#!/cvmfs/northgrid.gridpp.ac.uk/simonsobservatory/conda/so-conda-py310-20231220/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2015-2021 by the parties listed in the AUTHORS file. # All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by # a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. """ This script runs a simple ground simulation and makes a map. NOTE: This script is an example. If you are doing a simulation for a specific experiment, you should use a custom Focalplane class rather that the simple base class used here. You can see the automatically generated command line options with: toast_sim_ground.py --help Or you can dump a config file with all the default values with: toast_sim_ground.py --default_toml config.toml This script contains just comments about what is going on. For details about all the options for a specific Operator, see the documentation or use the help() function from an interactive python session. """ import argparse import datetime import os import pickle import sys import traceback import warnings import erfa import numpy as np from astropy import units as u # Import toast first to avoid thread addinity issues with numpy and OpenBLAS import toast # import toast import toast.ops from toast import spt3g as t3g from toast.mpi import MPI, Comm if t3g.available: from spt3g import core as c3g warnings.simplefilter("error") warnings.simplefilter("ignore", erfa.core.ErfaWarning) def parse_config(operators, templates, comm): """Parse command line arguments and load any config files. Return the final config, remaining args, and job size args. """ # Argument parsing parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Ground Simulation Example.") # Arguments specific to this script parser.add_argument( "--focalplane", required=True, default=None, help="Input fake focalplane" ) parser.add_argument( "--schedule", required=True, default=None, help="Input observing schedule" ) parser.add_argument( "--out_dir", required=False, type=str, default="toast_sim_ground_out", help="The output directory", ) parser.add_argument( "--save_spt3g", required=False, default=False, action="store_true", help="Save simulated data to SPT3G format.", ) parser.add_argument( "--obsmaps", required=False, default=False, action="store_true", help="Map each observation separately.", ) parser.add_argument( "--sample_rate", required=False, type=float, help="Override focalplane sampling rate [Hz]", ) parser.add_argument( "--thinfp", required=False, type=int, help="Only sample the provided focalplane pixels", ) parser.add_argument( "--pwv_limit", required=False, type=float, help="If set, discard observations with simulated PWV " "higher than the limit [mm]", ) parser.add_argument( "--telescope", required=False, help="Override telescope name read from the schedule file", ) # Build a config dictionary starting from the operator defaults, overriding with any # config files specified with the '--config' commandline option, followed by any # individually specified parameter overrides. config, args, jobargs = toast.parse_config( parser, operators=operators, templates=templates, ) # Create our output directory if comm is None or comm.rank == 0: if not os.path.isdir(args.out_dir): os.makedirs(args.out_dir) # Log the config that was actually used at runtime. outlog = os.path.join(args.out_dir, "config_log.toml") toast.config.dump_toml(outlog, config, comm=comm) return config, args, jobargs def load_instrument_and_schedule(args, comm): # Load a generic focalplane file. NOTE: again, this is just using the # built-in Focalplane class. In a workflow for a specific experiment we would # have a custom class. log = toast.utils.Logger.get() timer = toast.timing.Timer() timer.start() if args.sample_rate is not None: sample_rate = args.sample_rate * u.Hz