module Homebrew # Submit a pull request to build a bottle for a formula. # Usage: # brew build-bottle formula ... # Options: # --remote=$USER Specify the GitHub remote # --tag=x86_64_linux Specify the bottle tag # --limit=10 Maximum number of PRs def open_pull_request?(formula) prs = GitHub.issues_matching(formula, :type => "pr", :state => "open", :repo => formula.tap.slug) prs = { |pr| pr["title"].start_with? "#{formula}: " } if prs.any? ohai "#{formula}: Skipping because a PR is open" prs.each { |pr| puts "#{pr["title"]} (#{pr["html_url"]})" } end prs.any? end def limit @@limit ||= (ARGV.value("limit") || "10").to_i end # The number of bottled formula. @@n = 0 def build_bottle(formula) remote = ARGV.value("remote") || ENV["GITHUB_USER"] || ENV["USER"] tag = (ARGV.value("tag") || "x86_64_linux").to_sym return ohai "#{formula}: Skipping because a bottle is not needed" if formula.bottle_unneeded? return ohai "#{formula}: Skipping because bottles are disabled" if formula.bottle_disabled? return ohai "#{formula}: Skipping because it has a bottle" if formula.bottle_specification.tag?(tag) return if open_pull_request? formula @@n += 1 return ohai "#{@@n}. #{formula}: Skipping because GitHub rate limits pull requests" if @@n > limit message = "#{formula}: Build a bottle for Linuxbrew" oh1 "#{@@n}. #{message}" return if ARGV.dry_run? cd formula.tap.formula_dir, "r+") do |f| s = f.rewind f.write "# #{message}\n#{s}" end branch = "bottle-#{formula}" safe_system "git", "checkout", "-b", branch, "master" safe_system "git", "commit", formula.path, "-m", message safe_system "git", "push", remote, branch safe_system "hub", "pull-request", "--browse", "-h", "#{remote}:#{branch}", "-m", message safe_system "git", "checkout", "master" safe_system "git", "branch", "-D", branch end def shell(cmd) output = `#{cmd}` raise unless $?.success? output end def brew(args) shell "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/brew #{args}" end def build_bottle_pr formulae = ARGV.formulae unless deps = brew("deps -n --union #{formulae.join ' '}").split formulae = { |f| Formula[f] } + formulae end formulae.each { |f| build_bottle f } end end