# Running a latex import unittest, os, shutil, re, glob settings = None # will be set from the main script re_macro_start = re.compile(r'''^> \\[^=]+=macro:$''') re_box_start = re.compile(r'''^> \\box\d+=''') re_some_show = re.compile(r'''^> .*\.$''') re_message = re.compile(r'''^! ''') re_comment = re.compile(r'''^%[^\r\n]*[\r\n]*''', re.S|re.M) class LatexTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def __init__(self, *ls): unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *ls) tpl_file = 'template.txt' h = open(tpl_file) self.template = h.read() h.close() def get_settings(self): return settings def setUp(self): tmp_dir = settings.get_tmp_dir() for fname in os.listdir(tmp_dir): full_name = os.path.join(tmp_dir, fname) os.unlink(full_name) def run_latex(self, module, test_name): tmp_dir = settings.get_tmp_dir() src_latex_file = os.path.join(module, test_name + '.tex') tmp_latex_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, test_name + '.tex') tmp_log_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, test_name + '.log') # # Create a TeX file from a tempate # h = open(src_latex_file) s = h.read() h.close() s = self.template.replace('##CODE##', s) h = open(tmp_latex_file, 'w') h.write(s) h.close() # # Run LaTeX # cmd = 'cd %s; %s -interaction batchmode %s.tex >/dev/null' % (tmp_dir, settings.get_latex(), test_name) os.system(cmd) return tmp_log_file # ------------------------------------------------------- # Log-file works # # Comparing expected and the got results # def check_log(self, module, test_name, log_file): s_got = self.collect_log(log_file) chk_file = os.path.join(module, test_name + '.chk') h = open(chk_file) s_expected = h.read() h.close() s_expected = re_comment.sub('', s_expected) s_expected = s_expected.strip() s_got = s_got.strip() # # It is convenient to know where exactly start difference # if s_expected != s_got: pos = 0 maxpos = min(len(s_expected), len(s_got)) while (pos < maxpos) and (s_expected[pos] == s_got[pos]): pos = pos +1 s_expected = s_expected[:pos] + '---->' + s_expected[pos:] s_got = s_got[:pos] + '---->' + s_got[pos:] self.assertEqual(s_got, s_expected) # # The test case: run latex and check log # def run_test_case(self, module, test_name): log_file = self.run_latex(module, test_name) self.check_log(module, test_name, log_file) self.check_pdf(module, test_name) # # Log parsing # def collect_macro(self, h, macro_dump): for l in h: l = l.strip() macro_dump = macro_dump + "\n" + l if (len(l) > 0) and ('.' == l[-1]): break return macro_dump def collect_box(self, h, box_dump): box_dump = re.sub('[0-9]+', 'XX', box_dump) for l in h: l = l.strip() if '' == l: break box_dump = box_dump + "\n" + l return box_dump def collect_log(self, log_file): s = '' h = open(log_file) for l in h: l = l.strip() if re_macro_start.match(l): macro_dump = self.collect_macro(h, l) s = s + macro_dump + "\n" if re_box_start.match(l): box_dump = self.collect_box(h, l) s = s + box_dump + "\n" if re_some_show.match(l): s = s + l + "\n" if re_message.match(l): if l != '! OK.': s = s + l + "\n" if l.startswith('Package test Info: '): pos = l.index('on input line ') s = s + l[19:pos] s = s.rstrip() s = s + "\n" return s # ------------------------------------------------------- # Output works def check_pdf(self, module, test_name): # # First, check if output testing is required # expected_pngs = glob.glob(os.path.join(module, test_name+'*.png')) if not len(expected_pngs): return expected_pngs = [os.path.basename(x) for x in expected_pngs] # # Generate PNGs and check we got the same number of files # tmp_dir = settings.get_tmp_dir() cmd = "cd %s; convert -density 300x300 %s.pdf %s.png" % (tmp_dir, test_name, test_name) os.system(cmd) got_pngs = glob.glob(os.path.join(tmp_dir, test_name+'*.png')) got_pngs = [os.path.basename(x) for x in got_pngs] self.assertEqual(expected_pngs, got_pngs) # # Compare the PNGs # for png in expected_pngs: expected_png = os.path.join(module, png) got_png = os.path.join(tmp_dir, png) diff_png = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'diff.png') cmd = "compare -metric RMSE %s %s %s 2>%s" % (expected_png, got_png, diff_png, os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'compare-stdout')) os.system(cmd) h = open(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'compare-stdout')) s = h.read() h.close() s = s.strip() self.assertEqual('0 (0)', s)