/*** File libwcs/matchstar.c *** December 13, 2011 *** By Jessica Mink, jmink@cfa.harvard.edu *** Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics *** Copyright (C) 1996-2011 *** Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Correspondence concerning WCSTools should be addressed as follows: Internet email: jmink@cfa.harvard.edu Postal address: Jessica Mink Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory 60 Garden St. Cambridge, MA 02138 USA */ /* StarMatch (ns, sx, sy, ng, gra, gdec, goff, gx, gy, tol, wcs, nfit, debug) * Find shift, scale, and rotation of image stars to best-match reference stars * * ReadMatch (filename, sx, sy, gra, gdec, debug) * Read in x, y, RA, and Dec of pre-match stars in image * * WCSMatch (nmatch, sbx, sby, gbra, gbdec, debug) * Find shift, scale, and rotation of image stars to best-match reference stars * * FitMatch (ns, sx, sy, ng, gra, gdec, gx, gy, tol, wcs, nfit, debug) * Fit shift, scale, and rotation of image stars to RA/Dec/X/Y matches * * wcs_amoeba (wcs0) Set up temp arrays and call multivariate solver * chisqr (v) Compute the chisqr of the vector v * amoeba (p, y, ndim, ftol, itmax, funk, nfunk) * Multivariate solver from Numerical Recipes */ #include #include #include #include #include "wcs.h" #include "lwcs.h" #include "fitsfile.h" #include "wcscat.h" #define NPAR 8 #define NPAR1 9 #define ABS(a) ((a) < 0 ? (-(a)) : (a)) static void wcs_amoeba (); extern void setnofit(); extern int getfilelines(); /* Statics used by the chisqr evaluator */ static double *sx_p; static double *sy_p; static double *gra_p; static double *gdec_p; static double xref_p, yref_p; static double xrefpix, yrefpix; static int nbin_p; static int nfit; /* Number of parameters to fit */ static int pfit0 = 0; /* List of parameters to fit, 1 per digit */ static int cdfit = 0; /* 1 if CD matrix has been fit */ static int resid_refine = 0; static int minbin=2; /* Minimum number of coincidence hits needed */ static int minmatch0 = MINMATCH; /* matches to drop out of loop */ static int nitmax0 = NMAX; /* max iterations to stop fit */ static int binarray; /* If =1, bin matched stars */ static int vfit[NPAR1]; /* Parameters being fit: index to value vector 1= RA, 2= Dec, 3= X plate scale, 4= Y plate scale 5= rotation, 6= second rotation (skew), 7= optical axis X,8= optical axis Y */ /* Find shift, scale, and rotation of image stars to best-match reference stars * Get best match by finding which offsets between pairs of s's and g's * work for the most other pairs of s's and g's * N.B. we assume rotation will be "small enough" so that initial guesses can * be done using just shifts. * Return count of total coincidences found, else 0 if none or -1 if trouble. */ int StarMatch (ns,sx,sy,refcat,ng,gnum,gra,gdec,goff,gx,gy,tol,wcs,debug) int ns; /* Number of image stars */ double *sx; /* Image star X coordinates in pixels */ double *sy; /* Image star Y coordinates in pixels */ int refcat; /* Reference Catalog code */ int ng; /* Number of reference stars */ double *gnum; /* Reference star catalog numbers */ double *gra; /* Reference star right ascensions in degrees */ double *gdec; /* Reference star right ascensions in degrees */ int *goff; /* Reference star offscale flags */ double *gx; /* Reference star X coordinates in pixels */ double *gy; /* Reference star Y coordinates in pixels */ double tol; /* +/- this many pixels is a hit */ struct WorldCoor *wcs; /* World coordinate structure (fit returned) */ int debug; { double dx, bestdx, dxi; double dy, bestdy, dyi; double dx2, dy2, dxy, dxys, dxs, dys, dxsum, dysum; double *mx, *my, *mxy; int nmatch; int s, g, si, gi, igs; int nbin; double *sbx, *sby; /* malloced array of s stars in best bin */ double *gbra, *gbdec; /* malloced array of g stars in best bin */ int peaks[NPEAKS+1]; /* history of bin counts */ int dxpeaks[NPEAKS+1], dypeaks[NPEAKS+1]; /* history of dx/dy at peaks */ int npeaks; /* entries in use in peaks[] */ int maxnbin, i, nmatchd; int minmatch; int *is, *ig, *ibs, *ibg; char rastr[32], decstr[32], numstr[32]; double xref0, yref0, xinc0, yinc0, rot0, xrefpix0, yrefpix0, cd0[4]; int bestbin; /* Number of coincidences for refit */ int pfit; /* List of parameters to fit, 1 per digit */ char vpar[16]; /* List of parameters to fit */ char *vi; char vc; int ParamFit(); double tol2 = tol * tol; double maxnum; int nnfld = 0; /* Set minimum number of matches between image and reference stars to fit */ if (ns > ng) { minmatch = 0.5 * ng; if (minmatch > minmatch0) minmatch = 0.25 * ng; if (minmatch > minmatch0) minmatch = minmatch0; } else { minmatch = 0.5 * ns; if (minmatch > minmatch0) minmatch = 0.25 * ns; if (minmatch > minmatch0) minmatch = minmatch0; } /* Set format for numbers, if listed */ if (debug) { maxnum = gnum[0]; for (gi = 1; gi < ng; gi++) { if (gnum[gi] > maxnum) maxnum = gnum[gi]; } nnfld = CatNumLen (refcat, maxnum, 0); } /* Set maximum number of matches and allocate match indices */ if (ng > ns) maxnbin = (int) ((double) ng * 1.25); else maxnbin = (int) ((double) ns * 1.25); if (debug) fprintf (stderr,"Match history: nim=%d nref=%d tol=%3.0f minbin=%d minmatch=%d):\n", ns, ng, tol, minbin, minmatch); /* Allocate arrays in which to save match information */ is = (int *) calloc (maxnbin, sizeof(int)); ig = (int *) calloc (maxnbin, sizeof(int)); ibs = (int *) calloc (maxnbin, sizeof(int)); ibg = (int *) calloc (maxnbin, sizeof(int)); /* Try matching stars using the current WCS first */ nmatch = 0; bestdx = 0.0; bestdy = 0.0; dxsum = 0.0; dysum = 0.0; dxs = 0.0; dys = 0.0; /* Build 2-d histogram of offset distribution */ if (binarray) { int nbx, nnbx, nbx2, nby, nnby, nby2; int idxmax, idymax, idx, idy, tol2; int *obin, *obini, nset, npos; /* Loop through image stars */ tol2 = 2 * (int) tol; nbx = wcs->nxpix / tol2; nnbx = -nbx; nbx2 = 2 * nbx; nby = wcs->nypix / tol2; nby2 = 2 * nby; nnby = -nby; obin = calloc (nbx2 * nby2, sizeof(int)); nset = 0; npos = 0; for (s = 0; s < ns; s++) { /* Loop through reference catalog stars */ for (g = 0; g < ng; g++) { dx = gx[g] - sx[s]; dy = gy[g] - sy[s]; /* Add to number in this offset bin */ idx = (int) (dx / tol2); idy = (int) (dy / tol2); if (idx > nnbx && idx < nbx && idy > nnby && idy < nby) { obin[((idy+nby) * nbx2) + idx + nbx]++; nset++; } npos++; } } /* Find offset bin with maximim number of entries */ idxmax = 0; idymax = 0; nmatch = 0; obini = obin; for (idy = nnby; idy < nby; idy++) { for (idx = nnbx; idx < nbx; idx++) { if (*obini > nmatch) { idxmax = idx; idymax = idy; nmatch = *obini; if (debug) fprintf (stderr, "%5d at offset %5d, %5d\n", *obini, idx*tol2, idy*tol2); } obini++; } } /* If we found enough matches, we can proceed with this offset */ if (nmatch >= minmatch) { bestdx = tol2 * (double) (idxmax - nbx); bestdy = tol2 * (double) (idymax - nby); if (debug) fprintf (stderr, "%d matches found at mean offset %6.3f %6.3f\n", nmatch, bestdx, bestdy); } free (obin); } /* Vote for closest match */ else { mx = (double *) calloc (maxnbin, sizeof(double)); my = (double *) calloc (maxnbin, sizeof(double)); mxy = (double *) calloc (maxnbin, sizeof(double)); /* Loop through image stars */ for (s = 0; s < ns; s++) { dxys = tol2; igs = -1; /* Loop through reference catalog stars */ for (g = 0; g < ng; g++) { /* Try reference catalog star only if it is on the image */ dx = gx[g] - sx[s]; dy = gy[g] - sy[s]; dx2 = dx * dx; dy2 = dy * dy; dxy = dx2 + dy2; /* Check offset less than tolerance or this star's closest match */ if (dxy < dxys) { dxys = dxy; dxs = dx; dys = dy; igs = g; ibs[nmatch] = s; ibg[nmatch] = g; } } /* If a match was found */ if (igs > -1) { /* if new match is closer than old match, replace it */ if (mxy[igs] > 0.0) { if (dxy < mxy[igs]) { dxsum = dxsum - mx[igs]; dysum = dysum - my[igs]; dxsum = dxsum + dxs; dysum = dysum + dys; if (debug) { CatNum (refcat, nnfld, 0, gnum[ibg[nmatch]], numstr); ra2str (rastr, 31, gra[ibg[nmatch]], 3); dec2str (decstr, 31, gdec[ibg[nmatch]], 2); fprintf (stderr, "*%3d %s %s %s %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f\n", nmatch, numstr, rastr, decstr, gx[ibg[nmatch]], gy[ibg[nmatch]], sx[ibs[nmatch]], sy[ibs[nmatch]], dxs, dys, sqrt (dxys)); } } } /* If not matched before, use new match */ else { dxsum = dxsum + dxs; dysum = dysum + dys; if (debug) { CatNum (refcat, nnfld, 0, gnum[ibg[nmatch]], numstr); ra2str (rastr, 31, gra[ibg[nmatch]], 3); dec2str (decstr, 31, gdec[ibg[nmatch]], 2); fprintf (stderr, " %3d %s %s %s %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f\n", nmatch, numstr, rastr, decstr, gx[ibg[nmatch]], gy[ibg[nmatch]], sx[ibs[nmatch]], sy[ibs[nmatch]], dxs, dys, sqrt (dxys)); } nmatch++; mx[igs] = dxs; my[igs] = dys; mxy[igs] = dxy; } } } free (mxy); free (mx); free (my); /* If we found enough matches, we can proceed with this offset */ if (nmatch >= minmatch) { bestdx = dxsum / (double) nmatch; bestdy = dysum / (double) nmatch; if (debug) fprintf (stderr, "%d matches found at mean offset %6.3f %6.3f\n", nmatch, bestdx, bestdy); } } /* Otherwise, we will look for a coarse alignment assuming no additional rotation. * This will allow us to collect a set of stars that correspond and * establish an initial guess of the solution. */ if (nmatch < minmatch) { if (debug) fprintf (stderr, "%d matches found less than %d minimum\n", nmatch, minmatch); npeaks = 0; nmatch = 0; for (i = 0; i < NPEAKS; i++) { peaks[i] = 0; dxpeaks[i] = 0; dypeaks[i] = 0; } bestdx = 0.0; bestdy = 0.0; for (s = 0; s < ns; s++) { for (g = 0; g < ng; g++) { dx = gx[g] - sx[s]; dy = gy[g] - sy[s]; nbin = 0; for (gi = 0; gi < ng; gi++) { for (si = 0; si < ns; si++) { dxi = gx[gi] - sx[si] - dx; if (dxi < 0) dxi = -dxi; dyi = gy[gi] - sy[si] - dy; if (dyi < 0) dyi = -dyi; if (dxi <= tol && dyi <= tol) { /* if (debug) fprintf (stderr,"%d %d %d %d %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f\n", g,s,gi,si,dx,dy,dxi,dyi); */ is[nbin] = si; ig[nbin] = gi; nbin++; } } } /* if (debug) fprintf (stderr,"%d %d %d %d %d\n", g,s,gi,si,nbin); */ if (nbin > 1 && nbin >= nmatch) { int i; nmatch = nbin; bestdx = (double) dx; bestdy = (double) dy; for (i = 0; i < nbin; i++) { ibs[i] = is[i]; ibg[i] = ig[i]; } /* keep last NPEAKS nmatchs, dx and dy; * put newest first in arrays */ if (npeaks > 0) { for (i = npeaks; i > 0; i--) { peaks[i] = peaks[i-1]; dxpeaks[i] = dxpeaks[i-1]; dypeaks[i] = dypeaks[i-1]; } } peaks[0] = nmatch; if (bestdx > 0.0) dxpeaks[0] = (int) (bestdx + 0.5); else dxpeaks[0] = (int) (bestdx - 0.5); if (bestdy > 0) dypeaks[0] = (int) (bestdy + 0.5); else dypeaks[0] = (int) (bestdy - 0.5); if (npeaks < NPEAKS) npeaks++; if (debug) fprintf (stderr,"%d: %d/%d matches at image %d cat %d: dx= %d dy= %d\n", npeaks, nmatch, minmatch, s, g, dxpeaks[0], dypeaks[0]); } if (nmatch > minmatch) break; } if (nmatch > minmatch) break; } /* if (debug) { int i; for (i = 0; i < npeaks; i++) fprintf (stderr," %d bins at dx=%d dy=%d\n", peaks[i], dxpeaks[i], dypeaks[i]); } */ /* peak is broad */ if (npeaks < 2 || peaks[1] == peaks[0]) { if (debug) fprintf (stderr," Broad peak of %d bins at dx=%.0f dy=%.0f\n", peaks[0], bestdx, bestdy); } } /* too few hits */ if (nmatch < minbin) return (nmatch); /* Get X and Y coordinates of matches from best binning */ nmatchd = nmatch * sizeof (double); if (!(sbx = (double *) malloc (nmatchd))) fprintf (stderr," Could not allocate %d bytes for SBX\n", nmatchd); if (!