/*** File webread.c *** September 16, 2011 *** By Jessica Mink, jmink@cfa.harvard.edu *** Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics *** (http code from John Roll) *** Copyright (C) 2000-2011 *** Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Correspondence concerning WCSTools should be addressed as follows: Internet email: jmink@cfa.harvard.edu Postal address: Jessica Mink Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory 60 Garden St. Cambridge, MA 02138 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "wcs.h" #include "fitsfile.h" #include "wcscat.h" #define CHUNK 8192 #define LINE 1024 #define MAXHOSTNAMELENGTH 256 #ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H #include #else #include #endif #include #include /* for MinGW */ #ifdef MSWIN #include #else #include #include #include #endif /* static int FileINetParse (char *file,int port,struct sockaddr_in *adrinet);*/ static int FileINetParse(); static FILE *SokOpen(); #define XFREAD 1 #define XFWRITE 2 #define XFCREAT 4 #define File FILE * #define FileFd(fd) fileno(fd) static char newline = '\n'; /* WEBREAD -- Read a catalog over the web and return results */ int webread (caturl,refcatname,distsort,cra,cdec,dra,ddec,drad,dradi,sysout, eqout,epout,mag1,mag2,sortmag,nstarmax, unum,ura,udec,upra,updec,umag,utype,nlog) char *caturl; /* URL of search engine */ char *refcatname; /* Name of catalog (UAC, USAC, UAC2, USAC2) */ int distsort; /* 1 to sort stars by distance from center */ double cra; /* Search center J2000 right ascension in degrees */ double cdec; /* Search center J2000 declination in degrees */ double dra; /* Search half width in right ascension in degrees */ double ddec; /* Search half-width in declination in degrees */ double drad; /* Limiting separation in degrees (ignore if 0) */ double dradi; /* Inner edge of annulus in degrees (ignore if 0) */ int sysout; /* Search coordinate system */ double eqout; /* Search coordinate equinox */ double epout; /* Proper motion epoch (0.0 for no proper motion) */ double mag1,mag2; /* Limiting magnitudes (none if equal) */ int sortmag; /* Magnitude by which to sort (1 to nmag) */ int nstarmax; /* Maximum number of stars to be returned */ double *unum; /* Array of UA numbers (returned) */ double *ura; /* Array of right ascensions (returned) */ double *udec; /* Array of declinations (returned) */ double *upra; /* Array of right ascension proper motions (returned) */ double *updec; /* Array of declination proper motions (returned) */ double **umag; /* Array of magnitudes (returned) */ int *utype; /* Array of plate numbers (returned) */ int nlog; /* Logging interval (-1 to dump returned file) */ { char srchurl[LINE]; char temp[64]; struct TabTable *tabtable; double dtemp; int lurl; int nsmax; struct StarCat *starcat; char cstr[32]; double ra, dec; int nstar; if (nstarmax < 1) nlog = -1; /* Convert coordinate system to string */ wcscstr (cstr, sysout, eqout, epout); /* Set up search query from arguments */ lurl = strlen (caturl); /* Set up query for scat used as server */ if (!strncmp (caturl+lurl-4,"scat",4)) { /* Center coordinates of search */ sprintf (srchurl, "?catalog=%s&ra=%.7f&dec=%.7f&system=%s&format=tab", refcatname, cra, cdec, cstr); /* Search radius or box size */ if (drad != 0.0) { dtemp = drad * 3600.0; sprintf (temp, "&rad=%.3f",dtemp); strcat (srchurl, temp); if (dradi > 0.0) { dtemp = dradi * 3600.0; sprintf (temp, "&inrad=%.3f",dtemp); strcat (srchurl, temp); } } else { dtemp = dra * 3600.0; sprintf (temp, "&dra=%.3f",dtemp); strcat (srchurl, temp); dtemp = ddec * 3600.0; sprintf (temp, "&ddec=%.3f",dtemp); strcat (srchurl, temp); } /* Sort by magnitude or distance for cutoff */ if (sortmag > 0) { sprintf (temp,"&sort=m%d", sortmag); strcat (srchurl, temp); } if (distsort) strcat (srchurl, "&sort=distance"); /* Magnitude limits */ if (mag1 != mag2) { sprintf (temp, "&mag1=%.2f&mag=%.2f",mag1,mag2); strcat (srchurl, temp); } /* Epoch for coordinates */ if (epout != 0.0) { sprintf (temp, "&epoch=%.5f", epout); strcat (srchurl, temp); } /* Number of decimal places in RA seconds */ sprintf (temp, "&ndec=4"); /* Maximum number of stars to return */ if (nstarmax > 0) { sprintf (temp, "&nstar=%d", nstarmax); strcat (srchurl, temp); } if (nlog > 0) fprintf (stderr, "%s%s\n", caturl, srchurl); } /* Set up query for ESO GSC server */ else if (!strncmp (caturl+lurl-10,"gsc-server",10)) { ra = cra; dec = cdec; if (sysout != WCS_J2000) wcscon (sysout, WCS_J2000, eqout, 2000.0, &ra, &dec, epout); if (dec < 0.0) sprintf (srchurl, "?%.7f%.7f&", ra/15.0, dec); else sprintf (srchurl, "?%.7f+%.7f&", ra/15.0, dec); if (drad > 0.0) dtemp = drad * 60.0; else dtemp = 60.0 * sqrt (dra*dra + ddec*ddec); sprintf (temp, "r=0,%.3f&",dtemp); strcat (srchurl, temp); nstar = 100000; sprintf (temp, "nout=%d&f=8", nstar); strcat (srchurl, temp); if (nlog > 0) fprintf (stderr, "%s%s\n", caturl, srchurl); } /* Set up query for ESO USNO A server */ else if (!strncmp (caturl+lurl-12,"usnoa-server",12)) { ra = cra; dec = cdec; if (sysout != WCS_J2000) wcscon (sysout, WCS_J2000, eqout, 2000.0, &ra, &dec, epout); if (dec < 0.0) sprintf (srchurl, "?%.7f%.7f&", ra, dec); else sprintf (srchurl, "?%.7f+%.7f&", ra, dec); if (drad > 0.0) dtemp = drad * 60.0; else dtemp = 60.0 * sqrt (dra*dra + ddec*ddec); sprintf (temp, "radius=0,%.3f&", dtemp); strcat (srchurl, temp); if (mag1 != mag2) { sprintf (temp, "mag=%.2f,%.2f&", mag1, mag2); strcat (srchurl, temp); } if (sortmag == 2) sprintf (temp, "format=8&sort=mr&"); else sprintf (temp, "format=8&sort=m&"); strcat (srchurl, temp); nsmax = nstarmax * 4; sprintf (temp, "n=%d", nsmax); strcat (srchurl, temp); if (nlog > 0) fprintf (stderr,"%s%s\n", caturl, srchurl); } /* Run search across the web */ if ((tabtable = webopen (caturl, srchurl, nlog)) == NULL) { if (nlog > 0) fprintf (stderr, "WEBREAD: %s failed\n", srchurl); return (0); } /* Return if no data */ if (tabtable->tabdata == NULL || strlen (tabtable->tabdata) == 0) { if (nlog > 0) fprintf (stderr, "WEBREAD: No data returned\n"); return (0); } /* If scat, make sure that tab table has tabs */ if (!strncmp (caturl+lurl-4,"scat",4)) { } /* Dump returned file and stop */ if (nlog < 0) { (void) fwrite (tabtable->tabbuff, tabtable->lbuff, 1, stdout); exit (0); } /* Open returned Starbase table as a catalog */ if ((starcat = tabcatopen (caturl, tabtable, 0)) == NULL) { if (nlog > 0) fprintf (stderr, "WEBREAD: Could not open Starbase table as catalog\n"); return (0); } if (!strncmp (caturl+lurl-12,"usnoa-server",12)) { starcat->coorsys = WCS_J2000; starcat->epoch = 2000.0; starcat->equinox = 2000.0; starcat->nmag = 2; starcat->entmag[0] = 5; starcat->entmag[1] = 4; strcpy (starcat->keymag[0], "magb"); strcpy (starcat->keymag[1], "magr"); } /* Extract desired sources from catalog and return them */ return (tabread (caturl,distsort,cra,cdec,dra,ddec,drad,dradi, sysout,eqout,epout,mag1,mag2,sortmag,nstarmax,&starcat, unum,ura,udec,upra,updec,umag,utype,NULL,nlog)); } int webrnum (caturl,refcatname,nnum,sysout,eqout,epout,match, unum,ura,udec,upra,updec,umag,utype,nlog) char *caturl; /* URL of search engine */ char *refcatname; /* Name of catalog (UAC, USAC, UAC2, USAC2) */ int nnum; /* Number of stars to find */ int sysout; /* Search coordinate system */ double eqout; /* Search coordinate equinox */ double epout; /* Proper motion epoch (0.0 for no proper motion) */ int match; /* 1 to match star number exactly, else sequence num */ double *unum; /* Array of UA numbers to find */ double *ura; /* Array of right ascensions (returned) */ double *udec; /* Array of declinations (returned) */ double *upra; /* Array of right ascensions proper motion (returned) */ double *updec; /* Array of declination proper motions (returned) */ double **umag; /* Array of magnitudes (returned) */ int *utype; /* Array of spectral types (returned) */ int nlog; /* Logging interval (-1 to dump returned file) */ { char srchurl[LINE]; char numlist[LINE]; char numstr[32]; char csys[32]; struct TabTable *tabtable; int i, refcat, nfld, nmag, mprop; int lurl; char title[64]; /* Description of catalog (returned) */ int syscat; /* Catalog coordinate system (returned) */ double eqcat; /* Equinox of catalog (returned) */ double epcat; /* Epoch of catalog (returned) */ int ireg, istar; char cstr[32]; char temp[64]; struct StarCat *starcat; /* Set up search query from arguments */ lurl = strlen (caturl); /* Set up query for scat used as server */ if (!strncmp (caturl+lurl-4,"scat",4)) { /* Make list of catalog numbers */ refcat = RefCat (refcatname,title,&syscat,&eqcat,&epcat,&mprop,&nmag); for (i = 0; i < nnum; i++) { nfld = CatNumLen (refcat, unum[i], 0); CatNum (refcat, -nfld, 0, unum[i], numstr); if (i > 0) { strcat (numlist, ","); strcat (numlist, numstr); } else strcpy (numlist, numstr); } /* Set up search query */ wcscstr (cstr, sysout, eqout, epout); sprintf (srchurl, "?catalog=%s&num=%s&ndec=4&outsys=%s",refcatname,numlist,csys); if (epout != 0.0) { sprintf (temp, "&epoch=%.5f", epout); strcat (srchurl, temp); } } /* Set up query for ESO GSC server */ else if (!strncmp (caturl+lurl-10,"gsc-server",10)) { ireg = (int) unum[0]; istar = (int) (10000.0 * (unum[0] - (double) ireg) + 0.5); sprintf (srchurl, "?object=GSC%05d%05d&nout=1&f=8", ireg, istar); if (nlog > 0) fprintf (stderr, "%s%s\n", caturl, srchurl); } /* Set up query for ESO USNO A server */ else if (!strncmp (caturl+lurl-12,"usnoa-server",12)) { ireg = (int) unum[0]; istar = (int) (100000000.0 * (unum[0] - (double) ireg) + 0.5); sprintf (srchurl, "?object=U%04d_%08d&n=1&format=8&", ireg, istar); if (nlog > 0) fprintf (stderr,"%s%s\n", caturl, srchurl); } /* Run search across the web */ if ((tabtable = webopen (caturl, srchurl, nlog)) == NULL) { if (nlog > 0) fprintf (stderr, "WEBRNUM: %s failed\n", srchurl); return (0); } /* Return if no data */ if (tabtable->tabdata == NULL || strlen (tabtable->tabdata) == 0) { if (nlog > 0) fprintf (stderr, "WEBRNUM: No data returned\n"); return (0); } /* Dump returned file and stop */ if (nlog < 0) { (void) fwrite (tabtable->tabbuff, tabtable->lbuff, 