This is, produced by makeinfo version 4.13 from check.texi. This manual is for Check (version 0.10.0, 2 August 2015), a unit testing framework for C. Copyright (C) 2001-2014 Arien Malec, Branden Archer, Chris Pickett, Fredrik Hugosson, and Robert Lemmen. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License." INFO-DIR-SECTION Software development START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * Check: (check)Introduction. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY  File:, Node: Top, Next: Introduction, Prev: (dir), Up: (dir) Check ***** This manual is for Check (version 0.10.0, 2 August 2015), a unit testing framework for C. Copyright (C) 2001-2014 Arien Malec, Branden Archer, Chris Pickett, Fredrik Hugosson, and Robert Lemmen. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License." Please send corrections to this manual to . We'd prefer it if you can send a unified diff (`diff -u') against the `doc/check.texi' file that ships with Check, but if that is not possible something is better than nothing. * Menu: * Introduction:: * Unit Testing in C:: * Tutorial:: * Advanced Features:: * Supported Build Systems:: * Conclusion and References:: * Environment Variable Reference:: * Copying This Manual:: * Index:: --- The Detailed Node Listing --- Unit Testing in C * Other Frameworks for C:: Tutorial: Basic Unit Testing * How to Write a Test:: * Setting Up the Money Build Using Autotools:: * Setting Up the Money Build Using CMake:: * Test a Little:: * Creating a Suite:: * SRunner Output:: Advanced Features * Convenience Test Functions:: * Running Multiple Cases:: * No Fork Mode:: * Test Fixtures:: * Multiple Suites in one SRunner:: * Selective Running of Tests:: * Testing Signal Handling and Exit Values:: * Looping Tests:: * Test Timeouts:: * Determining Test Coverage:: * Finding Memory Leaks:: * Test Logging:: * Subunit Support:: Test Fixtures * Test Fixture Examples:: * Checked vs Unchecked Fixtures:: Test Logging * XML Logging:: * TAP Logging:: Environment Variable Reference Copying This Manual * GNU Free Documentation License:: License for copying this manual.  File:, Node: Introduction, Next: Unit Testing in C, Prev: Top, Up: Top 1 Introduction ************** Check is a unit testing framework for C. It was inspired by similar frameworks that currently exist for most programming languages; the most famous example being JUnit ( for Java. There is a list of unit test frameworks for multiple languages at `'. Unit testing has a long history as part of formal quality assurance methodologies, but has recently been associated with the lightweight methodology called Extreme Programming. In that methodology, the characteristic practice involves interspersing unit test writing with coding ("test a little, code a little"). While the incremental unit test/code approach is indispensable to Extreme Programming, it is also applicable, and perhaps indispensable, outside of that methodology. The incremental test/code approach provides three main benefits to the developer: 1. Because the unit tests use the interface to the unit being tested, they allow the developer to think about how the interface should be designed for usage early in the coding process. 2. They help the developer think early about aberrant cases, and code accordingly. 3. By providing a documented level of correctness, they allow the developer to refactor (see `') aggressively. That third reason is the one that turns people into unit testing addicts. There is nothing so satisfying as doing a wholesale replacement of an implementation, and having the unit tests reassure you at each step of that change that all is well. It is like the difference between exploring the wilderness with and without a good map and compass: without the proper gear, you are more likely to proceed cautiously and stick to the marked trails; with it, you can take the most direct path to where you want to go. Look at the Check homepage for the latest information on Check: `'. The Check project page is at: `'.  File:, Node: Unit Testing in C, Next: Tutorial, Prev: Introduction, Up: Top 2 Unit Testing in C ******************* C unit testing The approach to unit testing frameworks used for Check originated with Smalltalk, which is a late binding object-oriented language supporting reflection. Writing a framework for C requires solving some special problems that frameworks for Smalltalk, Java or Python don't have to face. In all of those language, the worst that a unit test can do is fail miserably, throwing an exception of some sort. In C, a unit test is just as likely to trash its address space as it is to fail to meet its test requirements, and if the test framework sits in the same address space, goodbye test framework. To solve this problem, Check uses the `fork()' system call to create a new address space in which to run each unit test, and then uses message queues to send information on the testing process back to the test framework. That way, your unit test can do all sorts of nasty things with pointers, and throw a segmentation fault, and the test framework will happily note a unit test error, and chug along. The Check framework is also designed to play happily with common development environments for C programming. The author designed Check around Autoconf/Automake (thus the name Check: `make check' is the idiom used for testing with Autoconf/Automake). Note however that Autoconf/Automake are NOT necessary to use Check; any build system is sufficient. The test failure messages thrown up by Check use the common idiom of `filename:linenumber:message' used by `gcc' and family to report problems in source code. With (X)Emacs, the output of Check allows one to quickly navigate to the location of the unit test that failed; presumably that also works in VI and IDEs. * Menu: * Other Frameworks for C::  File:, Node: Other Frameworks for C, Prev: Unit Testing in C, Up: Unit Testing in C 2.1 Other Frameworks for C ========================== The authors know of the following additional unit testing frameworks for C: AceUnit AceUnit (Advanced C and Embedded Unit) bills itself as a comfortable C code unit test framework. It tries to mimic JUnit 4.x and includes reflection-like capabilities. AceUnit can be used in resource constraint environments, e.g. embedded software development, and importantly it runs fine in environments where you cannot include a single standard header file and cannot invoke a single standard C function from the ANSI / ISO C libraries. It also has a Windows port. It does not use forks to trap signals, although the authors have expressed interest in adding such a feature. See the AceUnit homepage ( GNU Autounit Much along the same lines as Check, including forking to run unit tests in a separate address space (in fact, the original author of Check borrowed the idea from GNU Autounit). GNU Autounit uses GLib extensively, which means that linking and such need special options, but this may not be a big problem to you, especially if you are already using GTK or GLib. See the GNU Autounit homepage ( cUnit Also uses GLib, but does not fork to protect the address space of unit tests. See the archived cUnit homepage (*/ CUnit Standard C, with plans for a Win32 GUI implementation. Does not currently fork or otherwise protect the address space of unit tests. In early development. See the CUnit homepage ( CuTest A simple framework with just one .c and one .h file that you drop into your source tree. See the CuTest homepage ( CppUnit The premier unit testing framework for C++; you can also use it to test C code. It is stable, actively developed, and has a GUI interface. The primary reasons not to use CppUnit for C are first that it is quite big, and second you have to write your tests in C++, which means you need a C++ compiler. If these don't sound like concerns, it is definitely worth considering, along with other C++ unit testing frameworks. See the CppUnit homepage ( embUnit embUnit (Embedded Unit) is another unit test framework for embedded systems. This one appears to be superseded by AceUnit. Embedded Unit homepage ( MinUnit A minimal set of macros and that's it! The point is to show how easy it is to unit test your code. See the MinUnit homepage ( CUnit for Mr. Ando A CUnit implementation that is fairly new, and apparently still in early development. See the CUnit for Mr. Ando homepage ( This list was last updated in March 2008. If you know of other C unit test frameworks, please send an email plus description to and we will add the entry to this list. It is the authors' considered opinion that forking or otherwise trapping and reporting signals is indispensable for unit testing (but it probably wouldn't be hard to add that to frameworks without that feature). Try 'em all out: adapt this tutorial to use all of the frameworks above, and use whichever you like. Contribute, spread the word, and make one a standard. Languages such as Java and Python are fortunate to have standard unit testing frameworks; it would be desirable that C have one as well.  File:, Node: Tutorial, Next: Advanced Features, Prev: Unit Testing in C, Up: Top 3 Tutorial: Basic Unit Testing ****************************** This tutorial will use the JUnit Test Infected ( article as a starting point. We will be creating a library to represent money, `libmoney', that allows conversions between different currency types. The development style will be "test a little, code a little", with unit test writing preceding coding. This constantly gives us insights into module usage, and also makes sure we are constantly thinking about how to test our code. * Menu: * How to Write a Test:: * Setting Up the Money Build Using Autotools:: * Setting Up the Money Build Using CMake:: * Test a Little:: * Creating a Suite:: * SRunner Output::  File:, Node: How to Write a Test, Next: Setting Up the Money Build Using Autotools, Prev: Tutorial, Up: Tutorial 3.1 How to Write a Test ======================= Test writing using Check is very simple. The file in which the checks are defined must include `check.h' as so: #include The basic unit test looks as follows: START_TEST (test_name) { /* unit test code */ } END_TEST The `START_TEST'/`END_TEST' pair are macros that setup basic structures to permit testing. It is a mistake to leave off the `END_TEST' marker; doing so produces all sorts of strange errors when the check is compiled.  