#: * `tap-info` : #: Display information about . #: #: * `tap-info` `--json=` (`--installed`|): #: Print a JSON representation of . Currently the only accepted value #: for is `v1`. #: #: Pass `--installed` to get information on installed taps. #: #: See the docs for examples of using the JSON: #: require "tap" module Homebrew def tap_info if ARGV.include? "--installed" taps = Tap else taps = ARGV.named.map do |name| Tap.fetch(name) end end if ARGV.json == "v1" print_tap_json(taps) else print_tap_info(taps) end end private def print_tap_info(taps) if taps.none? tap_count = 0 formula_count = 0 command_count = 0 pinned_count = 0 Tap.each do |tap| tap_count += 1 formula_count += tap.formula_files.size command_count += tap.command_files.size pinned_count += 1 if tap.pinned? end info = "#{tap_count} tap#{plural(tap_count)}" info += ", #{pinned_count} pinned" info += ", #{formula_count} formula#{plural(formula_count, "e")}" info += ", #{command_count} command#{plural(command_count)}" info += ", #{Tap::TAP_DIRECTORY.abv}" if Tap::TAP_DIRECTORY.directory? puts info else taps.each_with_index do |tap, i| puts unless i == 0 info = "#{tap}: " if tap.installed? info += tap.pinned? ? "pinned" : "unpinned" if (formula_count = tap.formula_files.size) > 0 info += ", #{formula_count} formula#{plural(formula_count, "e")}" end if (command_count = tap.command_files.size) > 0 info += ", #{command_count} command#{plural(command_count)}" end info += ", no formulae/commands" if formula_count + command_count == 0 info += "\n#{tap.path} (#{tap.path.abv})" info += "\nFrom: #{tap.remote.nil? ? "N/A" : tap.remote}" else info += "Not installed" end puts info end end end def print_tap_json(taps) puts Utils::JSON.dump(taps.map(&:to_hash)) end end