# -*-perl-*-
# tex4ht.pm: use tex4ht to convert tex to html
# Copyright 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
# or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
# Originally written by Patrice Dumas.
# To customize the command and the options, you could set
# $Texinfo::TeX4HT::STYLE_MATH to latex/tex
# $Texinfo::TeX4HT::STYLE_TEX to latex/texi
# and/or change
# $Texinfo::TeX4HT::tex4ht_command_math
# and $Texinfo::TeX4HT::tex4ht_options_math
# $Texinfo::TeX4HT::tex4ht_command_tex
# and $Texinfo::TeX4HT::tex4ht_options_tex
use strict;
my $global_cmds = get_conf('GLOBAL_COMMANDS');
if (!defined($global_cmds)) {
set_from_init_file('GLOBAL_COMMANDS', []);
$global_cmds = get_conf('GLOBAL_COMMANDS');
push @$global_cmds, ('math', 'tex');
texinfo_register_handler('structure', \&tex4ht_prepare);
texinfo_register_handler('init', \&tex4ht_convert);
texinfo_register_handler('finish', \&tex4ht_finish);
texinfo_register_command_formatting('math', \&tex4ht_do_tex);
texinfo_register_command_formatting('tex', \&tex4ht_do_tex);
use Cwd;
package Texinfo::TeX4HT;
use vars qw(
$STYLE_MATH = 'texi' if (!defined($STYLE_MATH));
$STYLE_TEX = 'tex' if (!defined($STYLE_TEX));
if (!defined($tex4ht_command_math)) {
$tex4ht_command_math = 'httexi';
$tex4ht_command_math = 'htlatex' if ($STYLE_MATH eq 'latex');
$tex4ht_command_math = 'httex' if ($STYLE_MATH eq 'tex');
if (!defined($tex4ht_command_tex)) {
$tex4ht_command_tex = 'httex';
$tex4ht_command_tex = 'htlatex' if ($STYLE_TEX eq 'latex');
$tex4ht_command_tex = 'httexi' if ($STYLE_TEX eq 'texi');
my %commands = ();
my $tex4ht_initial_dir;
my $tex4ht_out_dir;
sub tex4ht_prepare($)
# set file names
my $self = shift;
return 1 if (defined($self->get_conf('OUTFILE'))
and $Texinfo::Common::null_device_file{$self->get_conf('OUTFILE')});
$tex4ht_initial_dir = Cwd::abs_path;
$tex4ht_out_dir = $self->{'destination_directory'};
$tex4ht_out_dir = File::Spec->curdir()
if (!defined($tex4ht_out_dir) or $tex4ht_out_dir =~ /^\s*$/);
my $document_name = $self->{'document_name'};
my $tex4ht_basename = "${document_name}_tex4ht";
# this initialization doesn't seems to be needed, but it is cleaner anyway
%commands = ();
$commands{'math'}->{'style'} = $Texinfo::TeX4HT::STYLE_MATH;
$commands{'tex'}->{'style'} = $Texinfo::TeX4HT::STYLE_TEX;
$commands{'math'}->{'exec'} = $Texinfo::TeX4HT::tex4ht_command_math;
$commands{'tex'}->{'exec'} = $Texinfo::TeX4HT::tex4ht_command_tex;
foreach my $command ('math', 'tex') {
my $style = $commands{$command}->{'style'};
$commands{$command}->{'basename'} = $tex4ht_basename . "_$command";
my $suffix = '.tex';
$suffix = '.texi' if ($style eq 'texi');
$commands{$command}->{'basefile'} = $commands{$command}->{'basename'} . $suffix;
$commands{$command}->{'html_file'} = $commands{$command}->{'basename'} . '.html';
$commands{$command}->{'rfile'} = File::Spec->catfile($tex4ht_out_dir,
my $rfile = $commands{$command}->{'rfile'};
$commands{$command}->{'counter'} = 0;
$commands{$command}->{'output_counter'} = 0;
if ($self->{'extra'}->{$command}) {
unless (open (*TEX4HT_TEXFILE, ">$rfile")) {
$self->document_warn(sprintf($self->__("tex4ht.pm: could not open %s: %s"),
$rfile, $!));
return 1;
$commands{$command}->{'handle'} = *TEX4HT_TEXFILE;
my $style = $commands{$command}->{'style'};
my $fh = $commands{$command}->{'handle'};
my $comment = '@c';
$comment = '%' if ($style ne 'texi');
$comment .= " Automatically generated\n";
if ($style eq 'texi') {
print $fh "\\input texinfo
\@setfilename $commands{$command}->{'basename'}.info\n";
print $fh "$comment";
} else {
print $fh "$comment";
if ($style eq 'latex') {
print $fh "\\documentstyle{article}\n\\begin{document}\n";
} elsif ($style eq 'tex') {
print $fh "\\csname tex4ht\\endcsname\n";
foreach my $root (@{$self->{'extra'}->{$command}}) {
my $counter = $commands{$command}->{'counter'};
my $tree;
if ($command eq 'math') {
$tree = $root->{'args'}->[0];
} else {
$tree = {'contents' => [@{$root->{'contents'}}]};
if ($tree->{'contents'}->[0]
and $tree->{'contents'}->[0]->{'type'}
and $tree->{'contents'}->[0]->{'type'} eq 'empty_line_after_command') {
shift @{$tree->{'contents'}};
if ($tree->{'contents'}->[-1]->{'cmdname'}
and $tree->{'contents'}->[-1]->{'cmdname'} eq 'end') {
pop @{$tree->{'contents'}};
my $text = Texinfo::Convert::Texinfo::convert($tree);
$commands{$command}->{'commands'}->[$counter-1] = $root;
# write to tex file
my ($before_comment_open, $after_comment_open, $before_comment_close,
if ($style eq 'texi') {
$before_comment_open = "\@verbatim\n\n";
$after_comment_open = "\n\@end verbatim\n";
$before_comment_close = "\@verbatim\n";
$after_comment_close = "\n\n\@end verbatim\n";
} else {
$before_comment_open = "\\HCode{\\Hnewline \\Hnewline ";
$after_comment_open = "\\Hnewline}\n";
$before_comment_close = "\\HCode{\\Hnewline ";
$after_comment_close = "\\Hnewline \\Hnewline}\n";
my $begin_comment = "";
print $fh "$before_comment_open$begin_comment$after_comment_open";
if ($command eq 'tex') {
print $fh $text;
} elsif ($command eq 'math') {
if ($style eq 'texi') {
print $fh '@math{' . $text . "}\n";
} else {
print $fh "\\IgnorePar \$" . $text . "\$";
my $end_comment = "";
print $fh "$before_comment_close$end_comment$after_comment_close";
# finish the tex file
if ($style eq 'latex') {
print $fh "\\end{document}\n";
} elsif ($style eq 'tex') {
print $fh "\n\\bye\n";
} else {
print $fh "\n\@bye\n";
close ($fh);
