require "utils/json" require "rexml/document" class AbstractDownloadStrategy include FileUtils attr_reader :meta, :name, :version, :resource def initialize(name, resource) @name = name @resource = resource @url = resource.url @version = resource.version @meta = resource.specs end # Download and cache the resource as {#cached_location}. def fetch end # Unpack {#cached_location} into the current working directory, and possibly # chdir into the newly-unpacked directory. # Unlike {Resource#stage}, this does not take a block. def stage end # @!attribute [r] cached_location # The path to the cached file or directory associated with the resource. def cached_location end # @!attribute [r] # return most recent modified time for all files in the current working directory after stage. def source_modified_time Pathname.pwd.to_enum(:find).select(&:file?).map(&:mtime).max end # Remove {#cached_location} and any other files associated with the resource # from the cache. def clear_cache rm_rf(cached_location) end def expand_safe_system_args(args) args = args.dup args.each_with_index do |arg, ii| if arg.is_a? Hash unless ARGV.verbose? args[ii] = arg[:quiet_flag] else args.delete_at ii end return args end end # 2 as default because commands are eg. svn up, git pull args.insert(2, "-q") unless ARGV.verbose? args end def quiet_safe_system(*args) safe_system(*expand_safe_system_args(args)) end private def xzpath "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/opt/xz/bin/xz" end def lzippath "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/opt/lzip/bin/lzip" end def lhapath "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/opt/lha/bin/lha" end def cvspath @cvspath ||= %W[ /usr/bin/cvs #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/cvs #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/opt/cvs/bin/cvs #{which("cvs")} ].find { |p| File.executable? p } end def hgpath @hgpath ||= %W[ #{which("hg")} #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/hg #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/opt/mercurial/bin/hg ].find { |p| File.executable? p } end def bzrpath @bzrpath ||= %W[ #{which("bzr")} #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/bzr #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/opt/bazaar/bin/bzr ].find { |p| File.executable? p } end def fossilpath @fossilpath ||= %W[ #{which("fossil")} #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/fossil #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/opt/fossil/bin/fossil ].find { |p| File.executable? p } end end class VCSDownloadStrategy < AbstractDownloadStrategy REF_TYPES = [:tag, :branch, :revisions, :revision].freeze def initialize(name, resource) super @ref_type, @ref = extract_ref(meta) @revision = meta[:revision] @clone = HOMEBREW_CACHE.join(cache_filename) end def fetch ohai "Cloning #{@url}" if cached_location.exist? && repo_valid? puts "Updating #{cached_location}" update elsif cached_location.exist? puts "Removing invalid repository from cache" clear_cache clone_repo else clone_repo end if @ref_type == :tag && @revision && current_revision unless current_revision == @revision raise <<-EOS.undent #{@ref} tag should be #{@revision} but is actually #{current_revision} EOS end end end def cached_location @clone end def head? version.head? end private def cache_tag "__UNKNOWN__" end def cache_filename "#{name}--#{cache_tag}" end def repo_valid? true end def clone_repo end def update end def current_revision end def extract_ref(specs) key = REF_TYPES.find { |type| specs.key?