require "erb" require "tempfile" class Sandbox SANDBOX_EXEC = "/usr/bin/sandbox-exec".freeze def self.available? OS.mac? && File.executable?(SANDBOX_EXEC) end def self.print_sandbox_message unless @printed_sandbox_message ohai "Using the sandbox" @printed_sandbox_message = true end end def initialize @profile = end def record_log(file) @logfile = file end def add_rule(rule) @profile.add_rule(rule) end def allow_write(path, options = {}) add_rule :allow => true, :operation => "file-write*", :filter => path_filter(path, options[:type]) end def deny_write(path, options = {}) add_rule :allow => false, :operation => "file-write*", :filter => path_filter(path, options[:type]) end def allow_write_path(path) allow_write path, :type => :subpath end def deny_write_path(path) deny_write path, :type => :subpath end def allow_write_temp_and_cache allow_write_path "/private/tmp" allow_write_path "/private/var/tmp" allow_write "^/private/var/folders/[^/]+/[^/]+/[C,T]/", :type => :regex allow_write_path HOMEBREW_TEMP allow_write_path HOMEBREW_CACHE end def allow_write_cellar(formula) allow_write_path formula.rack allow_write_path formula.etc allow_write_path formula.var end # Xcode projects expect access to certain cache/archive dirs. def allow_write_xcode allow_write_path "/Users/#{ENV["USER"]}/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/" end def allow_write_log(formula) allow_write_path formula.logs end def deny_write_homebrew_library deny_write_path HOMEBREW_LIBRARY deny_write_path HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY/".git" deny_write HOMEBREW_BREW_FILE end def exec(*args) seatbelt =["homebrew", ".sb"], HOMEBREW_TEMP) seatbelt.write(@profile.dump) seatbelt.close @start = safe_system SANDBOX_EXEC, "-f", seatbelt.path, *args rescue @failed = true raise ensure seatbelt.unlink sleep 0.1 # wait for a bit to let syslog catch up the latest events. syslog_args = %W[ -F $((Time)(local))\ $(Sender)[$(PID)]:\ $(Message) -k Time ge #{@start.to_i} -k Message S deny -k Sender kernel -o -k Time ge #{@start.to_i} -k Message S deny -k Sender sandboxd ] logs = Utils.popen_read("syslog", *syslog_args) unless logs.empty? if @logfile log = open(@logfile, "w") log.write logs log.write "\nWe use time to filter sandbox log. Therefore, unrelated logs may be recorded.\n" log.close end if @failed && ARGV.verbose? ohai "Sandbox log" puts logs $stdout.flush # without it, brew test-bot would fail to catch the log end end end private def expand_realpath(path) raise unless path.absolute? path.exist? ? path.realpath : expand_realpath(path.parent)/path.basename end def path_filter(path, type) case type when :regex then "regex \#\"#{path}\"" when :subpath then "subpath \"#{expand_realpath(}\"" when :literal, nil then "literal \"#{expand_realpath(}\"" end end class SandboxProfile SEATBELT_ERB = <<-EOS.undent (version 1) (debug deny) ; log all denied operations to /var/log/system.log <%= rules.join("\n") %> (allow file-write* (literal "/dev/ptmx") (literal "/dev/dtracehelper") (literal "/dev/null") (literal "/dev/zero") (regex #"^/dev/fd/[0-9]+$") (regex #"^/dev/ttys?[0-9]*$") ) (deny file-write*) ; deny non-whitelist file write operations (allow process-exec (literal "/bin/ps") (with no-sandbox) ) ; allow certain processes running without sandbox (allow default) ; allow everything else EOS attr_reader :rules def initialize @rules = [] end def add_rule(rule) s = "(" s << (rule[:allow] ? "allow": "deny") s << " #{rule[:operation]}" s << " (#{rule[:filter]})" if rule[:filter] s << " (with #{rule[:modifier]})" if rule[:modifier] s << ")" @rules << s end def dump end end end