else: sample_rate = None fname_pickle = ( f"{os.path.basename(args.focalplane)}_" f"thinfp={args.thinfp}_fsample={args.sample_rate}.pck" ) if os.path.isfile(fname_pickle): log.info_rank(f"Loading focalplane from {fname_pickle}", comm=comm) if comm is None or comm.rank == 0: with open(fname_pickle, "rb") as handle: focalplane = pickle.load(handle) else: focalplane = None if comm is not None: focalplane = comm.bcast(focalplane, root=0) else: focalplane = toast.instrument.Focalplane( sample_rate=sample_rate, thinfp=args.thinfp, ) with toast.io.H5File(args.focalplane, "r", comm=comm, force_serial=True) as f: focalplane.load_hdf5(f.handle, comm=comm) log.info_rank(f"Saving focalplane to {fname_pickle}", comm=comm) if comm is None or comm.rank == 0: with open(fname_pickle, "wb") as handle: pickle.dump(focalplane, handle) log.info_rank("Loaded focalplane in", comm=comm, timer=timer) log.info_rank(f"Focalplane: {str(focalplane)}", comm=comm) mem = toast.utils.memreport(msg="(whole node)", comm=comm, silent=True) log.info_rank(f"After loading focalplane: {mem}", comm) # Load the schedule file schedule = toast.schedule.GroundSchedule() schedule.read(args.schedule, comm=comm) log.info_rank("Loaded schedule in", comm=comm, timer=timer) mem = toast.utils.memreport(msg="(whole node)", comm=comm, silent=True) log.info_rank(f"After loading schedule: {mem}", comm) # Create a telescope for the simulation. Again, for a specific experiment we # would use custom classes for the site. site = toast.instrument.GroundSite( schedule.site_name, schedule.site_lat, schedule.site_lon, schedule.site_alt, weather=None, ) if args.telescope is None: telescope_name = schedule.telescope_name else: telescope_name = args.telescope telescope = toast.instrument.Telescope( telescope_name, focalplane=focalplane, site=site ) return telescope, schedule def use_full_pointing(job): # Are we using full pointing? We determine this from whether the binning operator # used in the solve has full pointing enabled and also whether madam (which # requires full pointing) is enabled. full_pointing = False if toast.ops.madam.available() and job.operators.madam.enabled: full_pointing = True if job.operators.binner.full_pointing: full_pointing = True return full_pointing def select_pointing(job, args): """Select the pixelization scheme for both the solver and final binning.""" ops = job.operators n_enabled_solve = np.sum( [ ops.pixels_wcs_azel.enabled, ops.pixels_wcs_radec.enabled, ops.pixels_healpix_radec.enabled, ] ) if n_enabled_solve != 1: raise RuntimeError( "Only one pixelization operator should be enabled for the solver." ) n_enabled_final = np.sum( [ ops.pixels_wcs_azel_final.enabled, ops.pixels_wcs_radec_final.enabled, ops.pixels_healpix_radec_final.enabled, ] ) if n_enabled_final > 1: raise RuntimeError( "At most, one pixelization operator can be enabled for the final binning." ) # Configure Az/El and RA/DEC boresight and detector pointing and weights ops.det_pointing_azel.boresight = ops.sim_ground.boresight_azel ops.det_pointing_radec.boresight = ops.sim_ground.boresight_radec ops.pixels_wcs_azel.detector_pointing = ops.det_pointing_azel ops.pixels_wcs_radec.detector_pointing = ops.det_pointing_radec ops.pixels_healpix_radec.detector_pointing = ops.det_pointing_radec ops.pixels_wcs_azel_final.detector_pointing = ops.det_pointing_azel ops.pixels_wcs_radec_final.detector_pointing = ops.det_pointing_radec ops.pixels_healpix_radec_final.detector_pointing = ops.det_pointing_radec ops.weights_azel.detector_pointing = ops.det_pointing_azel ops.weights_azel.hwp_angle = ops.sim_ground.hwp_angle ops.weights_radec.detector_pointing = ops.det_pointing_radec ops.weights_radec.hwp_angle = ops.sim_ground.hwp_angle # Select Pixelization and weights for solve and final binning if ops.pixels_wcs_azel.enabled: if ops.scan_healpix_map.enabled: raise RuntimeError("Cannot scan from healpix map with WCS pointing") job.pixels_solve = ops.pixels_wcs_azel job.weights_solve = ops.weights_azel elif ops.pixels_wcs_radec.enabled: if ops.scan_healpix_map.enabled: raise RuntimeError("Cannot scan from healpix map with WCS pointing") job.pixels_solve = ops.pixels_wcs_radec job.weights_solve = ops.weights_radec else: if ops.scan_wcs_map.enabled: raise RuntimeError("Cannot scan from WCS map with healpix pointing") job.pixels_solve = ops.pixels_healpix_radec job.weights_solve = ops.weights_radec job.weights_final = job.weights_solve if n_enabled_final == 0: # Use same as solve job.pixels_final = job.pixels_solve else: if ops.pixels_wcs_azel_final.enabled: job.pixels_final = ops.pixels_wcs_azel_final elif ops.pixels_wcs_radec_final.enabled: job.pixels_final = ops.pixels_wcs_radec_final else: job.pixels_final = ops.pixels_healpix_radec_final def job_create(config, jobargs, telescope, schedule, comm): # Instantiate our objects that were configured from the command line / files job = toast.create_from_config(config) # Find the group size for this job, either from command-line overrides or # by estimating the data volume. full_pointing = use_full_pointing(job) group_size = toast.job_group_size( comm, jobargs, schedule=schedule, focalplane=telescope.focalplane, full_pointing=full_pointing, ) return job, group_size, full_pointing def simulate_data(args, job, toast_comm, telescope, schedule): log = toast.utils.Logger.get() ops = job.operators tmpls = job.templates world_comm = toast_comm.comm_world timer_sim = toast.timing.Timer() timer_sim.start() log.info_rank("Simulating data", comm=world_comm) # Create the (initially empty) data data = toast.Data(comm=toast_comm) # Timer for reporting the progress timer = toast.timing.Timer() timer.start() ops.mem_count.prefix = "Before Simulation" ops.mem_count.apply(data) # Simulate the telescope pointing ops.sim_ground.telescope = telescope ops.sim_ground.schedule = schedule if ops.sim_ground.weather is None: ops.sim_ground.weather = telescope.site.name ops.sim_ground.apply(data) log.info_rank(" Simulated telescope pointing in", comm=world_comm, timer=timer) ops.mem_count.prefix = "After Scan Simulation" ops.mem_count.apply(data) mem = toast.utils.memreport(msg="(whole node)", comm=world_comm, silent=True) log.info_rank(f"After simulating boresight: {mem}", world_comm) # Set up pointing, pixelization, and weights select_pointing(job, args) log.info_rank(f"Solver pixelization = {job.pixels_solve.name}", comm=world_comm) log.info_rank(f"Solver weights = {job.weights_solve.name}", comm=world_comm) log.info_rank(f"Final pixelization = {job.pixels_final.name}", comm=world_comm) log.info_rank(f"Final weights = {job.weights_final.name}", comm=world_comm) if args.pwv_limit is not None: iobs = 0 ngood = 0 nbad = 0 while iobs < len(data.obs): pwv = data.obs[iobs].telescope.site.weather.pwv.to_value(u.mm) if pwv <= args.pwv_limit: ngood += 1 iobs += 1 else: nbad += 1 del data.obs[iobs] if len(data.obs) == 0: msg = ( f"PWV limit = {args.pwv_limit} mm rejected all " f"{nbad} observations assigned to this process" ) raise RuntimeError(msg) if toast_comm is not None: nbad = toast_comm.comm_group_rank.allreduce(nbad) ngood = toast_comm.comm_group_rank.allreduce(ngood) log.info_rank( f" Discarded {nbad} / {ngood + nbad} observations " f"with PWV > {args.pwv_limit} mm in", comm=world_comm, timer=timer, ) # Construct a "perfect" noise model just from the focalplane parameters ops.default_model.apply(data) log.info_rank(" Created default noise model in", comm=world_comm, timer=timer) ops.mem_count.prefix = "After default noise model" ops.mem_count.apply(data) # Create the Elevation modulated noise model ops.elevation_model.noise_model = ops.default_model.noise_model ops.elevation_model.detector_pointing = ops.det_pointing_azel ops.elevation_model.apply(data) log.info_rank(" Created elevation noise model in", comm=world_comm, timer=timer) ops.mem_count.prefix = "After elevation noise model" ops.mem_count.apply(data) mem = toast.utils.memreport(msg="(whole node)", comm=world_comm, silent=True) log.info_rank(f"After elevation noise model: {mem}", world_comm) # Set up the pointing used in the binning operator ops.binner.pixel_pointing = job.pixels_solve ops.binner.stokes_weights = job.weights_solve ops.binner_final.pixel_pointing = job.pixels_final ops.binner_final.stokes_weights = job.weights_final # If we are not using a different binner for our final binning, use the same one # as the solve. if not ops.binner_final.enabled: ops.binner_final = ops.binner # Simulate atmosphere ops.sim_atmosphere.detector_pointing = ops.det_pointing_azel if ops.sim_atmosphere.polarization_fraction != 0: ops.sim_atmosphere.detector_weights = ops.weights_azel log.info_rank(" Simulating and observing atmosphere", comm=world_comm) ops.sim_atmosphere.apply(data) log.info_rank( " Simulated and observed atmosphere in", comm=world_comm, timer=timer ) ops.mem_count.prefix = "After simulating atmosphere" ops.mem_count.apply(data) # Shortcut if we are only caching the atmosphere. If this job is only caching # (not observing) the atmosphere, then return at this point. if ops.sim_atmosphere.cache_only: return data # Simulate sky signal from a map. We scan the sky with the "final" pointing model # in case that is different from the solver pointing model. if ops.scan_healpix_map.enabled: ops.scan_healpix_map.pixel_dist = ops.binner_final.pixel_dist ops.scan_healpix_map.pixel_pointing = job.pixels_final ops.scan_healpix_map.stokes_weights = job.weights_final ops.scan_healpix_map.save_pointing = use_full_pointing(job) log.info_rank(" Simulating sky signal", comm=world_comm) ops.scan_healpix_map.apply(data) log.info_rank(" Simulated sky signal in", comm=world_comm, timer=timer) elif ops.scan_wcs_map.enabled: ops.scan_wcs_map.pixel_dist = ops.binner_final.pixel_dist ops.scan_wcs_map.pixel_pointing = job.pixels_final ops.scan_wcs_map.stokes_weights = job.weights_final ops.scan_wcs_map.save_pointing = use_full_pointing(job) log.info_rank(" Simulating sky signal", comm=world_comm) ops.scan_wcs_map.apply(data) log.info_rank(" Simulated sky signal in", comm=world_comm, timer=timer) ops.mem_count.prefix = "After simulating sky signal" ops.mem_count.apply(data) # Simulate scan-synchronous signal ops.sim_sss.detector_pointing = ops.det_pointing_azel ops.sim_sss.apply(data) log.info_rank(" Simulated Scan-synchronous signal", comm=world_comm, timer=timer) ops.mem_count.prefix = "After simulating scan-synchronous signal" ops.mem_count.apply(data) # We may apply systematics to a number of signal flavors noise_key = ops.sim_noise.det_data try: det_data_keys = ops.scan_healpix_map.det_data_keys if ops.sim_noise.enabled: if noise_key not in det_data_keys: det_data_keys.append(noise_key) except: det_data_keys = [noise_key] for det_data in det_data_keys: # Apply a time constant ops.convolve_time_constant.det_data = det_data ops.convolve_time_constant.apply(data) log.info_rank( f" Convolved time constant with {det_data} in", comm=world_comm, timer=timer, ) ops.mem_count.prefix = "After applying time constant" ops.mem_count.apply(data) # Simulate detector noise ops.sim_noise.noise_model = ops.elevation_model.out_model log.info_rank(" Simulating detector noise", comm=world_comm) ops.sim_noise.apply(data) log.info_rank(" Simulated detector noise in", comm=world_comm, timer=timer) ops.mem_count.prefix = "After simulating noise" ops.mem_count.apply(data) # Add random flags ops.yield_cut.apply(data) log.info_rank(" Applied yield