========================================================================= LHFONTS version 3.5 file LHFONT35.EN ========================================================================= (C) A.Khodulev, O.Lapko, A.Berdnikov, V.Volovich (C) Cyrillic TeX Users Group (CyrTUG) This package is freeware product. The modification and distribution of modified package without change of its name is forbidden. Use of this macro package is not restricted provided each use is acknowledged upon publication. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- LHFONTS package -- package for creating Cyrillic LH-family fonts in different encodings. It includes a few ways of font creation. How LH package creates fonts for necessary encoding --------------------------------------------------- There is directory LH\TEX in this package. It includes stuff for creation of font headers. (The idea and main TeX files were borrowed from file ecstdedt.tex in ec package). There are files with names like 01cm-lh.tex which create necessary fonts in necessary encodings. Run Plain TeX with any of it. With default settings one could get following METAFONT files: lhcodes.mf -- encoding file for current LH font lhliker.mf -- kerning and ligatures for letters in current LH font These files you must move to directory opened for METAFONT's eyes. If you have to create font headers, or you emTeX user you can change settings for your own purposes (see `How to change options for font creation'). How to change options for font creation --------------------------------------------- For this reason you may edit file setter.tex which includes all necessary settings for different ways of font heads creation. The file setter.tex could include following lines: \MakeFileHeadsfalse % Create font file headers ? Creation a number of font headers with font head sets (mainly for all fonts and sizes) - this option could be necessary for some TeX systems which not allows usage of font patterns. Default: false. \SliTeXfalse % Create SliTeX font file headers ? Creation of font headers for SliTeX fonts. Switch to `true' if you use SliTeX. Default: false. \MakeDvifalse % Create DVI file ? File ecstdedt.tex (for creation of font headers in ec package) creates a dvi-file with data table of created font heads, sorted by font names and sizes. Since this file is not necessary for further work with fonts, the option false is recommended. (This dvi-file could be useful and readable for CM-like fonts only.) Default: false. \MakeFontEncfalse % Create encoding files ? This option sets to `true' only for administrators of Cyrillic packages. It creates encoding file with letter names and their character codes. Default: false. \Babeltrue % Create encoding files like LaTeX2e XXXdef.enc ? Works if previous option is switched to `true'. It creates a "body" of file from T2 Cyrillic support of LaTeX2e with lines like: \@tmpb\CYRA{80}\cyra{A0} `False' option is obsolete (not tested from version 3.3) and could be deleted in future. Default: true. \Berestafalse % Create encoding files for BERESTA.TEX ? Works if \MakeFontEnctrue and \Babelfalse. It creates a special input file for BERESTA.TEX with letter/sign definitions. Default: false. \TFMonlytrue % Create tfm-files only ? Adds commands `boolean TFMonly; TFMonly=true;' in temporary font heads or in command option of MFJob file if switched options \doMFJobtrue or \MakeFileHeadstrue. Since in this case there are created tfm-files only, METAFONT runs much faster but pk or gf files are not useful and must be deleted. This option is useful at the very beginning of TeXMF installation. Default: true. \doBatchfalse % Create Batch file Creates batch file; if \doBatchtrue there are set following lines for font creation: \def\BatchOutput#1{ \BatchLine{$ MF "\string\mode=localfont; input #1"} } you may edit \BatchOutput by following way: \def\BatchOutput#1{ \BatchLine{...} ... \BatchLine{...} } i.e. set a few command lines NOTE. This option heavily borrowed from ecstdedt.tex (EC fonts) and didn't tested. Edit this stuff if you know what to do :-) Default: false. \doMFJobfalse % Create MFJob file ? True option could be useful for emTex users. It switches on creation of MFJob file for generating of font set. Default: false. The next few options are connected with \doMFJobtrue option. % Another MFJob definitions \def\jobmodedef{m} Definition of MFJob mode: creation of fonts for necessary output device (printer, screen etc., see dvidrv documentation for more information). Default: m (laserjet300). \def\fmtbase{plain} The name of METAFONT base necessary for these fonts. Default: plain. \def\mfjobscaling{s0} Font scaling to be generated. That could be enlarged to {s0 sh s1 s2 s3 s4 s5}. Default: s0 (only \magstep0 or mag=1). \def\mfcommand{} Additional METAFONT commands for font headers e.g. `extra_endchar := extra_endchar & "clearit";' (to create invisible fonts). Default: empty. \endinput There are also two definitions for font assortment files: \def\fntallcm{fntallcm} % Font assortment for CM-like