/*** File libwcs/imgetwcs.c *** September 1, 2011 *** By Jessica Mink, jmink@cfa.harvard.edu (remotely based on UIowa code) *** Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics *** Copyright (C) 1996-2011 *** Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Correspondence concerning WCSTools should be addressed as follows: Internet email: jmink@cfa.harvard.edu Postal address: Jessica Mink Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory 60 Garden St. Cambridge, MA 02138 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include "wcs.h" #include "lwcs.h" /* Get the C* WCS fields in a FITS header based on a reference catalog * do it by finding stars in the image and in the reference catalog and * finding the rotation and offsets which result in a best-fit. * verbose generates extra info on stderr. * try using deeper reference star catalog searches if there is trouble. * return 1 if all ok, else 0 */ /* These parameters can be set on the command line */ static double secpix0 = PSCALE; /* Set image scale--override header */ static double secpix2 = PSCALE; /* Set image scale 2--override header */ static double *cd0 = NULL; /* Set CD matrix--override header */ static double rot0 = 361.0; /* Initial image rotation */ static int comsys = WCS_J2000; /* Command line center coordinte system */ static int wp0 = 0; /* Initial width of image */ static int hp0 = 0; /* Initial height of image */ static double ra0 = -99.0; /* Initial center RA in degrees */ static double dec0 = -99.0; /* Initial center Dec in degrees */ static double xref0 = -99999.0; /* Reference pixel X coordinate */ static double yref0 = -99999.0; /* Reference pixel Y coordinate */ static int ptype0 = -1; /* Projection type to fit */ static int nctype = NWCSTYPE; /* Number of possible projections */ static char ctypes[NWCSTYPE][4]; /* 3-letter codes for projections */ static int usecdelt = 0; /* Use CDELT if 1, else CD matrix */ static char *dateobs0 = NULL; /* Initial DATE-OBS value in FITS date format */ struct WorldCoor *ChangeFITSWCS(); /* Set a nominal world coordinate system from image header info. * If the image center is not FK5 (J2000) equinox, convert it * Return a WCS structure if OK, else return NULL */ struct WorldCoor * GetFITSWCS (filename, header, verbose, cra, cdec, dra, ddec, secpix, wp, hp, sysout, eqout) char *filename; /* FITS or IRAF file name */ char *header; /* Image FITS header */ int verbose; /* Extra printing if =1 */ double *cra; /* Center right ascension in degrees (returned) */ double *cdec; /* Center declination in degrees (returned) */ double *dra; /* Right ascension half-width in degrees (returned) */ double *ddec; /* Declination half-width in degrees (returned) */ double *secpix; /* Arcseconds per pixel (returned) */ int *wp; /* Image width in pixels (returned) */ int *hp; /* Image height in pixels (returned) */ int *sysout; /* Coordinate system to return (0=image, returned) */ double *eqout; /* Equinox to return (0=image, returned) */ { int naxes; double eq1, x, y; double ra1, dec1, dx, dy; double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, ra2, dec2, ra3, dec3, ra4, dec4; double dra0, dra1, dra2, dra3, dra4; struct WorldCoor *wcs; char rstr[64], dstr[64], cstr[16]; /* Initialize WCS structure from possibly revised FITS header */ wcs = ChangeFITSWCS (filename, header, verbose); if (wcs == NULL) { return (NULL); } *hp = (int) wcs->nypix; *wp = (int) wcs->nxpix; /* If incomplete WCS in header, drop out */ if (nowcs (wcs)) { setwcsfile (filename); /* wcserr(); */ if (verbose) fprintf (stderr,"Insufficient information for initial WCS\n"); return (NULL); } /* If in linear coordinates, do not print as sexigesimal */ if (wcs->sysout < 1 || wcs->sysout == 6 || wcs->sysout == 10) wcs->degout = 1; /* Set flag to get appropriate equinox for catalog search */ if (!