#: * `search`, `-S`: #: Display all locally available formulae for brewing (including tapped ones). #: No online search is performed if called without arguments. #: #: * `search`, `-S` |`/``/`: #: Perform a substring search of formula names for . If is #: surrounded with slashes, then it is interpreted as a regular expression. #: The search for is extended online to some popular taps. #: #: * `search` (`--debian`|`--fedora`|`--fink`|`--macports`|`--opensuse`|`--ubuntu`) : #: Search for in the given package manager's list. require "formula" require "blacklist" require "utils" require "thread" require "official_taps" require "descriptions" module Homebrew SEARCH_ERROR_QUEUE = Queue.new def search if ARGV.empty? puts_columns Formula.full_names elsif ARGV.include? "--macports" exec_browser "https://www.macports.org/ports.php?by=name&substr=#{ARGV.next}" elsif ARGV.include? "--fink" exec_browser "http://pdb.finkproject.org/pdb/browse.php?summary=#{ARGV.next}" elsif ARGV.include? "--debian" exec_browser "https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=#{ARGV.next}&searchon=names&suite=all§ion=all" elsif ARGV.include? "--opensuse" exec_browser "https://software.opensuse.org/search?q=#{ARGV.next}" elsif ARGV.include? "--fedora" exec_browser "https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/packages/%2A#{ARGV.next}%2A/" elsif ARGV.include? "--ubuntu" exec_browser "http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=#{ARGV.next}&searchon=names&suite=all§ion=all" elsif ARGV.include? "--desc" query = ARGV.next rx = query_regexp(query) Descriptions.search(rx, :desc).print elsif ARGV.first =~ HOMEBREW_TAP_FORMULA_REGEX query = ARGV.first user, repo, name = query.split("/", 3) begin result = Formulary.factory(query).name rescue FormulaUnavailableError result = search_tap(user, repo, name) end puts_columns Array(result) else query = ARGV.first rx = query_regexp(query) local_results = search_formulae(rx) puts_columns(local_results) tap_results = search_taps(rx) puts_columns(tap_results) if $stdout.tty? count = local_results.length + tap_results.length if msg = blacklisted?(query) if count > 0 puts puts "If you meant #{query.inspect} precisely:" puts end puts msg elsif count == 0 puts "No formula found for #{query.inspect}." begin GitHub.print_pull_requests_matching(query) rescue GitHub::Error => e SEARCH_ERROR_QUEUE << e end end end end if $stdout.tty? metacharacters = %w[\\ | ( ) [ ] { } ^ $ * + ? .] bad_regex = metacharacters.any? do |char| ARGV.any? do |arg| arg.include?(char) && !arg.start_with?("/") end end if ARGV.any? && bad_regex ohai "Did you mean to perform a regular expression search?" ohai "Surround your query with /slashes/ to search by regex." end end raise SEARCH_ERROR_QUEUE.pop unless SEARCH_ERROR_QUEUE.empty? end SEARCHABLE_TAPS = OFFICIAL_TAPS.map { |tap| ["Homebrew", tap] } + [ (%w[Caskroom cask] if OS.mac?), (%w[Caskroom versions] if OS.mac?) ].compact def query_regexp(query) case query when %r{^/(.*)/$} then Regexp.new($1) else /.*#{Regexp.escape(query)}.*/i end rescue RegexpError odie "#{query} is not a valid regex" end def search_taps(rx) SEARCHABLE_TAPS.map do |user, repo| Thread.new { search_tap(user, repo, rx) } end.inject([]) do |results, t| results.concat(t.value) end end def search_tap(user, repo, rx) if (HOMEBREW_LIBRARY/"Taps/#{user.downcase}/homebrew-#{repo.downcase}").directory? && \ user != "Caskroom" return [] end @@remote_tap_formulae ||= Hash.new do |cache, key| user, repo = key.split("/", 2) tree = {} GitHub.open "https://api.github.com/repos/#{user}/homebrew-#{repo}/git/trees/HEAD?recursive=1" do |json| json["tree"].each do |object| next unless object["type"] == "blob" subtree, file = File.split(object["path"]) if File.extname(file) == ".rb" tree[subtree] ||= [] tree[subtree] << file end end end paths = tree["Formula"] || tree["HomebrewFormula"] || tree["Casks"] || tree["."] || [] cache[key] = paths.map { |path| File.basename(path, ".rb") } end names = @@remote_tap_formulae["#{user}/#{repo}"] user = user.downcase if user == "Homebrew" # special handling for the Homebrew organization names.select { |name| rx === name }.map { |name| "#{user}/#{repo}/#{name}" } rescue GitHub::HTTPNotFoundError => e opoo "Failed to search tap: #{user}/#{repo}. Please run `brew update`" [] rescue GitHub::Error => e SEARCH_ERROR_QUEUE << e [] end def search_formulae(rx) aliases = Formula.alias_full_names results = (Formula.full_names+aliases).grep(rx).sort results.map do |name| begin formula = Formulary.factory(name) canonical_name = formula.name canonical_full_name = formula.full_name rescue canonical_name = canonical_full_name = name end # Ignore aliases from results when the full name was also found if aliases.include?(name) && results.include?(canonical_full_name) next elsif (HOMEBREW_CELLAR/canonical_name).directory? pretty_installed(name) else name end end.compact end end