(type) } [key, specs[key]] end end class AbstractFileDownloadStrategy < AbstractDownloadStrategy def stage case cached_location.compression_type when :zip with_system_path { quiet_safe_system "unzip", { :quiet_flag => "-qq" }, cached_location } chdir when :gzip_only with_system_path { buffered_write("gunzip") } when :bzip2_only with_system_path { buffered_write("bunzip2") } when :gzip, :bzip2, :compress, :tar # Assume these are also tarred tar_flags = (ARGV.verbose? && ENV["CIRCLECI"].nil? && ENV["TRAVIS"].nil?) ? "xv" : "x" # Older versions of tar require an explicit format flag if cached_location.compression_type == :gzip tar_flags << "z" elsif cached_location.compression_type == :bzip2 tar_flags << "j" end tar_flags << "f" with_system_path { safe_system "tar", tar_flags, cached_location } chdir when :xz with_system_path { pipe_to_tar(xzpath) } chdir when :lzip with_system_path { pipe_to_tar(lzippath) } chdir when :lha safe_system lhapath, "x", cached_location when :xar safe_system "/usr/bin/xar", "-xf", cached_location when :rar quiet_safe_system "unrar", "x", { :quiet_flag => "-inul" }, cached_location when :p7zip safe_system "7zr", "x", cached_location else cp cached_location, basename_without_params end end private def chdir entries = Dir["*"] case entries.length when 0 then raise "Empty archive" when 1 then Dir.chdir entries.first rescue nil end end def pipe_to_tar(tool) Utils.popen_read(tool, "-dc", cached_location.to_s) do |rd| Utils.popen_write("tar", "xf", "-") do |wr| buf = "" wr.write(buf) while, buf) end end end # gunzip and bunzip2 write the output file in the same directory as the input # file regardless of the current working directory, so we need to write it to # the correct location ourselves. def buffered_write(tool) target = File.basename(basename_without_params, cached_location.extname) Utils.popen_read(tool, "-f", cached_location.to_s, "-c") do |pipe|, "wb") do |f| buf = "" f.write(buf) while, buf) end end end def basename_without_params # Strip any ?thing=wad out of .c?thing=wad style extensions File.basename(@url)[/[^?]+/] end def ext # We need a Pathname because we've monkeypatched extname to support double # extensions (e.g. tar.gz). # We can't use basename_without_params, because given a URL like # # the extension we want is ".tar.gz", not ".php".[/[^?]+/] end end class CurlDownloadStrategy < AbstractFileDownloadStrategy attr_reader :mirrors, :tarball_path, :temporary_path def initialize(name, resource) super @mirrors = resource.mirrors.dup @tarball_path = HOMEBREW_CACHE.join("#{name}-#{version}#{ext}") @temporary_path ="#{cached_location}.incomplete") end def fetch ohai "Downloading #{@url}" unless cached_location.exist? urls = actual_urls unless urls.empty? ohai "Downloading from #{urls.last}" if !ENV["HOMEBREW_NO_INSECURE_REDIRECT"].nil? && @url.start_with?("https://") && urls.any? { |u| !u.start_with? "https://" } puts "HTTPS to HTTP redirect detected & HOMEBREW_NO_INSECURE_REDIRECT is set." raise end @url = urls.last end had_incomplete_download = temporary_path.exist? begin _fetch rescue ErrorDuringExecution # 33 == range not supported # try wiping the incomplete download and retrying once if $?.exitstatus == 33 && had_incomplete_download ohai "Trying a full download" temporary_path.unlink had_incomplete_download = false retry else raise end end ignore_interrupts { temporary_path.rename(cached_location) } else puts "Already downloaded: #{cached_location}" end rescue CurlDownloadStrategyError raise if mirrors.empty? puts "Trying a mirror..." @url = mirrors.shift retry end def cached_location tarball_path end def clear_cache super rm_rf(temporary_path) end private # Private method, can be overridden if needed. def _fetch curl @url, "-C", downloaded_size, "-o", temporary_path end # Curl options to be always passed to curl, # with raw head calls (`curl -I`) or with actual `fetch`. def _curl_opts copts = [] copts << "--user" << meta.fetch(:user) if meta.key?(:user) copts end def actual_urls urls = [] curl_args = _curl_opts << "-I" << "-L" << @url Utils.popen_read("curl", *curl_args).scan(/^Location: (.