#ifndef EXCEPTIONS_H_62B23520_7C8E_11DE_8A39_0800200C9A66
#define EXCEPTIONS_H_62B23520_7C8E_11DE_8A39_0800200C9A66

#if defined(_MSC_VER) ||                                            \
    (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4) || \
     (__GNUC__ >= 4))  // GCC supports "pragma once" correctly since 3.4
#pragma once

#include "yaml-cpp/mark.h"
#include "yaml-cpp/noexcept.h"
#include "yaml-cpp/traits.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>

namespace YAML {
// error messages
namespace ErrorMsg {
const char* const YAML_DIRECTIVE_ARGS =
    "YAML directives must have exactly one argument";
const char* const YAML_VERSION = "bad YAML version: ";
const char* const YAML_MAJOR_VERSION = "YAML major version too large";
const char* const REPEATED_YAML_DIRECTIVE = "repeated YAML directive";
const char* const TAG_DIRECTIVE_ARGS =
    "TAG directives must have exactly two arguments";
const char* const REPEATED_TAG_DIRECTIVE = "repeated TAG directive";
const char* const CHAR_IN_TAG_HANDLE =
    "illegal character found while scanning tag handle";
const char* const TAG_WITH_NO_SUFFIX = "tag handle with no suffix";
const char* const END_OF_VERBATIM_TAG = "end of verbatim tag not found";
const char* const END_OF_MAP = "end of map not found";
const char* const END_OF_MAP_FLOW = "end of map flow not found";
const char* const END_OF_SEQ = "end of sequence not found";
const char* const END_OF_SEQ_FLOW = "end of sequence flow not found";
const char* const MULTIPLE_TAGS =
    "cannot assign multiple tags to the same node";
const char* const MULTIPLE_ANCHORS =
    "cannot assign multiple anchors to the same node";
const char* const MULTIPLE_ALIASES =
    "cannot assign multiple aliases to the same node";
const char* const ALIAS_CONTENT =
    "aliases can't have any content, *including* tags";
const char* const INVALID_HEX = "bad character found while scanning hex number";
const char* const INVALID_UNICODE = "invalid unicode: ";
const char* const INVALID_ESCAPE = "unknown escape character: ";
const char* const UNKNOWN_TOKEN = "unknown token";
const char* const DOC_IN_SCALAR = "illegal document indicator in scalar";
const char* const EOF_IN_SCALAR = "illegal EOF in scalar";
const char* const CHAR_IN_SCALAR = "illegal character in scalar";
const char* const TAB_IN_INDENTATION =
    "illegal tab when looking for indentation";
const char* const FLOW_END = "illegal flow end";
const char* const BLOCK_ENTRY = "illegal block entry";
const char* const MAP_KEY = "illegal map key";
const char* const MAP_VALUE = "illegal map value";
const char* const ALIAS_NOT_FOUND = "alias not found after *";
const char* const ANCHOR_NOT_FOUND = "anchor not found after &";
const char* const CHAR_IN_ALIAS =
    "illegal character found while scanning alias";
const char* const CHAR_IN_ANCHOR =
    "illegal character found while scanning anchor";
const char* const ZERO_INDENT_IN_BLOCK =
    "cannot set zero indentation for a block scalar";
const char* const CHAR_IN_BLOCK = "unexpected character in block scalar";
const char* const AMBIGUOUS_ANCHOR =
    "cannot assign the same alias to multiple nodes";
const char* const UNKNOWN_ANCHOR = "the referenced anchor is not defined: ";

const char* const INVALID_NODE =
    "invalid node; this may result from using a map iterator as a sequence "
    "iterator, or vice-versa";
const char* const INVALID_SCALAR = "invalid scalar";
const char* const KEY_NOT_FOUND = "key not found";
const char* const BAD_CONVERSION = "bad conversion";
const char* const BAD_DEREFERENCE = "bad dereference";
const char* const BAD_SUBSCRIPT = "operator[] call on a scalar";
const char* const BAD_PUSHBACK = "appending to a non-sequence";
const char* const BAD_INSERT = "inserting in a non-convertible-to-map";

