require "formula" require "compilers" # Homebrew extends Ruby's `ENV` to make our code more readable. # Implemented in {SharedEnvExtension} and either {Superenv} or # {Stdenv} (depending on the build mode). # @see Superenv # @see Stdenv # @see Ruby's ENV API module SharedEnvExtension include CompilerConstants # @private CC_FLAG_VARS = %w[CFLAGS CXXFLAGS OBJCFLAGS OBJCXXFLAGS] # @private FC_FLAG_VARS = %w[FCFLAGS FFLAGS] # @private SANITIZED_VARS = %w[ CDPATH GREP_OPTIONS CLICOLOR_FORCE CPATH C_INCLUDE_PATH CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH OBJC_INCLUDE_PATH CC CXX OBJC OBJCXX CPP MAKE LD LDSHARED CFLAGS CXXFLAGS OBJCFLAGS OBJCXXFLAGS LDFLAGS CPPFLAGS MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET SDKROOT DEVELOPER_DIR CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH CMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH GOBIN GOPATH GOROOT PERL_MB_OPT PERL_MM_OPT LIBRARY_PATH ] def inherit? ARGV.env == "inherit" end # @private def setup_build_environment(formula = nil) @formula = formula reset unless inherit? end # @private def reset SANITIZED_VARS.each { |k| delete(k) } end def remove_cc_etc keys = %w[CC CXX OBJC OBJCXX LD CPP CFLAGS CXXFLAGS OBJCFLAGS OBJCXXFLAGS LDFLAGS CPPFLAGS] removed = Hash[*keys.flat_map { |key| [key, self[key]] }] keys.each do |key| delete(key) end removed end def append_to_cflags(newflags) append(CC_FLAG_VARS, newflags) end def remove_from_cflags(val) remove CC_FLAG_VARS, val end def append(keys, value, separator = " ") value = value.to_s Array(keys).each do |key| old = self[key] if old.nil? || old.empty? self[key] = value else self[key] += separator + value end end end def prepend(keys, value, separator = " ") value = value.to_s Array(keys).each do |key| old = self[key] if old.nil? || old.empty? self[key] = value else self[key] = value + separator + old end end end def append_path(key, path) append key, path, File::PATH_SEPARATOR if path end # Prepends a directory to `PATH`. # Is the formula struggling to find the pkgconfig file? Point it to it. # This is done automatically for `keg_only` formulae. #
ENV.prepend_path "PKG_CONFIG_PATH", "#{Formula["glib"].opt_lib}/pkgconfig"
def prepend_path(key, path) prepend key, path, File::PATH_SEPARATOR if path end def prepend_create_path(key, path) path = unless path.is_a? Pathname path.mkpath prepend_path key, path end def remove(keys, value) Array(keys).each do |key| next unless self[key] self[key] = self[key].sub(value, "") delete(key) if self[key].empty? end if value end def cc self["CC"] end def cxx self["CXX"] end def cflags self["CFLAGS"] end def cxxflags self["CXXFLAGS"] end def cppflags self["CPPFLAGS"] end def ldflags self["LDFLAGS"] end def fc self["FC"] end def fflags self["FFLAGS"] end def fcflags self["FCFLAGS"] end # Outputs the current compiler. # @return [Symbol] #
# Do something only for clang
  # if ENV.compiler == :clang
  #   ENV.append_to_cflags "-I ./missing/includes"
  # end
def compiler @compiler ||= if (cc = warn_about_non_apple_gcc($&) if cc =~ GNU_GCC_REGEXP fetch_compiler(cc, "--cc") elsif (cc = homebrew_cc) warn_about_non_apple_gcc($&) if cc =~ GNU_GCC_REGEXP compiler = fetch_compiler(cc, "HOMEBREW_CC") if @formula compilers = [compiler] + CompilerSelector.compilers compiler = CompilerSelector.select_for(@formula, compilers) end compiler elsif @formula && !inherit? CompilerSelector.select_for(@formula) else MacOS.default_compiler end end # @private def determine_cc full_name = COMPILER_SYMBOL_MAP.invert.fetch(compiler, compiler) return full_name unless OS.linux? short_name = full_name.delete("-.") if Pathname(full_name).exist? || which(full_name) full_name elsif which(short_name) short_name else full_name end end COMPILERS.each do |compiler| define_method(compiler) do @compiler = compiler = determine_cc self.cxx = determine_cxx end end # Snow Leopard defines an NCURSES value the opposite of most distros. # See: # Currently only used by aalib in core. def ncurses_define append "CPPFLAGS", "-DNCURSES_OPAQUE=0" end # @private def userpaths! paths = self["PATH"].