#ifndef _H_I3_MULTIXRAY_DEFINITION #define _H_I3_MULTIXRAY_DEFINITION #include "i3_global.h" #define HAVE_MULTIXRAY_MODEL /* This file is automatically generated. Edit the corresponding python file to change it.*/ typedef struct i3_multixray_parameter_set { i3_flt alpha_arcsec; /* Tangent plane RA offset of centroid from baseline */ i3_flt delta_arcsec; /* Tangent plane DEC offset of centroid from baseline */ i3_flt e1; /* The ellipticity along x axs */ i3_flt e2; /* The ellipticity along x=y axs */ i3_flt rc; /* The outer radius r_c */ i3_flt A; /* Amplitude of the profile */ i3_flt beta; i3_flt background[30]; /* A background noise level to add to the model */ } i3_multixray_parameter_set; #define i3_multixray_nparam 8 #endif