Installing im3shape ------------------- 1) Make sure you have or install these pre-requisites: - a C compiler (e.g. gcc/icc/clang) - cfitsio - gsl (the GNU Science Library) - fftw - a fortran compiler (e.g. gfortran/ifort) - python 2.6 or 2.7 2) Create a file Makefile.local. In it you need to set the values of the Makefile variables: - CC # Your C compiler - CFLAGS # Flags for your C compiler, especially include paths for the # prerequisites above, also optimization - F90 # Your Fortran compiler - F77 # Your Fortran-77 compiler, probably the same as F90 - FFLAGS # Fortran compiler flags - PYTHON # Your python executable, 2.6 or 2.7. Probably just "python" - LINK # Linker flags, especially -L paths to libraries above and # -lcfitsio, etc., to use the libraries. You can see some example Makefile.local files in Makefile.local.example1 3) make clean make Experts only ------------ Do the regression test of the python driver cf the c driver: cd example ./ To use the experimental WCS code, add WCS=1 to your Makefile.local If you want to try single precision (faster, noticably less accurate, if you are not sure then don't), you can also set: SINGLE_PRECISION=1