+)$/).map do |m| urls << URI.join(urls.last || @url, m.first.chomp).to_s end urls end def downloaded_size temporary_path.size? || 0 end def curl(*args) args.concat _curl_opts args << "--connect-timeout" << "5" unless mirrors.empty? super end end # Detect and download from Apache Mirror class CurlApacheMirrorDownloadStrategy < CurlDownloadStrategy def apache_mirrors rd, wr = IO.pipe buf = "" pid = fork do ENV.delete "HOMEBREW_CURL_VERBOSE" rd.close $stdout.reopen(wr) $stderr.reopen(wr) curl "#{@url}&asjson=1" end wr.close rd.readline if ARGV.verbose? # Remove Homebrew output buf << until rd.eof? rd.close Process.wait(pid) buf end def _fetch return super if @tried_apache_mirror @tried_apache_mirror = true mirrors = Utils::JSON.load(apache_mirrors) path_info = mirrors.fetch("path_info") @url = mirrors.fetch("preferred") + path_info @mirrors |= %W[{path_info}] ohai "Best Mirror #{@url}" super rescue IndexError, Utils::JSON::Error raise CurlDownloadStrategyError, "Couldn't determine mirror, try again later." end end # Download via an HTTP POST. # Query parameters on the URL are converted into POST parameters class CurlPostDownloadStrategy < CurlDownloadStrategy def _fetch base_url, data = @url.split("?") curl base_url, "-d", data, "-C", downloaded_size, "-o", temporary_path end end # Use this strategy to download but not unzip a file. # Useful for installing jars. class NoUnzipCurlDownloadStrategy < CurlDownloadStrategy def stage cp cached_location, basename_without_params end end # This strategy extracts our binary packages. class CurlBottleDownloadStrategy < CurlDownloadStrategy def stage ohai "Pouring #{cached_location.basename}" super end end # This strategy extracts local binary packages. class LocalBottleDownloadStrategy < AbstractFileDownloadStrategy attr_reader :cached_location def initialize(path) @cached_location = path end def stage ohai "Pouring #{cached_location.basename}" super end end # S3DownloadStrategy downloads tarballs from AWS S3. # To use it, add ":using => S3DownloadStrategy" to the URL section of your # formula. This download strategy uses AWS access tokens (in the # environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) # to sign the request. This strategy is good in a corporate setting, # because it lets you use a private S3 bucket as a repo for internal # distribution. (It will work for public buckets as well.) class S3DownloadStrategy < CurlDownloadStrategy def _fetch # Put the aws gem requirement here (vs top of file) so it's only # a dependency of S3 users, not all Homebrew users require "rubygems" begin require "aws-sdk-v1" rescue LoadError onoe "Install the aws-sdk gem into the gem repo used by brew." raise end if @url !~ %r{^https?://([^.].*)\.s3\.amazonaws\.com/(.+)$} raise "Bad S3 URL: " + @url end bucket = $1 key = $2 obj =[bucket].objects[key] begin s3url = obj.url_for(:get) rescue AWS::Errors::MissingCredentialsError ohai "AWS credentials missing, trying public URL instead." s3url = obj.public_url end curl s3url, "-C", downloaded_size, "-o", temporary_path end end class SubversionDownloadStrategy < VCSDownloadStrategy def initialize(name, resource) super @url = @url.sub("svn+http://", "") end def fetch clear_cache unless @url.chomp("/") == repo_url || quiet_system("svn", "switch", @url, cached_location) super end def stage super quiet_safe_system "svn", "export", "--force", cached_location, Dir.pwd end def source_modified_time xml ="svn", "info", "--xml", cached_location.to_s)) Time.parse REXML::XPath.first(xml, "//date/text()").to_s end private def repo_url Utils.popen_read("svn", "info", cached_location.to_s).strip[/^URL: (.