1, stdout); exit (0); } /* Open returned Starbase table as a catalog */ if ((starcat = tabcatopen (caturl, tabtable, 0)) == NULL) { if (nlog > 0) fprintf (stderr, "WEBRNUM: Could not open Starbase table as catalog\n"); return (0); } /* Extract desired sources from catalog and return them */ return (tabrnum (srchurl, nnum, sysout, eqout, epout, &starcat, match, unum, ura, udec, upra, updec, umag, utype, NULL, nlog)); } struct TabTable * webopen (caturl, srchpar, nlog) char *caturl; /* URL of search engine */ char *srchpar; /* Search engine parameters to append */ int nlog; /* 1 to print diagnostic messages */ { char *srchurl; int lsrch; char *tabbuff; int lbuff = 0; char *tabnew, *tabline, *lastline, *tempbuff, *tabold; int formfeed = (char) 12; struct TabTable *tabtable; int ltab, lname; int diag; int tabdiff; char *space2tab(); if (nlog == 1) diag = 1; else diag = 0; /* Combine catalog search engine URL and arguments */ lsrch = strlen (srchpar) + strlen (caturl) + 2; if ((srchurl = (char *) malloc (lsrch)) == NULL) return (NULL); strcpy (srchurl, caturl); strcat (srchurl, srchpar); /* Open port to HTTP server, send command, and fill buffer with return */ if ((tabbuff = webbuff (srchurl, diag, &lbuff)) == NULL) { fprintf (stderr,"WEBOPEN: cannot read URL %s\n", srchurl); free (srchurl); return (NULL); } if (!strchr (tabbuff, ' ') && !strchr (tabbuff, ',') && !strchr (tabbuff, '|')) { if (diag) { fprintf (stderr,"Message returned from %s\n", srchurl); fprintf (stderr,"%s\n", tabbuff); } free (srchurl); return (NULL); } /* Transform SDSS return into tab table */ if (strsrch (srchurl, "sdss")) { tempbuff = tabbuff; tabbuff = sdssc2t (tempbuff); lbuff = strlen (tabbuff); free (tempbuff); } /* Transform MAST GALEX GSC 2 return into tab table */ else if (strsrch (srchurl, "galex")) { tempbuff = tabbuff; tabbuff = gsc2c2t (tempbuff); lbuff = strlen (tabbuff); free (tempbuff); } /* Transform CASB GSC 2 return into tab table */ else if (strsrch (srchurl, "gsss")) { tempbuff = tabbuff; tabbuff = gsc2t2t (tempbuff); lbuff = strlen (tabbuff); free (tempbuff); } /* Transform SkyBot return into tab table */ else if (strsrch (srchurl, "skybot")) { tempbuff = tabbuff; tabbuff = skybot2tab (tempbuff); lbuff = strlen (tabbuff); free (tempbuff); } /* Make sure that scat data is tab-separated (3 tabs found) */ else if (strsrch (srchurl, "scat")) { tempbuff = strchr (tabbuff, '\t'); if (tempbuff != NULL) { tempbuff = strchr (tempbuff+1, '\t'); if (tempbuff != NULL) tempbuff = strchr (tempbuff+1, '\t'); } if (tempbuff == NULL) { tempbuff = tabbuff; tabbuff = space2tab (tempbuff); lbuff = strlen (tabbuff); free (tempbuff); } } /* Allocate tab table structure */ ltab = sizeof (struct TabTable); if ((tabtable = (struct TabTable *) calloc (1, ltab)) == NULL) { fprintf (stderr,"WEBOPEN: cannot allocate Tab Table structure for %s", srchurl); free (srchurl); return (NULL); } /* Save pointers to file contents */ tabtable->tabbuff = tabbuff; tabtable->tabheader = tabtable->tabbuff; tabtable->lbuff = lbuff; /* Allocate space for and save catalog URL as filename */ lname = strlen (caturl) + 2; if ((tabtable->filename = (char *) calloc (1, lname)) == NULL) { fprintf (stderr,"WEBOPEN: cannot allocate filename %s in structure", caturl); tabclose (tabtable); free (srchurl); return (NULL); } strcpy (tabtable->filename, caturl); /* Allocate