File:, Node: Setting Up the Money Build Using Autotools, Next: Setting Up the Money Build Using CMake, Prev: How to Write a Test, Up: Tutorial 3.2 Setting Up the Money Build Using Autotools ============================================== Since we are creating a library to handle money, we will first create an interface in `money.h', an implementation in `money.c', and a place to store our unit tests, `check_money.c'. We want to integrate these core files into our build system, and will need some additional structure. To manage everything we'll use Autoconf, Automake, and friends (collectively known as Autotools) for this example. Note that one could do something similar with ordinary Makefiles, or any other build system. It is in the authors' opinion that it is generally easier to use Autotools than bare Makefiles, and they provide built-in support for running tests. Note that this is not the place to explain how Autotools works. If you need help understanding what's going on beyond the explanations here, the best place to start is probably Alexandre Duret-Lutz's excellent Autotools tutorial ( The examples in this section are part of the Check distribution; you don't need to spend time cutting and pasting or (worse) retyping them. Locate the Check documentation on your system and look in the `example' directory. The standard directory for GNU/Linux distributions should be `/usr/share/doc/check/example'. This directory contains the final version reached the end of the tutorial. If you want to follow along, create backups of `money.h', `money.c', and `check_money.c', and then delete the originals. We set up a directory structure as follows: . |-- |-- README |-- |-- src | |-- | |-- main.c | |-- money.c | `-- money.h `-- tests |-- `-- check_money.c Note that this is the output of `tree', a great directory visualization tool. The top-level `' is simple; it merely tells Automake how to process sub-directories: SUBDIRS = src . tests Note that `tests' comes last, because the code should be testing an already compiled library. `' is standard Autoconf boilerplate, as specified by the Autotools tutorial and as suggested by `autoscan'. `src/' builds `libmoney' as a Libtool archive, and links it to an application simply called `main'. The application's behavior is not important to this tutorial; what's important is that none of the functions we want to unit test appear in `main.c'; this probably means that the only function in `main.c' should be `main()' itself. In order to test the whole application, unit testing is not appropriate: you should use a system testing tool like Autotest. If you really want to test `main()' using Check, rename it to something like `_myproject_main()' and write a wrapper around it. The primary build instructions for our unit tests are in `tests/': ## Process this file with automake to produce TESTS = check_money check_PROGRAMS = check_money check_money_SOURCES = check_money.c $(top_builddir)/src/money.h check_money_CFLAGS = @CHECK_CFLAGS@ check_money_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/src/ @CHECK_LIBS@ `TESTS' tells Automake which test programs to run for `make check'. Similarly, the `check_' prefix in `check_PROGRAMS' actually comes from Automake; it says to build these programs only when `make check' is run. (Recall that Automake's `check' target is the origin of Check's name.) The `check_money' test is a program that we will build from `tests/check_money.c', linking it against both `src/' and the installed `' on our system. The appropriate compiler and linker flags for using Check are found in `@CHECK_CFLAGS@' and `@CHECK_LIBS@', values defined by the `AM_PATH_CHECK' macro. Now that all this infrastructure is out of the way, we can get on with development. `src/money.h' should only contain standard C header boilerplate: #ifndef MONEY_H #define MONEY_H #endif /* MONEY_H */ `src/money.c' should be empty, and `tests/check_money.c' should only contain an empty `main()' function: int main(void) { return 0; } Create the GNU Build System for the project and then build `main' and `' as follows: $ autoreconf --install $ ./configure $ make (`autoreconf' determines which commands are needed in order for `configure' to be created or brought up to date. Previously one would use a script called `' or `bootstrap', but that practice is unnecessary now.) Now build and run the `check_money' test with `make check'. If all goes well, `make' should report that our tests passed. No surprise, because there aren't any tests to fail. If you have problems, make sure to see *note Supported Build Systems::. This was tested on the isadora distribution of Linux Mint GNU/Linux in November 2012, using Autoconf 2.65, Automake 1.11.1, and Libtool 2.2.6b. Please report any problems to .  File:, Node: Setting Up the Money Build Using CMake, Next: Test a Little, Prev: Setting Up the Money Build Using Autotools, Up: Tutorial 3.3 Setting Up the Money Build Using CMake ========================================== Since we are creating a library to handle money, we will first create an interface in `money.h', an implementation in `money.c', and a place to store our unit tests, `check_money.c'. We want to integrate these core files into our build system, and will need some additional structure. To manage everything we'll use CMake for this example. Note that one could do something similar with ordinary Makefiles, or any other build system. It is in the authors' opinion that it is generally easier to use CMake than bare Makefiles, and they provide built-in support for running tests. Note that this is not the place to explain how CMake works. If you need help understanding what's going on beyond the explanations here, the best place to start is probably the CMake project's homepage ( The examples in this section are part of the Check distribution; you don't need to spend time cutting and pasting or (worse) retyping them. Locate the Check documentation on your system and look in the `example' directory, or look in the Check source. If on a GNU/Linux system the standard directory should be `/usr/share/doc/check/example'. This directory contains the final version reached the end of the tutorial. If you want to follow along, create backups of `money.h', `money.c', and `check_money.c', and then delete the originals. We set up a directory structure as follows: . |-- |-- README |-- CMakeLists.txt |-- cmake | |-- | |-- FindCheck.cmake |-- src | |-- CMakeLists.txt | |-- main.c | |-- money.c | `-- money.h `-- tests |-- CMakeLists.txt `-- check_money.c The top-level `CMakeLists.txt' contains the configuration checks for available libraries and types, and also defines sub-directories to process. The `cmake/FindCheck.cmake' file contains instructions for locating Check on the system and setting up the build to use it. If the system does not have pkg-config installed, `cmake/FindCheck.cmake' may not be able to locate Check successfully. In this case, the install directory of Check must be located manually, and the following line added to `tests/CMakeLists.txt' (assuming Check was installed under C:\\Program Files\\check: set(CHECK_INSTALL_DIR "C:/Program Files/check") Note that `tests' comes last, because the code should be testing an already compiled library. `src/CMakeLists.txt' builds `libmoney' as an archive, and links it to an application simply called `main'. The application's behavior is not important to this tutorial; what's important is that none of the functions we want to unit test appear in `main.c'; this probably means that the only function in `main.c' should be `main()' itself. In order to test the whole application, unit testing is not appropriate: you should use a system testing tool like Autotest. If you really want to test `main()' using Check, rename it to something like `_myproject_main()' and write a wrapper around it. Now that all this infrastructure is out of the way, we can get on with development. `src/money.h' should only contain standard C header boilerplate: #ifndef MONEY_H #define MONEY_H #endif /* MONEY_H */ `src/money.c' should be empty, and `tests/check_money.c' should only contain an empty `main()' function: int main(void) { return 0; } Create the CMake Build System for the project and then build `main' and `' as follows for Unix-compatible systems: $ cmake . $ make and for MSVC on Windows: $ cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" . $ nmake Now build and run the `check_money' test, with either `make test' on a Unix-compatible system or `nmake test' if on Windows using MSVC. If all goes well, the command should report that our tests passed. No surprise, because there aren't any tests to fail. This was tested on Windows 7 using CMake and MSVC 16.00.30319.01/ Visual Studios 10 in February 2014. Please report any problems to .  File:, Node: Test a Little, Next: Creating a Suite, Prev: Setting Up the Money Build Using CMake, Up: Tutorial 3.4 Test a Little, Code a Little ================================ The Test Infected ( article starts out with a `Money' class, and so will we. Of course, we can't do classes with C, but we don't really need to. The Test Infected approach to writing code says that we should write the unit test _before_ we write the code, and in this case, we will be even more dogmatic and doctrinaire than the authors of Test Infected (who clearly don't really get this stuff, only being some of the originators of the Patterns approach to software development and OO design). Here are the changes to `check_money.c' for our first unit test: --- tests/check_money.1.c 2015-08-02 15:31:25.382440002 -0400 +++ tests/check_money.2.c 2015-08-02 15:31:25.382440002 -0400 @@ -1,4 +1,18 @@ +#include +#include "../src/money.h" + +START_TEST(test_money_create) +{ + Money *m; + + m = money_create(5, "USD"); + ck_assert_int_eq(money_amount(m), 5); + ck_assert_str_eq(money_currency(m), "USD"); + money_free(m); +} +END_TEST + int main(void) { return 0; } A unit test should just chug along and complete. If it exits early, or is signaled, it will fail with a generic error message. (Note: it is conceivable that you expect an early exit, or a signal and there is functionality in Check to specifically assert that we should expect a signal or an early exit.) If we want to get some information about what failed, we need to use some calls that will point out a failure. Two such calls are `ck_assert_int_eq' (used to determine if two integers are equal) and `ck_assert_str_eq' (used to determine if two null terminated strings are equal). Both of these functions (actually macros) will signal an error if their arguments are not equal. An alternative to using `ck_assert_int_eq' and `ck_assert_str_eq' is to write the expression under test directly using `ck_assert'. This takes one Boolean argument which must be True for the check to pass. The second test could be rewritten as follows: ck_assert(strcmp (money_currency (m), "USD") == 0); `ck_assert' will find and report failures, but will not print any user supplied message in the unit test result. To print a user defined message