fonts \def\fntallec{fntallec} % Font assortment for EC-like fonts which are the data files with list of created font headers for CM-like (\fntallcm) and EC-like (\fntallec) fonts. There are following (pairs) of files for font creation: *) fntallcm.tex - creation of font headers for CM-like fonts i.e. fonts with CM font in lower part of font table (0-127); fntallec.tex - creation of font headers for T2*/X2*-encodings; these fonts are analogues to EC fonts; *) fntinvcm.tex - creation of SliTeX font headers for CM-like fonts; fntinvec.tex - creation of SliTeX font headers for T2*/X2*-encodings; *) fntmincm.tex - creation of minimal set of font headers for CM-like- font encodings; there are created font size 10 only; fntminec.tex - creation of minimal set of font headers for T2*/X2*- encodings; there are created font size 10 only; *) fntbercm.tex - creation of font header assortment as which is neces- sary for beresta.tex - CM-like fonts; fntberec.tex - creation of font header assortment as which is neces- sary for beresta.tex - EC-like fonts; *) fntbasec.tex - experimental file with reduced font set of EC-like fonts; could be useful if user has not too much disk space. Files like 01cm-lh.tex include following commands which could be edited: *) \def\wrkdir{/wrk} - path for created mf files; by default it's wrk subdirectory. It already exists in archive file. NOTE for DOS and Windows users: in path you must use slash (/) instead of backslash (\)! *) \def\fonttwoletters{lh} - command sets first two letters of font which determine necessary encoding; *) \def\encodingletters{lh} - set two letters of encoding name if first two letters in font differ from encoding name e.g.: \def\fonttwoletters{ll}\def\encodingletters{lh} *) \def\defamily{<commands>^^J<commands>^^J} - command lines placed in font header; to create multiline commands one may use ^^J - e.g. if you set: \def\defamily{ more_letters:=true; other_cyr:=true;^^J enc_name:="ISO8859-5";} you'll get in header file following lines: more_letters:=true; other_cyr:=true; enc_name:="ISO8859-5"; *) \def\fontfile{\fntallec} or \def\fontfile{\fntallcm} sets whether CM or EC-like font you want to create; the assortment could be better edited in setter.tex; *) \codehatsfalse works if sets \MakeFontEncfalse and \Babelfalse; creates letter macros as \def\CYRA{^^80} if switched true or \chardef\CYRA="80 if false. And at last run all necessary files for METAFONT and TeX font stuff: *) cod-edt.tex creates necessary encoding file for the font; if switched `\MakeFontEnctrue' creates uccode/lccode/mathcode file for this font and file with macros-letters for current encoding (these files could be used by package administrator e.g. for Babel's Russian style or for a Cyrillic letter citations). *) rliker.tex creates necessary file with ligatures and kerning for current encoding; *) cfstdedt.tex creates file headers of fonts named accordingly to current encoding and scheme of font creation; The fonts which you may create ------------------------------- 01CM-LH - Latin-Russian fonts in Alternative encoding; 03CM-WN - Cyrillic font in WNCYR encoding for typesetting with transli- teration; 04CM-VF - Russian virtual font in 7-bit encoding; 11EX-RS - file in X2 encoding; 11EX-RX - file in XS (Old Slav: experimental) encoding; 12EX-LA - file in �2A encoding; 13EX-LB - file in �2B encoding; 14EX-LC - file in �2C encoding; 15EX-LD - file in �2D encoding; 20CM-CT - Cyrillic in Tatar encoding; 21CM-IC - ISO-8859 Cyrillic; 22CM-WC - Windows-1251 Cyrillic; 23CM-MC - Macintosh Cyrillic; 24CM-KC - KOI8r Cyrillic; 25CM-UC - Unicode Cyrillic codepage; 30CM-LX* - Latin-Russian fonts in Alternative encoding eXtended; 31CM-IX* - ISO-8859 Cyrillic eXtended; 32CM-WX* - Windows-1251 Cyrillic eXtended; 33CM-MX* - Macintosh Cyrillic eXtended; 34CM-KX* - KOI8r Cyrillic eXtended; 46CM-LY - beta-file with OT2upper part/OT1; 46CM-LZ - beta-file with OT2lower part/OT1; 91BEREST - creates fonts for beresta.tex; 95CM-XX - creates additional fonts for beresta.tex; 99-T2ENC - creates font headers for all T2/(X2) encodings; 99ALLENC - creates font headers for all more or less standard encodings in this package; 99TSTENC - creates font headers for all existing encodings in this package; * The experimental group of encodings which double each other with letter assortment. Work with Russian language in MS DOS ------------------------------------ For WORK with Cyrillic you may use Russian versions of MS DOS 4.01 and later versions (e.g. MS DOS 6.0, No. 147-95 UV 600) with usage of code page 866. In this system you may in file config.sys write the line: COUNTRY=007 866 D:\DOS\COUNTRY.SYS If you want to create your documents in Russian with English Alphabet you can use the TRANSLIT program or typesetting by transliteration (the wn-fonts use the same transliteration mechanism like AmS WNCYR). ========================================================================= LHFONTS version 3.5 file LHFONT35.EN =========================================================================