space for and save search string as tabname */ lname = strlen (srchpar) + 2; if ((tabtable->tabname = (char *) calloc (1, lname)) == NULL) { fprintf (stderr,"WEBOPEN: cannot allocate tabname %s in structure", srchurl); tabclose (tabtable); free (srchurl); return (NULL); } strcpy (tabtable->tabname, srchpar); /* Find column headings and start of data */ tabline = tabtable->tabheader; lastline = NULL; while (*tabline != '-' && tabline < tabtable->tabbuff+lbuff) { lastline = tabline; tabline = strchr (tabline,newline) + 1; } if (*tabline != '-') { fprintf (stderr,"WEBOPEN: No - line in tab table %s",srchurl); tabclose (tabtable); free (srchurl); return (NULL); } tabtable->tabhead = lastline; tabtable->tabdata = strchr (tabline, newline) + 1; /* Extract positions of keywords we will want to use */ if (!tabparse (tabtable)) { fprintf (stderr,"TABOPEN: No columns in tab table %s\n",srchurl); tabclose (tabtable); free (srchurl); return (NULL); } /* Enumerate entries in tab table catalog by counting newlines */ tabnew = tabtable->tabdata; tabold = tabnew; tabdiff = 0; tabtable->nlines = 0; while ((tabnew = strchr (tabnew, newline)) != NULL) { tabdiff = tabnew - tabold; tabnew = tabnew + 1; tabtable->nlines = tabtable->nlines + 1; if (*tabnew == formfeed) break; if (!strncasecmp (tabnew, "[EOD]", 5)) break; tabold = tabnew; } if (tabdiff < 2 && tabtable->nlines > 0) tabtable->nlines = tabtable->nlines - 1; tabtable->tabline = tabtable->tabdata; tabtable->iline = 1; free (srchurl); return (tabtable); } /* WEBBUFF -- Return character buffer from given URL */ char * webbuff (url, diag, lbuff) char *url; /* URL to read */ int diag; /* 1 to print diagnostic messages */ int *lbuff; /* Length of buffer (returned) */ { File sok; char *server; char linebuff[LINE]; char *buff; char *tabbuff; char *newbuff; char *urlpath; char *servurl; int status; int lserver; int chunked = 0; int lread; int lchunk, lline; int nbcont = 0; int lcbuff; int lb; int ltbuff; int lcom; char *cbcont; char *newserver; char *sokptr; *lbuff = 0; newbuff = NULL; diag = 0; /* Extract server name and path from URL */ servurl = url; if (!strncmp(url, "http://", 7)) servurl = servurl + 7; urlpath = strchr (servurl, '/'); lserver = urlpath - servurl; if ((server = (char *) malloc (lserver+2)) == NULL) return (NULL); strncpy (server, servurl, lserver); server[lserver] = (char) 0; /* Open port to HTTP server */ if ( !(sok = SokOpen (server, 80, XFREAD | XFWRITE)) ) { free (server); return (NULL); } /* Send HTTP GET command */ fprintf (sok, "GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: %s\r\n\r\n",urlpath,server); fflush(sok); free (server); (void) fscanf(sok, "%*s %d %s\r\n", &status, linebuff); /* If Redirect code encounter, go to alternate URL at Location: */ if ( status == 301 || status == 302 || status == 303 || status == 307 ) { char redirect[LINE]; while ((servurl = fgets (redirect, LINE, sok))) { if (!