#!/bin/sh # # mex compilation program for MATLAB C and Fortran language MEX-files # # Copyright 1984-2009 The MathWorks, Inc. #____________________________________________________________________________ arg0_=$0 tmpbase=/tmp/mex.$LOGNAME.$$ # abort='rm -rf $files_to_remove $basename.o > /dev/null 2>&1; \ echo ""; \ echo " mex: interrupted."; \ echo ""' # trap "eval $abort; exit 1" 1 2 3 15 # #========================= archlist.sh (start) ============================ # # usage: archlist.sh # # abstract: This Bourne Shell script creates the variable ARCH_LIST. # # note(s): 1. This file is always imbedded in another script # # Copyright 1997-2007 The MathWorks, Inc. # $Revision: $ $Date: 2007/11/12 22:52:47 $ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ARCH_LIST='glnx86 glnxa64 mac maci maci64 sol2 sol64' #======================================================================= # Functions: # check_archlist () #======================================================================= check_archlist () { # Sets ARCH. If first argument contains a valid # arch then ARCH is set to that value else # an empty string. If there is a second argument # do not output any warning message. The most # common forms of the first argument are: # # ARCH=arch # MATLAB_ARCH=arch # argument=-arch # # Always returns a 0 status. # # usage: check_archlist arch=[-]value [noprint] # if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then arch_in=`expr "$1" : '.*=\(.*\)'` if [ "$arch_in" != "" ]; then ARCH=`echo "$ARCH_LIST EOF $arch_in" | awk ' #----------------------------------------------------------------------- { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i = i + 1) if ($i == "EOF") narch = i - 1 for (i = 1; i <= narch; i = i + 1) if ($i == $NF || "-" $i == $NF) { print $i exit } }'` #----------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ "$ARCH" = "" -a $# -eq 1 ]; then #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ echo ' ' echo " Warning: $1 does not specify a valid architecture - ignored . . ." echo ' ' #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ fi else ARCH="" fi else ARCH="" fi # return 0 } #======================================================================= #========================= archlist.sh (end) ============================== # #========================== version.sh (start) ============================ # # usage: version [-b | -f | -p] # # abstract: This POSIX Shell script function returns the MATLAB # release version. Any bad options are ignored without # warning. # # The version is assumed to be of the form: # # R[] # # options: # # b - return just R or the base version. # f - return full version, e.g. R14SP5 # p - return previous full version, e.g. R14SP4 # # note(s): 1. This file is always imbedded in another script # # Copyright 1992-2006 The MathWorks, Inc. # $Revision: $ $Date: 2007/11/12 22:52:50 $ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # version () { #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ver='R2010a' full_ver='R2010a' prev_ver='R2009b' #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then if [ "$1" = '-b' ]; then expr "$ver" : '\(R[0-9]*\).*$' return $? fi if [ "$1" = '-f' ]; then echo "$full_ver" return 0 fi if [ "$1" = '-p' ]; then echo "$prev_ver" return 0 fi fi echo "$ver" return 0 } #========================== version.sh (end) ============================== #========================== quotearg.sh (start) ============================ # Copyright 2008 The MathWorks, Inc. quote_arg () { # Assumes a single argument and outputs the argument # correctly quoted to be evaluated again. on # input must be properly quoted so that it appears # to this function as a single argument. # The algorithm is to start out with a double quote # and switch to single quote at the next double quote. # Switch to a double quote at the next single quote and # and so forth. While in a substring between double # quotes be sure to escape '\' , '$', and '`'. While # in a substring between single quotes no characters # need to be escaped. # # IMPORTANT: 1. printf is portable. echo is not. # Solaris does not handle backslash # properly inside of single quotes. # 2. Old awk coding used to make it work # on Solaris. # # Always returns a 0 # # usage: quote_arg # printf '%s' "$1" | awk ' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { squote = sprintf ("%c", 39) # set single quote dquote = sprintf ("%c", 34) # set