriver_p = true, checkfuncptr checkfunc_p = 0 ): DriverDescription( s_name, short_expl_p, long_expl_p, suffix_p, backendSupportsSubPathes_p, backendSupportsCurveto_p, backendSupportsMerging_p, backendSupportsText_p, backendDesiredImageFormat_p, backendFileOpenType_p, backendSupportsMultiplePages_p, backendSupportsClipping_p, nativedriver_p, checkfunc_p ) {} virtual drvbase * CreateBackend ( const char * const driveroptions_P, ostream & theoutStream, ostream & theerrStream, const char* const nameOfInputFile, const char* const nameOfOutputFile, PsToEditOptions & globaloptions_p /* non const because driver can also add arguments */ ) const { drvbase * backend = new T(driveroptions_P, theoutStream, theerrStream, nameOfInputFile, nameOfOutputFile, globaloptions_p, *this); return backend; } ProgramOptions * createDriverOptions() const { // ProgramOptions * p = ; // cerr << "creating driver options" << (void*) p << endl; return new typename T::DriverOptions; } // virtual void DeleteBackend(drvbase * & ptr) const { delete (T*) ptr; ptr = 0; } virtual unsigned int getdrvbaseVersion() const { return drvbaseVersion; } private: // typedef DriverDescriptionT<T> SHORTNAME; // NOCOPYANDASSIGN(SHORTNAME) NOCOPYANDASSIGN(DriverDescriptionT<T>) }; #if !( (defined (__GNUG__) && (__GNUC__>=3) && defined (HAVE_STL)) || defined (_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1300) ) // 1300 is MSVC.net (7.0) // 1200 is MSVC 6.0 //G++3.0 comes with a STL lib that includes a definition of min and max // some systems have a minmax.h which is indirectly included #ifdef min #undef min #endif #ifdef max #undef max #endif #ifndef min template <class T> inline T min(T x, T y) { return (x<y) ? x:y; } #endif #ifndef max template <class T> inline T max(T x, T y) { return (x>y) ? x:y; } #endif #endif inline float bezpnt(float t, float z1, float z2, float z3, float z4) { // Determine ordinate on Bezier curve at length "t" on curve if (t <= 0.0f) { return z1; // t = 0.0f; } if (t >= 1.0f) { return z4; // t = 1.0f; } const float t1 = (1.0f - t); return t1 * t1 * t1 * z1 + 3.0f * t * t1 * t1 * z2 + 3.0f * t * t * t1 * z3 + t * t * t * z4; } inline Point PointOnBezier(float t, const Point & p1, const Point & p2, const Point & p3, const Point & p4) { return Point(bezpnt(t,p1.x_,p2.x_,p3.x_,p4.x_), bezpnt(t,p1.y_,p2.y_,p3.y_,p4.y_)); } #endif