along with any failures found, use `ck_assert_msg'. The first argument is a Boolean argument. The remaining arguments support `varargs' and accept `printf'-style format strings and arguments. This is especially useful while debugging. For example, the second test could be rewritten as: ck_assert_msg(strcmp (money_currency (m), "USD") == 0, "Was expecting a currency of USD, but found %s", money_currency (m)); If the Boolean argument is too complicated to elegantly express within `ck_assert()', there are the alternate functions `ck_abort()' and `ck_abort_msg()' that unconditionally fail. The second test inside `test_money_create' above could be rewritten as follows: if (strcmp (money_currency (m), "USD") != 0) { ck_abort_msg ("Currency not set correctly on creation"); } For your convenience ck_assert, which does not accept a user supplied message, substitutes a suitable message for you. (This is also equivalent to passing a NULL message to ck_assert_msg). So you could also write a test as follows: ck_assert (money_amount (m) == 5); This is equivalent to: ck_assert_msg (money_amount (m) == 5, NULL); which will print the file, line number, and the message `"Assertion 'money_amount (m) == 5' failed"' if `money_amount (m) != 5'. When we try to compile and run the test suite now using `make check', we get a whole host of compilation errors. It may seem a bit strange to deliberately write code that won't compile, but notice what we are doing: in creating the unit test, we are also defining requirements for the money interface. Compilation errors are, in a way, unit test failures of their own, telling us that the implementation does not match the specification. If all we do is edit the sources so that the unit test compiles, we are actually making progress, guided by the unit tests, so that's what we will now do. We will patch our header `money.h' as follows: --- src/money.1.h 2015-08-02 15:31:25.418440002 -0400 +++ src/money.2.h 2015-08-02 15:31:25.418440002 -0400 @@ -1,4 +1,11 @@ #ifndef MONEY_H #define MONEY_H +typedef struct Money Money; + +Money *money_create(int amount, char *currency); +int money_amount(Money * m); +char *money_currency(Money * m); +void money_free(Money * m); + #endif /* MONEY_H */ Our code compiles now, and again passes all of the tests. However, once we try to _use_ the functions in `libmoney' in the `main()' of `check_money', we'll run into more problems, as they haven't actually been implemented yet.  File:, Node: Creating a Suite, Next: SRunner Output, Prev: Test a Little, Up: Tutorial 3.5 Creating a Suite ==================== To run unit tests with Check, we must create some test cases, aggregate them into a suite, and run them with a suite runner. That's a bit of overhead, but it is mostly one-off. Here's a diff for the new version of `check_money.c'. Note that we include stdlib.h to get the definitions of `EXIT_SUCCESS' and `EXIT_FAILURE'. --- tests/check_money.2.c 2015-08-02 15:31:25.382440002 -0400 +++ tests/check_money.3.c 2015-08-02 15:31:25.382440002 -0400 @@ -1,18 +1,45 @@ +#include #include #include "../src/money.h" START_TEST(test_money_create) { Money *m; m = money_create(5, "USD"); ck_assert_int_eq(money_amount(m), 5); ck_assert_str_eq(money_currency(m), "USD"); money_free(m); } END_TEST +Suite * money_suite(void) +{ + Suite *s; + TCase *tc_core; + + s = suite_create("Money"); + + /* Core test case */ + tc_core = tcase_create("Core"); + + tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_money_create); + suite_add_tcase(s, tc_core); + + return s; +} + int main(void) { - return 0; + int number_failed; + Suite *s; + SRunner *sr; + + s = money_suite(); + sr = srunner_create(s); + + srunner_run_all(sr, CK_NORMAL); + number_failed = srunner_ntests_failed(sr); + srunner_free(sr); + return (number_failed == 0) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; } Most of the `money_suite()' code should be self-explanatory. We are creating a suite, creating a test case, adding the test case to the suite, and adding the unit test we created above to the test case. Why separate this off into a separate function, rather than inline it in `main()'? Because any new tests will get added in `money_suite()', but nothing will need to change in `main()' for the rest of this example, so main will stay relatively clean and simple. Unit tests are internally defined as static functions. This means that the code to add unit tests to test cases must be in the same compilation unit as the unit tests themselves. This provides another reason to put the creation of the test suite in a separate function: you may later want to keep one source file per suite; defining a uniquely named suite creation function allows you later to define a header file giving prototypes for all the suite creation functions, and encapsulate the details of where and how unit tests are defined behind those functions. See the test program defined for Check itself for an example of this strategy. The code in `main()' bears some explanation. We are creating a suite runner object of type `SRunner' from the `Suite' we created in `money_suite()'. We then run the suite, using the `CK_NORMAL' flag to specify that we should print a summary of the run, and list any failures that may have occurred. We capture the number of failures that occurred during the run, and use that to decide how to return. The `check' target created by Automake uses the return value to decide whether the tests passed or failed. Now that the tests are actually being run by `check_money', we encounter linker errors again we try out `make check'. Try it for yourself and see. The reason is that the `money.c' implementation of the `money.h' interface hasn't been created yet. Let's go with the fastest solution possible and implement stubs for each of the functions in `money.c'. Here is the diff: --- src/money.1.c 2015-08-02 15:31:25.418440002 -0400 +++ src/money.3.c 2015-08-02 15:31:25.418440002 -0400 @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +#include +#include "money.h" + +Money *money_create(int amount, char *currency) +{ + return NULL; +} + +int money_amount(Money * m) +{ + return 0; +} + +char *money_currency(Money * m) +{ + return NULL; +} + +void money_free(Money * m) +{ + return; +} Note that we `#include ' to get the definition of `NULL'. Now, the code compiles and links when we run `make check', but our unit test fails. Still, this is progress, and we can focus on making the test pass.  File:, Node: SRunner Output, Prev: Creating a Suite, Up: Tutorial 3.6 SRunner Output ================== The functions to run tests in an `SRunner' are defined as follows: void srunner_run_all (SRunner * sr, enum print_output print_mode); void srunner_run (SRunner *sr, const char *sname, const char *tcname, enum print_output print_mode); Those functions do two things: 1. They run all of the unit tests for the selected test cases defined for the selected suites in the SRunner, and collect the results in the SRunner. The determination of the selected test cases and suites depends on the specific function used. `srunner_run_all' will run all the defined test cases of all defined suites except if the environment variables `CK_RUN_CASE' or `CK_RUN_SUITE' are defined. If defined, those variables shall contain the name of a test suite or a test case, defining in that way the selected suite/test case. `srunner_run' will run the suite/case selected by the `sname' and `tcname' parameters. A value of `NULL' in some of those parameters means "any suite/case". 2. They print the results according to the `print_mode' specified. For SRunners that have already been run, there is also a separate printing function defined as follows: void srunner_print (SRunner *sr, enum print_output print_mode); The enumeration values of `print_output' defined in Check that parameter `print_mode' can assume are as follows: `CK_SILENT' Specifies that no output is to be generated. If you use this flag, you either need to programmatically examine the SRunner object, print separately, or use test logging (*note Test Logging::.) `CK_MINIMAL' Only a summary of the test run will be printed (number run, passed, failed, errors). `CK_NORMAL' Prints the summary of the run, and prints one message per failed test. `CK_VERBOSE' Prints the summary, and one message per test (passed or failed) `CK_ENV' Gets the print mode from the environment variable `CK_VERBOSITY', which can have the values "silent", "minimal", "normal", "verbose". If the variable is not found or the value is not recognized, the print mode is set to `CK_NORMAL'. `CK_SUBUNIT' Prints running progress through the subunit ( test runner protocol. See 'subunit support' under the Advanced Features section for more information. With the `CK_NORMAL' flag specified in our `main()', let's rerun `make check' now. The output from the unit test is as follows: Running suite(s): Money 0%: Checks: 1, Failures: 1, Errors: 0 check_money.c:9:F:Core:test_money_create:0: Assertion 'money_amount (m)==5' failed: money_amount (m)==0, 5==5 FAIL: check_money ===================================================== 1 of 1 test failed Please report to check-devel AT ===================================================== Note that the output from `make check' prior to Automake 1.13 will be the output of the unit test program. Starting with 1.13 Automake will run all unit test programs concurrently and store the output in log files. The output listed above should be present in a log file. The first number in the summary line tells us that 0% of our tests passed, and the rest of the line tells us that there was one check in total, and of those checks, one failure and zero errors. The next line tells us exactly where that failure occurred, and what kind of failure it was (P for pass, F for failure, E for error). After that we have some higher level output generated by Automake: the `check_money' program failed, and the bug-report address given in `' is printed. Let's implement the `money_amount' function, so that it will pass its tests. We first have to create a Money structure to hold the amount, and then implement the function to return the correct amount: --- src/money.3.c 2015-08-02 15:31:25.418440002 -0400 +++ src/money.4.c 2015-08-02 15:31:25.418440002 -0400 @@ -1,22 +1,27 @@ #include #include "money.h" +struct Money +{ + int amount; +}; + Money *money_create(int amount, char *currency) { return NULL; } int money_amount(Money * m) { - return 0; + return m->amount; } char *money_currency(Money * m) { return NULL; } void money_free(Money * m) { return; } We will now rerun make check and... what's this? The output is now as follows: Running suite(s): Money 0%: Checks: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1 