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) # put Superenv.bin and opt path at the first new_paths = { |p| p.start_with?("#{HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY}/Library/ENV") || p.start_with?("#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/opt") } # XXX hot fix to prefer brewed stuff (e.g. python) over /usr/bin. new_paths << "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin" # reset of self["PATH"] new_paths += paths # user paths new_paths += { |p| p.realpath.to_s rescue nil } - %w[/usr/X11/bin /opt/X11/bin] self["PATH"] = new_paths.uniq.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) end def fortran # Ignore repeated calls to this function as it will misleadingly warn about # building with an alternative Fortran compiler without optimization flags, # despite it often being the Homebrew-provided one set up in the first call. return if @fortran_setup_done @fortran_setup_done = true flags = [] if fc ohai "Building with an alternative Fortran compiler" puts "This is unsupported." self["F77"] ||= fc if ARGV.include? "--default-fortran-flags" flags = FC_FLAG_VARS.reject { |key| self[key] } elsif values_at(*FC_FLAG_VARS).compact.empty? opoo <<-EOS.undent No Fortran optimization information was provided. You may want to consider setting FCFLAGS and FFLAGS or pass the `--default-fortran-flags` option to `brew install` if your compiler is compatible with GCC. If you like the default optimization level of your compiler, ignore this warning. EOS end else if (gfortran = which("gfortran", (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"bin").to_s)) ohai "Using Homebrew-provided fortran compiler." elsif (gfortran = which("gfortran", ORIGINAL_PATHS.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR))) ohai "Using a fortran compiler found at #{gfortran}." end if gfortran puts "This may be changed by setting the FC environment variable." self["FC"] = self["F77"] = gfortran flags = FC_FLAG_VARS end end flags.each { |key| self[key] = cflags } set_cpu_flags(flags) end def java_cache append "_JAVA_OPTIONS", "-Duser.home=#{HOMEBREW_CACHE}/java_cache" end # ld64 is a newer linker provided for Xcode 2.5 # @private def ld64 ld64 = Formulary.factory("ld64") self["LD"] = ld64.bin/"ld" append "LDFLAGS", "-B#{ld64.bin}/" end # @private def gcc_version_formula(name) version = name[GNU_GCC_REGEXP, 1] gcc_version_name = "gcc#{version.delete(".")}" gcc = Formulary.factory("gcc") if gcc.version_suffix == version gcc else Formulary.factory(gcc_version_name) end end # @private def warn_about_non_apple_gcc(name) begin gcc_formula = gcc_version_formula(name) rescue FormulaUnavailableError => e raise <<-EOS.undent Homebrew GCC requested, but formula #{} not found! You may need to: brew tap homebrew/versions EOS end return if OS.linux? && which(name) unless gcc_formula.opt_prefix.exist? raise <<-EOS.undent The requested Homebrew GCC was not installed. You must: brew install #{gcc_formula.full_name} EOS end end def permit_arch_flags; end private def cc=(val) self["CC"] = self["OBJC"] = val.to_s end def cxx=(val) self["CXX"] = self["OBJCXX"] = val.to_s end def homebrew_cc self["HOMEBREW_CC"] end def fetch_compiler(value, source) COMPILER_SYMBOL_MAP.fetch(value) do |other| case other when GNU_GCC_REGEXP other else raise "Invalid value for #{source}: #{other}" end end end def check_for_compiler_universal_support if homebrew_cc =~ GNU_GCC_REGEXP raise "Non-Apple GCC can't build universal binaries" end end end