flags in", comm=world_comm, timer=timer) log.info_rank("Simulated data in", comm=world_comm, timer=timer_sim) for det_data in det_data_keys: # Add gain errors ops.gain_scrambler.det_data = det_data ops.gain_scrambler.apply(data) log.info_rank( f" Simulated gain errors in {det_data} in", comm=world_comm, timer=timer ) # Optionally write out the data if ops.save_hdf5.volume is None: ops.save_hdf5.volume = os.path.join(args.out_dir, "data") ops.save_hdf5.apply(data) log.info_rank("Saved HDF5 data in", comm=world_comm, timer=timer) mem = toast.utils.memreport(msg="(whole node)", comm=world_comm, silent=True) log.info_rank(f"After simulating TOD: {mem}", world_comm) return data def reduce_data(job, args, data): log = toast.utils.Logger.get() ops = job.operators tmpls = job.templates world_comm = data.comm.comm_world timer_reduce = toast.timing.Timer() timer_reduce.start() log.info_rank("Reducing data", comm=world_comm) # Timer for reporting the progress timer = toast.timing.Timer() timer.start() # Load and apply processing mask ops.processing_mask.pixel_pointing = job.pixels_final ops.processing_mask.pixel_dist = ops.binner_final.pixel_dist ops.processing_mask.apply(data) log.info_rank(" Raised processing flags in", comm=world_comm, timer=timer) # Flag Sun, Moon and the planets ops.flag_sso.detector_pointing = ops.det_pointing_azel log.info_rank(" Flagging SSOs", comm=world_comm) ops.flag_sso.apply(data) log.info_rank(" Flagged SSOs in", comm=world_comm, timer=timer) ops.mem_count.prefix = "After flagging SSOs" ops.mem_count.apply(data) # Optional geometric factors ops.cadence_map.pixel_pointing = job.pixels_final ops.cadence_map.pixel_dist = ops.binner_final.pixel_dist ops.cadence_map.output_dir = args.out_dir ops.cadence_map.apply(data) log.info_rank(" Calculated cadence map in", comm=world_comm, timer=timer) ops.mem_count.prefix = "After cadence map" ops.mem_count.apply(data) ops.crosslinking.pixel_pointing = job.pixels_final ops.crosslinking.pixel_dist = ops.binner_final.pixel_dist ops.crosslinking.output_dir = args.out_dir ops.crosslinking.apply(data) log.info_rank(" Calculated crosslinking in", comm=world_comm, timer=timer) ops.mem_count.prefix = "After crosslinking map" ops.mem_count.apply(data) # Collect signal statistics before filtering ops.raw_statistics.output_dir = args.out_dir ops.raw_statistics.apply(data) log.info_rank(" Calculated raw statistics in", comm=world_comm, timer=timer) ops.mem_count.prefix = "After raw statistics" ops.mem_count.apply(data) # We may apply the reduction to a number of signal flavors noise_key = ops.sim_noise.det_data try: det_data_keys = ops.scan_healpix_map.det_data_keys if ops.sim_noise.enabled: if noise_key not in det_data_keys: det_data_keys.append(noise_key) except: det_data_keys = [noise_key] for det_data in det_data_keys: # Deconvolve a time constant ops.deconvolve_time_constant.det_data = det_data ops.deconvolve_time_constant.apply(data) log.info_rank( f" Deconvolved time constant in {det_data} in", comm=world_comm, timer=timer, ) ops.mem_count.prefix = "After deconvolving time constant" ops.mem_count.apply(data) # Apply the filter stack timer_filter = toast.timing.Timer() timer_filter.start() log.info_rank(" Filtering signal", comm=world_comm) ops.hwpfilter.det_data = det_data ops.hwpfilter.apply(data) log.info_rank( f" Finished hwp-filtering {det_data} in", comm=world_comm, timer=timer ) ops.groundfilter.det_data = det_data ops.groundfilter.apply(data) log.info_rank( f" Finished ground-filtering {det_data} in", comm=world_comm, timer=timer ) ops.polyfilter1D.det_data = det_data ops.polyfilter1D.apply(data) log.info_rank( f" Finished 1D-poly-filtering {det_data} in", comm=world_comm, timer=timer, ) ops.polyfilter2D.det_data = det_data ops.polyfilter2D.apply(data) log.info_rank( f" Finished 