double quote } NF != 0 { newarg=dquote # initialize output string to # double quote lookquote=dquote # look for double quote oldarg = $0 for (i = 1; i <= length(oldarg); i++) { c = substr(oldarg,i,1); if (c == lookquote) { newarg = newarg c if (lookquote == dquote) lookquote = squote else lookquote = dquote newarg = newarg lookquote } else if (lookquote == dquote) { if (c == "\\") newarg = newarg "\\\\" else if (c == "$") newarg = newarg "\\$" else if (c == "`") newarg = newarg "\\`" else newarg = newarg c } else newarg = newarg c } printf " %s", newarg lookquote }' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- return 0 } #========================== quotearg.sh (end) ============================== #========================== getrootdir.sh (start) ============================ # Copyright 2008 The MathWorks, Inc. get_root_dir () { # # Determine the path of the MATLAB root directory - always one directory # up from the path to this command. # filename=$1 # # Now it is either a file or a link to a file. # cpath=`pwd` # # Follow up to 8 links before giving up. Same as BSD 4.3 # n=1 maxlinks=8 while [ $n -le $maxlinks ] do # # Get directory correctly! # newdir=`echo "$filename" | awk ' { tail = $0 np = index (tail, "/") while ( np != 0 ) { tail = substr (tail, np + 1, length (tail) - np) if (tail == "" ) break np = index (tail, "/") } head = substr ($0, 1, length ($0) - length (tail)) if ( tail == "." || tail == "..") print $0 else print head }'` if [ ! "$newdir" ]; then newdir="." fi (cd "$newdir") > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then describe internal_error_1 >&2 cleanup exit 1 fi cd "$newdir" # # Need the function pwd - not the built in one # newdir=`/bin/pwd` # newbase=`expr //"$filename" : '.*/\(.*\)' \| "$filename"` lscmd=`ls -l "$newbase" 2>/dev/null` if [ ! "$lscmd" ]; then describe internal_error_2 >&2 cleanup exit 1 fi # # Check for link portably # if [ `expr "$lscmd" : '.*->.*'` -ne 0 ]; then filename=`echo "$lscmd" | awk '{ print $NF }'` else # # It's a file # dir="$newdir" command="$newbase" # cd "$dir"/.. MATLAB=`/bin/pwd`; export MATLAB break fi n=`expr $n + 1` done if [ $n -gt $maxlinks ]; then describe internal_error_3 >&2 cleanup exit 1 fi # cd "$cpath" } # end get_root_dir () #========================== getrootdir.sh (end) ============================== #========================== validatecompiler.sh (start) ============================ # Copyright 2008-2009 The MathWorks, Inc. # Routines to validate compilers. # Validate if $CC contains a gcc-based compiler check_for_gcc() { echo $CC | awk ' BEGIN { isGcc = "no" } /gcc/ {isGcc = "yes";exit 0 } /g\+\+/ {isGcc = "yes";exit 0 } END { print isGcc } ' } validate_gcc() { if [ `check_for_gcc` "=" "yes" ];then # We have a gcc compiler, so we need to check the version. # The warning data table format is: # allowable_versions[i]="ARCH,supported,acceptable_lower_bound,acceptable_upper_bound" # Bounds are inclusive, and missing points are wildcards: "4.2" will allow 4.2.x $CC --version | head -n 1 | awk ' BEGIN{ allowable_versions[1]="glnx86,4.2.3,4.1,4.2" allowable_versions[2]="glnxa64,4.2.3,4.1,4.2" toolName = "'"$TOOL_DISPLAY_NAME"'" } { # Figure out what version of gcc we are dealing with. # Set version_number to the version of gcc. for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) { if ($i ~ /^[0-9]+\./) { version_number=$i exit 0 # This sends you to the end block } } } END{ # Find the array member of allowable_versions that corresponds to the # architecture of the local machine. for(i in allowable_versions) { # This uses the shell interpreter to substitute for arch. if (allowable_versions[i] ~ /^'"$Arch"'/) { string_of_test_versions = allowable_versions[i] break } } # If there is no match, we are dealing with gcc on # an architecture not in the table. Assume it is ok and # quit checking the version. if (string_of_test_versions == "") { exit 0; } split(string_of_test_versions, versions, ",") size_of_min_version = split(versions[3], min_version_array, ".") number_of_digits = split(version_number, gcc_version_array, ".") # Check if the version is smaller than the minimum version. If it is, # print a warning message and exit. need_to_warn = 0 for (i = 1; i <= size_of_min_version; i++) { if ( i > number_of_digits) { curr_num = 0 } else { curr_num = gcc_version_array[i] } if (curr_num < min_version_array[i]) { need_to_warn = 1 break } if (curr_num > min_version_array[i]) { break } } # If the version is not smaller than the minimum version, check if # it is larger than the maximum version. size_of_max_version = split(versions[4], max_version_array, ".") for (i = 1; i <= size_of_max_version; i++) { if (i > number_of_digits) { curr_num = 0 } else { curr_num = gcc_version_array[i] } if (curr_num > max_version_array[i]) { need_to_warn = 1 break } if (curr_num < max_version_array[i]) { break } } if (need_to_warn == 1) { printf("\n"); printf("Warning: You are using gcc version \"%s\". The version\n", version_number); printf(" currently supported with %s is \"%s\".