(sby = (double *) malloc (nmatchd))) fprintf (stderr," Could not allocate %d bytes for SBY\n", nmatchd); if (!(gbra = (double *) malloc (nmatchd))) fprintf (stderr," Could not allocate %d bytes for GBRA\n", nmatchd); if (!(gbdec = (double *) malloc (nmatchd))) fprintf (stderr," Could not allocate %d bytes for GBDEC\n", nmatchd); for (i = 0; i < nmatch; i++) { sbx[i] = sx[ibs[i]]; sby[i] = sy[ibs[i]]; gbra[i] = gra[ibg[i]]; gbdec[i] = gdec[ibg[i]]; } /* Reset image center based on star matching */ wcs->xref = wcs->xref + (bestdx * wcs->xinc); if (wcs->xref < 0.0) wcs->xref = 360.0 + wcs->xref; wcs->yref = wcs->yref + (bestdy * wcs->yinc); /* Fit WCS to matched stars */ /* Provide non-parametric access to the star lists */ sx_p = sbx; sy_p = sby; gra_p = gbra; gdec_p = gbdec; xref_p = wcs->xref; yref_p = wcs->yref; xrefpix = wcs->xrefpix; yrefpix = wcs->yrefpix; nbin_p = nmatch; /* Number of parameters to fit from command line or number of matches */ pfit = ParamFit (nmatch); /* Get parameters to fit from digits of pfit */ sprintf (vpar, "%d", pfit); nfit = 0; vfit[0] = -1; for (i = 1; i < NPAR1; i++) { vc = i + 48; vi = strchr (vpar, vc); if (vi != NULL) { vfit[i] = vi - vpar; nfit++; } else vfit[i] = -1; } /* Set initial guesses for parameters which are being fit */ xref0 = wcs->xref; yref0 = wcs->yref; xinc0 = wcs->xinc; yinc0 = wcs->yinc; rot0 = wcs->rot; xrefpix0 = wcs->xrefpix; yrefpix0 = wcs->yrefpix; cd0[0] = wcs->cd[0]; cd0[1] = wcs->cd[1]; cd0[2] = wcs->cd[2]; cd0[3] = wcs->cd[3]; if (vfit[6] > -1) cdfit = 1; else cdfit = 0; /* Fit image star coordinates to reference star positions */ wcs_amoeba (wcs); if (debug) { fprintf (stderr,"\nAmoeba fit:\n"); ra2str (rastr, 31, xref0, 3); dec2str (decstr, 31, yref0, 2); fprintf (stderr," initial guess:\n"); if (vfit[6] > -1) fprintf (stderr," cra= %s cdec= %s cd = %9.7f,%9.7f,%9.7f,%9.7f ", rastr, decstr, cd0[0], cd0[1], cd0[2], cd0[3]); else fprintf (stderr," cra= %s cdec= %s del=%7.4f,%7.4f rot=%7.4f ", rastr, decstr, xinc0*3600.0, yinc0*3600.0, rot0); fprintf (stderr,"(%8.2f,%8.2f\n", xrefpix0, yrefpix0); ra2str (rastr, 31, wcs->xref, 3); dec2str (decstr, 31, wcs->yref, 2); fprintf (stderr,"\nfirst solution:\n"); if (vfit[6] > -1) fprintf (stderr," cra= %s cdec= %s cd = %9.7f,%9.7f,%9.7f,%9.7f ", rastr,decstr,wcs->cd[0],wcs->cd[1],wcs->cd[2],wcs->cd[3]); else fprintf (stderr," cra= %s cdec= %s del=%7.4f,%7.4f rot=%7.4f ", rastr,decstr,3600.0*wcs->xinc,3600.0*wcs->yinc,wcs->rot); fprintf (stderr,"(%8.2f,%8.2f)\n", wcs->xrefpix, wcs->yrefpix); } /* If we have extra bins, repeat with the best ones */ bestbin = nfit + 1; if (resid_refine && nmatch > bestbin) { double *resid = (double *) malloc (nmatch * sizeof(double)); double *xe = (double *) malloc (nmatch * sizeof(double)); double *ye = (double *) malloc (nmatch * sizeof(double)); int i, j; double xmean, ymean, rmean, xsumsq, ysumsq, diff; double mx, my, xsig, ysig, rsig, siglim; char wcstring[64]; double xsum = 0.0; double ysum = 0.0; double rsum = 0.0; double dmatch = (double)nmatch; double dmatch1 = (double)(nmatch - 1); /* Compute residuals at each star location */ for (i = 0; i < nmatch; i++) { pix2wcs (wcs, sbx[i], sby[i], &mx, &my); xe[i] = (mx - gbra[i]) * 3600.0; ye[i] = (my - gbdec[i]) * 3600.0; resid[i] = sqrt (xe[i]*xe[i] + ye[i]*ye[i]); if (debug) { pix2wcst (wcs, sbx[i], sby[i], wcstring, 64); fprintf (stderr,"%3d (%8.3f,%8.3f) -> %s %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f\n", i, sbx[i], sby[i], wcstring, xe[i], ye[i], resid[i]); } xsum = xsum + xe[i]; ysum = ysum + ye[i]; rsum = rsum + resid[i]; } /* Compute means and standard deviations */ xmean = xsum / dmatch; ymean = ysum / dmatch; rmean = rsum / dmatch; xsumsq = 0.0; ysumsq = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < nmatch; i++) { diff = xe[i] - xmean; xsumsq = xsumsq + (diff * diff); diff = ye[i] - ymean; ysumsq = ysumsq + (diff * diff); } xsig = sqrt (xsumsq / dmatch1); ysig = sqrt (ysumsq / dmatch1); rsig = sqrt ((xsumsq + ysumsq)/ dmatch1); siglim = 2.0 * rsig; if (debug) { fprintf (stderr,"Mean x: %6.3f/%6.3f y: %6.3f/%6.3f r: %6.3f/%6.3f\n", xmean, xsig, ymean, ysig, rmean, rsig); } /* sort by increasing total residual */ for (i = 0; i < nmatch-1; i++) { for (j = i+1; j < nmatch; j++) { if (resid[j] < resid[i]) { double tmp; tmp = sbx[i]; sbx[i] = sbx[j]; sbx[j] = tmp; tmp = sby[i]; sby[i] = sby[j]; sby[j] = tmp; tmp = gbra[i]; gbra[i] = gbra[j]; gbra[j] = tmp; tmp = gbdec[i]; gbdec[i] = gbdec[j]; gbdec[j] = tmp; tmp = resid[i]; resid[i] = resid[j]; resid[j] = tmp; } } } /* Cut off points at residual of two sigma */ for (i = 0; i < nmatch; i++) { if (resid[i] > siglim) { if (i > bestbin) bestbin = i - 1; break; } } xref_p = wcs->xref; if (xref_p < 0.0) xref_p = 360.0 + xref_p; yref_p = wcs->yref; xrefpix = wcs->xrefpix; yrefpix = wcs->yrefpix; nbin_p = bestbin; wcs_amoeba (wcs); if (debug) { ra2str (rastr, 31, wcs->xref, 3); dec2str (decstr, 31, wcs->yref, 2); fprintf (stderr,"\nresid solution:\n"); fprintf (stderr,"\n%d points < %.3f arcsec residuals refit\n", bestbin, siglim); fprintf (stderr," cra= %s cdec= %s del=%7.4f,%7.4f rot=%7.4f ", rastr, decstr, 3600.0*wcs->xinc, 3600.0*wcs->yinc, wcs->rot); fprintf (stderr,"(%8.2f,%8.2f)\n", wcs->xrefpix, wcs->yrefpix); } free (resid); free (xe); free (ye); } free (sbx); free (sby); free (gbra); free (gbdec); free (is); free (ig); free (ibs); free (ibg); return (nmatch); } int ParamFit (nbin) int nbin; /* Number of point to be fit */ { int pfit; if (pfit0 != 0) { if (pfit0 < 3) pfit = 12; else if (pfit0 == 3) /* Fit center and plate scale */ pfit = 123; else if (pfit0 == 4) /* Fit center, plate scale, rotation */ pfit = 1235; else if (pfit0 == 5) /* Fit center, x&y plate