check_money.c:5:E:Core:test_money_create:0: (after this point) Received signal 11 (Segmentation fault) What does this mean? Note that we now have an error, rather than a failure. This means that our unit test either exited early, or was signaled. Next note that the failure message says "after this point"; This means that somewhere after the point noted (`check_money.c', line 5) there was a problem: signal 11 (a.k.a. segmentation fault). The last point reached is set on entry to the unit test, and after every call to the `ck_assert()', `ck_abort()', `ck_assert_int_*()', `ck_assert_str_*()', or the special function `mark_point()'. For example, if we wrote some test code as follows: stuff_that_works (); mark_point (); stuff_that_dies (); then the point returned will be that marked by `mark_point()'. The reason our test failed so horribly is that we haven't implemented `money_create()' to create any `Money'. We'll go ahead and implement that, the symmetric `money_free()', and `money_currency()' too, in order to make our unit test pass again, here is a diff: --- src/money.4.c 2015-08-02 15:31:25.418440002 -0400 +++ src/money.5.c 2015-08-02 15:31:25.418440002 -0400 @@ -1,27 +1,38 @@ #include #include "money.h" struct Money { int amount; + char *currency; }; Money *money_create(int amount, char *currency) { - return NULL; + Money *m = malloc(sizeof(Money)); + + if (m == NULL) + { + return NULL; + } + + m->amount = amount; + m->currency = currency; + return m; } int money_amount(Money * m) { return m->amount; } char *money_currency(Money * m) { - return NULL; + return m->currency; } void money_free(Money * m) { + free(m); return; }  File:, Node: Advanced Features, Next: Supported Build Systems, Prev: Tutorial, Up: Top 4 Advanced Features ******************* What you've seen so far is all you need for basic unit testing. The features described in this section are additions to Check that make it easier for the developer to write, run, and analyze tests. * Menu: * Convenience Test Functions:: * Running Multiple Cases:: * No Fork Mode:: * Test Fixtures:: * Multiple Suites in one SRunner:: * Selective Running of Tests:: * Testing Signal Handling and Exit Values:: * Looping Tests:: * Test Timeouts:: * Determining Test Coverage:: * Finding Memory Leaks:: * Test Logging:: * Subunit Support::  File:, Node: Convenience Test Functions, Next: Running Multiple Cases, Prev: Advanced Features, Up: Advanced Features 4.1 Convenience Test Functions ============================== Using the `ck_assert' function for all tests can lead to lot of repetitive code that is hard to read. For your convenience Check provides a set of functions (actually macros) for testing often used conditions. `ck_abort' Unconditionally fails test with default message. `ck_abort_msg' Unconditionally fails test with user supplied message. `ck_assert' Fails test if supplied condition evaluates to false. `ck_assert_msg' Fails test if supplied condition evaluates to false and displays user provided message. `ck_assert_int_eq' `ck_assert_int_ne' `ck_assert_int_lt' `ck_assert_int_le' `ck_assert_int_gt' `ck_assert_int_ge' Compares two signed integer values (`intmax_t') and displays predefined message with condition and values of both input parameters on failure. The operator used for comparison is different for each function and is indicated by the last two letters of the function name. The abbreviations `eq', `ne', `lt', `le', `gt', and `ge' correspond to `==', `!=', `<', `<=', `>', and `>=' respectively. `ck_assert_uint_eq' `ck_assert_uint_ne' `ck_assert_uint_lt' `ck_assert_uint_le' `ck_assert_uint_gt' `ck_assert_uint_ge' Similar to `ck_assert_int_*', but compares two unsigned integer values (`uintmax_t') instead. `ck_assert_str_eq' `ck_assert_str_ne' `ck_assert_str_lt' `ck_assert_str_le' `ck_assert_str_gt' `ck_assert_str_ge' Compares two null-terminated `char *' string values, using the `strcmp()' function internally, and displays predefined message with condition and input parameter values on failure. The comparison operator is again indicated by last two letters of the function name. `ck_assert_str_lt(a, b)' will pass if the unsigned numerical value of the character string `a' is less than that of `b'. `ck_assert_ptr_eq' `ck_assert_ptr_ne' Compares two pointers and displays predefined message with condition and values of both input parameters on failure. The operator used for comparison is different for each function and is indicated by the last two letters of the function name. The abbreviations `eq' and `ne' correspond to `==' and `!=' respectively. `fail' (Deprecated) Unconditionally fails test with user supplied message. `fail_if' (Deprecated) Fails test if supplied condition evaluates to true and displays user provided message. `fail_unless' (Deprecated) Fails test if supplied condition evaluates to false and displays user provided message.  File:, Node: Running Multiple Cases, Next: No Fork Mode, Prev: Convenience Test Functions, Up: Advanced Features 4.2 Running Multiple Cases ========================== What happens if we pass `-1' as the `amount' in `money_create()'? What should happen? Let's write a unit test. Since we are now testing limits, we should also test what happens when we create `Money' where `amount == 0'. Let's put these in a separate test case called "Limits" so that `money_suite' is changed like so: --- tests/check_money.3.c 2015-08-02 15:31:25.382440002 -0400 +++ tests/check_money.6.c 2015-08-02 15:31:25.386440002 -0400 @@ -1,45 +1,74 @@ #include #include #include "../src/money.h" START_TEST(test_money_create) { Money *m; m = money_create(5, "USD"); ck_assert_int_eq(money_amount(m), 5); ck_assert_str_eq(money_currency(m), "USD"); money_free(m); } END_TEST +START_TEST(test_money_create_neg) +{ + Money *m = money_create(-1, "USD"); + + ck_assert_msg(m == NULL, + "NULL should be returned on attempt to create with " + "a negative amount"); +} +END_TEST + +START_TEST(test_money_create_zero) +{ + Money *m = money_create(0, "USD"); + + if (money_amount(m) != 0) + { + ck_abort_msg("Zero is a valid amount of money"); + } +} +END_TEST + Suite * money_suite(void) { Suite *s; TCase *tc_core; + TCase *tc_limits; s = suite_create("Money"); /* Core test case */ tc_core = tcase_create("Core"); tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_money_create); suite_add_tcase(s, tc_core); + /* Limits test case */ + tc_limits = tcase_create("Limits"); + + tcase_add_test(tc_limits, test_money_create_neg); + tcase_add_test(tc_limits, test_money_create_zero); + suite_add_tcase(s, tc_limits); + return s; } int main(void) { int number_failed; Suite *s; SRunner *sr; s = money_suite(); sr = srunner_create(s); srunner_run_all(sr, CK_NORMAL); number_failed = srunner_ntests_failed(sr); srunner_free(sr); return (number_failed == 0) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; } Now we can rerun our suite, and fix the problem(s). Note that errors in the "Core" test case will be reported as "Core", and errors in the "Limits" test case will be reported as "Limits", giving you additional information about where things broke. --- src/money.5.c 2015-08-02 15:31:25.418440002 -0400 +++ src/money.6.c 2015-08-02 15:31:25.418440002 -0400 @@ -1,38 +1,45 @@ #include #include "money.h" struct Money { int amount; char *currency; }; Money *money_create(int amount, char *currency) { - Money *m = malloc(sizeof(Money)); + Money *m; + + if (amount < 0) + { + return NULL; + } + + m = malloc(sizeof(Money)); if (m == NULL) { return NULL; } m->amount = amount; m->currency = currency; return m; } int money_amount(Money * m) { return m->amount; } char *money_currency(Money * m) { return m->currency; } void money_free(Money * m) { free(m); return; }  File:, Node: No Fork Mode, Next: Test Fixtures, Prev: Running Multiple Cases, Up: Advanced Features 4.3 No Fork Mode ================ Check normally forks to create a separate address space. This allows a signal or early exit to be caught and reported, rather than taking down the entire test program, and is normally very useful. However, when you are trying to debug why the segmentation fault or other program error occurred, forking makes it difficult to use debugging tools. To define fork mode for an `SRunner' object, you can do one of the following: 1. Define the CK_FORK environment variable to equal "no". 2. Explicitly define the fork status through the use of the following function: void srunner_set_fork_status (SRunner * sr, enum fork_status fstat); The enum `fork_status' allows the `fstat' parameter to assume the following values: `CK_FORK' and `CK_NOFORK'. An explicit call to `srunner_set_fork_status()' overrides the `CK_FORK' environment variable.  File:, Node: Test Fixtures, Next: Multiple Suites in one SRunner, Prev: No Fork Mode, Up: Advanced Features 4.4 Test Fixtures ================= We may want multiple tests that all use the same Money. In such cases, rather than setting up and tearing down objects for each unit test, it may be convenient to add some setup that is constant across all the tests in a test case. Each such setup/teardown pair is called a "test fixture" in test-driven development jargon. A fixture is created by defining a setup and/or a teardown function, and associating it with a test case. There are two kinds of test fixtures in Check: checked and unchecked fixtures. These are defined as follows: Checked fixtures are run inside the address space created by the fork to create the unit test. Before each unit test in a test case, the `setup()' function is run, if defined. After each unit test, the `teardown()' function is run, if defined. Since they run inside the forked address space, if checked fixtures signal or otherwise fail, they will be caught and reported by the `SRunner'. A checked `teardown()' fixture will not run if the unit test fails. Unchecked fixtures are run in the same address space as the test program. Therefore they may not signal or exit, but may use the fail functions. The unchecked `setup()', if defined, is run before the test case is started. The unchecked `teardown()', if defined, is run after the test case is done. An unchecked `teardown()' fixture will run even if a unit test fails. An important difference is that the checked fixtures are run once per unit test and the unchecked fixtures are run once per test case. So for a test case that contains `check_one()' and `check_two()' unit tests, `checked_setup()'/`checked_teardown()' checked fixtures, and `unchecked_setup()'/`unchecked_teardown()' unchecked fixtures, the control flow would be: unchecked_setup(); fork(); checked_setup(); check_one(); checked_teardown(); wait(); fork(); checked_setup(); check_two(); checked_teardown(); wait(); unchecked_teardown(); * Menu: * Test Fixture Examples:: * Checked vs Unchecked Fixtures::  File:, Node: Test Fixture Examples, Next: Checked vs Unchecked Fixtures, Prev: Test Fixtures, Up: Test Fixtures 4.4.1 Test Fixture Examples --------------------------- We create a test fixture in Check as follows: 1. Define global variables, and functions to setup and teardown the globals. The functions both take `void' and return `void'. In our example, we'll make `five_dollars' be a global created and freed by `setup()' and `teardown()' respectively. 