\n", toolName, versions[2]); printf(" For a list of currently supported compilers see: \n"); printf(" http://www.mathworks.com/support/compilers/current_release/\n\n"); } exit 0 }' fi } #========================== validatecompiler.sh (end) ============================== REL_VERSION=`version -f` # #============================================================================ # FUNCTION DEFINITIONS #============================================================================ # #**************************************************************************** # # NOTE: A call to cleanup MUST precede any call to exit within this script, # except for within trap calls. cleanup () { # # Clean up temporary and intermediate files (usually in preparation # for exiting) # trap "eval $abort; exit 1" 1 2 3 15 rm -rf $files_to_remove > /dev/null 2>&1 } # end cleanup () # #**************************************************************************** # printHelp () { helpTextFileName="$MATLAB/bin/util/mex/mexHelp.txt" cat $helpTextFileName echo '' } #**************************************************************************** # describe () { # case "$1" in internal_error_1) echo '' echo 'Internal error 1: We could not determine the path of the' echo ' MATLAB root directory.' echo '' echo " original command path = $arg0_" echo " current command path = $filename" echo '' echo ' Please contact:' echo '' echo ' MathWorks Technical Support' echo '' echo ' for further assistance.' echo '' ;; internal_error_2) echo '' echo 'Internal error 2: Could not determine the path of the' echo ' MATLAB root directory.' echo '' echo " original command path = $filename" echo " current command path = $filename" echo '' echo ' Please contact:' echo '' echo ' MathWorks Technical Support' echo '' echo ' for further assistance.' echo '' ;; internal_error_3) echo '' echo 'Internal error 3: More than $maxlinks links in path to' echo " this script. That's too many!" echo '' echo " original command path = $filename" echo " current command path = $filename" echo '' echo ' Please contact:' echo '' echo ' MathWorks Technical Support' echo '' echo ' for further assistance.' echo '' ;; unknown_architecture) echo '' echo ' Sorry! We could not determine the machine architecture' echo ' for your host. Please contact:' echo '' echo ' MathWorks Technical Support' echo '' echo ' for further assistance.' echo '' ;; no_util_scripts) echo '' echo ' Sorry! We could not determine the machine architecture' echo ' for your host, because one of the utilities' echo '' echo ' $MATLAB/bin/util/arch.sh' echo '' echo ' or' echo '' echo ' $MATLAB/bin/util/oscheck.sh' echo '' echo ' could not be found. Please make sure that your' echo ' installation is not corrupted. If you specified' echo ' the value of $MATLAB in the command line, please' echo ' make sure you specified the right value.' echo '' echo ' Here' echo '' echo " MATLAB = $MATLAB" echo '' echo ' Please contact:' echo '' echo ' MathWorks Technical Support' echo '' echo ' if you need assistance.' echo '' ;; unknown_arch) echo '' echo " mex: machine architecture '$Arch' not supported." echo '' ;; invalid_options_file) echo '' echo ' Error: An invalid options file name was specified:' printf ' %s\n' "$2" echo " is not a normal file or does not exist." echo '' ;; no_options_file) echo '' echo ' Sorry! No options file was found for mex.' echo ' The mex script must be able to source' echo ' an options file to define compiler flags' echo ' and other settings. This options file' echo " is normally found in MATLAB/bin/$OPTSFILE_NAME." echo ' Please check to make sure that your installation' echo ' is complete and includes this file.' echo '' echo ' Here' echo '' echo " MATLAB = $MATLAB" echo '' echo ' Please contact:' echo '' echo ' MathWorks Technical Support' echo '' echo ' for further assistance.' echo '' ;; final_options) if [ "$SOURCE_DIR" = "none" ]; then echo '----------------------------------------------------------------' echo "-> options file specified on command line:" echo " FILE = $OPTIONS_FILE" elif [ "$SOURCE_DIR" != "" ]; then echo "-> $OPTSFILE_NAME sourced from directory (DIR = $SOURCE_DIR)" echo " FILE = $SOURCE_DIReval/$OPTSFILE_NAME" else echo "-> options file not found ($OPTSFILE_NAME looked for)." fi echo '----------------------------------------------------------------' echo "-> MATLAB = $MATLAB" echo "-> CC = $CC" echo "-> CC flags:" echo " CFLAGS = $CFLAGS" echo " CDEBUGFLAGS = $CDEBUGFLAGS" echo " COPTIMFLAGS = $COPTIMFLAGS" echo " CLIBS = $CLIBS" echo " arguments = $cc_flags" echo "-> CXX = $CXX" echo "-> CXX flags:" echo " CXXFLAGS = $CXXFLAGS" echo " CXXDEBUGFLAGS = $CXXDEBUGFLAGS" echo " CXXOPTIMFLAGS = $CXXOPTIMFLAGS" echo " CXXLIBS = $CXXLIBS" echo " arguments = $cxx_flags" echo "-> FC = $FC" echo "-> FC flags:" echo " FFLAGS = $FFLAGS" echo " FDEBUGFLAGS = $FDEBUGFLAGS" echo " FOPTIMFLAGS = $FOPTIMFLAGS" echo " FLIBS = $FLIBS" echo " arguments = $fc_flags" echo "-> LD = $LD" echo "-> Link flags:" echo " LDFLAGS = $LDFLAGS" echo " LDDEBUGFLAGS = $LDDEBUGFLAGS" echo " LDOPTIMFLAGS = $LDOPTIMFLAGS" echo " LDEXTENSION = $LDEXTENSION" echo " arguments = $libs" echo "-> LDCXX = $LDCXX" echo "-> Link flags:" echo " LDCXXFLAGS = $LDCXXFLAGS" echo " LDCXXDEBUGFLAGS = $LDCXXDEBUGFLAGS" echo " LDCXXOPTIMFLAGS = $LDCXXOPTIMFLAGS" echo " LDCXXEXTENSION = $LDCXXEXTENSION" echo " arguments = $libs" echo '----------------------------------------------------------------' echo '' ;; assuming_c_source) echo '' echo ' Warning: No source files in argument list. Assuming C source' echo ' code for linking purposes. To override this' echo " assumption use '-fortran' or '-cxx'." echo '' ;; meaningless_output_flag) echo '' echo ' Warning: -output ignored (no MEX-file is being created).' echo '' ;; assuming_matlab_7) echo ' Assuming MATLAB 7.0 32-bit compatibility mode.' echo ' To override this assumption, use -largeArrayDims.' echo '' ;; status) echo "" echo " mex: $stat" ;; usage) cat<<'EOF' Usage: MEX [option1 ... optionN] sourcefile1 [... sourcefileN] [objectfile1 ... objectfileN] [libraryfile1 ... libraryfileN] Use the -help option for more information, or consult the MATLAB External Interfaces Guide. EOF ;; file_not_found) echo '' printf ' mex: %s not a normal file or does not exist.\n' "$file" echo '' ;; compile_stage) echo "-> $compile_command" echo '' ;; failed_compile) echo '' echo " mex: compile of '$file' failed." echo '' ;; link_stage) echo "-> $LD $LDFLAGS -o $mex_file $libetc" echo '' ;; failed_link) echo '' echo " mex: link of '$mex_file' failed." echo '' ;; postlink_stage) echo "-> $POSTLINK_CMDS" echo '' ;; fortran_cannot_change_entrypt) echo '' echo ' Warning: -entrypt ignored (FORTRAN entry point cannot be overridden).' echo '' ;; cannot_create_outdir) echo '' echo " Error: Could not create OUTDIR = $OUTDIR" echo '' ;; cannot_create_temp) echo '' echo " Error: Could not create TEMP = $TEMP" echo '' ;; inline_deprecated) echo '' echo ' Warning: -inline is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.' echo '' ;; *) echo '' echo " Internal error 4: unimplemented message $1" echo '' ;; esac } # end describe () # #**************************************************************************** # smart_quote () { # # Return a quoted version of the input string if it has spaces in it. # if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then echo \"$*\" else echo $1 fi } # end smart_quote () # #**************************************************************************** # get_entrypt () { # # Set up the entry point based on the input argument # if [ "$1" = "FORTRAN" ]; then # # The gateway routine is in Fortran; use Fortran entry point # MAPFILE='fexport.map' else # # C and C++ entry points are the same # MAPFILE=$entrypt'.map' ENTRYPOINT=$entrypt fi } # end get_entrypt () # #**************************************************************************** # determine_options_file () { # Source options file (default is $OPTSFILE_NAME) and get values for the # following local variables # # MATLAB (MATLAB root directory) # CC (C compiler) # CFLAGS (C compiler options) # COPTIMFLAGS (Compiler optimization flags) # CDEBUGFLAGS (Compiler debugging flags) # CLIBS (C libraries for linking) # CXX (C++ compiler) # CXXFLAGS (C++ compiler options) # CXXOPTIMFLAGS (Compiler