% tex4ht configuration file for the TeX Live documentation.
% Accumulated over many years. Public domain.
% html specifies the main output format.
% info for extra debugging info in the log files.
% have html in one piece (including footnotes).
% add extra stylesheet
% use png graphics as-is
\Picture[pict]{../texlive-common/\csname Gin@base\endcsname.png}%
% or LaTeX complains it is missing.
% simplify output for HTML. We leave TeX and LaTeX alone, since tex4ht
% actually does the lowered E (and raised A) in CSS.
\ifx\tldocenglish\undefined \else \hackliteralstrue \fi
\ifx\tldocrussian\undefined \else \hackliteralstrue \fi
\ifx\tldocgerman\undefined \else \hackliteralstrue \fi
% these definitions cause "missing } inserted" at \end{tabularx} in
% French and Czech. don't know why.
% don't make these into links, as happens with \path. We only have a few
% special characters that actually occur.
\def\dirname{\texttt\bgroup\catcode`\$=12 \catcode`\_=12 \catcode`\~=12