2. Add the `setup()' and `teardown()' functions to the test case with `tcase_add_checked_fixture()'. In our example, this belongs in the suite setup function `money_suite'. 3. Rewrite tests to use the globals. We'll rewrite our first to use `five_dollars'. Note that the functions used for setup and teardown do not need to be named `setup()' and `teardown()', but they must take `void' and return `void'. We'll update `check_money.c' with the following patch: --- tests/check_money.6.c 2015-08-02 15:31:25.386440002 -0400 +++ tests/check_money.7.c 2015-08-02 15:31:25.386440002 -0400 @@ -1,74 +1,83 @@ #include #include #include "../src/money.h" -START_TEST(test_money_create) +Money *five_dollars; + +void setup(void) +{ + five_dollars = money_create(5, "USD"); +} + +void teardown(void) { - Money *m; + money_free(five_dollars); +} - m = money_create(5, "USD"); - ck_assert_int_eq(money_amount(m), 5); - ck_assert_str_eq(money_currency(m), "USD"); - money_free(m); +START_TEST(test_money_create) +{ + ck_assert_int_eq(money_amount(five_dollars), 5); + ck_assert_str_eq(money_currency(five_dollars), "USD"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_money_create_neg) { Money *m = money_create(-1, "USD"); ck_assert_msg(m == NULL, "NULL should be returned on attempt to create with " "a negative amount"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_money_create_zero) { Money *m = money_create(0, "USD"); if (money_amount(m) != 0) { ck_abort_msg("Zero is a valid amount of money"); } } END_TEST Suite * money_suite(void) { Suite *s; TCase *tc_core; TCase *tc_limits; s = suite_create("Money"); /* Core test case */ tc_core = tcase_create("Core"); + tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc_core, setup, teardown); tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_money_create); suite_add_tcase(s, tc_core); /* Limits test case */ tc_limits = tcase_create("Limits"); tcase_add_test(tc_limits, test_money_create_neg); tcase_add_test(tc_limits, test_money_create_zero); suite_add_tcase(s, tc_limits); return s; } int main(void) { int number_failed; Suite *s; SRunner *sr; s = money_suite(); sr = srunner_create(s); srunner_run_all(sr, CK_NORMAL); number_failed = srunner_ntests_failed(sr); srunner_free(sr); return (number_failed == 0) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; }  File:, Node: Checked vs Unchecked Fixtures, Prev: Test Fixture Examples, Up: Test Fixtures 4.4.2 Checked vs Unchecked Fixtures ----------------------------------- Checked fixtures run once for each unit test in a test case, and so they should not be used for expensive setup. However, if a checked fixture fails and `CK_FORK' mode is being used, it will not bring down the entire framework. On the other hand, unchecked fixtures run once for an entire test case, as opposed to once per unit test, and so can be used for expensive setup. However, since they may take down the entire test program, they should only be used if they are known to be safe. Additionally, the isolation of objects created by unchecked fixtures is not guaranteed by `CK_NOFORK' mode. Normally, in `CK_FORK' mode, unit tests may abuse the objects created in an unchecked fixture with impunity, without affecting other unit tests in the same test case, because the fork creates a separate address space. However, in `CK_NOFORK' mode, all tests live in the same address space, and side effects in one test will affect the unchecked fixture for the other tests. A checked fixture will generally not be affected by unit test side effects, since the `setup()' is run before each unit test. There is an exception for side effects to the total environment in which the test program lives: for example, if the `setup()' function initializes a file that a unit test then changes, the combination of the `teardown()' function and `setup()' function must be able to restore the environment for the next unit test. If the `setup()' function in a fixture fails, in either checked or unchecked fixtures, the unit tests for the test case, and the `teardown()' function for the fixture will not be run. A fixture error will be created and reported to the `SRunner'.  File:, Node: Multiple Suites in one SRunner, Next: Selective Running of Tests, Prev: Test Fixtures, Up: Advanced Features 4.5 Multiple Suites in one SRunner ================================== In a large program, it will be convenient to create multiple suites, each testing a module of the program. While one can create several test programs, each running one `Suite', it may be convenient to create one main test program, and use it to run multiple suites. The Check test suite provides an example of how to do this. The main testing program is called `check_check', and has a header file that declares suite creation functions for all the module tests: Suite *make_sub_suite (void); Suite *make_sub2_suite (void); Suite *make_master_suite (void); Suite *make_list_suite (void); Suite *make_msg_suite (void); Suite *make_log_suite (void); Suite *make_limit_suite (void); Suite *make_fork_suite (void); Suite *make_fixture_suite (void); Suite *make_pack_suite (void); The function `srunner_add_suite()' is used to add additional suites to an `SRunner'. Here is the code that sets up and runs the `SRunner' in the `main()' function in `check_check_main.c': SRunner *sr; sr = srunner_create (make_master_suite ()); srunner_add_suite (sr, make_list_suite ()); srunner_add_suite (sr, make_msg_suite ()); srunner_add_suite (sr, make_log_suite ()); srunner_add_suite (sr, make_limit_suite ()); srunner_add_suite (sr, make_fork_suite ()); srunner_add_suite (sr, make_fixture_suite ()); srunner_add_suite (sr, make_pack_suite ());  File:, Node: Selective Running of Tests, Next: Testing Signal Handling and Exit Values, Prev: Multiple Suites in one SRunner, Up: Advanced Features 4.6 Selective Running of Tests ============================== After adding a couple of suites and some test cases in each, it is sometimes practical to be able to run only one suite, or one specific test case, without recompiling the test code. There are two environment variables available that offers this ability, `CK_RUN_SUITE' and `CK_RUN_CASE'. Just set the value to the name of the suite and/or test case you want to run. These environment variables can also be a good integration tool for running specific tests from within another tool, e.g. an IDE.  File:, Node: Testing Signal Handling and Exit Values, Next: Looping Tests, Prev: Selective Running of Tests, Up: Advanced Features 4.7 Testing Signal Handling and Exit Values =========================================== To enable testing of signal handling, there is a function `tcase_add_test_raise_signal()' which is used instead of `tcase_add_test()'. This function takes an additional signal argument, specifying a signal that the test expects to receive. If no signal is received this is logged as a failure. If a different signal is received this is logged as an error. The signal handling functionality only works in CK_FORK mode. To enable testing of expected exits, there is a function `tcase_add_exit_test()' which is used instead of `tcase_add_test()'. This function takes an additional expected exit value argument, specifying a value that the test is expected to exit with. If the test exits with any other value this is logged as a failure. If the test exits early this is logged as an error. The exit handling functionality only works in CK_FORK mode.  File:, Node: Looping Tests, Next: Test Timeouts, Prev: Testing Signal Handling and Exit Values, Up: Advanced Features 4.8 Looping Tests ================= Looping tests are tests that are called with a new context for each loop iteration. This makes them ideal for table based tests. If loops are used inside ordinary tests to test multiple values, only the first error will be shown before the test exits. However, looping tests allow for all errors to be shown at once, which can help out with debugging. Adding a normal test with `tcase_add_loop_test()' instead of `tcase_add_test()' will make the test function the body of a `for' loop, with the addition of a fork before each call. The loop variable `_i' is available for use inside the test function; for example, it could serve as an index into a table. For failures, the iteration which caused the failure is available in error messages and logs. Start and end values for the loop are supplied when adding the test. The values are used as in a normal `for' loop. Below is some pseudo-code to show the concept: for (_i = tfun->loop_start; _i < tfun->loop_end; _i++) { fork(); /* New context */ tfun->f(_i); /* Call test function */ wait(); /* Wait for child to terminate */ } An example of looping test usage follows: static const int primes[5] = {2,3,5,7,11}; START_TEST (check_is_prime) { ck_assert (is_prime (primes[_i])); } END_TEST ... tcase_add_loop_test (tcase, check_is_prime, 0, 5); Looping tests work in `CK_NOFORK' mode as well, but without the forking. This means that only the first error will be shown.  File:, Node: Test Timeouts, Next: Determining Test Coverage, Prev: Looping Tests, Up: Advanced Features 4.9 Test Timeouts ================= To be certain that a test won't hang indefinitely, all tests are run with a timeout, the default being 4 seconds. If the test is not finished within that time, it is killed and logged as an error. The timeout for a specific test case, which may contain multiple unit tests, can be changed with the `tcase_set_timeout()' function. The default timeout used for all test cases can be changed with the environment variable `CK_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT', but this will not override an explicitly set timeout. Another way to change the timeout length is to use the `CK_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER' environment variable, which multiplies all timeouts, including those set with `tcase_set_timeout()', with the supplied integer value. All timeout arguments are in seconds and a timeout of 0 seconds turns off the timeout functionality. On systems that support it, the timeout can be specified using a nanosecond precision. Otherwise, second precision is used. Test timeouts are only available in CK_FORK mode.  