optimization flags) # CXXDEBUGFLAGS (Compiler debugging flags) # CXXLIBS (C++ libraries for linking) # FC (Fortran compiler) # FFLAGS (Fortran options) # FOPTIMFLAGS (Compiler optimization flags) # FDEBUGFLAGS (Compiler debugging flags) # FLIBS (Fortran libraries for linking) # LD (Linker command) # LDFLAGS (Linker options) # LDOPTIMFLAGS (Compiler optimization flags) # LDDEBUGFLAGS (Compiler debugging flags) # LDEXTENSION (Extension to add to output filename) # # The search order for the options file is: # # -f optionsfile (file specified with -f command line option) # ./$OPTSFILE_NAME ($OPTSFILE_NAME in current directory) # $HOME/.matlab//$OPTSFILE_NAME ($OPTSFILE_NAME in user's matlab preferences directory) # $MATLAB/bin/$OPTSFILE_NAME ($OPTSFILE_NAME file in MATLAB bin directory) # # if [ -f ./$OPTSFILE_NAME ]; then SOURCE_DIR='.' SOURCE_DIReval=`pwd` OPTIONS_FILE="./$OPTSFILE_NAME" elif [ -f $HOME/.matlab/$REL_VERSION/$OPTSFILE_NAME ]; then SOURCE_DIR='$HOME/.matlab/$REL_VERSION' SOURCE_DIReval=$HOME/.matlab/$REL_VERSION OPTIONS_FILE="$HOME/.matlab/$REL_VERSION/$OPTSFILE_NAME" elif [ -f $MATLAB/bin/$OPTSFILE_NAME ]; then # # NOTE: At this point we will use the MATLAB determined earlier to # source the file. After that the value in that file if not # null will be used. # SOURCE_DIR='$MATLAB/bin' SOURCE_DIReval=$MATLAB/bin OPTIONS_FILE="$MATLAB/bin/$OPTSFILE_NAME" else describe no_options_file >&2 cleanup exit 1 fi } # end determine_options_file () # #**************************************************************************** # get_arch () { if [ "$ARCH" = "" ]; then # No command line override given if [ ! -f $MATLAB/bin/util/arch.sh ]; then describe no_util_scripts >&2 cleanup exit 1 fi . $MATLAB/bin/util/arch.sh if [ "$Arch" = "unknown" ]; then describe unknown_architecture >&2 cleanup exit 1 fi else # Use command line override Arch=$ARCH fi if [ ! -f $MATLAB/bin/util/oscheck.sh ]; then describe no_util_scripts >&2 cleanup exit 1 fi if [ "$verbose" = "1" ]; then temp_file=$tmpbase.a files_to_remove="$files_to_remove $temp_file" . $MATLAB/bin/util/oscheck.sh if [ "$oscheck_status" = "1" ]; then cleanup exit 1 fi fi } # end get_arch () # #**************************************************************************** # eval_assignments () { # # eval command line overrides of argument variables, name=[def] # eval "$cmd_line_overrides" # # Make sure that LD is fully evaluated to handle LD=$COMPILER assignment # Some platforms also use the special LDCXX variable for C++ files # LD="`eval echo $LD`" LDCXX="`eval echo $LDCXX`" # # If TEMP is defined be sure that TEMP has been created. # if [ "$TEMP" != "" ]; then (cd $TEMP) > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then mkdir -p $TEMP 2>/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then describe cannot_create_temp >&2 cleanup exit 1 fi fi fi } # end eval_assignments () # #**************************************************************************** # error_check () { # # Check for errors in calling syntax # if [ "$argcheck" = "1" -a "$cfiles" != "1" ]; then stat="Argument checking not possible without C source files." fi if [ "$inlined" = "1" -a "$cfiles" != "1" -a "$cxxfiles" != "1" ]; then stat="Inlining not possible without C/C++ source files." fi if [ "$argcheck" = "1" -a "$inlined" = "1" ]; then stat="Argument checking and inlining are mutually exclusive." fi if [ "$files" != "" -a "$cfiles" != "1" -a "$cxxfiles" != "1" -a "$ffiles" != "1" ]; then cfiles=1 if [ "$verbose" != "" ]; then describe assuming_c_source if [ "$v7_compat" = "1" ]; then describe assuming_matlab_7 fi fi fi if [ "$stat" != "OK" ]; then # An error occurred. if [ "$stat" != "" ]; then describe status >&2 fi describe usage >&2 cleanup exit 1 fi } # end error_check () # #**************************************************************************** # get_name () { # # If there is already a mex name, -output was used: supply an appropriate # MEX-file extension if necessary. (Warn if -c was also used.) # Otherwise, use the first file name to determine the MEX-file name. # If there are no files, don't complain (error_check comes later). # if [ "$mex_file" != "" ]; then # This case is if -output was used if [ "$compile_only" = "1" ]; then describe meaningless_output_flag fi # Keep only the name and ext (not path) if linking and no OUTDIR set if [ "$compile_only" != "1" -a "$OUTDIR" != "" -a \ `expr "$mex_file" : '.*\/.*'` != 0 ]; then mex_file=`expr "$mex_file" : '.