scales, rotation */ pfit = 12345; else if (pfit0 == 6) /* Fit center, x&y plate scales, x&y rotations */ pfit = 123456; else if (pfit0 == 7) /* Fit center, x&y plate scales, rotation, refpix */ pfit = 1234578; else if (pfit0 == 8) /* Fit center, x&y plate scales, x&y rotation, refpix */ pfit = 12345678; else pfit = pfit0; } else if (nbin < 4) pfit = 12; else if (nbin < 6) pfit = 123; else pfit = 12345; return (pfit); } int NParamFit (nbin) int nbin; /* Number of point to be fit */ { int pfit; pfit = ParamFit (nbin); if (pfit < 1) return (0); else if (pfit < 10) return (1); else if (pfit < 100) return (2); else if (pfit < 1000) return (3); else if (pfit < 10000) return (4); else if (pfit < 100000) return (5); else if (pfit < 1000000) return (6); else if (pfit < 10000000) return (7); else return (8); } int ReadMatch (filename, sx, sy, sra, sdec, debug) char *filename; /* Name of file containing matches */ double **sx; /* Image star X coordinates in pixels */ double **sy; /* Image star Y coordinates in pixels */ double **sra; /* Probable image star right ascensions in degrees */ double **sdec; /* Probable image star declinations in degrees */ int debug; /* Printed debugging information if not zero */ { int nbytes, nread, ir, ntok, itok, iytok; double *tx, *ty, *tra, *tdec, ra, dec, x, y; int ndec; int nmatch = 0; /* Number of matches read from file */ char rastr[32], decstr[32]; /* If tab file, read from ra, dec, x, y columns */ if (istab (filename)) { } /* Otherwise, assume first 4 columns are x, y, ra, dec */ else { char line[1025]; char *nextline, *lastchar; FILE *fd; struct Tokens tokens; /* Token structure */ char *cwhite; /* additional whitespace characters */ char token[256]; cwhite = NULL; /* Open input file */ if (!strcmp (filename, "stdin")) { fd = stdin; nread = 1000; } else { nread = getfilelines (filename); if (!(fd = fopen (filename, "r"))) { fprintf (stderr, "ReadMatch: Match file %s could not be opened\n", filename); return (0); } } nbytes = nread * sizeof (double); if (!(tra = (double *) calloc (nread, sizeof(double)))) fprintf (stderr, "Could not calloc %d bytes for gra\n", nbytes); if (!(tdec = (double *) calloc (nread, sizeof(double)))) fprintf (stderr, "Could not calloc %d bytes for gdec\n", nbytes); if (!(tx = (double *) calloc (nread, sizeof(double)))) fprintf (stderr, "Could not calloc %d bytes for sx\n", nbytes); if (!(ty = (double *) calloc (nread, sizeof(double)))) fprintf (stderr, "Could not calloc %d bytes for sy\n", nbytes); *sra = tra; *sdec = tdec; *sx = tx; *sy = ty; nmatch = 0; nextline = line; for (ir = 0; ir < nread; ir++) { if (fgets (line, 1024, fd) == NULL) break; /* Skip lines with comments */ if (line[0] == '#') continue; /* Drop linefeeds */ lastchar = nextline + strlen(nextline) - 1; if (*lastchar < 32) *lastchar = (char) 0; /* Read X, Y, RA, and Dec from each line, skipping line if all four are not present and numbers */ ntok = setoken (&tokens, line, cwhite); if (ntok < 1) break; if (ntok < 4) continue; /* if (debug) fprintf (stderr, "%d: %s\n", nmatch, line); */ /* Image X coordinate or RA */ itok = 1; if (getoken(&tokens, itok, token, 256)) { /* Read RA, Dec, X, Y if first token has : in it */ if (strchr (token, ':') != NULL) { ra = str2ra (token); iytok = 4; if (getoken(&tokens, 2, token, 256)) dec = str2dec (token); if (getoken(&tokens, 3, token, 256)) { if (isnum (token)) x = atof (token); else { iytok = 5; if (getoken(&tokens, 4, token, 256)) { if (isnum (token)) x = atof (token); else continue; } } } if (getoken(&tokens, iytok, token, 256)) { if (isnum (token)) y = atof (token); else continue; } tx[nmatch] = x; ty[nmatch] = y; tra[nmatch] = ra; tdec[nmatch] = dec; nmatch++; continue; } if (isnum (token)) x = atof (token); else continue; } else continue; /* Image Y coordinate */ itok++; if (getoken(&tokens, itok, token, 256)) { if (isnum (token)) y = atof (token); else continue; } else continue; /* Right ascension */ itok++; if (getoken(&tokens, itok, token, 256)) { /* If first number is integer, read as h m s */ if (isnum (token) == 1) { ra = atof (token); itok++; if (getoken(&tokens, itok, token, 256)) { if (isnum (token) == 2) ra = ra + (atof (token) / 60.0); else if (isnum (token) == 1) { ra = ra + (atof (token) / 60.0); itok++; if (getoken(&tokens, itok, token, 256)) { if (isnum (token)) ra = ra + (atof (token) / 3600.0); } } } ra = ra * 15.0; } else ra = str2ra (token); } else continue; /* Declination */ itok++; if (getoken(&tokens, itok, token, 256)) { if (isnum (token) == 1) { dec = atof (token); itok++; if (strchr (token, '-') != NULL) ndec = 1; else ndec = 0; if (getoken(&tokens, itok, token, 256)) { if (isnum (token) == 2) { if (ndec) dec = dec - (atof (token) / 60.0); else dec = dec + (atof (token) / 60.0); } else if (isnum (token) == 1) { if (ndec) dec = dec - (atof (token) / 60.0); else dec = dec + (atof (token) / 60.0); itok++; if (getoken(&tokens, itok, token, 256)) { if (isnum (token)) { if (ndec) dec = dec - (atof (token) / 3600.0); else dec = dec + (atof (token) / 3600.0); } } } } } else dec = str2dec (token); } else continue; tx[nmatch] = x; ty[nmatch] = y; tra[nmatch] = ra; tdec[nmatch] = dec; if (debug) { ra2str (rastr, 31, tra[nmatch], 3); dec2str (decstr, 31, tdec[nmatch], 2); fprintf (stderr, "ReadMatch: %d: %8.3f %8.3f %s %s\n", nmatch, tx[nmatch], ty[nmatch], rastr, decstr); } nmatch++; } } return (nmatch); } /* Find shift, scale, and rotation of image stars to best-match reference stars */ void WCSMatch (nmatch, sbx, sby, gbra, gbdec, debug) int nmatch; /* Number of matched stars */ double *sbx; /* Image star X coordinates in pixels */ double *sby; /* Image star Y coordinates in pixels */ double *gbra; /* Reference star right