File:, Node: Determining Test Coverage, Next: Finding Memory Leaks, Prev: Test Timeouts, Up: Advanced Features 4.10 Determining Test Coverage ============================== The term "code coverage" refers to the extent that the statements of a program are executed during a run. Thus, "test coverage" refers to code coverage when executing unit tests. This information can help you to do two things: * Write better tests that more fully exercise your code, thereby improving confidence in it. * Detect dead code that could be factored away. Check itself does not provide any means to determine this test coverage; rather, this is the job of the compiler and its related tools. In the case of `gcc' this information is easy to obtain, and other compilers should provide similar facilities. Using `gcc', first enable test coverage profiling when building your source by specifying the `-fprofile-arcs' and `-ftest-coverage' switches: $ gcc -g -Wall -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -o foo foo.c foo_check.c You will see that an additional `.gcno' file is created for each `.c' input file. After running your tests the normal way, a `.gcda' file is created for each `.gcno' file. These contain the coverage data in a raw format. To combine this information and a source file into a more readable format you can use the `gcov' utility: $ gcov foo.c This will produce the file `foo.c.gcov' which looks like this: -: 41: * object */ 18: 42: if (ht->table[p] != NULL) { -: 43: /* replaces the current entry */ #####: 44: ht->count--; #####: 45: ht->size -= ht->table[p]->size + #####: 46: sizeof(struct hashtable_entry); As you can see this is an annotated source file with three columns: usage information, line numbers, and the original source. The usage information in the first column can either be '-', which means that this line does not contain code that could be executed; '#####', which means this line was never executed although it does contain code--these are the lines that are probably most interesting for you; or a number, which indicates how often that line was executed. This is of course only a very brief overview, but it should illustrate how determining test coverage generally works, and how it can help you. For more information or help with other compilers, please refer to the relevant manuals.  File:, Node: Finding Memory Leaks, Next: Test Logging, Prev: Determining Test Coverage, Up: Advanced Features 4.11 Finding Memory Leaks ========================= It is possible to determine if any code under test leaks memory during a test. Check itself does not have an API for memory leak detection, however Valgrind can be used against a unit testing program to search for potential leaks. Before discussing memory leak detection, first a "memory leak" should be better defined. There are two primary definitions of a memory leak: 1. Memory that is allocated but not freed before a program terminates. However, it was possible for the program to free the memory if it had wanted to. Valgrind refers to these as "still reachable" leaks. 2. Memory that is allocated, and any reference to the memory is lost. The program could not have freed the memory. Valgrind refers to these as "definitely lost" leaks. Valgrind uses the second definition by default when defining a memory leak. These leaks are the ones which are likely to cause a program issues due to heap depletion. If one wanted to run Valgrind against a unit testing program to determine if leaks are present, the following invocation of Valgrind will work: valgrind --leak-check=full ${UNIT_TEST_PROGRAM} ... ==3979== LEAK SUMMARY: ==3979== definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==3979== indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==3979== possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==3979== still reachable: 548 bytes in 24 blocks ==3979== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks In that example, there were no "definitely lost" memory leaks found. However, why would there be such a large number of "still reachable" memory leaks? It turns out this is a consequence of using `fork()' to run a unit test in its own process memory space, which Check does by default on platforms with `fork()' available. Consider the example where a unit test program creates one suite with one test. The flow of the program will look like the following: Main process: Unit test process: create suite srunner_run_all() fork unit test unit test process created wait for test start test ... end test ... exit(0) test complete report result free suite exit(0) The unit testing process has a copy of all memory that the main process allocated. In this example, that would include the suite allocated in main. When the unit testing process calls `exit(0)', the suite allocated in `main()' is reachable but not freed. As the unit test has no reason to do anything besides die when its test is finished, and it has no reasonable way to free everything before it dies, Valgrind reports that some memory is still reachable but not freed. If the "still reachable" memory leaks are a concern, and one required that the unit test program report that there were no memory leaks regardless of the type, then the unit test program needs to run without fork. To accomplish this, either define the `CK_FORK=no' environment variable, or use the `srunner_set_fork_status()' function to set the fork mode as `CK_NOFORK' for all suite runners. Running the same unit test program by disabling `fork()' results in the following: CK_FORK=no valgrind --leak-check=full ${UNIT_TEST_PROGRAM} ... ==4924== HEAP SUMMARY: ==4924== in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==4924== total heap usage: 482 allocs, 482 frees, 122,351 bytes allocated ==4924== ==4924== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible  File:, Node: Test Logging, Next: Subunit Support, Prev: Finding Memory Leaks, Up: Advanced Features 4.12 Test Logging ================= Check supports an operation to log the results of a test run. To use test logging, call the `srunner_set_log()' function with the name of the log file you wish to create: SRunner *sr; sr = srunner_create (make_s1_suite ()); srunner_add_suite (sr, make_s2_suite ()); srunner_set_log (sr, "test.log"); srunner_run_all (sr, CK_NORMAL); In this example, Check will write the results of the run to `test.log'. The `print_mode' argument to `srunner_run_all()' is ignored during test logging; the log will contain a result entry, organized by suite, for every test run. Here is an example of test log output: Running suite S1 ex_log_output.c:8:P:Core:test_pass: Test passed ex_log_output.c:14:F:Core:test_fail: Failure ex_log_output.c:18:E:Core:test_exit: (after this point) Early exit with return value 1 Running suite S2 ex_log_output.c:26:P:Core:test_pass2: Test passed Results for all suites run: 50%: Checks: 4, Failures: 1, Errors: 1 Another way to enable test logging is to use the `CK_LOG_FILE_NAME' environment variable. When set tests will be logged to the specified file name. If log file is specified with both `CK_LOG_FILE_NAME' and `srunner_set_log()', the name provided to `srunner_set_log()' will be used. If the log name is set to "-" either via `srunner_set_log()' or `CK_LOG_FILE_NAME', the log data will be printed to stdout instead of to a file. * Menu: * XML Logging:: * TAP Logging::  File:, Node: XML Logging, Prev: Test Logging, Up: Test Logging 4.12.1 XML Logging ------------------ The log can also be written in XML. The following functions define the interface for XML logs: void srunner_set_xml (SRunner *sr, const char *fname); int srunner_has_xml (SRunner *sr); const char *srunner_xml_fname (SRunner *sr); XML output is enabled by a call to `srunner_set_xml()' before the tests are run. Here is an example of an XML log: 2012-10-19 09:56:06 S1 . ex_xml_output.c:10 test_pass 0 0.000013 Core Passed . ex_xml_output.c:16 test_fail 0 -1.000000 Core Failure . ex_xml_output.c:20 test_exit 0 -1.000000 Core Early exit with return value 1 S2 . ex_xml_output.c:28 test_pass2 0 0.000011 Core Passed . ex_xml_output.c:34 test_loop 0 -1.000000 Core Iteration 0 failed . ex_xml_output.c:34 test_loop 1 0.000010 Core Passed . ex_xml_output.c:34 test_loop 2 -1.000000 Core Iteration 2 failed XML escape " ' < > & tests . ex_xml_output.c:40 test_xml_esc_fail_msg 0 -1.000000 description " ' < > & fail " ' < > & message 0.001610 XML logging can be enabled by an environment variable as well. If `CK_XML_LOG_FILE_NAME' environment variable is set, the XML test log will be written to specified file name. If XML log file is specified with both `CK_XML_LOG_FILE_NAME' and `srunner_set_xml()', the name provided to `srunner_set_xml()' will be used. If the log name is set to "-" either via `srunner_set_xml()' or `CK_XML_LOG_FILE_NAME', the log data will be printed to stdout instead of to a file. If both plain text and XML log files are specified, by any of above methods, then check will log to both files. In other words logging in plain text and XML format simultaneously is supported.  File:, Node: TAP Logging, Prev: Test Logging, Up: Test Logging 4.12.2 TAP Logging ------------------ The log can also be written in Test Anything Protocol (TAP) format. Refer to the TAP Specification ( for information on valid TAP output and parsers of TAP. The following functions define the interface for TAP logs: void srunner_set_tap (SRunner *sr, const char *fname); int srunner_has_tap (SRunner *sr); const char *srunner_tap_fname (SRunner *sr); TAP output is enabled by a call to `srunner_set_tap()' before the tests are run. Here is an example of an TAP log: ok 1 - mytests.c:test_suite_name:my_test_1: Passed ok 2 - mytests.c:test_suite_name:my_test_2: Passed not ok 3 - mytests.c:test_suite_name:my_test_3: Foo happened ok 4 - mytests.c:test_suite_name:my_test_1: Passed 1..4 TAP logging can be enabled by an environment variable as well. If `CK_TAP_LOG_FILE_NAME' environment variable is set, the TAP test log will be written to specified file name. If TAP log file is specified with both `CK_TAP_LOG_FILE_NAME' and `srunner_set_tap()', the name provided to `srunner_set_tap()' will be used. If the log name is set to "-" either via `srunner_set_tap()' or `CK_TAP_LOG_FILE_NAME', the log data will be printed to stdout instead of to a file. If both plain text and TAP log files are specified, by any of above methods, then check will log to both files. In other words logging in plain text and TAP format simultaneously is supported.  