*\/\(.*\)$'` fi ext=`expr "$mex_file" : ".*$LDEXTENSION$"` if [ "$ext" = "0" ]; then mex_file=$mex_file$LDEXTENSION fi elif [ "$1" != "" ]; then # This case sets mex_file using the SOURCE name from $1 ext=`expr "$1" : '\.*[^.].*\.\([^.]*\)$'` mex_file=`expr "//$1" : ".*/\(.*\)\.${ext}$" \| "//$1" : ".*/\(.*\)"` mex_file=$mex_file$LDEXTENSION fi if [ "$OUTDIR" != "" ]; then mex_file="$OUTDIR/$mex_file" fi mex_file=`quote_arg "$mex_file"` } # end get_name () # #**************************************************************************** # get_includes () { # # Determine which include directories to specify # include_dirs="$include_dirs -I`smart_quote $MATLAB/$MEX_INCLUDE_DIR`" if [ -d $MATLAB/simulink ]; then include_dirs="$include_dirs -I`smart_quote $MATLAB/simulink/include`" fi if [ -d $MATLAB/codegen ]; then include_dirs="$include_dirs -I`smart_quote $MATLAB/codegen/external/common`" fi } # end get_includes () # #**************************************************************************** # compile () { trap "eval $abort; exit 1" 1 2 3 15 # # For each file, compile source files and add other files # to the list of link options. # file="$1" if [ ! -f "$file" ]; then describe file_not_found >&2 cleanup exit 1 fi # # determine extension and basename # ext=`expr "$file" : '\.*[^.].*\.\([^.]*\)$'` if [ "$ext" = "" ]; then ext=`expr "$file" : '\.*[^.].*\.\(so\)[.0-9]*$'` fi basename=`expr "//$file" : ".*/\(.*\)\.${ext}$" \| //"$file" : ".*/\(.*\)"` # if [ "$TEMP" != "" -a "$compile_only" != "1" ]; then basename=$TEMP/$basename$$ elif [ "$OUTDIR" != "" ]; then basename=$OUTDIR/$basename fi basename=`smart_quote $basename` # # Source file extensions: .c .C .cc .cxx .cpp .f .for .F .f90 .F90 # file=`quote_arg "$file"` case "$ext" in c) # c source file. # # determine whether to optimize or debug # if [ "$debug" != "1" ]; then flags="$COPTIMFLAGS" elif [ "$optimize" = "1" ]; then flags="$CDEBUGFLAGS $COPTIMFLAGS" else flags="$CDEBUGFLAGS" fi # # Determine final compile command for C source code. # flags="-DMATLAB_MEX_FILE $CFLAGS $cc_flags $flags" compile_command="$CC -c $include_dirs $flags $file" ;; cc | cpp | cxx | C) # C++ source file # # determine whether to optimize or debug # if [ "$debug" != "1" ]; then flags="$CXXOPTIMFLAGS" elif [ "$optimize" = "1" ]; then flags="$CXXDEBUGFLAGS $CXXOPTIMFLAGS" else flags="$CXXDEBUGFLAGS" fi # # Determine final compile command for C++ source code. # flags="-DMATLAB_MEX_FILE $CXXFLAGS $cxx_flags $flags" compile_command="$CXX -c $include_dirs $flags $file" ;; f | for | F | f90 | F90) # Fortran source file. # # determine whether to optimize or debug # if [ "$debug" != "1" ]; then flags="$FOPTIMFLAGS" elif [ "$optimize" = "1" ]; then flags="$FDEBUGFLAGS $FOPTIMFLAGS" else flags="$FDEBUGFLAGS" fi # # Determine final compile command for Fortran source code. # flags="$FFLAGS $fc_flags $flags" compile_command="$FC -c $include_dirs $flags $file" ;; *) # # Object files: Don't need to do anything except add to compiled list # objs="$objs $file" return 0 ;; esac # if [ "$TEMP" != "" -a "$compile_only" != "1" ]; then compile_command="$compile_command -o $basename.o" elif [ "$OUTDIR" != "" ]; then compile_command="$compile_command -o $basename.o" fi # if [ "$verbose" = "1" -o "$no_execute" = "true" ]; then describe compile_stage fi # if [ "$no_execute" != "true" ]; then eval "$compile_command"; fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then describe failed_compile >&2 cleanup exit 1 fi removeObjectFiles=1 if [ "$Arch" = "maci64" -o "$Arch" = "maci" ]; then # Macintoshes store debug information in the object files. So we need # to keep them from debugging on Macs. if [ "$debug" = 1 ]; then removeObjectFiles=0 fi fi if [ "$compile_only" = "1" ]; then removeObjectFiles=0 fi if [ "$removeObjectFiles" = "1" ]; then files_to_remove="$files_to_remove $basename.o" fi objs="$objs $basename.o" } # end compile () # #**************************************************************************** # link () { trap "eval $abort; exit 1" 1 2 3 15 # # Link stage # if [ "$cfiles" = "1" ]; then libs="$libs $CLIBS" fi if [ "$cxxfiles" = "1" ]; then libs="$libs $CXXLIBS" fi if [ "$ffiles" = "1" ]; then libs="$libs $FLIBS" fi libetc="$objs $libs" # # determine whether to optimize or debug # if [ "$debug" != "1" ]; then LDFLAGS="$LDOPTIMFLAGS $LDFLAGS" elif [ "$optimize" = "1" ]; then LDFLAGS="$LDDEBUGFLAGS $LDOPTIMFLAGS $LDFLAGS" else LDFLAGS="$LDDEBUGFLAGS $LDFLAGS" fi if [ "$verbose" = "1" -o "$no_execute" = "true" ]; then describe link_stage fi if [ "$no_execute" != "true" ]; then eval "$LD $LDFLAGS $ld_flags -o $mex_file $libetc"; fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then describe failed_link >&2 cleanup exit 1 fi } # end link () # #**************************************************************************** # # On sol2|sol64 add the C++ Template Repository to the remove list under the # right conditions. # # Sun uses a template repository to store template instances between # separate compilations so that template instances are compiled only when # necessary. # # It is controlled by the directory of the output file. # # Note: if TEMP and OUTDIR are both defined TEMP takes precedence. # # Necessary conditions for deletion: # # 1. Must compile at least one C++ file. ($cxxfiles = "1") # 2. Must link. ($compile_only != "!") # # case 1: SUNWS_CACHE_NAME is undefined # # ./SunWS_cache - No TEMP or OUTDIR defined # $TEMP/SunWS_cache - TEMP defined # $OUTDIR/SunWS_cache - TEMP not defined but OUTDIR defined # # case 2: SUNWS_CACHE_NAME is defined # # ./$SUNWS_CACHE_NAME - No TEMP or OUTDIR defined # $TEMP/$SUNWS_CACHE_NAME - TEMP defined # $OUTDIR/$SUNWS_CACHE_NAME - TEMP not defined but OUTDIR defined # add_template_to_rmlist () { # If the conditions are right add the template # repository to the files_to_remove list. # Used only on sol2|sol64. # if [ "$cxxfiles" = "1" -a "$compile_only" != "1" ]; then if [ "$SUNWS_CACHE_NAME" != "" ]; then cache_name=$SUNWS_CACHE_NAME else cache_name=SunWS_cache fi if [ "$TEMP" = "" -a "$OUTDIR" = "" ]; then files_to_remove="$files_to_remove ./$cache_name" elif [ "$TEMP" != "" ]; then files_to_remove="$files_to_remove $TEMP/$cache_name" else files_to_remove="$files_to_remove $OUTDIR/$cache_name" fi fi } # #**************************************************************************** # # Main routine # # # Initialize some variables # TOOL_DISPLAY_NAME='MEX' OPTSFILE_NAME='mexopts.sh' # MEX_INCLUDE_DIR='extern/include' # stat="OK" # ARCH= Arch='Undetermined' verbose=0 # Define $MATLAB if it's not defined. if [ ! "$MATLAB" ]; then # If no MATLAB='' was used get_root_dir $arg0_ fi # # Use a C entry point by default # gateway_lang=C entrypt=mexFunction # # Current default is V7 (32-bit) v7_compat=1 arg_count=$# cmd_line_overrides=":" while [ "$stat" = "OK" -a $# -gt 0 ]; do # # Parse input arguments. The routine may need the next two arguments, # as in -f optionsfile and -o mexfilename. # case "$1" in -compatibleArrayDims) v7_compat=1 ;; -largeArrayDims) v7_compat=0 ;; -argcheck) argcheck=1 cc_flags="$cc_flags -DARGCHECK" cxx_flags="$cxx_flags -DARGCHECK" ;; -c) compile_only=1 ;; -D*) # Compiler flags. lhs=`expr "$1" : '\(-D[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\).*'` mid=`expr "$1" : '-D[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\([=\#]\).*$'` rhs=`expr "$1" : '-D[a-zA-Z0-9_]*[=\#]\(.*\)$'` if [ "$mid" != "" ]; then mid="=" fi cc_flags="$cc_flags $lhs$mid$rhs" cxx_flags="$cxx_flags $lhs$mid$rhs" fc_flags="$fc_flags $lhs$mid$rhs" if [ "$lhs" = "-DV5_COMPAT" ]; then stat="The V5_COMPAT macro is no longer supported." fi if [ "$lhs" = "-DARRAY_ACCESS_INLINING" ]; then stat="Please use -inline rather than directly passing" stat="$stat -DARRAY_ACCESS_INLINING." fi ;; -U*) # Compiler flags. cc_flags="$cc_flags $1" cxx_flags="$cxx_flags $1" fc_flags="$fc_flags $1" ;; -I* | -isystem*) # Include directories include_dirs="$include_dirs `smart_quote $1`" ;; -f) if [ -f "$2" ]; then OPTIONS_FILE="$2" SOURCE_DIR='none' else describe invalid_options_file "$2" >&2 cleanup exit 1 fi shift ;; -cxx) cxxfiles=1 gateway_lang=C ;; -fortran) ffiles=1 gateway_lang=FORTRAN ;; -g) # Use debugging flags. debug=1 ;; -h | -help) # -help: Help option. printHelp cleanup exit 0 ;; -inline) cc_flags="$cc_flags -DARRAY_ACCESS_INLINING" cxx_flags="$cxx_flags -DARRAY_ACCESS_INLINING" inlined=1 describe inline_deprecated ;; -[Ll]*) libs="$libs $1" ;; -Wl* | -R*) # allow other linker options libs="$libs $1" ;; -n) # output name no_execute="true" ;; -nohg) # ignored for compatibility with mbuild ;; -o | -output) # mexfile name mex_file=$2 shift ;; -outdir) # output directory if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then describe usage >&2 cleanup exit 1 fi OUTDIR=$2 (cd $OUTDIR) > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then mkdir -p $OUTDIR 