require "extend/ENV/shared" # ### Why `superenv`? # # 1. Only specify the environment we need (NO LDFLAGS for cmake) # 2. Only apply compiler specific options when we are calling that compiler # 3. Force all incpaths and libpaths into the cc instantiation (less bugs) # 4. Cater toolchain usage to specific Xcode versions # 5. Remove flags that we don't want or that will break builds # 6. Simpler code # 7. Simpler formula that *just work* # 8. Build-system agnostic configuration of the tool-chain module Superenv include SharedEnvExtension # @private attr_accessor :keg_only_deps, :deps attr_accessor :x11 alias_method :x11?, :x11 def self.extended(base) base.keg_only_deps = [] base.deps = [] end # @private def self.bin return unless MacOS.has_apple_developer_tools? bin = HOMEBREW_ENV_PATH.subdirs.reject { |d| d.basename.to_s > MacOS::Xcode.version }.max bin.realpath unless bin.nil? end def reset super # Configure scripts generated by autoconf 2.61 or later export as_nl, which # we use as a heuristic for running under configure delete("as_nl") end # @private def setup_build_environment(formula = nil) super send(compiler) self["MAKEFLAGS"] ||= "-j#{determine_make_jobs}" self["PATH"] = determine_path self["PKG_CONFIG_PATH"] = determine_pkg_config_path self["PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR"] = determine_pkg_config_libdir self["HOMEBREW_CCCFG"] = determine_cccfg self["HOMEBREW_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL"] = "Os" self["HOMEBREW_BREW_FILE"] = HOMEBREW_BREW_FILE.to_s self["HOMEBREW_PREFIX"] = HOMEBREW_PREFIX.to_s self["HOMEBREW_CELLAR"] = HOMEBREW_CELLAR.to_s self["HOMEBREW_OPT"] = "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/opt" self["HOMEBREW_TEMP"] = HOMEBREW_TEMP.to_s self["HOMEBREW_SDKROOT"] = effective_sysroot self["HOMEBREW_OPTFLAGS"] = determine_optflags self["HOMEBREW_ARCHFLAGS"] = "" self["CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH"] = determine_cmake_prefix_path self["CMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH"] = determine_cmake_frameworks_path self["CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH"] = determine_cmake_include_path self["CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH"] = determine_cmake_library_path self["ACLOCAL_PATH"] = determine_aclocal_path self["M4"] = MacOS.locate("m4") if deps.any? { |d| == "autoconf" } self["HOMEBREW_ISYSTEM_PATHS"] = determine_isystem_paths self["HOMEBREW_INCLUDE_PATHS"] = determine_include_paths self["HOMEBREW_LIBRARY_PATHS"] = determine_library_paths self["HOMEBREW_DEPENDENCIES"] = determine_dependencies unless formula.nil? self["HOMEBREW_FORMULA_PREFIX"] = formula.prefix end if MacOS::Xcode.without_clt? || (MacOS::Xcode.installed? && MacOS::Xcode.version.to_i >= 7) self["MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"] = MacOS.version.to_s self["SDKROOT"] = MacOS.sdk_path end # On 10.9, the tools in /usr/bin proxy to the active developer directory. # This means we can use them for any combination of CLT and Xcode. self["HOMEBREW_PREFER_CLT_PROXIES"] = "1" if MacOS.version >= "10.9" # The HOMEBREW_CCCFG ENV variable is used by the ENV/cc tool to control # compiler flag stripping. It consists of a string of characters which act # as flags. Some of these flags are mutually exclusive. # # O - Enables argument refurbishing. Only active under the # make/bsdmake wrappers currently. # x - Enable C++11 mode. # g - Enable "-stdlib=libc++" for clang. # h - Enable "-stdlib=libstdc++" for clang. # K - Don't strip -arch , -m32, or -m64 # # On 10.8 and newer, these flags will also be present: # s - apply fix for sed's Unicode support # a - apply fix for apr-1-config path end private def cc=(val) self["HOMEBREW_CC"] = super end def cxx=(val) self["HOMEBREW_CXX"] = super end def effective_sysroot MacOS::Xcode.without_clt? ? MacOS.sdk_path.to_s : nil end def determine_cxx determine_cc.to_s.gsub("gcc", "g++").gsub("clang", "clang++") end def determine_path paths = [Superenv.bin] # Formula dependencies can override standard tools. paths += { |d| d.opt_bin.to_s } # On 10.9, there are shims for all tools in /usr/bin. # On 10.7 and 10.8 we need to add these directories ourselves. if MacOS::Xcode.without_clt? && MacOS.version <= "10.8" paths << "#{MacOS::Xcode.prefix}/usr/bin" paths << "#{MacOS::Xcode.toolchain_path}/usr/bin" end paths << MacOS::X11.bin.to_s if x11? paths += %w[/usr/bin /bin /usr/sbin /sbin] # Homebrew's apple-gcc42 will be outside the PATH in superenv, # so xcrun may not be able to find it case homebrew_cc when "gcc-4.2" begin apple_gcc42 = Formulary.factory("apple-gcc42") rescue FormulaUnavailableError end paths << apple_gcc42.opt_bin.to_s if apple_gcc42 when GNU_GCC_REGEXP gcc_formula = gcc_version_formula($&) paths << gcc_formula.opt_bin.to_s end paths.to_path_s end def determine_pkg_config_path paths = { |d| "#{d.opt_lib}/pkgconfig" } paths += { |d| "#{d.opt_share}/pkgconfig" } paths.to_path_s end def determine_pkg_config_libdir paths = %W[/usr/lib/pkgconfig #{HOMEBREW_ENV_PATH}/pkgconfig/#{MacOS.version}] paths << "#{MacOS::X11.lib}/pkgconfig" << "#{MacOS::X11.share}/pkgconfig" if x11? paths.to_path_s end def determine_aclocal_path paths = { |d| "#{d.opt_share}/aclocal" } paths << "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/aclocal" paths << "#{MacOS::X11.share}/aclocal" if x11? paths.to_path_s end def determine_isystem_paths paths = [] paths << "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/include" paths << "#{effective_sysroot}/usr/include/libxml2" unless deps.any? { |d| == "libxml2" } paths << "#{effective_sysroot}/usr/include/apache2" if MacOS::Xcode.without_clt? paths << MacOS::X11.include.to_s << "#{MacOS::X11.include}/freetype2" if x11? paths << "#{effective_sysroot}/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/Current/Headers" paths.to_path_s end def determine_include_paths { |d| d.opt_include.to_s }.to_path_s end def determine_library_paths paths = { |d| d.opt_lib.to_s } paths << "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib" paths << MacOS::X11.lib.to_s if x11? paths << "#{effective_sysroot}/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/Current/Libraries" paths.to_path_s end def determine_dependencies {|d|}.join(",") end def determine_cmake_prefix_path paths = { |d| d.opt_prefix.to_s } paths << HOMEBREW_PREFIX.to_s paths.to_path_s end def determine_cmake_include_path paths = [] paths << "#{effective_sysroot}/usr/include/libxml2" unless deps.any? { |d| == "libxml2" } paths << "#{effective_sysroot}/usr/include/apache2" if MacOS::Xcode.without_clt? paths << MacOS::X11.include.to_s << "#{MacOS::X11.include}/freetype2" if x11? paths << "#{effective_sysroot}/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/Current/Headers" paths.to_path_s end def determine_cmake_library_path paths = [] paths << MacOS::X11.lib.to_s if x11? paths << "#{effective_sysroot}/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/Current/Libraries" paths.to_path_s end def determine_cmake_frameworks_path paths = { |d| d.opt_frameworks.to_s } paths << "#{effective_sysroot}/System/Library/Frameworks" if MacOS::Xcode.without_clt? paths.to_path_s end def determine_make_jobs if (j = self["HOMEBREW_MAKE_JOBS"].to_i) < 1 Hardware::CPU.cores else j end end def determine_optflags if ARGV.build_bottle? arch = ARGV.bottle_arch || Hardware.oldest_cpu Hardware::CPU.optimization_flags.fetch(arch) elsif && !Hardware::CPU.sse4? Hardware::CPU.optimization_flags.fetch(Hardware.oldest_cpu) elsif compiler == :clang "-march=native" # This is mutated elsewhere, so return an empty string in this case else "" end end def determine_cccfg s = "" # Fix issue with sed barfing on unicode characters on Mountain Lion s << "s" if MacOS.version >= :mountain_lion # Fix issue with >= 10.8 apr-1-config having broken paths s << "a" if MacOS.version >= :mountain_lion s end public # Removes the MAKEFLAGS environment variable, causing make to use a single job. # This is useful for makefiles with race conditions. # When passed a block, MAKEFLAGS is removed only for the duration of the block and is restored after its completion. def deparallelize old = delete("MAKEFLAGS") if block_given? begin yield ensure self["MAKEFLAGS"] = old end end old end alias_method :j1, :deparallelize def make_jobs self["MAKEFLAGS"] =~ /-\w*j(\d+)/ [$1.to_i, 1].max end def universal_binary check_for_compiler_universal_support self["HOMEBREW_ARCHFLAGS"] = Hardware::CPU.universal_archs.as_arch_flags # GCC doesn't accept "-march" for a 32-bit CPU with "-arch x86_64" if compiler != :clang && Hardware.is_32_bit? self["HOMEBREW_OPTFLAGS"] = self["HOMEBREW_OPTFLAGS"].sub( /-march=\S*/, "-Xarch_#{Hardware::CPU.arch_32_bit} \\0" ) end end def permit_arch_flags append "HOMEBREW_CCCFG", "K" end def m32 append "HOMEBREW_ARCHFLAGS", "-m32" end def m64 append "HOMEBREW_ARCHFLAGS", "-m64" end def cxx11 case homebrew_cc when "clang" append "HOMEBREW_CCCFG", "x", "" append "HOMEBREW_CCCFG", "g", "" when /gcc-(4\.(8|9)|5)/ append "HOMEBREW_CCCFG", "x", "" else raise "The selected compiler doesn't support C++11: #{homebrew_cc}" end end def libcxx append "HOMEBREW_CCCFG", "g", "" if compiler == :clang end def libstdcxx append "HOMEBREW_CCCFG", "h", "" if compiler == :clang end # @private def refurbish_args append "HOMEBREW_CCCFG", "O", "" end %w[O3 O2 O1 O0 Os].each do |opt| define_method opt do self["HOMEBREW_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL"] = opt end end # @private def noop(*_args); end noops = [] # These methods are no longer necessary under superenv, but are needed to # maintain an interface compatible with stdenv. noops.concat %w[fast O4 Og libxml2 set_cpu_flags macosxsdk remove_macosxsdk] # These methods provide functionality that has not yet been ported to # superenv. noops.concat %w[gcc_4_0_1 minimal_optimization no_optimization enable_warnings] noops.each { |m| alias_method m, :noop } end class Array def to_path_s map(&:to_s) { |s| s }.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).chuzzle end end