% \subsection{Migration to \eledpar 1.4.3} % Version 1.4.3 corrects a bug added in version 0.12, which made hanging verse always flush right, despite the value of the first element in the \cs{setstanzaindents} command. % % However, if you want to return to automatic flushright margins for verses with hanging indents, you have to redefine the \cs{hangingsymbol} command. % \begin{verbatim} % \renewcommand{\hangingsymbol}{\protect\hfill} % \end{verbatim} % See the following two examples: % % With standard \cs{hangingsymbol}: % \setstanzaindents{4,0} % \beginnumbering % \stanza % A very long verse should sometimes be hanging. % The position of the hanging verse is fixed.\& % \endnumbering % % With the modification of the hangingsymbol: % \sethangingsymbol{\protect\hfill} % \setstanzaindents{4,0} % \beginnumbering % \stanza % A very long verse should sometimes be hanging. And we can see that a hanging verse is flush right.\& % \endnumbering % \subsection{Migration from \eledpar to \reledpar} % As for migration from \eledmac to \reledmac: % \begin{itemize} % \item One option has been removed because it is deprecated. % \item Some of the customizations previously made by \cs{renewcommand} have been replaced with commands. % \item Some command names have been changed in order to have a more logical and uniform pattern. % \end{itemize} % \subsubsection{Deprecated options} % % The \verb+shiftedverses+ option has been removed. % Use the general \verb+shiftedpstart+ option instead. % \subsubsection{\cs{renewcommand} replaced with command} % Many uses of \cs{renewcommand} have been replaced with uses of specific commands. Please read the handbook about these particular commands. % % \begin{longtable}{p{0.45\textwidth}p{0.45\textwidth}} % \emph{Deprecated \cs{renewcommand}} & \emph{Replaced with} \\ % \endhead % \cs{goalfraction} & \cs{setgoalfraction} \\ % \cs{parledgroupnotespacing} & \cs{setparledgroupnotespacing}\\ % \cs{Rlineflag} & \cs{setRlineflag} \\ % \end{longtable} % \subsubsection{Commands the names of which have changed} % \label{eledmac-compat2} % In order to ease the migration from \eledpar to \reledpar, you may load \reledmac with \verb+eledmac-compat+ option. % However, it is advised to change the command names. % % % \begin{longtable}{p{0.45\textwidth}p{0.45\textwidth}} % \emph{Old command} & \emph{New command} \\ % \hline % \endhead % \cs{onlyXside} & \cs{Xonlyside} \\ % \end{longtable} % \subsection{Migration to \reledpar~2.2.0} % The \env{astanza} can take now an option argument. % Consequently, if the first line of verse in a \env{astanza} environment starts with brackets \verb+[]+, you must precede them with a \cs{relax}. If you do not do it, the content of the brackets will be considered as an optional argument of the \env{astanza} environment. % \subsection{Migration to \reledpar~2.3.0} % The line number style (alphabetic, numeric, etc.) for the notes of the right side are now defined by the value you set to \cs{linenumberstyleR} or \cs{linenumberstyle*}, and not by the value you set to \cs{linenumberstyle} which is kept for left side. % % The same is true for sub-line number styles and \cs{sublinenumberstyleR} or \cs{sublinenumberstyle*}, which are distinct from \cs{sublinenumberstyle}. % % Consequently, if you have changed line number representation in footnotes with \cs{linenumberstyle} and \cs{sublinenumberstyle}, check your settings for these control sequences. % \subsection{Migration to \reledpar~2.4.0} % We have fixed a bug which which misaligned left and right sides when a line contained a dotted letter. % % We have tested and saw no problem with this correction, but if you see a difference in alignment between version 2.3.0 and 2.4.0, please contact us. % \subsection{Migration to \reledpar~2.5.0} % If you use either \cs{stanza} or \env{astanza} environment, please read \reffsamefile{reledmac-mac2.3.0migration}. % \subsection{Migration to \reledpar~2.6.0} % \cs{printlinenumR} was deleted. Use \cs{Xlineflag} instead. % \subsection{Migration to \reledpar~2.6.1} % If you use \package{perpage} package to control footnote numbering, please read the handbook on \reff{perpage}.