module Language module Node def self.npm_cache_config "cache=#{HOMEBREW_CACHE}/npm_cache\n" end def self.setup_npm_environment npmrc ="#{ENV["HOME"]}/.npmrc") # only run setup_npm_environment once per formula return if npmrc.exist? # explicitly set npm's cache path to HOMEBREW_CACHE/npm_cache to fix # issues caused by overriding $HOME (long build times, high disk usage) # npmrc.write npm_cache_config # explicitly use our npm and node-gyp executables instead of the user # managed ones in HOMEBREW_PREFIX/lib/node_modules which might be broken ENV.prepend_path "PATH", Formula["node"].opt_libexec/"npm/bin" end def self.std_npm_install_args(libexec) setup_npm_environment # tell npm to not install .brew_home by adding it to the .npmignore file # (or creating a new one if no .npmignore file already exists) open(".npmignore", "a") { |f| f.write( "\n.brew_home\n") } # npm install args for global style module format installed into libexec ["--verbose", "--global", "--prefix=#{libexec}", "."] end def self.local_npm_install_args setup_npm_environment # npm install args for local style module format ["--verbose"] end end end