*sysout) *sysout = wcs->syswcs; if (*eqout == 0.0) *eqout = wcs->equinox; eq1 = wcs->equinox; if (wcs->coorflip) { ra1 = wcs->crval[1]; dec1 = wcs->crval[0]; } else { ra1 = wcs->crval[0]; dec1 = wcs->crval[1]; } /* Print reference pixel position and value */ if (verbose && (eq1 != *eqout || wcs->syswcs != *sysout)) { if (wcs->degout) { deg2str (rstr, 32, ra1, 6); deg2str (dstr, 32, dec1, 6); } else { ra2str (rstr, 32, ra1, 3); dec2str (dstr, 32, dec1, 2); } wcscstr (cstr, wcs->syswcs, wcs->equinox, wcs->epoch); fprintf (stderr,"Reference pixel (%.2f,%.2f) %s %s %s\n", wcs->xrefpix, wcs->yrefpix, rstr, dstr, cstr); } /* Get coordinates of corners for size for catalog searching */ dx = wcs->nxpix; dy = wcs->nypix; xmin = 0.5; ymin = 0.5; xmax = 0.5 + dx; ymax = 0.5 + dy; pix2wcs (wcs, xmin, ymin, &ra1, &dec1); pix2wcs (wcs, xmin, ymax, &ra2, &dec2); pix2wcs (wcs, xmax, ymin, &ra3, &dec3); pix2wcs (wcs, xmax, ymax, &ra4, &dec4); /* Convert search corners to output coordinate system and equinox */ if (wcs->syswcs > 0 && wcs->syswcs != 6 && wcs->syswcs != 10) { wcscon (wcs->syswcs,*sysout,wcs->equinox,*eqout,&ra1,&dec1,wcs->epoch); wcscon (wcs->syswcs,*sysout,wcs->equinox,*eqout,&ra2,&dec2,wcs->epoch); wcscon (wcs->syswcs,*sysout,wcs->equinox,*eqout,&ra3,&dec3,wcs->epoch); wcscon (wcs->syswcs,*sysout,wcs->equinox,*eqout,&ra4,&dec4,wcs->epoch); } /* Find center and convert to output coordinate system and equinox */ x = 0.5 + (dx * 0.5); y = 0.5 + (dy * 0.5); pix2wcs (wcs, x, y, cra, cdec); if (wcs->syswcs > 0 && wcs->syswcs != 6 && wcs->syswcs != 10) wcscon (wcs->syswcs,*sysout,wcs->equinox,*eqout,cra,cdec,wcs->epoch); /* Find maximum half-width in declination */ *ddec = fabs (dec1 - *cdec); if (fabs (dec2 - *cdec) > *ddec) *ddec = fabs (dec2 - *cdec); if (fabs (dec3 - *cdec) > *ddec) *ddec = fabs (dec3 - *cdec); if (fabs (dec4 - *cdec) > *ddec) *ddec = fabs (dec4 - *cdec); /* Find maximum half-width in right ascension */ dra0 = (dx / dy) * (*ddec / cos (*cdec)); dra1 = ra1 - *cra; dra2 = ra2 - *cra; if (*cra < 0 && *cra + dra0 > 0.0) { dra1 = -(dra1 - 360.0); dra2 = -(dra2 - 360.0); } if (dra1 > 180.0) dra1 = dra1 - 360.0; else if (dra1 < -180.0) dra1 = dra1 + 360.0; else if (dra1 < 0.0) dra1 = -dra1; if (dra2 > 180.0) dra2 = dra2 - 360.0; else if (dra2 < -180.0) dra2 = dra2 + 360.0; else if (dra2 < 0.0) dra2 = -dra2; dra3 = *cra - ra3; dra4 = *cra - ra4; if (*cra > 0 && *cra - dra0 < 0.0) { dra3 = dra3 + 360.0; dra4 = dra4 + 360.0; } if (dra3 > 180.0) dra3 = dra3 - 360.0; else if (dra3 < -180.0) dra3 = dra3 + 360.0; else if (dra3 < 0.0) dra3 = -dra3; if (dra4 > 180.0) dra4 = dra4 - 360.0; else if (dra4 < -180.0) dra4 = dra4 + 360.0; else if (dra4 < 0.0) dra4 = -dra4; *dra = dra1; if (dra2 > *dra) *dra = dra2; if (dra3 > *dra) *dra = dra3; if (dra4 > *dra) *dra = dra4; /* wcssize (wcs, cra, cdec, dra, ddec); */ /* Set