(strncmp (redirect, "Location:", 9))) break; } (void) fclose (sok); if (servurl == NULL) { if (diag) fprintf (stderr,"WEBBUFF: No forward for HTTP Code %d\n", status); return (NULL); } if ((servurl = strsrch (servurl, "http://")) == NULL) { if (diag) fprintf (stderr,"WEBBUFF: No forward URL for HTTP Code %d\n", status); return (NULL); } servurl = servurl + 7; urlpath = strchr (servurl, '/'); lserver = urlpath - servurl; if ((server = (char *) malloc (lserver+2)) == NULL) { return (NULL); } strncpy (server, servurl, lserver); server[lserver] = (char) 0; if (diag) fprintf (stderr,"WEBBUFF: HTTP Code %d: Temporary Redirect to %s\n", status, server); /* Open port to HTTP server */ if ( (sok = SokOpen (server, 80, XFREAD | XFWRITE)) == NULL ) { free (server); return (NULL); } /* Send HTTP GET command (simbad forward fails if HTTP/1.1 included) */ fprintf(sok, "GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: %s\r\n\r\n",urlpath,server); fflush(sok); free (server); (void) fscanf(sok, "%*s %d %*s\r\n", &status); } /* Skip continue lines if (status == 100) { while (status == 100) fscanf(sok, "%*s %d %*s\n", &status); } */ /* If status is not 200 return without data */ if ( status != 200 ) { if (diag) fprintf (stderr,"HTTP Code %d from %s\n", status, server); return (NULL); } /* Skip over http header of returned stuff */ while (fgets (linebuff, LINE, sok) ) { if (diag) fprintf (stderr, "%s", linebuff); if (strcsrch (linebuff, "chunked") != NULL) chunked = 1; if (strcsrch (linebuff, "Content-length") != NULL) { if ((cbcont = strchr (linebuff, ':')) != NULL) nbcont = atoi (cbcont+1); } if (*linebuff == '\n') break; if (*linebuff == '\r') break; } /* Read table into buffer in memory a chunk at a time */ tabbuff = NULL; lb = 0; if (chunked) { lchunk = 1; lline = 1; *lbuff = 0; ltbuff = 0; while (lline > 0) { (void) fgets (linebuff, LINE, sok); lline = strlen (linebuff); if (lline < 1) break; if (linebuff[lline-1] < 32) linebuff[lline-1] = (char) 0; if (linebuff[lline-2] < 32) linebuff[lline-2] = (char) 0; if (strlen (linebuff) <= 0) continue; lchunk = (int) strtol (linebuff, NULL, 16); if (lchunk < 1) break; /* else if (lchunk == 1) continue; */ if (diag) fprintf (stderr, "%s (=%d)\n", linebuff, lchunk); lcbuff = ltbuff; ltbuff = ltbuff + lchunk; /* Allocate buffer on first time through */ if (tabbuff == NULL) { lb = 10 * ltbuff; tabbuff = (char *) calloc ((size_t)lb, (size_t)1); buff = tabbuff; } /* Increase buffer size if this chunk will push it over current limit */ else if (ltbuff > lb) { lb = lb * 10; newbuff = (char *) calloc ((size_t)lb, (size_t)1); movebuff (tabbuff, newbuff, lcbuff, 0, 0); free (tabbuff); tabbuff = newbuff; buff = tabbuff + lcbuff; newbuff = NULL; } else { buff = tabbuff + lcbuff; } (void) fread (buff, 1, lchunk, sok); buff[lchunk] = (char) 0; if (diag) fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", buff); *lbuff = ltbuff; } } /* Read table all at once if total length is passed */ else if (nbcont > 0) { tabbuff = (char *) calloc (1, nbcont+1); tabbuff[nbcont] = (char) 0; if ((lread = fread (tabbuff, 1, nbcont, sok)) <= 0) { free (tabbuff); tabbuff = NULL; } } /* Read table into buffer in memory a buffer-full at a time */ else { lchunk = 8192; *lbuff = 0; buff = (char *) calloc (1, lchunk+8); if (buff == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "WEBBUFF: unable to allocate chunk buffer of %d bytes\n", lchunk + 8); return (NULL); } while ( (lread = fread (buff, 1, lchunk, sok)) > 0 ) { lcbuff = *lbuff; *lbuff = *lbuff + lread; if (tabbuff == NULL) { tabbuff = (char *) malloc (*lbuff+8); if (tabbuff == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "WEBBUFF: unable to allocate buffer of %d bytes\n", *lbuff + 8); return (NULL); } movebuff (buff, tabbuff, lread, 0, 0); } else { newbuff = (char *) malloc (*lbuff+8); if (newbuff == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "WEBBUFF: unable to allocate new buffer of %d bytes\n", *lbuff + 8); return (NULL); } movebuff (tabbuff, newbuff, lcbuff, 0, 0); free (tabbuff); tabbuff = newbuff; movebuff (buff, tabbuff, lread, 0, lcbuff); } if (diag) fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", buff); } free (buff); buff = NULL; } (void) fclose (sok); return (tabbuff); } /* sokFile.c * copyright 1991, 1993, 1995, 1999 John B. Roll jr. */ static FILE * SokOpen(name, port, mode) char *name; /* "host:port" socket to open */ int port; int mode; /* mode of socket to open */ { int xfd; /* socket descriptor */ int type; /* type returned from FileINetParse */ struct sockaddr_in adrinet; /* socket structure parsed from name */ int reuse_addr = 1; File f; /* returned file descriptor */ if (!(type = FileINetParse(name, port, &adrinet))) return NULL; if ( type == 1 || (mode & XFCREAT && mode & XFREAD && !(mode & XFWRITE)) ) { if ( ((xfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) || setsockopt(xfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *) &reuse_addr, sizeof(reuse_addr)) < 0 || (bind(xfd, (struct sockaddr *) & adrinet ,sizeof(adrinet)) != 0) || listen(xfd, 5) ) { close(xfd); return NULL; } } else { if (((xfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) || (connect(xfd, (struct sockaddr *) & adrinet ,sizeof(adrinet)) != 0)) { close(xfd); return NULL; } } f = fdopen (xfd, "r+"); return f; } static int FileINetParse(file, port, adrinet) char *file; /* host/socket pair to parse? */ int port; struct sockaddr_in *adrinet; /* socket info structure to fill? */ { struct hostent *hp; /* -> hostent structure for host */ char hostname[MAXHOSTNAMELENGTH + 12]; /* name of host */ char *portstr; /* internet port number (ascii) */ int type = 2; /* return code */ extern int gethostname(); if ( !strncmp(file, "http://", 7) ) { file += 7; if ( port == -1 ) port = 80; } strcpy(hostname, file); #ifdef msdos /* This is a DOS disk discriptor, not a machine name */ if ((!(file[0] == '.')) && file[1] == ':') return 0; #endif if ( (portstr = strchr(hostname, '/')) ) { *portstr = '\0'; } if ( (portstr = strchr(hostname, ':')) ) { *portstr++ = '\0'; if ((port = strtol(portstr, NULL, 0)) == 0) { struct servent *service; if ((service = getservbyname(portstr, NULL)) == NULL) return 0; port = service->s_port; } } if ( port == -1 ) return 0; if (hostname[0] == '\0') type = 1; if (hostname[0] == '\0' || hostname[0] == '.') if (gethostname(hostname, MAXHOSTNAMELENGTH) == -1) return 0; if ((hp = gethostbyname(hostname)) == NULL) return 0; memset(adrinet, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); adrinet->sin_family = AF_INET; adrinet->sin_port = htons(port); memcpy(&adrinet->sin_addr, hp->h_addr, hp->h_length); return type; } char * space2tab (tabbuff) char *tabbuff; /* Tab table filled with spaces */ { char *newbuff, *line0, *line1, *ic, *icn; char cspace, ctab, cdash; int lbuff; int alltab = 0; int notab = 0; cspace = ' '; cdash = '-'; ctab = '\t'; line0 = tabbuff; lbuff = strlen (tabbuff); newbuff = (char *) calloc (lbuff, 1); icn = newbuff; while ((line1 = strchr (line0, newline))) { if (alltab == 0 && *(line1+1) == cdash) { alltab = 1; } ic = line0; notab = 1; while (ic <= line1) { if (*ic != cspace) *icn++ = *ic++; else { if (alltab) { *icn++ = ctab; while (*ic++ == cspace) { } ic--; } else if (notab) { notab = 0; *icn++ = ctab; while (*ic++ == cspace) { } ic--; } else *icn++ = *ic++; } } line0 = line1 + 1; notab = 1; if (strlen (line0) < 1) { *icn++ = (char) 0; break; } } return (newbuff); } /* Nov 29 2000 New subroutines * Dec 11 2000 Do not print messages unless nlog > 0 * Dec 12 2000 Fix problems with return if no stars * Dec 18 2000 Clean up code after lint * * Jan 2 2001 Set MAXHOSTNAMELENGTH to 256, bypassing system constant * Jan 3 2001 Include string.h, not strings.h * Mar 19 2001 Drop argument types from declaration * Mar 23 2001 Put number into argument list correctly in webrnum() * Jun 7 2001 Add proper motion flag and number of magnitudes to RefCat() * Jun 20 2001 Move webopen() declaration to wcscat.h * Jun 28 2001 When reading chunked data, loop until nothing is read or [EOD] * Jul 12 2001 Break out web access into subroutine webbuff() * Sep 7 2001 Free server in webbuff() * Sep 11 2001 Pass array of magnitude vectors * Sep 14 2001 Pass sort type, if distance or magnitude * Sep 14 2001 Add option to print entire returned file if nlog < 0 * Sep 21 2001 Debug searches of ESO USNO-A2.0 and GSC catalogs * * Apr 8 2002 Fix bug in ESO USNO-A2.0 server code * Aug 6 2002 Make starcat->entmag and starcat->keymag into vectors * Oct 3 2002 If nstarmax is less than 1, print results from web directly * * Jan 27 2003 Add maximum number of stars to be returned to webread() * Jan 28 2003 Add number of decimal places to webread() and webrnum() * Mar 12 2003 Fix bug in USNO-A2 server code * Aug 22 2003 Add radi argument for inner edge of search annulus * Nov 22 2003 Increase buffer size faster than reading in webbuff() * Dec 12 2003 Fix calls to CatNumLen() and tabcatopen() * * Jan 5 2004 Convert SDSS table from comma-separated to tab-separated in webopen(); initialize nbcont to 0 in webbuff() * Jan 14 2004 Return error if data but no objects returned in webopen() * Aug 30 2004 Send CR-LF termination to HTTP GET, not just LF * Sep 10 2004 Print server messages only if verbose flag is on * * Jan 9 2006 Multiply max number of stars for ESO search to get all * Apr 6 2006 Check for sdss in URL for Sloan parsing * Jun 20 2006 Cast most stream I/O calls to void * Oct 30 2006 Reset buffer length for SDSS tables * * Jan 10 2007 Add match to webrnum argument list for tabrnum() * Jan 11 2007 Include fitsfile.h * Mar 13 2007 Process CSV data from STScI MAST GALEX GSC2 catalog * Mar 13 2007 Caselessly search for header info * Apr 11 2007 Terminate buffer read as number of characters * Jul 13 2007 Add SkyBot data transformation to webopen() * Jul 17 2007 Change order of arguments in movebuff() so destination is first * Jul 18 2007 Fix bug in chunked data reading * Jul 19 2007 If last line of table has no content, drop it * Aug 24 2007 Fix tab tables filled with spaces * Aug 28 2007 Fix space2tab() declarations which passed on Solaris, not Linux * Dec 31 2007 Fix chunk reading code in webbuff() * * Jan 8 2008 Forward automatically if status=301|302|303|307 (code from Ed Los) * * Sep 25 2009 Reverse movebuff() source, destination arguments for compatibility * Sep 25 2009 Free allocated pointers before returning after Douglas Burke * * Oct 29 2010 Declare match int in webrnum() * * Sep 16 2011 Add winsock2.h include for MinGW MSWindows C */