const char* const UNMATCHED_GROUP_TAG = "unmatched group tag";
const char* const UNEXPECTED_END_SEQ = "unexpected end sequence token";
const char* const UNEXPECTED_END_MAP = "unexpected end map token";
const char* const SINGLE_QUOTED_CHAR =
    "invalid character in single-quoted string";
const char* const INVALID_ANCHOR = "invalid anchor";
const char* const INVALID_ALIAS = "invalid alias";
const char* const INVALID_TAG = "invalid tag";
const char* const BAD_FILE = "bad file";

template <typename T>
inline const std::string KEY_NOT_FOUND_WITH_KEY(
    const T&, typename disable_if<is_numeric<T>>::type* = 0) {
  return KEY_NOT_FOUND;

inline const std::string KEY_NOT_FOUND_WITH_KEY(const std::string& key) {
  std::stringstream stream;
  stream << KEY_NOT_FOUND << ": " << key;
  return stream.str();

inline const std::string KEY_NOT_FOUND_WITH_KEY(const char* key) {
  std::stringstream stream;
  stream << KEY_NOT_FOUND << ": " << key;
  return stream.str();

template <typename T>
inline const std::string KEY_NOT_FOUND_WITH_KEY(
    const T& key, typename enable_if<is_numeric<T>>::type* = 0) {
  std::stringstream stream;
  stream << KEY_NOT_FOUND << ": " << key;
  return stream.str();

template <typename T>
inline const std::string BAD_SUBSCRIPT_WITH_KEY(
    const T&, typename disable_if<is_numeric<T>>::type* = nullptr) {

inline const std::string BAD_SUBSCRIPT_WITH_KEY(const std::string& key) {
  std::stringstream stream;
  stream << BAD_SUBSCRIPT << " (key: \"" << key << "\")";
  return stream.str();

inline const std::string BAD_SUBSCRIPT_WITH_KEY(const char* key) {
  std::stringstream stream;
  stream << BAD_SUBSCRIPT << " (key: \"" << key << "\")";
  return stream.str();

template <typename T>
inline const std::string BAD_SUBSCRIPT_WITH_KEY(
    const T& key, typename enable_if<is_numeric<T>>::type* = nullptr) {
  std::stringstream stream;
  stream << BAD_SUBSCRIPT << " (key: \"" << key << "\")";
  return stream.str();

inline const std::string INVALID_NODE_WITH_KEY(const std::string& key) {
  std::stringstream stream;
  if (key.empty()) {
    return INVALID_NODE;
  stream << "invalid node; first invalid key: \"" << key << "\"";
  return stream.str();
}  // namespace ErrorMsg

class YAML_CPP_API Exception : public std::runtime_error {
  Exception(const Mark& mark_, const std::string& msg_)
      : std::runtime_error(build_what(mark_, msg_)), mark(mark_), msg(msg_) {}
  ~Exception() YAML_CPP_NOEXCEPT override;

  Exception(const Exception&) = default;

  Mark mark;
  std::string msg;

  static const std::string build_what(const Mark& mark,
                                      const std::string& msg) {
    if (mark.is_null()) {
      return msg;

    std::stringstream output;
    output << "yaml-cpp: error at line " << mark.line + 1 << ", column "
           << mark.column + 1 << ": " << msg;
    return output.str();

class YAML_CPP_API ParserException : public Exception {
  ParserException(const Mark& mark_, const std::string& msg_)
      : Exception(mark_, msg_) {}
  ParserException(const ParserException&) = default;
  ~ParserException() YAML_CPP_NOEXCEPT override;

class YAML_CPP_API RepresentationException : public Exception {
  RepresentationException(const Mark& mark_, const std::string& msg_)
      : Exception(mark_, msg_) {}
  RepresentationException(const RepresentationException&) = default;
  ~RepresentationException() YAML_CPP_NOEXCEPT override;