ascensions in degrees */ double *gbdec; /* Reference star right ascensions in degrees */ int debug; /* Printed debugging information if not zero */ { int i; double xdiff, ydiff; int nsc, j, nq[5]; double dnsc, tx, ty, tra, tdec, tdiff; double cra, cdec, cx, cy, scale; double rai; double dmatch; double skydiff, imdiff; char rastr[32], decstr[32]; extern double getsecpix(); extern void getcenter(),getrefpix(),setdcenter(),setrefpix(),setsecpix(); /* Too few hits */ if (nmatch < 2) { if (debug) { fprintf (stderr, "WCSMatch: %d matched stars < 2\n", nmatch); } return; } /* Check for RA crossing 0:00:00 */ for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) nq[i] = 0; /* Get number of matches in each quadrant */ for (i = 0; i < nmatch; i++) { rai = gbra[i]; if (rai >= 0.0 && rai < 90.0) nq[1] = nq[1] + 1; else if (rai >= 90.0 && rai < 180.0) nq[2] = nq[2] + 1; else if (rai >= 180.0 && rai < 270.0) nq[3] = nq[3] + 1; else nq[4] = nq[4] + 1; } if (debug) { fprintf (stderr,"WCSMatch: %d matched stars: %d %d %d %d per quadrant:\n", nmatch, nq[1], nq[2], nq[3], nq[4]); } /* If matches in quadrants 1 and 4, but not 2 or 3, center RAs on 0:00 */ if (nq[1] > 0 && nq[4] > 0 && nq[2] < 1 && nq[3] < 1) { for (i = 0; i < nmatch; i++) { if (gbra[i] >= 270.0 && gbra[i] < 361.0) gbra[i] = gbra[i] - 360.0; if (debug) { dec2str (rastr, 31, gbra[i], 3); dec2str (decstr, 31, gbdec[i], 2); fprintf (stderr, "%d: %8.3f %8.3f %s %s\n", i, sbx[i], sby[i], rastr, decstr); } } } /* Compute plate scale and center of stars */ dnsc = 0.0; tx = 0.0; ty = 0.0; tra = 0.0; tdec = 0.0; tdiff = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < nmatch-1; i++) { tx = tx + sbx[i]; ty = ty + sby[i]; tra = tra + gbra[i]; tdec = tdec + gbdec[i]; for (j = i+1; j < nmatch; j++) { skydiff = wcsdist (gbra[i], gbdec[i], gbra[j], gbdec[j]); xdiff = sbx[j] - sbx[i]; ydiff = sby[j] - sby[i]; imdiff = sqrt ((xdiff * xdiff) + (ydiff * ydiff)); if (imdiff > 0) { scale = skydiff / imdiff; tdiff = tdiff + scale; dnsc = dnsc + 1.0; } else scale = 0.0; if (debug) { fprintf (stderr,"%d %d: sky: %8g, image: %8g, %8g deg/pix", i, j, skydiff, imdiff, scale); fprintf (stderr," = %8g arcsec/pix %10g\n", scale * 3600.0, tdiff); } } } tx = tx + sbx[nmatch-1]; ty = ty + sby[nmatch-1]; tra = tra + gbra[nmatch-1]; tdec = tdec + gbdec[nmatch-1]; /* Reset image center based on star matching */ cra = -99.0; cdec = -99.0; getcenter (&cra, &cdec); dmatch = (double) nmatch; if (cra == -99.0 && cdec == -99.0) { cra = tra / dmatch; cdec = tdec / dmatch; setdcenter (cra, cdec); } cx = -99999.0; cy = -99999.0; getrefpix (&cx, &cy); if (cx == -99999.0) { cx = tx / dmatch; cy = ty / dmatch; setrefpix (cx, cy); } scale = 0.0; scale = getsecpix(); if (scale == 0.0) { scale = tdiff / dnsc; setsecpix (3600.0 * scale); } if (debug) { fprintf (stderr, "cra= %8g cdec = %8g xref=%8g yref=%8g\n", cra, cdec, cx, cy); fprintf (stderr,"scale = %8g deg/pix = %8g arcsec/pix\n", scale, scale*3600.0); } return; } /* Find shift, scale, and rotation of image stars to best-match reference stars * Return count of total coincidences found, else 0 if none or -1 if trouble. */ int FitMatch (nmatch, sbx, sby, gbra, gbdec, wcs, debug) int nmatch; /* Number of matched stars */ double *sbx; /* Image star X coordinates in pixels */ double *sby; /* Image star Y coordinates in pixels */ double *gbra; /* Reference star right ascensions in degrees */ double *gbdec; /* Reference star right ascensions in degrees */ struct WorldCoor *wcs; /* World coordinate structure (fit returned) */ int debug; /* Printed debugging information if not zero */ { int i; char rastr[32], decstr[32]; double xref0, yref0, xinc0, yinc0, rot0, xrefpix0, yrefpix0, cd0[4]; int bestbin; /* Number of coincidences for refit */ int pfit; /* List of parameters to fit, 1 per digit */ char vpar[16]; /* List of parameters to fit */ double xdiff, ydiff; char *vi; char vc; int nsc, j; /* double equinox = wcs->equinox; */ double tx = 0.0; double ty = 0.0; double tra = 0.0; double tdec = 0.0; double tdiff = 0.0; double scale; /* double dmatch; */ double skydiff, imdiff; /* dmatch = (double) nmatch; */ /* Too few hits */ if (nmatch < minbin) { if (debug) { fprintf (stderr,"%d matched stars < %d\n", nmatch, minbin); } return (nmatch); } else if (debug) { fprintf (stderr,"%d matched stars:\n", nmatch); } /* Compute plate scale and center of stars */ nsc = 0; for (i = 0; i < nmatch; i++) { tx = tx + sbx[i]; ty = ty + sby[i]; tra = tra + gbra[i]; tdec = tdec + gbdec[i]; for (j = i+1; j < nmatch; j++) { skydiff = wcsdist (gbra[i], gbdec[i], gbra[j], gbdec[j]); xdiff = sbx[j] - sbx[i]; ydiff = sby[j] - sby[i]; imdiff = sqrt ((xdiff * xdiff) + (ydiff * ydiff)); scale = skydiff / imdiff; tdiff = tdiff + scale; nsc++; if (debug) { fprintf (stderr,"%d %d: sky: %8g, image: %8g, %8g deg/pix", i, j, skydiff, imdiff, scale); fprintf (stderr," = %8g arcsec/pix\n", scale * 3600.0); } } } /* Reset image center in WCS data structure based on star matching */ /* cra = tra / dmatch; cdec = tdec / dmatch; cx = tx / dmatch; cy = ty / dmatch; scale = tdiff / (double) nsc; if (debug) fprintf (stderr,"scale = %8g deg/pix = %8g arcsec/pix\n", scale, scale*3600.0); wcsreset (wcs, cx, cy, cra, cdec, scale, 0.0, 0.0, NULL, equinox); */ /* Provide non-parametric access to the star lists */ sx_p = sbx; sy_p = sby; gra_p = gbra; gdec_p = gbdec; xref_p = wcs->xref; if (xref_p < 0.0) xref_p = 360.0 + xref_p; yref_p = wcs->yref; xrefpix = wcs->xrefpix; yrefpix = wcs->yrefpix; nbin_p = nmatch; /* Number of parameters to fit from command line or number of matches */ if (pfit0 != 0) { if (pfit0 < 3) pfit = 12; else if (pfit0 == 3) /* Fit center and plate scale */ pfit = 123; else if (pfit0 == 4) /* Fit center, plate scale, rotation */ pfit = 1235; else if (pfit0 == 5) /* Fit center, x&y plate scales, rotation */ pfit = 12345; else if (pfit0 == 6) /* Fit center, x&y plate scales, x&y rotations */ pfit = 123456; else if (pfit0 == 7) /* Fit center, x&y plate scales, rotation, refpix */ pfit = 1234578; else if (pfit0 == 8) /* Fit center, x&y plate scales, x&y rotation, refpix */ pfit = 12345678; else pfit = pfit0; } else if (nmatch < 4) pfit = 12; else if (nmatch < 6) pfit = 123; else pfit = 12345; /* Get parameters to fit from digits of pfit */ sprintf (vpar, "%d", pfit); nfit = 0; vfit[0] = -1; for (i = 1; i < NPAR1; i++) { vc = i + 48; vi = strchr (vpar, vc); if (vi != NULL) { vfit[i] = vi - vpar; nfit++; } else vfit[i] = -1; } /* Set initial guesses for parameters which are being fit */ xref0 = wcs->xref; yref0 = wcs->yref; xinc0 = wcs->xinc; yinc0 = wcs->yinc; rot0 = wcs->rot; xrefpix0 = wcs->xrefpix; yrefpix0 = wcs->yrefpix; cd0[0] = wcs->cd[0]; cd0[1] = wcs->cd[1]; cd0[2] = wcs->cd[2]; cd0[3] = wcs->cd[3]; if (vfit[6] > -1) cdfit = 1; else cdfit = 0; /* Fit image star coordinates to reference star positions */ wcs_amoeba (wcs); if (debug) { fprintf (stderr,"\nAmoeba fit:\n"); ra2str (rastr, 31, xref0, 3); dec2str (decstr, 31, yref0, 2); fprintf (stderr," initial guess:\n"); if (vfit[6] > -1) fprintf (stderr," cra= %s cdec= %s cd = %9.7f,%9.7f,%9.7f,%9.7f ", rastr, decstr, cd0[0], cd0[1], cd0[2], cd0[3]); else fprintf (stderr," cra= %s cdec= %s del=%7.4f,%7.4f rot=%7.4f ", rastr, decstr, xinc0*3600.0, yinc0*3600.0, rot0); fprintf (stderr,"(%8.2f,%8.2f\n", xrefpix0, yrefpix0); ra2str (rastr, 31, wcs->xref, 3); dec2str (decstr, 31, wcs->yref, 2); fprintf (stderr,"\nfirst solution:\n"); if (vfit[6] > -1) fprintf (stderr," cra= %s cdec= %s cd = %9.7f,%9.7f,%9.7f,%9.7f ", rastr,decstr,wcs->cd[0],wcs->cd[1],wcs->cd[2],wcs->cd[3]); else fprintf (stderr," cra= %s cdec= %s del=%7.4f,%7.4f rot=%7.4f ", rastr,decstr,3600.0*wcs->xinc,3600.0*wcs->yinc,wcs->rot); fprintf (stderr,"(%8.2f,%8.2f)\n", wcs->xrefpix, wcs->yrefpix); } /* If we have extra bins, repeat with the best ones */ bestbin = nfit + 1; if (resid_refine && nmatch > bestbin) { double *resid = (double *) malloc (nmatch * sizeof(double)); double *xe = (double *) malloc (nmatch * sizeof(double)); double *ye = (double *) malloc (nmatch * sizeof(double)); int i, j; double xmean, ymean, rmean, xsumsq, ysumsq, diff; double mra, mdec, xsig, ysig, rsig, siglim; char wcstring[64]; double xsum = 0.0; double ysum = 0.0; double rsum = 0.0; double dmatch = (double)nmatch; double dmatch1 = (double)(nmatch - 1); /* Compute residuals at each star location */ for (i = 0; i < nmatch; i++) { pix2wcs (wcs, sbx[i], sby[i], &mra, &mdec); xe[i] = (mra - gbra[i]) * 3600.0; ye[i] = (mdec - gbdec[i]) * 3600.0; resid[i] = sqrt (xe[i]*xe[i] + ye[i]*ye[i]); if (debug) { pix2wcst (wcs, sbx[i], sby[i], wcstring, 64); fprintf (stderr,"%3d (%8.3f,%8.3f) -> %s %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f\n", i, sbx[i], sby[i], wcstring, xe[i], ye[i], resid[i]); } xsum = xsum + xe[i]; ysum = ysum + ye[i]; rsum = rsum + resid[i]; } /* Compute means and standard deviations */ xmean = xsum / dmatch; ymean = ysum / dmatch; rmean = rsum / dmatch; xsumsq = 0.0; ysumsq = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < nmatch; i++) { diff = xe[i] - xmean; xsumsq = xsumsq + (diff * diff); diff = ye[i] - ymean; ysumsq = ysumsq + (diff * diff); } xsig = sqrt (xsumsq / dmatch1); ysig = sqrt (ysumsq / dmatch1); rsig = sqrt ((xsumsq + ysumsq)/ dmatch1); siglim = 2.0 * rsig; if (debug) { fprintf (stderr,"Mean x: %6.3f/%6.3f y: %6.3f/%6.3f r: %6.3f/%6.3f\n", xmean, xsig, ymean, ysig, rmean, rsig); } /* sort by increasing total residual */ for (i = 0; i < nmatch-1; i++) { for (j = i+1; j < nmatch; j++) { if (resid[j] < resid[i]) { double tmp; tmp = sbx[i]; sbx[i] = sbx[j]; sbx[j] = tmp; tmp = sby[i]; sby[i] = sby[j]; sby[j] = tmp; tmp = gbra[i]; gbra[i] = gbra[j]; gbra[j] = tmp; tmp = gbdec[i]; gbdec[i] = gbdec[j]; gbdec[j] = tmp; tmp = resid[i]; resid[i] = resid[j]; resid[j] = tmp; } } } /* Cut off points at residual of two sigma */ for (i = 0; i < nmatch; i++) { if (resid[i] > siglim) { if (i > bestbin) bestbin = i - 1; break; } } xref_p = wcs->xref; if (xref_p < 0.0) xref_p = 360.0 + xref_p; yref_p = wcs->yref; xrefpix = wcs->xrefpix; yrefpix = wcs->yrefpix; nbin_p = bestbin; wcs_amoeba (wcs); if (debug) { ra2str (rastr, 31, wcs->xref, 3); dec2str (decstr, 31, wcs->yref, 2); fprintf (stderr,"\nresid solution:\n"); fprintf (stderr,"\n%d points < %.3f arcsec residuals refit\n", bestbin, siglim); fprintf (stderr," cra= %s cdec= %s del=%7.4f,%7.4f rot=%7.4f ", rastr, decstr, 3600.0*wcs->xinc, 3600.0*wcs->yinc, wcs->rot); fprintf (stderr,"(%8.2f,%8.2f)\n", wcs->xrefpix, wcs->yrefpix); } free (resid); free (xe); free (ye); } return (nmatch); } struct WorldCoor *wcsf; static double wcs_chisqr (); /* From Numerical Recipes */ void amoeba(); static double amotry(); /* Set up the necessary temp arrays and call the amoeba() multivariate solver */ static void wcs_amoeba (wcs0) struct WorldCoor *wcs0; { double *p[NPAR1]; /* used as p[NPAR1][NPAR] */ double vguess[NPAR], vp[NPAR], vdiff[NPAR]; double p0[NPAR], p1[NPAR], p2[NPAR], p3[NPAR], p4[NPAR], p5[NPAR], p6[NPAR], p7[NPAR], p8[NPAR]; /* used as px[0..NPAR-1] */ double y[NPAR1]; /* used as y[1..NPAR] */ double xinc1, yinc1, xrefpix1, yrefpix1, rot, cd[4]; double sumx, sumy, sumr; int iter; int i, j; int nfit1; char rastr[32],decstr[32]; int nitmax; nitmax = nitmax0; if (nfit > NPAR) nfit = NPAR; nfit1 = nfit + 1; wcsf = wcs0; /* Initialize guess and difference vectors to zero */ for (i = 0; i < NPAR; i++) { vguess[i] = 