reference pixel to center of image if it has not been set */ if (wcs->xref == -999.0 && wcs->yref == -999.0) { wcs->xref = *cra; wcs->cel.ref[0] = *cra; wcs->crval[0] = *cra; wcs->yref = *cdec; wcs->cel.ref[1] = *cdec; wcs->crval[1] = *cdec; ra1 = *cra; dec1 = *cdec; if (wcs->xrefpix == 0.0 && wcs->yrefpix == 0.0) { wcs->xrefpix = 0.5 + (double) wcs->nxpix * 0.5; wcs->yrefpix = 0.5 + (double) wcs->nypix * 0.5; } wcs->xinc = *dra * 2.0 / (double) wcs->nxpix; wcs->yinc = *ddec * 2.0 / (double) wcs->nypix; /* hchange (header,"PLTRAH","PLT0RAH"); wcs->plate_fit = 0; */ } /* Convert center to desired coordinate system */ else if (wcs->syswcs != *sysout && wcs->equinox != *eqout) { wcscon (wcs->syswcs, *sysout, wcs->equinox, *eqout, &ra1, &dec1, wcs->epoch); if (wcs->coorflip) { wcs->yref = ra1; wcs->xref = dec1; } else { wcs->xref = ra1; wcs->yref = dec1; } } /* Compute plate scale to return if it was not set on the command line */ if (secpix0 <= 0.0) { pix2wcs (wcs, wcs->xrefpix-0.5, wcs->yrefpix, &ra1, &dec1); pix2wcs (wcs, wcs->xrefpix+0.5, wcs->yrefpix, &ra2, &dec2); *secpix = 3600.0 * wcsdist (ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2); } wcs->crval[0] = wcs->xref; wcs->crval[1] = wcs->yref; if (wcs->coorflip) { wcs->cel.ref[0] = wcs->crval[1]; wcs->cel.ref[1] = wcs->crval[0]; } else { wcs->cel.ref[0] = wcs->crval[0]; wcs->cel.ref[1] = wcs->crval[1]; } if (wcs->syswcs > 0 && wcs->syswcs != 6 && wcs->syswcs != 10) { wcs->cel.flag = 0; wcs->wcsl.flag = 0; } else { wcs->lin.flag = LINSET; wcs->wcsl.flag = WCSSET; } wcs->equinox = *eqout; wcs->syswcs = *sysout; wcs->sysout = *sysout; wcs->eqout = *eqout; wcs->sysin = *sysout; wcs->eqin = *eqout; wcscstr (cstr,*sysout,*eqout,wcs->epoch); strcpy (wcs->radecsys, cstr); strcpy (wcs->radecout, cstr); strcpy (wcs->radecin, cstr); wcsininit (wcs, wcs->radecsys); wcsoutinit (wcs, wcs->radecsys); naxes = wcs->naxis; if (naxes < 1 || naxes > 9) { naxes = wcs->naxes; wcs->naxis = naxes; } if (usecdelt) { hputnr8 (header, "CDELT1", 9, wcs->xinc); if (naxes > 1) { hputnr8 (header, "CDELT2", 9, wcs->yinc); hputnr8 (header, "CROTA2", 9, wcs->rot); } hdel (header, "CD1_1"); hdel (header, "CD1_2"); hdel (header, "CD2_1"); hdel (header, "CD2_2"); } else { hputnr8 (header, "CD1_1", 9, wcs->cd[0]); if (naxes > 1) { hputnr8 (header, "CD1_2", 9, wcs->cd[1]); hputnr8 (header, "CD2_1", 9, wcs->cd[2]); hputnr8 (header, "CD2_2", 9, wcs->cd[3]); } } /* Print reference pixel position and value */ if (verbose) { if (wcs->degout) { deg2str (rstr, 32, ra1, 6); deg2str (dstr, 32, dec1, 6); } else { ra2str (rstr, 32, ra1, 3); dec2str (dstr, 32, dec1, 2); } wcscstr (cstr,*sysout,*eqout,wcs->epoch); fprintf (stderr,"Reference pixel (%.2f,%.2f) %s %s %s\n", wcs->xrefpix, wcs->yrefpix, rstr, dstr, cstr); } /* Image size for catalog search */ if (verbose) { if (wcs->degout) { deg2str (rstr, 32, *cra, 6); deg2str (dstr, 32, *cdec, 6); } else { ra2str (rstr, 32, *cra, 3); dec2str (dstr, 32, *cdec, 2); } wcscstr (cstr, *sysout, *eqout, wcs->epoch); fprintf (stderr,"Search at %s %s %s", rstr, dstr, cstr); if (wcs->degout) { deg2str (rstr, 32, *dra, 6); deg2str (dstr, 32, *ddec, 6); } else { ra2str (rstr, 32, *dra, 3); dec2str (dstr, 32, *ddec, 2); } fprintf (stderr," +- %s %s\n", rstr, dstr); fprintf (stderr,"Image width=%d height=%d, %g arcsec/pixel\n", *wp, *hp, *secpix); } return (wcs); } /* ChangeFITSWCS: Modify FITS WCS header from command line values */ struct WorldCoor * ChangeFITSWCS (filename, header, verbose) char *filename; /* FITS or IRAF file name */ char *header; /* Image FITS header */ int verbose; /* Extra printing if =1 */ { int nax, i, hp, wp; double xref, yref, degpix, secpix; struct WorldCoor *wcs; char temp[16]; char *cwcs; /* Set the world coordinate system from the image header */ if (strlen (filename) > 0) { cwcs = strchr (filename, '%'); if (cwcs != NULL) cwcs++; } if (!strncmp (header, "END", 3)) { cwcs = NULL; for (i = 0; i < 2880; i++) header[i] = (char) 32; hputl (header, "SIMPLE", 1); hputi4 (header, "BITPIX", 0); hputi4 (header, "NAXIS", 2); hputi4 (header, "NAXIS1", 1); hputi4 (header, "NAXIS2", 1); } /* Set image dimensions */ nax = 0; if (hp0 > 0 || wp0 > 0) { hp = hp0; wp = wp0; if (hp > 0 && wp > 0) nax = 2; else nax = 1; hputi4 (header, "NAXIS", nax); hputi4 (header, "NAXIS1", wp); hputi4 (header, "NAXIS2", hp); } else if (hgeti4 (header,"NAXIS",&nax) < 1 || nax < 1) { if (hgeti4 (header, "WCSAXES", &nax) < 1) return (NULL); else { if (hgeti4 (header, "IMAGEW", &wp) < 1) return (NULL); if (hgeti4 (header, "IMAGEH", &hp) < 1) return (NULL); } } else { if (hgeti4 (header,"NAXIS1",&wp) < 1) return (NULL); if (hgeti4 (header,"NAXIS2",&hp) < 1) return (NULL); } /* Set plate center from command line, if it is there */ if (ra0 > -99.0 && dec0 > -99.0) { hputnr8 (header, "CRVAL1" ,8,ra0); hputnr8 (header, "CRVAL2" ,8,dec0); hputra (header, "RA", ra0); hputdec (header, "DEC", dec0); if (comsys == WCS_B1950) { hputi4 (header, "EPOCH", 1950); hputi4 (header, "EQUINOX", 1950); hputs (header, "RADECSYS", "FK4"); } else { hputi4 (header, "EPOCH", 2000); hputi4 (header, "EQUINOX", 2000); if (comsys == WCS_GALACTIC) hputs (header, "RADECSYS", "GALACTIC"); else if (comsys == WCS_ECLIPTIC) hputs (header, "RADECSYS", "ECLIPTIC"); else if (comsys == WCS_ICRS) hputs (header, "RADECSYS", "ICRS"); else hputs (header, "RADECSYS", "FK5"); } if (hgetr8 (header, "SECPIX", &secpix)) { degpix = secpix / 3600.0; hputnr8 (header, "CDELT1", 8, -degpix); hputnr8 (header, "CDELT2", 8, degpix); hdel (header, "CD1_1"); hdel (header, "CD1_2"); hdel (header, "CD2_1"); hdel (header, "CD2_2"); } } if (ptype0 > -1 && ptype0 < nctype) { strcpy (temp,"RA---"); strcat (temp, ctypes[ptype0]); hputs (header, "CTYPE1", temp); strcpy (temp,"DEC--"); strcat (temp, ctypes[ptype0]); hputs (header, "CTYPE2", temp); } /* Set reference pixel from command line, if it is there */ if (xref0 > -99999.0 && yref0 > -99999.0) { hputr8 (header, "CRPIX1", xref0); hputr8 (header, "CRPIX2", yref0); } else if (hgetr8 (header, "CRPIX1", &xref) < 1) { xref = 0.5 + (double) wp / 2.0; yref = 0.5 + (double) hp / 2.0; hputnr8 (header, "CRPIX1", 3, xref); hputnr8 (header, "CRPIX2", 3, yref); } /* Set plate scale from command line, if it is there */ if (secpix0 != 0.0 || cd0 != NULL) { if (secpix2 != 0.0) { secpix = 0.5 * (secpix0 + secpix2); hputnr8 (header, "SECPIX1", 5, secpix0); hputnr8 (header, "SECPIX2", 5, secpix2); degpix = -secpix0 / 3600.0; hputnr8 (header, "CDELT1", 8, degpix); degpix = secpix2 / 3600.0; hputnr8 (header, "CDELT2", 8, degpix); hdel (header, "CD1_1"); hdel (header, "CD1_2"); hdel (header, "CD2_1"); hdel (header, "CD2_2"); } else if (secpix0 != 0.0) { secpix = secpix0; hputnr8 (header, "SECPIX", 5, secpix); degpix = secpix / 3600.0; hputnr8 (header, "CDELT1", 8, -degpix); hputnr8 (header, "CDELT2", 8, degpix); hdel (header, "CD1_1"); hdel (header, "CD1_2"); hdel (header, "CD2_1"); hdel (header, "CD2_2"); } else { hputr8 (header, "CD1_1", cd0[0]); hputr8 (header, "CD1_2", cd0[1]); hputr8 (header, "CD2_1", cd0[2]); hputr8 (header, "CD2_2", cd0[3]); hdel (header, "CDELT1"); hdel (header, "CDELT2"); hdel (header, "CROTA1"); hdel (header, "CROTA2"); } if (!ksearch (header,"CRVAL1")) { hgetra (header, "RA", &ra0); hgetdec (header, "DEC", &dec0); hputnr8 (header, "CRVAL1", 8, ra0); hputnr8 (header, "CRVAL2", 8, dec0); } if (!ksearch (header,"CRPIX1")) { xref = (double) wp / 2.0; yref = (double) hp / 2.0; hputnr8 (header, "CRPIX1", 3, xref); hputnr8 (header, "CRPIX2", 3, yref); } if (!ksearch (header,"CTYPE1")) { if (comsys == WCS_GALACTIC) { hputs (header, "CTYPE1", "GLON-TAN"); hputs (header, "CTYPE2", "GLAT-TAN"); } else { hputs (header, "CTYPE1", "RA---TAN"); hputs (header, "CTYPE2", "DEC--TAN"); } } } /* Set rotation angle from command line, if it is there */ if (rot0 < 361.0) { hputnr8 (header, "CROTA1", 5, rot0); hputnr8 (header, "CROTA2", 5, rot0); } /* Set observation date for epoch, if it is there */ if (dateobs0 != NULL) hputs (header, "DATE-OBS", dateobs0); /* Initialize WCS structure from FITS header */ wcs = wcsinitn (header, cwcs); /* If incomplete WCS in header, drop out */ if (nowcs (wcs)) { setwcsfile (filename); /* wcserr(); */ if (verbose) fprintf (stderr,"Insufficient information for initial WCS\n"); return (NULL); } return (wcs); } void setcdelt() /* Set flag to use CDELTn, not CD matrix */ {usecdelt = 1; return;} void setnpix (nx, ny) /* Set image size */ int nx, ny; { wp0 = nx; hp0 = ny; return; } void setrot (rot) double rot; { rot0 = rot; return; } void setsecpix (secpix) /* Set first axis arcseconds per pixel */ double secpix; { secpix0 = secpix; return; } double getsecpix () /* Return first axis arcseconds per pixel */ { return (secpix0); } void setsecpix2 (secpix) /* Set second axis arcseconds per pixel */ double secpix; { secpix2 = secpix; return; } void setcd (cd) /* Set initial CD matrix */ double *cd; { int i; if (cd0 != NULL) free (cd0); cd0 = (double *) calloc (4, sizeof (double)); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) cd0[i] = cd[i]; return; } void setsys (comsys0) /* Set WCS coordinates as FK4 */ int comsys0; { comsys = comsys0; return; } void setcenter (rastr, decstr) /* Set center sky coordinates in strings */ char *rastr, *decstr; { ra0 = str2ra (rastr); dec0 = str2dec (decstr); return; } void setdcenter (ra, dec) /* Set center sky coordinates in degrees */ double ra, dec; { ra0 = ra; dec0 = dec; return; } void getcenter (ra, dec) /* Return initial reference sky coordinates */ double *ra, *dec; { *ra = ra0; *dec = dec0; return; } void setrefpix (x, y) /* Set reference pixel image coordinates */ double x, y; { xref0 = x; yref0 = y; return; } void getrefpix (x, y) /* Return initial ref pixel image coordinates */ double *x, *y; { *x = xref0; *y = yref0; return; } void setproj (ptype) char* ptype; { int i; /* Set up array of projection types */ strcpy (ctypes[0], "LIN"); strcpy (ctypes[1], "AZP"); strcpy (ctypes[2], "SZP"); strcpy (ctypes[3], "TAN"); strcpy (ctypes[4], "SIN"); strcpy (ctypes[5], "STG"); strcpy (ctypes[6], "ARC"); strcpy (ctypes[7], "ZPN"); strcpy (ctypes[8], "ZEA"); strcpy (ctypes[9], "AIR"); strcpy (ctypes[10], "CYP"); strcpy (ctypes[11], "CAR"); strcpy (ctypes[12], "MER"); strcpy (ctypes[13], "CEA"); strcpy (ctypes[14], "COP"); strcpy (ctypes[15], "COD"); strcpy (ctypes[16], "COE"); strcpy (ctypes[17], "COO"); strcpy (ctypes[18], "BON"); strcpy (ctypes[19], "PCO"); strcpy (ctypes[20], "SFL"); strcpy (ctypes[21], "PAR"); strcpy (ctypes[22], "AIT"); strcpy (ctypes[23], "MOL"); strcpy (ctypes[24], "CSC"); strcpy (ctypes[25], "QSC"); strcpy (ctypes[26], "TSC"); strcpy (ctypes[27], "NCP"); strcpy (ctypes[28], "GLS"); strcpy (ctypes[29], "DSS"); strcpy (ctypes[30], "PLT"); strcpy (ctypes[31], "TNX"); strcpy (ctypes[32], "ZPX"); strcpy (ctypes[33], "TPV"); ptype0 = -1; for (i = 0; i < nctype; i++) { if (!strcasecmp (ptype, ctypes[i])) ptype0 = i; } return; } void setdateobs (dateobs) char *dateobs; { dateobs0 = calloc (strlen (dateobs), sizeof (char)); strcpy (dateobs0, dateobs); return; } /* Feb 29 1996 New program * May 23 1996 Use pre-existing WCS for center, if it is present * May 29 1996 Simplify program by always using WCS structure * Jun 12 1996 Be more careful with nominal WCS setting * Jul 3 1996 Set epoch from old equinox if not already set * Jul 19 1996 Set image center in WCS if DSS WCS * Aug 5 1996 Check for SECPIX1 as well as SECPIX * Aug 7 1996 Save specified number of decimal places in header parameters * Aug 7 1996 Rename old center parameters * Aug 26 1996 Decrease default pixel tolerance from 20 to 10 * Sep 1 1996 Set plate scale default in lwcs.h * Sep 3 1996 Fix bug to set plate scale from command line * Oct 15 1996 Break off from imsetwcs.c * Oct 16 1996 Clean up center setting so eqref is used * Oct 17 1996 Do not print error messages unless verbose is set * Oct 30 1996 Keep equinox from image if EQREF is zero * Nov 1 1996 Declare undeclared subroutines; remove unused variables * Nov 4 1996 Add reference pixel and projection to wcsset() call * Nov 14 1996 Add GetLimits() to deal with search limits around the poles * Nov 15 1996 Drop GetLimits(); code moved to individual catalog routines * Dec 10 1996 Fix precession and make equinox double * Feb 19 1997 If eqout is 0, use equinox of image * Feb 24 1997 Always convert center to output equinox (bug fix) * Mar 20 1997 Declare EQ2 double instead of int, fixing a bug * Jul 11 1997 Allow external (command line) setting of reference pixel coords * Sep 26 1997 Set both equinox and epoch if input center coordinates * Nov 3 1997 Separate WCS reference pixel from search center * Dec 8 1997 Set CDELTn using SECPIX if it is in the header * * Jan 6 1998 Do not print anything unless verbose is set * Jan 29 1998 Use flag to allow AIPS classic WCS subroutines * Mar 1 1998 Set x and y plate scales from command line if there are two * Mar 2 1998 Do not reset plate solution switch * Mar 6 1998 Add option to reset center sky coordinates in degrees * Mar 6 1998 Add option to set projection type * Mar 18 1998 Initialize reference pixel if CDELTn's being set * Mar 20 1998 Only set CTYPEn if CDELTn or CRVALn are set * Apr 10 1998 Add option to set search area to circle or box * Apr 20 1998 Move GetArea() to scat.c * Apr 24 1998 Always convert image reference coordinate to catalog equinox * Apr 28 1998 Change coordinate system flags to WCS_* * Jun 1 1998 