import os import time import shutil import argparse import numpy as np from .image import Image from .options import Options from .analyze import analyze, compute_rgpp_rp from . import lib from .output import Output import sys #I think there is no harm in doing this here, although we # might want to do it again later. lib.i3_gsl_init_rng() # Set up and parse the command line arguments using the nice Python argparse module description = 'Im3shape measures the shapes of galaxies in astronomical survey images,\n \ taking into account that they have been distorted by a point-spread function.\n \ For more info visit\n\n \ Standard usage:\n \ parameter_filename image_file object_catalogue_file psf_file output_filename\n \ [first_image_to_process] [last_image_to_process] [additional ini file options]' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, add_help=True, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('ini_filename', type=str, help='parameter_filename') parser.add_argument('fit_filename', type=str, help='image_file') parser.add_argument('cat_filename', type=str, help='object_catalogue_file') parser.add_argument('psf_filename', type=str, help='psf_file') parser.add_argument('out_filename', type=str, help='output_filename') parser.add_argument('first', type=int, default=0, help='[first_image_to_process]') parser.add_argument('last', type=int, default=1e9, help='[last_image_to_process]') #parser.add_argument('more_options', type=str, help='[additional ini file options]') def main(argv): import pyfits args = parser.parse_args(argv) # Read in option file options = Options(args.ini_filename) options.validate() # Read in the FITS data data = pyfits.getdata(args.fit_filename) # Read in object catalog gal_cat = np.atleast_2d(np.loadtxt(args.cat_filename)) if options.psf_input == 'moffat_catalog': # Read in psf catalog psf_cat = np.loadtxt(args.psf_filename) elif options.psf_input == 'psf_image_single': # Read in psf fits image psf_array = pyfits.getdata(args.psf_filename) psf = Image(psf_array) elif options.psf_input == 'psf_image_cube': #Not done yet! raise IOError('PSF image cube not yet supported. Great if you are willing to add this feature to py3shape yourself') elif options.psf_input == "no_psf": psf = None else: #error! raise IOError('Unknown PSF input') # Create i3_image of certain stamp size stamp_size = options.stamp_size #overwrite the output filename #options.output_filename = args.out_filename options.save_output = False output = Output(args.out_filename, options) extra_cols = [] if options.psf_input == 'moffat_catalog': extra_cols.extend(('psf_beta', 'psf_e1', 'psf_e2')) extra_lines = [ 'driver: py3shape-main', 'ini: %s' % (args.ini_filename,), 'cat: %s' % (args.cat_filename,), 'fit: %s' % (args.fit_filename,), 'psf: %s' % (args.psf_filename,), 'out: %s' % (args.out_filename,), 'first: %s' % (args.first,), 'last: %s' % (args.last,), ] output.write_header(include_radec=False, extra_cols=extra_cols, extra_lines=extra_lines) # Loop over objects in catalog print 'Analyzing %d/%d galaxies' % (args.last-args.first+1, len(gal_cat)) start_time = time.clock() data_ymin = 0 data_xmin = 0 data_xmax = data.shape[1] data_ymax = data.shape[0] #main galaxy loop for i in range(args.first, args.last+1): # Read galaxy catalog entry identifier = gal_cat[i, 0].astype('int') xpos = gal_cat[i, 1] ypos = gal_cat[i, 2] # Cut out stamp from fits image half=stamp_size/2. over_edge = (ypos-halfdata_ymax) | (xpos+half>data_xmax) if over_edge: print "Galaxy straddling edge of the image will not be analyzed: ", identifier continue stamp_array=data[ypos-half:ypos+half, xpos-half:xpos+half] galaxy = Image(stamp_array) extra_output = [] if options.psf_input == 'moffat_catalog': # Read PSF catalog entry beta = psf_cat[i, 0] fwhm = psf_cat[i, 1] e1 = psf_cat[i, 2] e2 = psf_cat[i, 3] extra_output.extend((beta, e1, e2)) # Create PSF image from Moffat parameters psf = Image.make_great10_psf(stamp_size, stamp_size, beta, fwhm, e1, e2, options) result, best_fit = analyze(galaxy, psf, options, ID=identifier, x=xpos, y=ypos) output.write_row(result, options, psf, extra_output=extra_output) # Compute rgpp/rp # rgpp_rp = compute_rgpp_rp(result, psf, options) # Write out results within python rather than from the C side total_time = time.clock() - start_time ngal = args.last+1 - args.first print "Total time for processing in Python:" , total_time print "Time per galaxy:" , total_time / ngal if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv)