function [R1,...] = spm_FCN(P1,...) % <- H1 line : Single line description using keywords -> % FORMAT [R1,...] = spm_FCN(P1,...) % % P1 - <-Argument/parameter description, including ranges-> % R1 - <-Description of returned values-> %__________________________________________________________________________ % % HELP text % Long description of function, including i/o details, algorithms and refs. % %__________________________________________________________________________ % Copyright (C) YEAR Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging % AUTHOR % $Id: spm_FcnTpl.txt 5039 2012-11-06 20:39:58Z guillaume $ %========================================================================== % - B A N N E R S E C T I O N H E A D I N G %========================================================================== %-MAJOR section heading %========================================================================== %-MINOR section heading %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % ----------------