0.0; vdiff[i] = 0.0; } /* Optical axis center (RA and Dec degrees) */ if (vfit[1] > -1) { vguess[vfit[1]] = 0.0; vdiff[vfit[1]] = 5.0 * wcsf->xinc; } if (vfit[2] > -1) { vguess[vfit[2]] = 0.0; vdiff[vfit[2]] = 5.0 * wcsf->yinc; } /* Second rotation about optical axis (degrees) -> CD matrix */ if (vfit[6] > -1) { wcsf->rotmat = 1; vguess[vfit[3]] = wcsf->cd[0]; vdiff[vfit[3]] = wcsf->xinc * 0.03; vguess[vfit[4]] = wcsf->cd[1]; vdiff[vfit[4]] = wcsf->yinc * 0.03; vguess[vfit[5]] = wcsf->cd[2]; vdiff[vfit[5]] = wcsf->xinc * 0.03; vguess[vfit[6]] = wcsf->cd[3]; vdiff[vfit[6]] = wcsf->yinc * 0.03; } else { /* Plate scale at optical axis right ascension or both (degrees/pixel) */ if (vfit[3] > -1) { vguess[vfit[3]] = wcsf->xinc; vdiff[vfit[3]] = wcsf->xinc * 0.03; } /* Plate scale in declination at optical axis (degrees/pixel) */ if (vfit[4] > -1) { vguess[vfit[4]] = wcsf->yinc; vdiff[vfit[4]] = wcsf->yinc * 0.03; } /* Rotation about optical axis in degrees */ if (vfit[5] > -1) { vguess[vfit[5]] = wcsf->rot; vdiff[vfit[5]] = 0.5; } } /* Reference pixel (optical axis) */ if (vfit[7] > -1) { vguess[vfit[7]] = 0.0; vdiff[vfit[7]] = 10.0; } if (vfit[8] > -1) { vguess[vfit[8]] = 0.0; vdiff[vfit[8]] = 10.0; } /* Set up matrix of nfit+1 initial guesses. * The supplied guess, plus one for each parameter altered by a small amount */ p[0] = p0; if (nfit > 0) p[1] = p1; if (nfit > 1) p[2] = p2; if (nfit > 2) p[3] = p3; if (nfit > 3) p[4] = p4; if (nfit > 4) p[5] = p5; if (nfit > 5) p[6] = p6; if (nfit > 6) p[7] = p7; if (nfit > 7) p[8] = p8; for (i = 0; i <= nfit; i++) { for (j = 0; j < nfit; j++) p[i][j] = vguess[j]; if (i > 0 && i <= nfit) p[i][i-1] = vguess[i-1] + vdiff[i-1]; y[i] = wcs_chisqr (p[i], -i); } #define PDUMP #ifdef PDUMP fprintf (stderr,"Before:\n"); for (i = 0; i < nfit1; i++) { if (vfit[1] > -1) ra2str (rastr, 31, p[i][vfit[1]] + xref_p, 3); else ra2str (rastr, 31, wcsf->xref, 3); if (vfit[2] > -1) dec2str (decstr, 16, p[i][vfit[2]]+yref_p, 2); else dec2str (decstr, 16, wcsf->yref, 2); if (vfit[6] > -1) { cd[0] = p[i][vfit[3]]; cd[1] = p[i][vfit[4]]; cd[2] = p[i][vfit[5]]; cd[3] = p[i][vfit[6]]; fprintf (stderr,"%d: %s %s CD: %7.5f,%7.5f,%7.5f,%7.5f ", i, rastr, decstr, cd[0],cd[1],cd[2],cd[3]); } else { if (vfit[3] > -1) xinc1 = p[i][vfit[3]]; else xinc1 = wcsf->xinc; if (vfit[4] > -1) yinc1 = p[i][vfit[4]]; else if (vfit[3] > -1) { if (xinc1 < 0) yinc1 = -xinc1; else yinc1 = xinc1; } else yinc1 = wcsf->yinc; if (vfit[5] > -1) rot = p[i][vfit[5]]; else rot = wcsf->rot; fprintf (stderr,"%d: %s %s del=%6.4f,%6.4f rot=%5.3f ", i, rastr, decstr, 3600.0*xinc1, 3600.0*yinc1, rot); } if (vfit[7] > -1) xrefpix1 = xrefpix + p[i][vfit[7]]; else xrefpix1 = wcsf->xrefpix; if (vfit[8] > -1) yrefpix1 = yrefpix + p[i][vfit[8]]; else yrefpix1 = wcsf->yrefpix; fprintf (stderr,"(%8.2f,%8.2f) y=%g\n", xrefpix1, yrefpix1, y[i]); } #endif amoeba (p, y, nfit, FTOL, nitmax, wcs_chisqr, &iter); #define PDUMP #ifdef PDUMP fprintf (stderr,"\nAfter:\n"); for (i = 0; i < nfit1; i++) { if (vfit[1] > -1) ra2str (rastr, 31, p[i][vfit[1]] + xref_p, 3); else ra2str (rastr, 31, wcsf->xref, 3); if (vfit[2] > -1) dec2str (decstr, 31, p[i][vfit[2]]+yref_p, 2); else dec2str (decstr, 31, wcsf->yref, 2); if (vfit[6] > -1) { cd[0] = p[i][vfit[3]]; cd[1] = p[i][vfit[4]]; cd[2] = p[i][vfit[5]]; cd[3] = p[i][vfit[6]]; fprintf (stderr,"%d: %s %s CD: %7.5f,%7.5f,%7.5f,%7.5f ", i, rastr, decstr, cd[0],cd[1],cd[2],cd[3]); } else { if (vfit[3] > -1) xinc1 = p[i][vfit[3]]; else xinc1 = wcsf->xinc; if (vfit[4] > -1) yinc1 = p[i][vfit[4]]; else if (vfit[3] > -1) { if (xinc1 < 0) yinc1 = -xinc1; else yinc1 = xinc1; } else yinc1 = wcsf->yinc; if (vfit[5] > -1) rot = p[i][vfit[5]]; else rot = wcsf->rot; fprintf (stderr,"%d: %s %s del=%6.4f,%6.4f rot=%5.3f ", i,rastr,decstr, 3600.0*xinc1, 3600.0*yinc1, rot); } if (vfit[7] > -1) xrefpix1 = xrefpix + p[i][vfit[7]]; else xrefpix1 = wcsf->xrefpix; if (vfit[8] > -1) yrefpix1 = yrefpix + p[i][vfit[8]]; else yrefpix1 = wcsf->yrefpix; fprintf (stderr,"(%8.2f,%8.2f) y=%g\n", xrefpix1, yrefpix1, y[i]); } #endif /* On return, all entries in p[1..NPAR] are within FTOL; * Return the average, though you could just pick the first one */ for (j = 0; j < nfit; j++) { double sum = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < nfit1; i++) sum += p[i][j]; vp[j] = sum / (double)nfit1; } if (vfit[1] > -1) { wcsf->xref = xref_p + vp[vfit[1]]; if (wcsf->xref < 0.0) wcsf->xref = 360.0 + wcsf->xref; } if (vfit[2] > -1) wcsf->yref = yref_p + vp[vfit[2]]; if (vfit[6] > -1) { wcsf->cd[0] = vp[vfit[3]]; wcsf->cd[1] = vp[vfit[4]]; wcsf->cd[2] = vp[vfit[5]]; wcsf->cd[3] = vp[vfit[6]]; } else { if (vfit[3] > -1) wcsf->xinc = vp[vfit[3]]; if (vfit[4] > -1) wcsf->yinc = vp[vfit[4]]; else if (vfit[3] > -1) { if (wcsf->xinc < 0) wcsf->yinc = -wcsf->xinc; else wcsf->yinc = wcsf->xinc; } if (vfit[5] > -1) wcsf->rot = vp[vfit[5]]; } if (vfit[7] > -1) wcsf->xrefpix = xrefpix + vp[vfit[7]]; if (vfit[8] > -1) wcsf->yrefpix = yrefpix + vp[vfit[8]]; #define RESIDDUMP #ifdef RESIDDUMP ra2str (rastr, 31, wcsf->xref, 3); dec2str (decstr, 31, wcsf->yref, 2); if (vfit[6] > -1) fprintf (stderr,"iter=%d\n cra= %s cdec= %s CD=%9.7f,%9.7f,%9.7f,%9.7f ", iter, rastr, decstr, wcsf->cd[0], wcsf->cd[1], wcsf->cd[2], wcsf->cd[3]); else fprintf (stderr,"iter=%d\n cra= %s cdec= %s del=%7.4f,%7.4f rot=%7.4f ", iter, rastr, decstr, wcsf->xinc*3600.0, wcsf->yinc*3600.0, wcsf->rot); fprintf (stderr,"(%8.2f,%8.2f)\n", wcsf->xrefpix, wcsf->yrefpix); sumx = 0.0; sumy = 0.0; sumr = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < nbin_p; i++) { double mra, mdec, ex, ey, er; char rastr[32], decstr[32]; pix2wcs (wcsf, sx_p[i], sy_p[i], &mra, &mdec); ex = 3600.0 * (mra - gra_p[i]); ey = 3600.0 * (mdec - gdec_p[i]); er = sqrt (ex * ex + ey * ey); sumx = sumx + ex; sumy = sumy + ey; sumr = sumr + er; ra2str (rastr, 31, gra_p[i], 3); dec2str (decstr, 31, gdec_p[i], 2); fprintf (stderr,"%2d: c: %s %s ", i+1, rastr, decstr); ra2str (rastr, 31, mra, 3); dec2str (decstr, 31, mdec, 2); fprintf (stderr, "i: %s %s %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f\n", rastr, decstr, 3600.0*ex, 3600.0*ey, 3600.0*sqrt(ex*ex + ey*ey)); } sumx = sumx / (double)nbin_p; sumy = sumy / (double)nbin_p; sumr = sumr / (double)nbin_p; fprintf (stderr,"mean dra: %6.3f, ddec: %6.3f, dr = %6.3f\n", sumx, sumy, sumr); #endif } /* Compute the chisqr of the vector v, where * v[0]=cra, v[1]=cdec, v[2]=ra deg/pix, v[3]=dec deg/pix, * v[4]=rotation, v[5]=2nd rotation->CD matrix, v[6]=ref x, and v[7] = ref y * chisqr is in arcsec^2 */ static double wcs_chisqr (v, iter) double *v; /* Vector of parameter values */ int iter; /* Number of iterations */ { double chsq; char rastr[32],decstr[32]; double xmp, ymp, dx, dy, cd[4], *cdx; double crval1, crval2, cdelt1, cdelt2, crota, crpix1, crpix2; int i, offscale; /* Set WCS parameters from fit parameter vector */ /* Sky coordinates at optical axis (degrees) */ if (vfit[1] > -1) crval1 = xref_p + v[vfit[1]]; else crval1 = wcsf->xref; if (vfit[2] > -1) crval2 = yref_p + v[vfit[2]]; else crval2 = wcsf->yref; /* CD matrix */ if (vfit[6] > -1) { cdelt1 = 0.0; cdelt2 = 0.0; crota = 0.0; cd[0] = v[vfit[3]]; cd[1] = v[vfit[4]]; cd[2] = v[vfit[5]]; cd[3] = v[vfit[6]]; cdx = cd; } else { /* Plate scale (degrees/pixel) */ if (vfit[3] > -1) cdelt1 = v[vfit[3]]; else cdelt1 = wcsf->xinc; if (vfit[4] > -1) cdelt2 = v[vfit[4]]; else if (vfit[3] > -1) { if (cdelt1 < 0) cdelt2 = -cdelt1; else cdelt2 = cdelt1; } else cdelt2 = wcsf->yinc; /* Rotation angle (degrees) */ if (vfit[5] > -1) crota = v[vfit[5]]; else crota = wcsf->rot; cdx = NULL; } /* Optical axis pixel coordinates */ if (vfit[7] > -1) crpix1 = xrefpix + v[vfit[7]]; else crpix1 = wcsf->xrefpix; if (vfit[8] > -1) crpix2 = yrefpix + v[vfit[8]]; else crpix2 = wcsf->yrefpix; if (wcsreset (wcsf,crpix1,crpix2,crval1,crval2,cdelt1,cdelt2,crota,cdx)) { fprintf (stderr,"CHISQR: Cannot reset WCS!\n"); return (0.0); } /* Compute sum of squared residuals for these parameters */ chsq = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < nbin_p; i++) { wcs2pix (wcsf, gra_p[i], gdec_p[i], &xmp, &ymp, &offscale); /* if (!offscale) { */ dx = xmp - sx_p[i]; dy = ymp - sy_p[i]; chsq += dx*dx + dy*dy; /* } */ } #define TRACE_CHSQR #ifdef TRACE_CHSQR ra2str (rastr, 31, wcsf->xref, 3); dec2str (decstr, 31, wcsf->yref, 2); if (vfit[6] > -1) fprintf (stderr,"%4d: %s %s CD: %9.7f,%9.7f,%9.7f,%9.7f ", iter, rastr, decstr, wcsf->cd[0],wcsf->cd[1],wcsf->cd[2], wcsf->cd[3]); else fprintf (stderr,"%4d: %s %s %9.7f,%9.7f %8.5f ", iter, rastr, decstr, wcsf->xinc*3600.0, wcsf->yinc*3600.0, wcsf->rot); fprintf (stderr,"(%8.2f,%8.2f) -> %f\r", wcsf->xrefpix, wcsf->yrefpix, chsq); #endif return (chsq); } /* The following subroutines are based on those in Numerical Recipes in C */ /* amoeba.c */ #define ALPHA 1.0 #define BETA 0.5 #define GAMMA 2.0 void amoeba (p, y, ndim, ftol, itmax, funk, nfunk) double **p; double y[]; double ftol; int itmax; double (*funk)(); int ndim; int *nfunk; { int i,j,ilo,ihi,inhi,ndim1=ndim+1; double ytry,ysave,sum,rtol,*psum; psum = (double *) malloc ((unsigned)ndim * sizeof(double)); *nfunk = 0; for (j=0; j y[1]) { inhi = 1; ihi = 0; } else { inhi = 0; ihi = 1; } for (i = 0; i < ndim1; i++) { if (y[i] < y[ilo]) ilo=i; if (y[i] > y[ihi]) { inhi=ihi; ihi=i; } else if (y[i] > y[inhi]) if (i != ihi) inhi=i; } rtol = 2.0 * fabs(y[ihi]-y[ilo]) / (fabs(y[ihi]) + fabs(y[ilo])); if (rtol < ftol) break; if (*nfunk >= itmax) { fprintf (stderr,"Too many iterations in amoeba fit %d > %d",*nfunk,itmax); return; } ytry = amotry (p, y, psum, ndim, funk, ihi, nfunk, -ALPHA); if (ytry <= y[ilo]) ytry = amotry (p, y, psum, ndim, funk, ihi, nfunk, GAMMA); else if (ytry >= y[inhi]) { ysave = y[ihi]; ytry = amotry (p,y,psum,ndim,funk,ihi,nfunk,BETA); if (ytry >= ysave) { for (i = 0; i < ndim1; i++) { if (i != ilo) { for (j = 0; j < ndim; j++) { psum[j] = 0.5 * (p[i][j] + p[ilo][j]); p[i][j] = psum[j]; } y[i]=(*funk)(psum, *nfunk); } } *nfunk += ndim; for (j=0; j 40 * Oct 15 2001 Simplify error message * Oct 16 2001 Read minimum match to drop out of loop from lwcs.h * Oct 31 2001 Simplify innermost loop to try for more speed * Nov 1 2001 Add goff to StarMatch() arguments * Nov 5 2001 Use current WCS with no offset before trying offset matching * Nov 6 2001 Add setnitmax() to set maximum number of amoeba iterations * Nov 7 2001 Add setminbin to set minimum number of matches for fit * Nov 16 2001 Allocate slightly more than maxbin to handle dense fields * * Jul 31 2002 Add getnfit() to return current number of parameters being fit * Aug 30 2002 Fix WCSMatch() to set scale in arcsec, not degrees * * Jan 30 2003 Remove uninitialized variable in WCSMatch() * Mar 13 2003 Do not include malloc.h on Apples and Convexes * Apr 3 2003 Clean up code with lint * Nov 18 2003 Drop include of malloc.h; it is in stdlib.h * * Aug 30 2004 Declare void various external set*() calls * * Jun 19 2006 Initialize unitialized variables dxs and dys * Sep 26 2006 Increase length of rastr and destr from 16 to 32 * Oct 23 2006 Add bin array option to see if it works better * * Jan 8 2007 Drop unused variables; fix two format disagreements * Jan 11 2007 Include fitsfile.h * * Jul 20 2009 Fixed matched star wrap around RA = 0:00:00 * Jul 20 2009 Fixed matched star wrap for bad matches * * Dec 13 2009 In WCSMatch(), add last x,y,ra,dec so means are means of all */