@book{LeClerc1686, Publisher = {Henry Desbordes}, Realauthor = {Jean le Clerc}, Title = {Défense des sentimens De quelques Théologiens de Hollande sur l'histoire critique du Vieux Testament contre la réponse du Prieur de Bolleville}, Year = {1686}} @book{Simon1686, Address = {Rotterdam}, Author = {{Prieur de Bolleville}}, Publisher = {Reinier Leers}, Realauthor = {Richard Simon}, Title = {Réponse au livre intitulé sentimens de quelques Theologiens de Hollande sur l'Histoire Critique du Vieux Testament}, Year = {1686}} @book{noauthor-norealauthor, Title = {Here an anonymous work}, } @book{noauthor-norealauthor2, Title = {Why not an other anonymous work?}, } @book{Author+realauthor, Author = {Theauthor-Familyname, Given-name}, Realauthor= {Therealauthor-Familyname, Given-Name}, Title = {That is a work with an author plus a real author}, } @book{Only-realauthor, Realauthor= {Therealauthor-Familyname, Given-Name}, Title = {Here a work with only a real author}, }