arpack-ng - 3.2.0

 * Switch to github -

 * Fix dsneupd select/calculate wrong eigenpairs if rvec = true
   by using dlahqr and slahqr from lapack2 (Closes: #3)

 -- Sylvestre Ledru <>  Sat, 14 Nov 2014 16:25:36 +0200

arpack-ng - 3.1.5

 * Build all examples and run them as tests

 * Fix the version of arpack-ng itself

 * Switch to automake 1.14.1

 [ Ruediger Meier ]
 * Do not install test binaries (Closes: #1348)

 [ Nikita Styopin ]
 * Fix the diagonal matrix example (dndrv5) (Closes: #1397)

 -- Sylvestre Ledru <>  Sat, 15 Feb 2014 14:24:42 +0200

arpack-ng - 3.1.4

 * libparpack2: missing dependency on MPI:

 * Replace LAPACK second function with ARPACK's own arscnd in PARPACK

 * Fix issue #1259 in DSEUPD and SSEUPD
   The Ritz vector purification step assumes workl(iq) still contains the
   original Q matrix. This is however overwritten by the call to xGEQR2
   This patch fixes the issue by making a copy of the last row of the
   eigenvector matrix, after it is recomputed after QR by xORM2R. The work
   space WORKL(IW+NCV:IW+2*NCV) is not used later in the routine, and can
   be used for this.

 * Use configure supplied blas and lapack in the pkg-config.
   Thanks to Ward Poelmans (Closes: #1320)

 * Switch to automake 1.14 + libtool 2.4.2.
   Thanks to Ward Poelmans (Closes: #1321)

 * dseupd routine may lead to a segmentation fault
   Thanks to Edouard Canot (Closes: #1323)

 * dsaupd and 'BE' option returns wrong eigenvalues for a SPD matrix
   Thanks to Edouard Canot (Closes: #1329)

 -- Sylvestre Ledru <>  Mon, 07 Oct 2013 14:24:42 +0200

arpack-ng - 3.1.3

  [ Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso ]
  * Replace depcomp symlink with actual file.
  * Update libtool usage. Thanks to John W. Eaton <>.
  * Replace arpack.pc with proper autotooled
  * Add debug.h to TESTS/ sources

  * "make dist" is functionnal
  * Also build the library "libparpacksrcblacs" (PARPACK/UTIL/BLACS/)

 -- Sylvestre Ledru <>  Tue, 02 Apr 2013 10:53:08 +0200

arpack-ng - 3.1.2

   * Wrong call to pdlamch was causing segfaults
     Thanks to Kyrre Sjøbæk for finding the bug and the fix.
   * Get rid of the mpif.h occurences in the source code (Closes: #782)
   * Compile also PARPACK / MPI example (Closes: #783)
   * Configure detected built-in LAPACK and BLAS, but refused to use them
     (Closes: #784)
   * Fixed division by zero in smlnum by usind p[d,s]lamch instead of the
     serial. Thanks to Umberto De Giovannini.

 -- Sylvestre Ledru <>  Fri, 22 Jun 2012 22:05:41 +0200

arpack-ng - 3.1.1

   * Option --enable-maintainer-mode added to the configure
   * --disable-mpi disables the build of parpack (Closes: #714)
   * Switch to automake 1.11.3

 -- Sylvestre Ledru <>  Mon, 21 May 2012 09:08:41 +0200

arpack-ng - 3.1.0

   * Many bug fixes in the parpack lib. It is an old patch from upstream.
     Thanks to Viral Shah for pinging us on this subject.
     See the PARPACK_CHANGES file for the details.
   * Change the bug report from to
   * Provide a M4 macro (detect_arpack_bug.m4) to check if the underlying
     arpack is buggy (ie not arpack-ng). This allows developper applications
     to perform the check in their autotools build system (configure).
   * Fixed a lack of appropriate bounds check in DNAUP2. Thanks to Pauli Virtanen
     for the patch (Closes: #632)
   * Update of the doc about TOL in dnaupd.
   * Reorder bug fixed when eigenvectors are requested and the resulting
     number of converged eigenvalues is less than the number requested.
     Patches from Tim Mitchell. (Closes: #664)
   * TESTS/ directory added and built.

 -- Sylvestre Ledru <>  Wed, 22 Feb 2012 10:58:39 +0100

arpack-ng - 3.0.2

   * Fix a long line in pznaup2.f which was showing some wrong symbols
     (Closes: #620)
   * README content updated regarding ARPACK-NG
   * arpack.pc (pkg-config) file added
   * Update the title & version in the
   * Always search for MPILIBS (in order to have the variable correctly set)
   * Explicitly link against MPI fortran libs for parpack

 -- Sylvestre Ledru <>  Wed, 28 Dec 2011 13:45:53 +0100

arpack-ng - 3.0.1

   * libtool was missing (Closes: #615)
   * Missing license information (Closes: #614)
   * TODO added

 -- Sylvestre Ledru <>  Tue, 13 Dec 2011 16:33:25 +0100

arpack-ng - 3.0

   * Patches from Scilab
     second_NONE used by default (TO DO replace by second in LAPACK)
     second_NONE works with all fortrans compilers (used by default with Scilab)

     sneupd.f, cneupd.f: modified for scilab add a check on nconv value (Scilab bug fix)
     dnaupd.f: modified  NEV Integer: INPUT/OUTPUT before only INPUT (Scilab bug fix) 
   * Patches from Octave: (Thanks to John W. EATON)
     dneupd.f: Restore value of nconv
     dseupd.f: Restore value of nconv
     sseupd.f: Change GOTO target to eliminate warning about landing on end if.
     zneupd.f: Restore value of nconv

   * Compilation
     Apply gentoo patches to use an autotools build system
     Build system updated to build with Visual Studio 2010 + Intel fortran 2011 compiles on Windows.
     Specify the SONAME to (no API/ABI changes compare to version 2.0)

 -- Sylvestre Ledru <>  Sat, 10 Dec 2011 20:32:45 +0100