# # Unix/Linux GCC Makefile for Levenberg - Marquardt minimization # Under windows, use Makefile.vc for MSVC # #CC=gcc CONFIGFLAGS=#-ULINSOLVERS_RETAIN_MEMORY #ARCHFLAGS=-march=pentium4 # YOU MIGHT WANT TO UNCOMMENT THIS FOR P4 #CFLAGS=$(CONFIGFLAGS) $(ARCHFLAGS) -O3 -funroll-loops -Wall #-ffast-math #-pg #LAPACKLIBS_PATH=/usr/local/lib # WHEN USING LAPACK, CHANGE THIS TO WHERE YOUR COMPILED LIBS ARE! #LDFLAGS=-L$(LAPACKLIBS_PATH) -L. LIBOBJS=lm.o Axb.o misc.o lmlec.o lmbc.o lmblec.o lmbleic.o LIBSRCS=lm.c Axb.c misc.c lmlec.c lmbc.c lmblec.c lmbleic.c DEMOBJS=lmdemo.o DEMOSRCS=lmdemo.c #AR=ar #RANLIB=ranlib #LAPACKLIBS=-llapack -lblas # comment this line if you are not using LAPACK. # On systems with a FORTRAN (not f2c'ed) version of LAPACK, -lf2c is # not necessary; on others, -lf2c is equivalent to -lF77 -lI77 #LAPACKLIBS=-L/usr/local/atlas/lib -llapack -lcblas -lf77blas -latlas -lf2c # This works with the ATLAS updated lapack and Linux_P4SSE2 # from http://www.netlib.org/atlas/archives/linux/ #LAPACKLIBS=-llapack -lgoto2 -lpthread -lf2c # This works with GotoBLAS # from http://www.tacc.utexas.edu/research-development/tacc-projects/ #LAPACKLIBS=-L/opt/intel/mkl/8.0.1/lib/32/ -lmkl_lapack -lmkl_ia32 -lguide -lf2c # This works with MKL 8.0.1 from # http://www.intel.com/cd/software/products/asmo-na/eng/perflib/mkl/index.htm #LAPACKLIBS= -lmkl_lapack -lmkl -lguide -lf2c # This works with MKL 8.0.1 from #CFLAGS += -Wno-self-assign ifeq ($(CC),gcc) CFLAGS += -Wno-self-assign endif ifeq ($(CC),clang) CFLAGS += -Wno-self-assign endif ifeq ($(CC),icc) LAPACKLIBS= -lmkl_lapack -lmkl -lguide -lf2c # This works with MKL 8.0.1 from CFLAGS += -std=c99 -O3 -m64 endif LIBS=$(LAPACKLIBS) all: liblevmar.a liblevmar.a: $(LIBOBJS) $(LIBTOOL) liblevmar.a $(LIBOBJS) $(RANLIB) liblevmar.a lmdemo: $(DEMOBJS) liblevmar.a $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(DEMOBJS) -o lmdemo -llevmar $(LIBS) -lm lm.o: lm.c lm_core.c levmar.h misc.h compiler.h Axb.o: Axb.c Axb_core.c levmar.h misc.h misc.o: misc.c misc_core.c levmar.h misc.h lmlec.o: lmlec.c lmlec_core.c levmar.h misc.h lmbc.o: lmbc.c lmbc_core.c levmar.h misc.h compiler.h lmblec.o: lmblec.c lmblec_core.c levmar.h misc.h lmbleic.o: lmbleic.c lmbleic_core.c levmar.h misc.h lmdemo.o: levmar.h clean: @rm -f $(LIBOBJS) $(DEMOBJS) liblevmar.a cleanall: clean @rm -f lmdemo @rm -f liblevmar.a depend: makedepend -f Makefile $(LIBSRCS) $(DEMOSRCS) # DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- make depend depends on it.