/*** File libwcs/gsc2read.c *** August 29, 2014 *** By Jessica Mink, jmink@cfa.harvard.edu *** Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics *** Copyright (C) 2001-2014 *** Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Correspondence concerning WCSTools should be addressed as follows: Internet email: jmink@cfa.harvard.edu Postal address: Jessica Mink Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory 60 Garden St. Cambridge, MA 02138 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fitsfile.h" #include "wcs.h" #include "wcscat.h" static void parsex(); #define ABS(a) ((a) < 0 ? (-(a)) : (a)) #define LINE 1024 /* URL for GSC II search engine at STScI Catalogs and Surveys Branch */ char gsc23url[64]="http://gsss.stsci.edu/webservices/vo/CatalogSearch.aspx"; /* GSC2READ -- Read GSC II catalog stars over the web */ int gsc2read (refcatname,cra,cdec,dra,ddec,drad,dradi,distsort,sysout,eqout,epout, mag1,mag2,sortmag,nstarmax,gnum,gobj,gra,gdec,gpra,gpdec,gmag,gtype,nlog) char *refcatname; /* Name of catalog (GSC2 for 2.2; GSC2.3 for 2.3) */ double cra; /* Search center J2000 right ascension in degrees */ double cdec; /* Search center J2000 declination in degrees */ double dra; /* Search half width in right ascension in degrees */ double ddec; /* Search half-width in declination in degrees */ double drad; /* Limiting separation in degrees (ignore if 0) */ double dradi; /* Inner edge of annulus in degrees (ignore if 0) */ int distsort; /* 1 to sort stars by distance from center */ int sysout; /* Search coordinate system */ double eqout; /* Search coordinate equinox */ double epout; /* Proper motion epoch (0.0 for no proper motion) */ double mag1,mag2; /* Limiting magnitudes (none if equal) */ int sortmag; /* Magnitude by which to sort (1 to nmag) */ int nstarmax; /* Maximum number of stars to be returned */ double *gnum; /* Array of Guide Star numbers (returned) */ char **gobj; /* Array of object IDs (mixed characters and numbers) */ double *gra; /* Array of right ascensions (returned) */ double *gdec; /* Array of declinations (returned) */ double *gpra; /* Array of right ascension proper motions (returned) */ double *gpdec; /* Array of declination proper motions (returned) */ double **gmag; /* 2-D array of magnitudes (returned) */ int *gtype; /* Array of object classes (returned) */ int nlog; /* 1 for diagnostics */ { char srchurl[LINE]; char temp[64]; struct TabTable *tabtable; double dr; struct StarCat *starcat; int nstar, i; int rah, ram, dd, dm; double ras, ds; char sr[4], sd[4]; double ra, dec, mag, ddra; char *gsc2url; /* Set URL for search command */ gsc2url = gsc23url; if (nstarmax < 1) nlog = -1; /* make mag1 always the smallest magnitude */ if (mag2 < mag1) { mag = mag2; mag2 = mag1; mag1 = mag; } /* Set up query for STScI GSC II server */ ra = cra; dec = cdec; if (sysout != WCS_J2000) wcscon (sysout, WCS_J2000, eqout, 2000.0, &ra, &dec, epout); sprintf (srchurl, "?RA=%.6f&DEC=%.6f&", ra, dec); strcat (srchurl, temp); if (drad != 0.0) { dr = drad; } else { ddra = dra * cos (degrad (cdec)); dr = sqrt (ddra*ddra + ddec*ddec); } sprintf (temp, "EQ=2000&SR=%.3f&SRCH=Radius&FORMAT=TSV&CAT=GSC23&", dr); strcat (srchurl, temp); if (nlog > 0) fprintf (stderr,"%s%s\n", gsc2url, srchurl); /* Run search across the web */ if ((tabtable = webopen (gsc2url, srchurl, nlog)) == NULL) { if (nlog > 0) fprintf (stderr, "WEBREAD: %s failed\n", srchurl); return (0); } /* Return if no data */ if (tabtable->tabdata == NULL || strlen (tabtable->tabdata) == 0 || !strncasecmp (tabtable->tabdata, "[EOD]", 5)) { if (nlog > 0) fprintf (stderr, "WEBRNUM: No data returned\n"); return (0); } /* Dump returned file and stop */ if (nlog < 0) { (void) fwrite (tabtable->tabbuff, tabtable->lbuff, 1, stdout); exit (0); } /* Open returned Starbase table as a catalog */ if ((starcat = tabcatopen (gsc2url, tabtable,0)) == NULL) { if (nlog > 0) fprintf (stderr, "WEBREAD: Could not open Starbase table as catalog\n"); return (0); } /* Set reference frame, epoch, and equinox of catalog */ /* starcat->rpmunit = PM_MASYR; starcat->dpmunit = PM_MASYR; */ starcat->rpmunit = 0; starcat->dpmunit = 0; starcat->coorsys = WCS_J2000; starcat->epoch = 2000.0; starcat->equinox = 2000.0; /* Extract desired sources from catalog and return them */ nstar = tabread (gsc2url,distsort,cra,cdec,dra,ddec,drad,dradi, sysout,eqout,epout,mag1,mag2,sortmag,nstarmax,&starcat, gnum,gra,gdec,gpra,gpdec,gmag,gtype,gobj,nlog); tabcatclose (starcat); /* Zero out any proper motions for GSC 3.3 and earlier */ if (!strchr (refcatname, '4')) { for (i = 0; i < nstar; i++) { if (i < nstarmax) { gpra[i] = 0.0; gpdec[i] = 0.0; } } } starcat = NULL; return (nstar); } static void parsex (str, ss, d, m, s) char *str; char *ss; int *d; int *m; double *s; { char *c0, *cstr; c0 = str; *ss = (char) 0; *d = 0; *m = 0; *s = 0.0; /* Skip over blanks at start of number */ while (*c0 == ' ') c0++; if (*c0 == '+' || *c0 == '-') { ss[0] = *c0; ss[1] = (char) 0; c0++; } else { ss[0] = '+'; ss[1] = (char) 0; } cstr = strchr (c0,':'); if (cstr > c0) { *cstr = (char) 0; *d = (int) atof (c0); *cstr = ':'; c0 = cstr + 1; cstr = strchr (c0,':'); if (cstr > c0) { *cstr = '\0'; *m = (int) atof (c0); *cstr = ':'; c0 = cstr + 1; *s = atof (c0); } else *m = (int) atof (c0); } else *d = (int) atof (c0); } char * gsc2c2t (csvbuff) char *csvbuff; /* Input comma-separated table */ { char *tabbuff; /* Output tab-separated table */ char *databuff; char *lastbuff; char *oldbuff; char *colhead, *colsep; int lhead, lbuff, i, j; char ctab = (char) 9; char ccom = ','; char clf = '\n'; char ccr = '\r'; char csp = ' '; /* First line of buffer is header */ databuff = strchr (csvbuff, clf) + 1; lhead = (int) (databuff - csvbuff); /* Allocate buffer for tab-separated table with header */ lbuff = strlen (databuff) + (2 * lhead); tabbuff = (char *) calloc (lbuff, 1); /* Copy header into new buffer with tabs instead of commas */ oldbuff = csvbuff; i = 0; while (oldbuff < databuff) { if (*oldbuff == ccom) tabbuff[i++] = ctab; else if (*oldbuff != csp && *oldbuff != ccr && *oldbuff != clf) tabbuff[i++] = *oldbuff; oldbuff++; } tabbuff[i++] = clf; /* Make separating line from first line of input file */ oldbuff = csvbuff; while (oldbuff < databuff) { if (*oldbuff == ccom) tabbuff[i++] = ctab; else if (*oldbuff != csp && *oldbuff != ccr && *oldbuff != clf) tabbuff[i++] = '-'; oldbuff++; } tabbuff[i++] = clf; /* Drop