2D-poly-filtering {det_data} in", comm=world_comm, timer=timer, ) ops.common_mode_filter.det_data = det_data ops.common_mode_filter.apply(data) log.info_rank( f" Finished common-mode-filtering {det_data} in", comm=world_comm, timer=timer, ) log.info_rank(" Finished filtering in", comm=world_comm, timer=timer_filter) ops.mem_count.prefix = "After filtering" ops.mem_count.apply(data) # The map maker requires the the binning operators used for the solve and final, # the templates, and the noise model. ops.binner.noise_model = ops.elevation_model.out_model ops.binner_final.noise_model = ops.elevation_model.out_model ops.mapmaker.binning = ops.binner ops.mapmaker.template_matrix = toast.ops.TemplateMatrix(templates=[tmpls.baselines]) ops.mapmaker.map_binning = ops.binner_final ops.mapmaker.output_dir = args.out_dir ops.filterbin.binning = ops.binner_final ops.filterbin.output_dir = args.out_dir orig_name_mapmaker = ops.mapmaker.name orig_name_filterbin = ops.filterbin.name log.info_rank(" Making maps", comm=world_comm) if args.obsmaps: # Map each observation separately timer_obs = toast.timing.Timer() timer_obs.start() group = data.comm.group orig_comm = data.comm new_comm = Comm(world=data.comm.comm_group) for iobs, obs in enumerate(data.obs): log.info_rank( f" {group} : mapping observation {iobs + 1} / {len(data.obs)}.", comm=new_comm.comm_world, ) # Data object that only covers one observation obs_data = data.select(obs_uid=obs.uid) # Replace comm_world with the group communicator obs_data._comm = new_comm ops.filterbin.reset_pix_dist = True ops.mapmaker.reset_pix_dist = True ops.mapmaker.name = f"{orig_name_mapmaker}_{obs.name}" ops.filterbin.name = f"{orig_name_filterbin}_{obs.name}" for det_data in det_data_keys: ops.mapmaker.det_data = det_data ops.filterbin.det_data = det_data if len(det_data_keys) != 1: ops.mapmaker.mc_mode = True ops.filterbin.mc_mode = True ops.mapmaker.mc_root = f"{det_data}" ops.filterbin.mc_root = f"{det_data}" ops.mapmaker.apply(obs_data) log.info_rank( f" {group} : Mapped {det_data} {obs.name} in", comm=new_comm.comm_world, timer=timer_obs, ) ops.filterbin.apply(obs_data) log.info_rank( f" {group} : Filter+binned {det_data} {obs.name} in", comm=new_comm.comm_world, timer=timer_obs, ) # Additional signal flavors get to re-use pointing information ops.mapmaker.reset_pix_dist = False ops.filterbin.reset_pix_dist = False log.info_rank( f" {group} : Done mapping {len(data.obs)} observations.", comm=new_comm.comm_world, ) data._comm = orig_comm else: timer_key = toast.timing.Timer() timer_key.start() for det_data in det_data_keys: ops.mapmaker.det_data = det_data ops.filterbin.det_data = det_data if len(det_data_keys) != 1: ops.mapmaker.mc_mode = True ops.filterbin.mc_mode = True ops.mapmaker.mc_root = f"{det_data}" ops.filterbin.mc_root = f"{det_data}" ops.mapmaker.apply(data) ops.filterbin.apply(data) # Additional signal flavors get to re-use pointing information ops.mapmaker.reset_pix_dist = False ops.filterbin.reset_pix_dist = False log.info_rank( f" Finished map-making {det_data} in", comm=world_comm, timer=timer_key ) log.info_rank(f" Finished map-making in", comm=world_comm, timer=timer) ops.mem_count.prefix = "After mapmaker" ops.mem_count.apply(data) # Optionally run Madam if toast.ops.madam.available() and ops.madam.enabled: ops.madam.params = toast.ops.madam_params_from_mapmaker(ops.mapmaker) ops.madam.pixel_pointing = job.pixels_final ops.madam.stokes_weights = job.weights_final ops.madam.apply(data) log.info_rank(" Finished Madam in", comm=world_comm, timer=timer) ops.mem_count.prefix = "After Madam" ops.mem_count.apply(data) # Collect signal statistics after filtering/destriping ops.filtered_statistics.output_dir = args.out_dir ops.filtered_statistics.apply(data) log.info_rank(" Calculated filtered