+)$/, 1] end def get_externals Utils.popen_read("svn", "propget", "svn:externals", @url).chomp.each_line do |line| name, url = line.split(/\s+/) yield name, url end end def fetch_repo(target, url, revision = nil, ignore_externals = false) # Use "svn up" when the repository already exists locally. # This saves on bandwidth and will have a similar effect to verifying the # cache as it will make any changes to get the right revision. svncommand = ? "up" : "checkout" args = ["svn", svncommand] args << url unless args << target if revision ohai "Checking out #{@ref}" args << "-r" << revision end args << "--ignore-externals" if ignore_externals quiet_safe_system(*args) end def cache_tag head? ? "svn-HEAD" : "svn" end def repo_valid? cached_location.join(".svn").directory? end def clone_repo case @ref_type when :revision fetch_repo cached_location, @url, @ref when :revisions # nil is OK for main_revision, as fetch_repo will then get latest main_revision = @ref[:trunk] fetch_repo cached_location, @url, main_revision, true get_externals do |external_name, external_url| fetch_repo cached_location+external_name, external_url, @ref[external_name], true end else fetch_repo cached_location, @url end end alias_method :update, :clone_repo end class GitDownloadStrategy < VCSDownloadStrategy SHALLOW_CLONE_WHITELIST = [ %r{git://}, %r{https://github\.com}, %r{http://git\.sv\.gnu\.org}, %r{http://llvm\.org} ] def initialize(name, resource) super @ref_type ||= :branch @ref ||= "master" @shallow = meta.fetch(:shallow) { true } end def stage super cp_r File.join(cached_location, "."), Dir.pwd end def source_modified_time Time.parse Utils.popen_read("git", "--git-dir", git_dir, "show", "-s", "--format=%cD") end private def cache_tag "git" end def cache_version 0 end def update do config_repo update_repo checkout reset update_submodules if submodules? end end def shallow_clone? @shallow && support_depth? end def is_shallow_clone? git_dir.join("shallow").exist? end def support_depth? @ref_type != :revision && SHALLOW_CLONE_WHITELIST.any? { |rx| rx === @url } end def git_dir cached_location.join(".git") end def has_ref? quiet_system "git", "--git-dir", git_dir, "rev-parse", "-q", "--verify", "#{@ref}^{commit}" end def current_revision Utils.popen_read("git", "--git-dir", git_dir, "rev-parse", "-q", "--verify", "HEAD").strip end def repo_valid? quiet_system "git", "--git-dir", git_dir, "status", "-s" end def submodules? cached_location.join(".gitmodules").exist? end def clone_args args = %w[clone] args << "--depth" << "1" if shallow_clone? case @ref_type when :branch, :tag then args << "--branch" << @ref end args << @url << cached_location end def refspec case @ref_type when :branch then "+refs/heads/#{@ref}:refs/remotes/origin/#{@ref}" when :tag then "+refs/tags/#{@ref}:refs/tags/#{@ref}" else "+refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master" end end def config_repo safe_system "git", "config", "remote.origin.url", @url safe_system "git", "config", "remote.origin.fetch", refspec end def update_repo if @ref_type == :branch || !has_ref? if !shallow_clone? && is_shallow_clone? quiet_safe_system "git", "fetch", "origin", "--unshallow" else quiet_safe_system "git", "fetch", "origin" end end end def clone_repo safe_system "git", *clone_args do safe_system "git", "config", "homebrew.cacheversion", cache_version checkout update_submodules if submodules? end end def checkout ohai "Checking out #{@ref_type} #{@ref}" if @ref_type && @ref quiet_safe_system "git", "checkout", "-f", @ref, "--" end def reset_args ref = case @ref_type when :branch then "origin/#{@ref}" when :revision, :tag then @ref end %W[reset --hard #{ref}] end def reset quiet_safe_system "git", *reset_args end def update_submodules quiet_safe_system "git", "submodule", "foreach", "--recursive", "git submodule sync" quiet_safe_system "git", "submodule", "update", "--init", "--recursive" end end class CVSDownloadStrategy < VCSDownloadStrategy def initialize(name, resource) super @url = @url.sub(%r{^cvs://}, "") if meta.key?(:module) @module = meta.fetch(:module) elsif @url !