extraneous data after last linefeed */ lbuff = strlen (databuff); if (lbuff > 0) { lastbuff = strrchr (databuff, '\n'); if (lastbuff - databuff < lbuff) *(lastbuff+1) = (char) 0; /* Convert commas in data table to tabs and drop spaces */ for (j = 0; j < lbuff; j++) { if (databuff[j] == ccom) tabbuff[i++] = ctab; else if (databuff[j] != csp && databuff[j] != ccr) tabbuff[i++] = databuff[j]; } } return (tabbuff); } char * gsc2t2t (tsvbuff) char *tsvbuff; /* Input tab-separated table */ { char *tabbuff; /* Output tab-separated table */ int lbuff, i, ih, j, k, kfirst; char tsvbi, tsvbj; char ctab = (char) 9; char clf = '\n'; char ccr = '\r'; char csp = ' '; char cdash = '-'; char colon = ':'; /* Allocate buffer for tab-separated table with header */ lbuff = strlen (tsvbuff); tabbuff = (char *) calloc (2*lbuff, 1); /* Copy input into new buffer dropping first line and extra carriage returns */ /* Add a line of dashes after the header line */ i = 0; ih = 0; for (j = 0; j < lbuff; j++) { tsvbj = tsvbuff[j]; if (tsvbj == clf) { ih++; if (ih == 1) kfirst = j + 1; if (ih == 2) { tabbuff[i++] = clf; for (k = kfirst; k < j; k++) { if (tsvbuff[k] == ctab) tabbuff[i++] = ctab; else tabbuff[i++] = cdash; } } } if (ih > 0 && tsvbj != csp && tsvbj != ccr) { if (tsvbi == ctab && tsvbj == ctab) tabbuff[i++] = '0'; tabbuff[i++] = tsvbj; tsvbi = tsvbj; } } tabbuff[i++] = (char) 0; return (tabbuff); } /* Jun 22 2001 New program * Jun 28 2001 Set proper motion to milliarcseconds/year * Jun 29 2001 Always set maximum magnitude to 99.9 to get Tycho-2 stars, too * Sep 13 2001 Pass array of magnitudes, not vector * Sep 14 2001 Add option to print entire returned file if nlog < 0 * Sep 20 2001 Make argument starcat, not *starcat in tabcatclose() * * Apr 8 2002 Fix bugs in null subroutine gsc2rnum() * Oct 3 2002 If nstarmax is less than 1, print everything returned * * Feb 6 2003 Reset nmag to 4 because there is an epoch column * Mar 11 2003 Fix URL for search * Apr 3 2003 Drop unused variables after lint; drop gsc2rnum() * Apr 24 2003 Set nmag to 5 to include epoch, which is not printed * Aug 22 2003 Add radi argument for inner edge of search annulus * Nov 22 2003 Return object class (c column) as gtype * Dec 3 2003 Add option to access GSC 2.3 over the Web * Dec 4 2003 Add proper motions for GSC 2.3 * Dec 11 2003 Search to corners of rectangle, not to longest edge * Dec 12 2003 Fix call to tabcatopen() * * Oct 18 2004 Divide RA by cos(Dec) when computing radius for rect. input * * Jun 20 2006 Cast fwrite to void * Sep 8 2006 Fix comment which mentioned wrong catalog * Mar 12 2007 Read from copy in STScI MAST GALEX archive * Mar 12 2007 Add parsex \() to separate sexigesimal number into components * Mar 13 2007 Add gsc2c2v() to convert comma-separated input to tab-separated * Apr 11 2007 Return null data buffer from gsc2c2t() if no data * * Oct 24 2008 Reset to read from new CASB server and drop GALEX server * Oct 24 2008 Add gsc2t2t to drop extra characters from returned table * * Aug 17 2009 Set proper motion to 0.0 for all versions * * Aug 29 2014 Update to read GSC2.3.3 * Aug 29 2014 Add line of dashes after header to returned table */