Print error message if WCS cannot be initialized * Jun 24 1998 Add string lengths to ra2str() and dec2str() calls * Jun 25 1998 Leave use of AIPS wcs to wcs.c file * Sep 17 1998 Add sysout to argument list and use scscon() for conversion * Sep 25 1998 Make sysout==0 indicate output in image coordinate system * Oct 28 1998 Set coordinate system properly to sysout/eqout in GetFITSWCS() * * Apr 7 1999 Add filename argument to GetFITSWCS * Apr 29 1999 Add option to set image size * Jun 2 1999 Fix sign of CDELT1 if secpix2 and secpix0 are set * Jul 7 1999 Fix conversion of center coordinates to refsys * Jul 9 1999 Fix bug which reset command-line-set reference pixel coordinate * Oct 21 1999 Fix declarations after lint * Nov 1 1999 Add option to write CD matrix * Nov 1 1999 If CDELTn set from command line delete previous header CD matrix * Nov 12 1999 Add galactic coordinates as command line option * Nov 16 1999 Set radecsys correctly for command line galactic * * Feb 15 2000 Add option to override the header CD matrix (like CDELTs) * Feb 29 2000 Fix bug, converting reference pixel WCS coordinates everywhere * Mar 27 2000 Drop unused subroutine setradius() * May 24 2000 Print degrees in debugging messages if output format * Sep 14 2000 Set xinc and yinc correctly if center pixel in header * * Jan 11 2001 All printing to stderr * Sep 19 2001 Drop fitshead.h; it is in wcs.h * Oct 19 2001 Allow DATE-OBS to be set * * Apr 3 2002 Update projection types to match list in wcs.h and wcs.c * Aug 2 2002 Add getsecpix(), getrefpix(), getcneter() to return presets * * Mar 25 2003 Fix GetFITSWCS() to return correct search area for rotated image * Mar 25 2003 Write out CTYPEn with quotes * Mar 27 2003 Fix half-pixel bug in computation of image center * Apr 3 2003 Drop unused variables after lint * Jun 6 2003 Set xref and yref to center if -999, not 0 * Jul 21 2003 Fix bug setting secpix if it was not set on the command line * (found by Takehiko Wada, ISAS) * Sep 23 2003 In setproj(), use strcasecmp() instead of strcmp() * Sep 26 2003 If reference pixel not set, set center correctly * Oct 6 2003 Change wcs->naxes to wcs->naxis to match WCSLIB 3.2 * Dec 3 2003 Add wcs->naxes back as an alternative * * Jul 26 2004 Fix image size when wrapping around RA=0:00 * Sep 16 2004 Fix verbose mode search size in GetFITSWCS() * Oct 29 2004 Fix problem setting RA size from limits * * Jan 20 2005 Fix cel.ref assignment if axis are switched * Jul 20 2005 Fix bug which reversed dimensions when setting image size * Jul 21 2005 Fix bug which caused bad results at RA ~= 0.0 * Aug 30 2005 Implement multiple WCS's, though not modification thereof, yet * Nov 1 2005 Set RADECSYS to ICRS if appropriate * * Oct 30 2006 Do not precess LINEAR or XY coordinates * * Jun 1 2007 In GetFITSWCS, deal with no input file * Jun 5 2007 Add ChangeFITSWCS to set header WCS arguments and WCS * Jul 3 2007 Fix bug by setting hp and wp * Jul 26 2007 If first line of header is END, initialize other needed values * Oct 19 2007 Return NULL from GetFITSWCS() immediately if no WCS in header * * Mar 24 2009 Set dimensions from IMAGEW and IMAGEH if WCSAXES > 0 * * Apr 06 2010 Set hp from IMAGEH in ChangeFITSWCS() (from Paul Liptack) * Apr 7 2010 In ChangeFITSWCS() set number of WCS projections from NWCSTYPE * * Sep 1 2011 Add ZPX and TPV projections to setproj() */