~ %r{:[^/]+$} @module = name else @module, @url = split_url(@url) end end def stage cp_r File.join(cached_location, "."), Dir.pwd end private def cache_tag "cvs" end def repo_valid? cached_location.join("CVS").directory? end def clone_repo do # Login is only needed (and allowed) with pserver; skip for anoncvs. quiet_safe_system cvspath, { :quiet_flag => "-Q" }, "-d", @url, "login" if @url.include? "pserver" quiet_safe_system cvspath, { :quiet_flag => "-Q" }, "-d", @url, "checkout", "-d", cache_filename, @module end end def update { quiet_safe_system cvspath, { :quiet_flag => "-Q" }, "up" } end def split_url(in_url) parts = in_url.split(/:/) mod=parts.pop url=parts.join(":") [mod, url] end end class MercurialDownloadStrategy < VCSDownloadStrategy def initialize(name, resource) super @url = @url.sub(%r{^hg://}, "") end def stage super dst = Dir.getwd do if @ref_type && @ref ohai "Checking out #{@ref_type} #{@ref}" if @ref_type && @ref safe_system hgpath, "archive", "--subrepos", "-y", "-r", @ref, "-t", "files", dst else safe_system hgpath, "archive", "--subrepos", "-y", "-t", "files", dst end end end def source_modified_time Time.parse Utils.popen_read("hg", "tip", "--template", "{date|isodate}", "-R", cached_location.to_s) end private def cache_tag "hg" end def repo_valid? cached_location.join(".hg").directory? end def clone_repo safe_system hgpath, "clone", @url, cached_location end def update { quiet_safe_system hgpath, "pull", "--update" } end end class BazaarDownloadStrategy < VCSDownloadStrategy def initialize(name, resource) super @url = @url.sub(%r{^bzr://}, "") end def stage # The export command doesn't work on checkouts # See cp_r File.join(cached_location, "."), Dir.pwd rm_r ".bzr" end def source_modified_time Time.parse Utils.popen_read("bzr", "log", "-l", "1", "--timezone=utc", cached_location.to_s)[/^timestamp: (.+)$/, 1] end private def cache_tag "bzr" end def repo_valid? cached_location.join(".bzr").directory? end def clone_repo # "lightweight" means history-less safe_system bzrpath, "checkout", "--lightweight", @url, cached_location end def update { quiet_safe_system bzrpath, "update" } end end class FossilDownloadStrategy < VCSDownloadStrategy def initialize(name, resource) super @url = @url.sub(%r{^fossil://}, "") end def stage super args = [fossilpath, "open", cached_location] args << @ref if @ref_type && @ref safe_system(*args) end def source_modified_time Time.parse Utils.popen_read("fossil", "info", "tip", "-R", cached_location.to_s)[/^uuid: +\h+ (.+)$/, 1] end private def cache_tag "fossil" end def clone_repo safe_system fossilpath, "clone", @url, cached_location end def update safe_system fossilpath, "pull", "-R", cached_location end end class DownloadStrategyDetector def self.detect(url, strategy = nil) if strategy.nil? detect_from_url(url) elsif Class === strategy && strategy < AbstractDownloadStrategy strategy elsif Symbol === strategy detect_from_symbol(strategy) else raise TypeError, "Unknown download strategy specification #{strategy.inspect}" end end def self.detect_from_url(url) case url when %r{^https?://.+\.git$}, %r{^git://} GitDownloadStrategy when %r{^https?://www\.apache\.org/dyn/closer\.cgi}, %r{^https?://www\.apache\.org/dyn/closer\.lua} CurlApacheMirrorDownloadStrategy when %r{^https?://(.+?\.)?googlecode\.com/svn}, %r{^https?://svn\.}, %r{^svn://}, %r{^https?://(.+?\.)?sourceforge\.net/svnroot/} SubversionDownloadStrategy when %r{^cvs://} CVSDownloadStrategy when %r{^https?://(.+?\.)?googlecode\.com/hg} MercurialDownloadStrategy when %r{^hg://} MercurialDownloadStrategy when %r{^bzr://} BazaarDownloadStrategy when %r{^fossil://} FossilDownloadStrategy when %r{^http://svn\.apache\.org/repos/}, %r{^svn\+http://} SubversionDownloadStrategy when %r{^https?://(.+?\.)?sourceforge\.net/hgweb/} MercurialDownloadStrategy else CurlDownloadStrategy end end def self.detect_from_symbol(symbol) case symbol when :hg then MercurialDownloadStrategy when :nounzip then NoUnzipCurlDownloadStrategy when :git then GitDownloadStrategy when :bzr then BazaarDownloadStrategy when :svn then SubversionDownloadStrategy when :curl then CurlDownloadStrategy when :ssl3 then CurlSSL3DownloadStrategy when :cvs then CVSDownloadStrategy when :post then CurlPostDownloadStrategy when :fossil then FossilDownloadStrategy else raise "Unknown download strategy #{strategy} was requested." end end end