2>/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then describe cannot_create_outdir >&2 cleanup exit 1 fi fi shift ;; -O) # Use optimization flags. optimize=1 ;; -setup) if [ $arg_count -ne 4 -a $arg_count -ne 3 -a $arg_count -ne 2 -a $arg_count -ne 1 ]; then describe usage >&2 cleanup exit 1 else # Allow "-setup", "-setup optionsfile", # or "-setup optionsfile destination" SETUP_OPTIONS_FILE=$2 SETUP_OPTIONS_DESTINATION=$3 TMW_ROOT=$MATLAB # # source the setup_options_file function declaration # . $MATLAB/bin/optsetup.sh # setup_options_file $SETUP_OPTIONS_FILE $SETUP_OPTIONS_DESTINATION cleanup exit 0 fi ;; -silent) # really not verbose - undocumented verbose= ;; -v) verbose=1 ;; -v3.5) stat="The -v3.5 option is no longer supported." ;; -v4) stat="The -v4 option is no longer supported." ;; -V5) stat="The -V5 option is no longer supported." ;; -entrypt) if [ "$2" != "mexFunction" -a "$2" != "mexLibrary" ]; then stat="-entrypt argument must be either 'mexFunction' or 'mexLibrary'" fi entrypt=$2 shift ;; -*) check_archlist argument=$1 noprint if [ "$ARCH" = "" ]; then stat="$1 not a valid option." fi ;; ARCH[=\#]*) rhs=`expr "$1" : '[a-zA-Z0-9_]*[=\#]\(.*\)$'` ARCH="`eval echo $rhs`" ;; MATLAB[=\#]*) mlrhs=`expr "$1" : '[a-zA-Z0-9_]*[=\#]\(.*\)$'` MATLAB="`eval echo $mlrhs`" ;; *[=\#]*) lhs=`expr "$1" : '\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)[=\#].*'` rhs=`expr "$1" : '[a-zA-Z0-9_]*[=\#]\(.*\)$'` cmd_line_overrides="$cmd_line_overrides; $lhs="'"'"$rhs"'"' ;; *.c) # c source file. cfiles='1' quoted_arg1=`quote_arg "$1"` files="$files $quoted_arg1" ;; *.C | *.cc | *.cpp | *.cxx) # C++ source file. cxxfiles='1' quoted_arg1=`quote_arg "$1"` files="$files $quoted_arg1" ;; *.f | *.for | *.F | *.f90 | *.F90 ) # FORTRAN source file. if [ "$ffiles" != "1" -a "$cfiles" != "1" -a "$cxxfiles" != "1" ]; then gateway_lang=FORTRAN fi ffiles='1' quoted_arg1=`quote_arg "$1"` files="$files $quoted_arg1" ;; *.o) # object files quoted_arg1=`quote_arg "$1"` files="$files $quoted_arg1" ;; *) # other files libs="$libs `smart_quote $1`" ;; esac shift done if [ $v7_compat -eq 1 ] ; then fc_flags="$fc_flags -DMX_COMPAT_32" cc_flags="$cc_flags -DMX_COMPAT_32" cxx_flags="$cxx_flags -DMX_COMPAT_32" fi if [ $# -eq 0 -a "$files" = "" -a "$stat" = "OK" ]; then stat="no file name given." fi if [ "$gateway_lang" = "FORTRAN" -a "$entrypt" != "mexFunction" ]; then describe fortran_cannot_change_entrypt entrypt=mexFunction fi if [ ! "$OPTIONS_FILE" ]; then # If no -f optionsfile was used determine_options_file fi # . "$OPTIONS_FILE" # Source file to determine $MATLAB # get_arch # Call $MATLAB/bin/util/arch.sh get_entrypt $gateway_lang # Determine MEX-file entry pt # if [ "$ffiles" = "1" ]; then COMPILER='$FC' elif [ "$cxxfiles" = "1" ]; then COMPILER='$CXX' else COMPILER='$CC' fi # . "$OPTIONS_FILE" # Source options file # eval_assignments # Evaluate VAR=value arguments eval get_name "$files" # Determine MEX-file name # if [ "$verbose" = "1" ]; then describe final_options fi # error_check # Check calling syntax errors # get_includes # Determine include directories # if [ "$argcheck" = "1" ]; then files="$files $MATLAB/extern/src/mwdebug.c" fi # # On sol2 add the C++ template repository to the remove list under # the right conditions. # if [ "$Arch" = "sol2" -o "$Arch" = "sol64" ]; then add_template_to_rmlist fi # Check the version of gcc if we are using gcc to warn about possible # version conflicts validate_gcc # # From this point on, we need to put traps in each function. The IBM # resets traps on entry to each function, so we need to safeguard # any functions we call after compiling. This includes compile(), # link(), and cleanup(). # eval set -- "$files" while [ $# -ne 0 ] do compile "$1" shift done # if [ "$compile_only" != "1" ]; then link # Perform linking # Perform any POSTLINK_CMDS; ":" is the empty/null command which # we initialize POSTLINK_CMDS to in order to allow for concatenation # of multiple postlink commands such as # # POSTLINK_CMDS='$POSTLINK_CMDS;my_command' # # if POSTLINK_CMDS were initially empty in the above command, the # result would be ";my_command" which isn't legal. if [ "$POSTLINK_CMDS" != ":" -a "$POSTLINK_CMDS" != "" ]; then if [ "$verbose" = "1" -o "$no_execute" = "true" ]; then describe postlink_stage fi if [ "$no_execute" != "true" ]; then eval "$POSTLINK_CMDS"; fi fi fi # cleanup exit 0 # #****************************************************************************