# this has to be done during the 'process' phase, in 'output' it is
# too late.
push @{$self->{'css_import_lines'}},
"\@import \"$commands{$command}->{'basename'}.css\";\n";
return 1;
sub tex4ht_convert($)
my $self = shift;
unless (chdir $tex4ht_out_dir) {
$self->document_warn(sprintf($self->__("tex4ht.pm: chdir %s failed: %s"),
$tex4ht_out_dir, $!));
return 0;
print STDERR "cwd($tex4ht_out_dir): " . Cwd::cwd() ."\n"
if ($self->get_conf('VERBOSE'));
my $errors = 0;
foreach my $command (keys(%commands)) {
$errors += tex4ht_process_command($self, $command);
unless (chdir $tex4ht_initial_dir) {
"tex4ht.pm: unable to return to initial directory: %s"), $!));
return 0;
return 1;
sub tex4ht_process_command($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $command = shift;
return 0 unless ($commands{$command}->{'counter'});
$self->document_warn(sprintf($self->__("tex4ht.pm: output file missing: %s"),
unless (-f $commands{$command}->{'basefile'});
my $style = $commands{$command}->{'style'};
# now run tex4ht
my $options = '';
if ($style eq 'math' and defined($Texinfo::TeX4HT::tex4ht_options_math)) {
$options = $Texinfo::TeX4HT::tex4ht_options_math
} elsif ($style eq 'tex' and defined($Texinfo::TeX4HT::tex4ht_options_tex)) {
$options = $Texinfo::TeX4HT::tex4ht_options_tex;
my $cmd = "$commands{$command}->{'exec'} $commands{$command}->{'basefile'} $options";
print STDERR "tex4ht command: $cmd\n" if ($self->get_conf('VERBOSE'));
if (system($cmd)) {
"tex4ht.pm: command failed: %s"), $cmd));
return 1;
# extract the html from the file created by tex4ht
my $html_basefile = $commands{$command}->{'html_file'};
unless (open (TEX4HT_HTMLFILE, $html_basefile)) {
$self->document_warn(sprintf($self->__("tex4ht.pm: could not open %s: %s"),
$html_basefile, $!));
return 1;
my $got_count = 0;
my $line;
while ($line = ) {
#print STDERR "$html_basefile: while $line";
if ($line =~ /!-- tex4ht_begin $commands{$command}->{'basename'} (\w+) (\d+) --/) {
my $command = $1;
my $count = $2;
my $text = '';
my $end_found = 0;
while ($line = ) {
#print STDERR "while search $command $count $line";
if ($line =~ /!-- tex4ht_end $commands{$command}->{'basename'} $command $count --/) {
chomp($text) if ($command eq 'math');
$commands{$command}->{'results'}->{$commands{$command}->{'commands'}->[$count-1]} = $text;
$end_found = 1;
} else {
$text .= $line;
unless ($end_found) {
"tex4ht.pm: end of \@%s item %d not found"),
$command, $count));
if ($got_count != $commands{$command}->{'counter'}) {
"tex4ht.pm: processing produced %d items in HTML; expected %d, the number of items found in the document for \@%s"),
$got_count, $commands{$command}->{'counter'},
return 0;
sub tex4ht_do_tex($$$$)
my $self = shift;
my $cmdname = shift;;
my $command = shift;
# return the resulting html
if (exists ($commands{$cmdname}->{'results'}->{$command})
and defined($commands{$cmdname}->{'results'}->{$command})) {
return $commands{$cmdname}->{'results'}->{$command};
} else {
"tex4ht.pm: output has no HTML item for \@%s %s"),
$cmdname, $command));
return '';
sub tex4ht_finish($)
my $self = shift;
# this is different from the warning in tex4ht_process_command as, here,
# this is the number of retrieved fragment, not processed fragment.
if ($self->get_conf('VERBOSE')) {
foreach my $command (keys(%commands)) {
if ($commands{$command}->{'output_counter'} != $commands{$command}->{'counter'}) {
"tex4ht.pm: processing retrieved %d items in HTML; expected %d, the number of items found in the document for \@%s"),
$commands{$command}->{'counter'}, $command));
return 1;