module Language module Haskell module Cabal def self.included(base) # use llvm-gcc on Lion or below, as when building GHC) base.fails_with(:clang) if MacOS.version <= :lion end def cabal_sandbox(options = {}) pwd = Pathname.pwd home = options[:home] || pwd # pretend HOME is elsewhere, so that ~/.cabal is kept as untouched # as possible (except for ~/.cabal/setup-exe-cache) # saved_home = ENV["HOME"] ENV["HOME"] = home system "cabal", "sandbox", "init" cabal_sandbox_bin = pwd/".cabal-sandbox/bin" mkdir_p cabal_sandbox_bin # make available any tools that will be installed in the sandbox saved_path = ENV["PATH"] ENV.prepend_path "PATH", cabal_sandbox_bin # avoid updating the cabal package database more than once system "cabal", "update" unless (home/".cabal/packages").exist? yield # remove the sandbox and all build products rm_rf [".cabal-sandbox", "cabal.sandbox.config", "dist"] # avoid installing any Haskell libraries, as a matter of policy rm_rf lib unless options[:keep_lib] # restore the environment ENV["HOME"] = saved_home ENV["PATH"] = saved_path end def cabal_sandbox_add_source(*args) system "cabal", "sandbox", "add-source", *args end def cabal_install(*args) # cabal hardcodes 64 as the maximum number of parallel jobs # make_jobs = ENV.make_jobs > 64 ? 64 : ENV.make_jobs # cabal-install's dependency-resolution backtracking strategy can easily # need more than the default 2,000 maximum number of "backjumps," since # Hackage is a fast-moving, rolling-release target. The highest known # needed value by a formula at this time (February 2016) was 43,478 for # git-annex, so 100,000 should be enough to avoid most gratuitous # backjumps build failures. system "cabal", "install", "--jobs=#{make_jobs}", "--max-backjumps=100000", *args end def cabal_configure(flags) system "cabal", "configure", flags end def cabal_install_tools(*tools) # install tools sequentially, as some tools can depend on other tools tools.each { |tool| cabal_install tool } # unregister packages installed as dependencies for the tools, so # that they can't cause dependency conflicts for the main package rm_rf Dir[".cabal-sandbox/*packages.conf.d/"] end def install_cabal_package(*args) options = if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash) then args.pop else {} end cabal_sandbox do cabal_install_tools(*options[:using]) if options[:using] # if we have build flags, we have to pass them to cabal install to resolve the necessary # dependencies, and call cabal configure afterwards to set the flags again for compile flags = "" if options[:flags] flags = "--flags='#{options[:flags].join(" ")}'" end args_and_flags = args args_and_flags << flags unless flags.empty? # install dependencies in the sandbox cabal_install "--only-dependencies", *args_and_flags # call configure if build flags are set cabal_configure flags unless flags.empty? # install the main package in the destination dir cabal_install "--prefix=#{prefix}", *args yield if block_given? end end end end end