File:, Node: Subunit Support, Prev: Test Logging, Up: Advanced Features 4.13 Subunit Support ==================== Check supports running test suites with subunit output. This can be useful to combine test results from multiple languages, or to perform programmatic analysis on the results of multiple check test suites or otherwise handle test results in a programmatic manner. Using subunit with check is very straight forward. There are two steps: 1) In your check test suite driver pass 'CK_SUBUNIT' as the output mode for your srunner. SRunner *sr; sr = srunner_create (make_s1_suite ()); srunner_add_suite (sr, make_s2_suite ()); srunner_run_all (sr, CK_SUBUNIT); 2) Setup your main language test runner to run your check based test executable. For instance using python: import subunit class ShellTests(subunit.ExecTestCase): """Run some tests from the C codebase.""" def test_group_one(self): """./foo/check_driver""" def test_group_two(self): """./foo/other_driver""" In this example, running the test suite ShellTests in python (using any test runner -, tribunal, trial, nose or others) will run ./foo/check_driver and ./foo/other_driver and report on their result. Subunit is hosted on launchpad - the subunit ( project there contains bug tracker, future plans, and source code control details.  File:, Node: Supported Build Systems, Next: Conclusion and References, Prev: Advanced Features, Up: Top 5 Supported Build Systems ************************* Check officially supports two build systems: Autotools and CMake. Primarily it is recommended to use Autotools where possible, as CMake is only officially supported for Windows. Information on using Check in either build system follows. * Menu: * Autotools:: * CMake::  File:, Node: Autotools, Next: CMake, Prev: Supported Build Systems, Up: Supported Build Systems 5.1 Autotools ============= It is recommended to use pkg-config where possible to locate and use Check in an Autotools project. This can be accomplished by including the following in the project's `' file: PKG_CHECK_MODULES([CHECK], [check >= MINIMUM-VERSION]) where MINIMUM-VERSION is the lowest version which is sufficient for the project. For example, to guarantee that at least version 0.9.6 is available, use the following: PKG_CHECK_MODULES([CHECK], [check >= 0.9.6]) An example of a `' script for a project is included in the `doc/example' directory in Check's source. This macro should provide everything necessary to integrate Check into an Autotools project. If one does not wish to use pkg-config Check also provides its own macro, `AM_PATH_CHECK()', which may be used. This macro is deprecated, but is still included with Check for backwards compatibility. The `AM_PATH_CHECK()' macro is defined in the file `check.m4' which is installed by Check. It has some optional parameters that you might find useful in your `': AM_PATH_CHECK([MINIMUM-VERSION, [ACTION-IF-FOUND[,ACTION-IF-NOT-FOUND]]]) `AM_PATH_CHECK' does several things: 1. It ensures check.h is available 2. It ensures a compatible version of Check is installed 3. It sets `CHECK_CFLAGS' and `CHECK_LIBS' for use by Automake. If you include `AM_PATH_CHECK()' in `' and subsequently see warnings when attempting to create `configure', it probably means one of the following things: 1. You forgot to call `aclocal'. `autoreconf' will do this for you. 2. `aclocal' can't find `check.m4'. Here are some possible solutions: a. Call `aclocal' with `-I' set to the location of `check.m4'. This means you have to call both `aclocal' and `autoreconf'. b. Add the location of `check.m4' to the `dirlist' used by `aclocal' and then call `autoreconf'. This means you need permission to modify the `dirlist'. c. Set `ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS' in your top-level `' to include `-I DIR' with `DIR' being the location of `check.m4'. Then call `autoreconf'.  File:, Node: CMake, Prev: Autotools, Up: Supported Build Systems 5.2 CMake ========= Those unable to use Autotools in their project may use CMake instead. Officially CMake is supported only for Windows. Documentation for using CMake is forthcoming. In the meantime, look at the example CMake project in Check's `doc/examples' directory.  File:, Node: Conclusion and References, Next: Environment Variable Reference, Prev: Supported Build Systems, Up: Top 6 Conclusion and References *************************** The tutorial and description of advanced features has provided an introduction to all of the functionality available in Check. Hopefully, this is enough to get you started writing unit tests with Check. All the rest is simply application of what has been learned so far with repeated application of the "test a little, code a little" strategy. For further reference, see Kent Beck, "Test-Driven Development: By Example", 1st ed., Addison-Wesley, 2003. ISBN 0-321-14653-0. If you know of other authoritative references to unit testing and test-driven development, please send us a patch to this manual.  File:, Node: Environment Variable Reference, Next: Copying This Manual, Prev: Conclusion and References, Up: Top Appendix A Environment Variable Reference ***************************************** This is a reference to environment variables that Check recognized and their use. CK_RUN_CASE: Name of a test case, runs only that test. See section *note Selective Running of Tests::. CK_RUN_SUITE: Name of a test suite, runs only that suite. See section *note Selective Running of Tests::. CK_VERBOSITY: How much output to emit, accepts: "silent", "minimal", "normal", "subunit", or "verbose". See section *note SRunner Output::. CK_FORK: Set to "no" to disable using fork() to run unit tests in their own process. This is useful for debugging segmentation faults. See section *note No Fork Mode::. CK_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT: Override Check's default unit test timeout, a floating value in seconds. "0" means no timeout. See section *note Test Timeouts::. CK_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER: A multiplier used against the default unit test timeout. An integer, defaults to "1". See section *note Test Timeouts::. CK_LOG_FILE_NAME: Filename to write logs to. See section *note Test Logging::. CK_XML_LOG_FILE_NAME: Filename to write XML log to. See section *note XML Logging::. CK_TAP_LOG_FILE_NAME: Filename to write TAP (Test Anything Protocol) output to. See section *note TAP Logging::.  File:, Node: Copying This Manual, Next: Index, Prev: Environment Variable Reference, Up: Top Appendix B Copying This Manual ****************************** * Menu: * GNU Free Documentation License:: License for copying this manual.  File:, Node: GNU Free Documentation License, Up: Copying This Manual B.1 GNU Free Documentation License ================================== Version 1.2, November 2002 Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. 0. PREAMBLE The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other functional and useful document "free" in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or without modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible for modifications made by others. This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft license designed for free software. We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free software, because free software needs free documentation: a free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference. 1. APPLICABILITY AND DEFINITIONS This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium, that contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be distributed under the terms of this License. Such a notice grants a world-wide, royalty-free license, unlimited in duration, to use that work under the conditions stated herein. The "Document", below, refers to any such manual or work. Any member of the public is a licensee, and is addressed as "you". You accept the license if you copy, modify or distribute the work in a way requiring permission under copyright law. A "Modified Version" of the Document means any work containing the Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with modifications and/or translated into another language. A "Secondary Section" is a named appendix or a front-matter section of the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the publishers or authors of the Document to the Document's overall subject (or to related matters) and contains nothing that could fall directly within that overall subject. (Thus, if the Document is in part a textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain any mathematics.) The relationship could be a matter of historical connection with the subject or with related matters, or of legal, commercial, philosophical, ethical or political position regarding them. The "Invariant Sections" are certain Secondary Sections whose titles are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the notice that says that the Document is released under this License. If a section does not fit the above definition of Secondary then it is not allowed to be designated as Invariant. The Document may contain zero Invariant Sections. If the Document does not identify any Invariant Sections then there are none. The "Cover Texts" are certain short passages of text that are listed, as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says that the Document is released under this License. A Front-Cover Text may be at most 5 words, and a Back-Cover Text may be at most 25 words. A "Transparent" copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy, represented in a format whose specification is available to the general public, that is suitable for revising the document straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some widely available drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or for automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input to text formatters. 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These Warranty Disclaimers are considered to be included by reference in this License, but only as regards disclaiming warranties: any other implication that these Warranty Disclaimers may have is void and has no effect on the meaning of this License. 2. VERBATIM COPYING You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies to the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no other conditions whatsoever to those of this License. You may not use technical measures to obstruct or control the reading or further copying of the copies you make or distribute. However, you may accept compensation in exchange for copies. If you distribute a large enough number of copies you must also follow the conditions in section 3. You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above, and you may publicly display copies. 3. 