statistics in", comm=world_comm, timer=timer) ops.mem_count.prefix = "After filtered statistics" ops.mem_count.apply(data) log.info_rank("Reduced data in", comm=world_comm, timer=timer_reduce) return def dump_spt3g(job, args, data): """Save data to SPT3G format.""" if not t3g.available: raise RuntimeError("SPT3G is not available, cannot save to that format") ops = job.operators save_dir = os.path.join(args.out_dir, "spt3g") meta_exporter = t3g.export_obs_meta( noise_models=[ (ops.default_model.noise_model, ops.default_model.noise_model), (ops.elevation_model.out_model, ops.elevation_model.out_model), ] ) # Note that we export detector flags below to a float64 G3TimestreamMap # in order to use FLAC compression. # FIXME: This workflow currently does not use any operators that create # detector flags. Once it does, add that back below. data_exporter = t3g.export_obs_data( shared_names=[ ( ops.sim_ground.boresight_azel, ops.sim_ground.boresight_azel, c3g.G3VectorQuat, ), ( ops.sim_ground.boresight_radec, ops.sim_ground.boresight_radec, c3g.G3VectorQuat, ), (ops.sim_ground.position, ops.sim_ground.position, None), (ops.sim_ground.velocity, ops.sim_ground.velocity, None), (ops.sim_ground.azimuth, ops.sim_ground.azimuth, None), (ops.sim_ground.elevation, ops.sim_ground.elevation, None), # (ops.sim_ground.hwp_angle, ops.sim_ground.hwp_angle, None), (ops.sim_ground.shared_flags, "telescope_flags", None), ], det_names=[ ( ops.sim_noise.det_data, ops.sim_noise.det_data, c3g.G3TimestreamMap, ), # ("flags", "detector_flags", c3g.G3TimestreamMap), ], interval_names=[ (ops.sim_ground.scan_leftright_interval, "intervals_scan_leftright"), (ops.sim_ground.turn_leftright_interval, "intervals_turn_leftright"), (ops.sim_ground.scan_rightleft_interval, "intervals_scan_rightleft"), (ops.sim_ground.turn_rightleft_interval, "intervals_turn_rightleft"), (ops.sim_ground.elnod_interval, "intervals_elnod"), (ops.sim_ground.scanning_interval, "intervals_scanning"), (ops.sim_ground.turnaround_interval, "intervals_turnaround"), (ops.sim_ground.sun_up_interval, "intervals_sun_up"), (ops.sim_ground.sun_close_interval, "intervals_sun_close"), ], compress=True, ) exporter = t3g.export_obs( meta_export=meta_exporter, data_export=data_exporter, export_rank=0, ) dumper = toast.ops.SaveSpt3g( directory=save_dir, framefile_mb=500, obs_export=exporter ) dumper.apply(data) @toast.timing.function_timer def main(): env = toast.utils.Environment.get() log = toast.utils.Logger.get() gt = toast.timing.GlobalTimers.get() gt.start("toast_ground_sim (total)") timer0 = toast.timing.Timer() timer0.start() # Get optional MPI parameters comm, procs, rank = toast.get_world() if "OMP_NUM_THREADS" in os.environ: nthread = os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] else: nthread = "unknown number of" log.info_rank( f"Executing workflow with {procs} MPI tasks, each with " f"{nthread} OpenMP threads at {datetime.datetime.now()}", comm, ) mem = toast.utils.memreport(msg="(whole node)", comm=comm, silent=True) log.info_rank(f"Start of the workflow: {mem}", comm) # The operators we want to configure from the command line or a parameter file. # We will use other operators, but these are the ones that the user can configure. # The "name" of each operator instance controls what the commandline and config # file options will be called. # # We can also set some default values here for the traits, including whether an # operator is disabled by default. operators = [ toast.ops.SimGround(name="sim_ground", weather="atacama", detset_key="pixel"), toast.ops.DefaultNoiseModel(name="default_model", noise_model="noise_model"), toast.ops.ElevationNoise(name="elevation_model", out_model="noise_model"), toast.ops.PointingDetectorSimple(name="det_pointing_azel", quats="quats_azel"), toast.ops.StokesWeights( name="weights_azel", weights="weights_azel", mode="IQU" ), toast.ops.PointingDetectorSimple( name="det_pointing_radec", quats="quats_radec" ), toast.ops.ScanHealpixMap(name="scan_healpix_map", enabled=False), toast.ops.ScanWCSMap(name="scan_wcs_map", enabled=False), toast.ops.SimAtmosphere(name="sim_atmosphere"), toast.ops.SimScanSynchronousSignal(name="sim_sss", enabled=False), toast.ops.TimeConstant( name="convolve_time_constant", deconvolve=False, enabled=False ), toast.ops.GainScrambler(name="gain_scrambler", enabled=False), toast.ops.SaveHDF5(name="save_hdf5", enabled=False), toast.ops.SimNoise(name="sim_noise"), toast.ops.PixelsHealpix(name="pixels_healpix_radec"), toast.ops.PixelsWCS( name="pixels_wcs_radec", projection="CAR", resolution=(0.005 * u.degree, 0.005 * u.degree), auto_bounds=True, enabled=False, ), toast.ops.PixelsWCS( name="pixels_wcs_azel", projection="CAR", resolution=(0.005 * u.degree, 0.005 * u.degree), auto_bounds=True, enabled=False, ), toast.ops.StokesWeights(name="weights_radec", mode="IQU"), toast.ops.YieldCut(name="yield_cut", enabled=False), toast.ops.ScanHealpixMask(name="processing_mask", enabled=False), toast.ops.FlagSSO(name="flag_sso", enabled=False), toast.ops.CadenceMap(name="cadence_map", enabled=False), toast.ops.CrossLinking(name="crosslinking", enabled=False), toast.ops.Statistics(name="raw_statistics", enabled=False), toast.ops.TimeConstant( name="deconvolve_time_constant", deconvolve=True, enabled=False ), toast.ops.HWPFilter(name="hwpfilter", enabled=False), toast.ops.GroundFilter(name="groundfilter", enabled=False), toast.ops.PolyFilter(name="polyfilter1D"), toast.ops.PolyFilter2D(name="polyfilter2D", enabled=False), toast.ops.CommonModeFilter(name="common_mode_filter", enabled=False), toast.ops.Statistics(name="filtered_statistics", enabled=False), toast.ops.BinMap(name="binner", pixel_dist="pix_dist"), toast.ops.MapMaker(name="mapmaker"), toast.ops.PixelsHealpix(name="pixels_healpix_radec_final", enabled=False), toast.ops.PixelsWCS(name="pixels_wcs_radec_final", enabled=False), toast.ops.PixelsWCS(name="pixels_wcs_azel_final", enabled=False), toast.ops.BinMap( name="binner_final", enabled=False, pixel_dist="pix_dist_final" ), toast.ops.FilterBin( name="filterbin", enabled=False, ), toast.ops.MemoryCounter(name="mem_count", enabled=False), ] if toast.ops.madam.available(): operators.append(toast.ops.Madam(name="madam", enabled=False)) # Templates we want to configure from the command line or a parameter file. templates = [toast.templates.Offset(name="baselines")] # Parse options config, args, jobargs = parse_config(operators, templates, comm) # Load our instrument model and observing schedule telescope, schedule = load_instrument_and_schedule(args, comm) # Instantiate our operators and get the size of the process groups job, group_size, full_pointing = job_create( config, jobargs, telescope, schedule, comm ) # Create the toast communicator toast_comm = toast.Comm(world=comm, groupsize=group_size) # Create simulated data data = simulate_data(args, job, toast_comm, telescope, schedule) # Handle special case of caching the atmosphere simulations. In this # case, we are not simulating timestreams or doing data reductions. if not job.operators.sim_atmosphere.cache_only: # Optionally save to spt3g format if args.save_spt3g: dump_spt3g(job, args, data) # Reduce the data reduce_data(job, args, data) # Collect optional timing information alltimers = toast.timing.gather_timers(comm=toast_comm.comm_world) if toast_comm.world_rank == 0: out = os.path.join(args.out_dir, "timing") toast.timing.dump(alltimers, out) log.info_rank("Workflow completed in", comm=comm, timer=timer0) if __name__ == "__main__": world, procs, rank = toast.mpi.get_world() with toast.mpi.exception_guard(comm=world): main()