// representation exceptions
class YAML_CPP_API InvalidScalar : public RepresentationException {
  InvalidScalar(const Mark& mark_)
      : RepresentationException(mark_, ErrorMsg::INVALID_SCALAR) {}
  InvalidScalar(const InvalidScalar&) = default;
  ~InvalidScalar() YAML_CPP_NOEXCEPT override;

class YAML_CPP_API KeyNotFound : public RepresentationException {
  template <typename T>
  KeyNotFound(const Mark& mark_, const T& key_)
      : RepresentationException(mark_, ErrorMsg::KEY_NOT_FOUND_WITH_KEY(key_)) {
  KeyNotFound(const KeyNotFound&) = default;
  ~KeyNotFound() YAML_CPP_NOEXCEPT override;

template <typename T>
class YAML_CPP_API TypedKeyNotFound : public KeyNotFound {
  TypedKeyNotFound(const Mark& mark_, const T& key_)
      : KeyNotFound(mark_, key_), key(key_) {}
  ~TypedKeyNotFound() YAML_CPP_NOEXCEPT override = default;

  T key;

template <typename T>
inline TypedKeyNotFound<T> MakeTypedKeyNotFound(const Mark& mark,
                                                const T& key) {
  return TypedKeyNotFound<T>(mark, key);

class YAML_CPP_API InvalidNode : public RepresentationException {
  InvalidNode(const std::string& key)
      : RepresentationException(Mark::null_mark(),
                                ErrorMsg::INVALID_NODE_WITH_KEY(key)) {}
  InvalidNode(const InvalidNode&) = default;
  ~InvalidNode() YAML_CPP_NOEXCEPT override;

class YAML_CPP_API BadConversion : public RepresentationException {
  explicit BadConversion(const Mark& mark_)
      : RepresentationException(mark_, ErrorMsg::BAD_CONVERSION) {}
  BadConversion(const BadConversion&) = default;
  ~BadConversion() YAML_CPP_NOEXCEPT override;

template <typename T>
class TypedBadConversion : public BadConversion {
  explicit TypedBadConversion(const Mark& mark_) : BadConversion(mark_) {}

class YAML_CPP_API BadDereference : public RepresentationException {
      : RepresentationException(Mark::null_mark(), ErrorMsg::BAD_DEREFERENCE) {}
  BadDereference(const BadDereference&) = default;
  ~BadDereference() YAML_CPP_NOEXCEPT override;

class YAML_CPP_API BadSubscript : public RepresentationException {
  template <typename Key>
  BadSubscript(const Mark& mark_, const Key& key)
      : RepresentationException(mark_, ErrorMsg::BAD_SUBSCRIPT_WITH_KEY(key)) {}
  BadSubscript(const BadSubscript&) = default;
  ~BadSubscript() YAML_CPP_NOEXCEPT override;

class YAML_CPP_API BadPushback : public RepresentationException {
      : RepresentationException(Mark::null_mark(), ErrorMsg::BAD_PUSHBACK) {}
  BadPushback(const BadPushback&) = default;
  ~BadPushback() YAML_CPP_NOEXCEPT override;

class YAML_CPP_API BadInsert : public RepresentationException {
      : RepresentationException(Mark::null_mark(), ErrorMsg::BAD_INSERT) {}
  BadInsert(const BadInsert&) = default;
  ~BadInsert() YAML_CPP_NOEXCEPT override;

class YAML_CPP_API EmitterException : public Exception {
  EmitterException(const std::string& msg_)
      : Exception(Mark::null_mark(), msg_) {}
  EmitterException(const EmitterException&) = default;
  ~EmitterException() YAML_CPP_NOEXCEPT override;

class YAML_CPP_API BadFile : public Exception {
  explicit BadFile(const std::string& filename)
      : Exception(Mark::null_mark(),
                  std::string(ErrorMsg::BAD_FILE) + ": " + filename) {}
  BadFile(const BadFile&) = default;
  ~BadFile() YAML_CPP_NOEXCEPT override;
}  // namespace YAML

#endif  // EXCEPTIONS_H_62B23520_7C8E_11DE_8A39_0800200C9A66