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If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent pages. If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document numbering more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable Transparent copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy a computer-network location from which the general network-using public has access to download using public-standard network protocols a complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material. If you use the latter option, you must take reasonably prudent steps, when you begin distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure that this Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated location until at least one year after the last time you distribute an Opaque copy (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that edition to the public. It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to give them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the Document. 4. MODIFICATIONS You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy of it. In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version: A. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct from that of the Document, and from those of previous versions (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History section of the Document). You may use the same title as a previous version if the original publisher of that version gives permission. B. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities responsible for authorship of the modifications in the Modified Version, together with at least five of the principal authors of the Document (all of its principal authors, if it has fewer than five), unless they release you from this requirement. C. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the Modified Version, as the publisher. D. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document. E. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications adjacent to the other copyright notices. F. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below. G. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document's license notice. H. Include an unaltered copy of this License. I. 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To do this, add their titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version's license notice. These titles must be distinct from any other section titles. You may add a section Entitled "Endorsements", provided it contains nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various parties--for example, statements of peer review or that the text has been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a standard. You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or through arrangements made by) any one entity. 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The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but different contents, make the title of each such section unique by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number. Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work. In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled "History" in the various original documents, forming one section Entitled "History"; likewise combine any sections Entitled "Acknowledgements", and any sections Entitled "Dedications". You must delete all sections Entitled "Endorsements." 6. COLLECTIONS OF DOCUMENTS You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documents released under this License, and replace the individual copies of this License in the various documents with a single copy that is included in the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this License for verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other respects. You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of this License into the extracted document, and follow this License in all other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document. 7. 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TRANSLATION Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4. Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special permission from their copyright holders, but you may include translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a translation of this License, and all the license notices in the Document, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also include the original English version of this License and the original versions of those notices and disclaimers. In case of a disagreement between the translation and the original version of this License or a notice or disclaimer, the original version will prevail. If a section in the Document is Entitled "Acknowledgements", "Dedications", or "History", the requirement (section 4) to Preserve its Title (section 1) will typically require changing the actual title. 9. TERMINATION You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except as expressly provided for under this License. Any other attempt to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. 10. FUTURE REVISIONS OF THIS LICENSE The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See `'. Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. B.1.1 ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents ---------------------------------------------------------- To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of the License in the document and put the following copyright and license notices just after the title page: Copyright (C) YEAR YOUR NAME. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU Free Documentation License''. If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover Texts, replace the "with...Texts." line with this: with the Invariant Sections being LIST THEIR TITLES, with the Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the Back-Cover Texts being LIST. If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other combination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the situation. If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to permit their use in free software.  File:, Node: Index, Prev: Copying This Manual, Up: Top Index ***** [index] * Menu: * ck_abort <1>: Convenience Test Functions. (line 11) * ck_abort: Test a Little. (line 67) * ck_abort_msg <1>: Convenience Test Functions. (line 14) * ck_abort_msg: Test a Little. (line 67) * ck_assert <1>: Convenience Test Functions. (line 17) * ck_assert: Test a Little. (line 51) * ck_assert_int_eq <1>: Convenience Test Functions. (line 24) * ck_assert_int_eq: Test a Little. (line 40) * ck_assert_int_ge: Convenience Test Functions. (line 29) * ck_assert_int_gt: Convenience Test Functions. (line 28) * ck_assert_int_le: Convenience Test Functions. (line 27) * ck_assert_int_lt: Convenience Test Functions. (line 26) * ck_assert_int_ne: Convenience Test Functions. (line 25) * ck_assert_msg <1>: Convenience Test Functions. (line 20) * ck_assert_msg: Test a Little. (line 57) * ck_assert_ptr_eq: Convenience Test Functions. (line 61) * ck_assert_ptr_ne: Convenience Test Functions. (line 62) * ck_assert_str_eq <1>: Convenience Test Functions. (line 47) * ck_assert_str_eq: Test a Little. (line 40) * ck_assert_str_ge: Convenience Test Functions. (line 52) * ck_assert_str_gt: Convenience Test Functions. (line 51) * ck_assert_str_le: Convenience Test Functions. (line 50) * ck_assert_str_lt: Convenience Test Functions. (line 49) * ck_assert_str_ne: Convenience Test Functions. (line 48) * ck_assert_uint_eq: Convenience Test Functions. (line 38) * ck_assert_uint_ge: Convenience Test Functions. (line 43) * ck_assert_uint_gt: Convenience Test Functions. (line 42) * ck_assert_uint_le: Convenience Test Functions. (line 41) * ck_assert_uint_lt: Convenience Test Functions. (line 40) * ck_assert_uint_ne: Convenience Test Functions. (line 39) * CK_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT: Test Timeouts. (line 6) * CK_ENV: SRunner Output. (line 54) * CK_FORK: No Fork Mode. (line 14) * CK_MINIMAL: SRunner Output. (line 43) * CK_NORMAL: SRunner Output. (line 47) * CK_RUN_CASE: Selective Running of Tests. (line 6) * CK_RUN_SUITE: Selective Running of Tests. (line 6) * CK_SILENT: SRunner Output. (line 38) * CK_SUBUNIT: SRunner Output. (line 60) * CK_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER: Test Timeouts. (line 6) * CK_VERBOSE: SRunner Output. (line 51) * CK_VERBOSITY: SRunner Output. (line 54) * fail: Convenience Test Functions. (line 70) * fail_if: Convenience Test Functions. (line 73) * fail_unless: Convenience Test Functions. (line 77) * FDL, GNU Free Documentation License: GNU Free Documentation License. (line 6) * frameworks: Other Frameworks for C. (line 6) * introduction: Introduction. (line 6) * mark_point: SRunner Output. (line 136) * other frameworks: Other Frameworks for C. (line 6) * srunner_add_suite: Multiple Suites in one SRunner. (line 24) * srunner_has_tap: TAP Logging. (line 6) * srunner_has_xml: XML Logging. (line 6) * srunner_run: SRunner Output. (line 6) * srunner_run_all: SRunner Output. (line 6) * srunner_set_fork_status: No Fork Mode. (line 14) * srunner_set_log: Test Logging. (line 6) * srunner_set_tap: TAP Logging. (line 6) * srunner_set_xml: XML Logging. (line 6) * srunner_tap_fname: TAP Logging. (line 6) * srunner_xml_fname: XML Logging. (line 6) * Supported Build Systems: Supported Build Systems. (line 6) * tcase_add_checked_fixture: Test Fixture Examples. (line 13) * tcase_add_exit_test: Testing Signal Handling and Exit Values. (line 15) * tcase_add_loop_test: Looping Tests. (line 13) * tcase_add_test_raise_signal: Testing Signal Handling and Exit Values. (line 6) * tcase_set_timeout: Test Timeouts. (line 6)  Tag Table: Node: Top781 Node: Introduction2831 Node: Unit Testing in C4967 Node: Other Frameworks for C6832 Node: Tutorial10760 Node: How to Write a Test11594 Node: Setting Up the Money Build Using Autotools12259 Node: Setting Up the Money Build Using CMake17517 Node: Test a Little21869 Node: Creating a Suite27012 Node: SRunner Output31493 Node: Advanced Features38285 Node: Convenience Test Functions38972 Node: Running Multiple Cases41737 Node: No Fork Mode45463 Node: Test Fixtures46478 Node: Test Fixture Examples48754 Node: Checked vs Unchecked Fixtures52144 Node: Multiple Suites in one SRunner54009 Node: Selective Running of Tests55654 Node: Testing Signal Handling and Exit Values56381 Node: Looping Tests57484 Node: Test Timeouts59192 Node: Determining Test Coverage60346 Node: Finding Memory Leaks62829 Node: Test Logging66531 Node: XML Logging68175 Node: TAP Logging72392 Node: Subunit Support73951 Node: Supported Build Systems75416 Node: Autotools75863 Node: CMake78188 Node: Conclusion and References78548 Node: Environment Variable Reference79353 Node: Copying This Manual80782 Node: GNU Free Documentation License81035 Node: Index103444  End Tag Table