* Copyright(c) 2019 Intel Corporation
* This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 3-Clause Clear License and
* the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 3-Clause Clear License
* was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
* obtain it at https://www.aomedia.org/license. If the Alliance for Open
* Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
* PATENTS file, you can obtain it at https://www.aomedia.org/license/patent-license.

#ifndef EbSvtAv1Enc_h
#define EbSvtAv1Enc_h

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif // __cplusplus

#include <stdint.h>
#include "EbSvtAv1.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

 * @brief SVT-AV1 encoder ABI version
 * Should be increased by 1 everytime a public struct in the encoder
 * has been modified, and reset anytime the major API version has
 * been changed. Used to keep track if a field has been added or not.


/*!\brief Decorator indicating that given struct/union/enum is packed */
#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__
#define ATTRIBUTE_PACKED __attribute__((packed))
typedef enum ATTRIBUTE_PACKED {
    ENC_MR         = -1, //Research mode with higher quality than M0
    ENC_M0         = 0,
    ENC_M1         = 1,
    ENC_M2         = 2,
    ENC_M3         = 3,
    ENC_M4         = 4,
    ENC_M5         = 5,
    ENC_M6         = 6,
    ENC_M7         = 7,
    ENC_M8         = 8,
    ENC_M9         = 9,
    ENC_M10        = 10,
    ENC_M11        = 11,
    ENC_M12        = 12,
    ENC_M13        = 13,
} EncMode;

#define DEFAULT -1

#define EB_BUFFERFLAG_EOS 0x00000001 // signals the last packet of the stream
#define EB_BUFFERFLAG_SHOW_EXT 0x00000002 // signals that the packet contains a show existing frame at the end
#define EB_BUFFERFLAG_HAS_TD 0x00000004 // signals that the packet contains a TD
#define EB_BUFFERFLAG_IS_ALT_REF 0x00000008 // signals that the packet contains an ALT_REF frame
    0xFFFFFFF0 // mask for signalling error assuming top flags fit in 4 bits. To be changed, if more flags are added.

 * Struct for storing content light level information
 * Values are stored in BE format
 * Refer to the AV1 specification 6.7.3 for more details
struct EbContentLightLevel {
    uint16_t max_cll;
    uint16_t max_fall;

 * Struct for storing x and y chroma points, values are stored in BE format
struct EbSvtAv1ChromaPoints {
    uint16_t x;
    uint16_t y;

 * Struct for storing mastering-display information
 * values are stored in BE format
 * Refer to the AV1 specification 6.7.4 for more details
struct EbSvtAv1MasteringDisplayInfo {
    struct EbSvtAv1ChromaPoints r;
    struct EbSvtAv1ChromaPoints g;
    struct EbSvtAv1ChromaPoints b;
    struct EbSvtAv1ChromaPoints white_point;
    uint32_t                    max_luma;
    uint32_t                    min_luma;

 * Prediction Structure Config Entry
 *   Contains the basic reference lists and
 *   configurations for each Prediction Structure
 *   Config Entry.
typedef struct PredictionStructureConfigEntry {
    uint32_t temporal_layer_index;
    uint32_t decode_order;
} PredictionStructureConfigEntry;

// super-res modes
typedef enum {
    SUPERRES_NONE, // No frame superres allowed.
    SUPERRES_FIXED, // All frames are coded at the specified scale, and super-resolved.
    SUPERRES_RANDOM, // All frames are coded at a random scale, and super-resolved.
    SUPERRES_QTHRESH, // Superres scale for a frame is determined based on q_index.
    SUPERRES_AUTO, // Automatically select superres for appropriate frames.

// super-res auto search type
typedef enum {
    SUPERRES_AUTO_ALL, // Tries all possible superres ratios
    SUPERRES_AUTO_DUAL, // Tries no superres and q-based superres ratios
    SUPERRES_AUTO_SOLO, // Only apply the q-based superres ratio

// reference scaling modes
typedef enum {
    RESIZE_NONE, // No frame resize allowed.
    RESIZE_FIXED, // All frames are coded at the specified scale.
    RESIZE_RANDOM, // All frames are coded at a random scale.
    RESIZE_DYNAMIC, // Resize scale for a frame in dynamic.
    RESIZE_RANDOM_ACCESS, // Resize scale frame by event in random access

/** The SvtAv1IntraRefreshType is used to describe the intra refresh type.
typedef enum SvtAv1IntraRefreshType {
    SVT_AV1_KF_REFRESH    = 2,
} SvtAv1IntraRefreshType;

typedef enum {
    SVT_AV1_STREAM_INFO_START                = 1,


/*!\brief Generic fixed size buffer structure
 * This structure is able to hold a reference to any fixed size buffer.
typedef struct SvtAv1FixedBuf {
    void    *buf; /**< Pointer to the data. Does NOT own the data! */
    uint64_t sz; /**< Length of the buffer, in chars */
} SvtAv1FixedBuf; /**< alias for struct aom_fixed_buf */

/** Indicates how an S-Frame should be inserted.
typedef enum EbSFrameMode {
        1, /**< The considered frame will be made into an S-Frame only if it is a base layer inter frame */
        2, /**< If the considered frame is not an altref frame, the next base layer inter frame will be made into an S-Frame */
} EbSFrameMode;

/* Indicates what prediction structure to use
 * was PredStructure in EbDefinitions.h
typedef enum SvtAv1PredStructure {
    SVT_AV1_PRED_LOW_DELAY_P   = 0, // No longer active
    SVT_AV1_PRED_INVALID       = 0xFF,
} SvtAv1PredStructure;

/* Indicates what rate control mode is used.
 * Currently, cqp is distinguised by setting enable_adaptive_quantization to 0
typedef enum SvtAv1RcMode {
    SVT_AV1_RC_MODE_CQP_OR_CRF = 0, // constant quantization parameter/constant rate factor
    SVT_AV1_RC_MODE_VBR        = 1, // variable bit rate
    SVT_AV1_RC_MODE_CBR        = 2, // constant bit rate
} SvtAv1RcMode;

typedef enum SvtAv1FrameUpdateType {
    SVT_AV1_INTNL_OVERLAY_UPDATE, // Internal Overlay Frame
    SVT_AV1_INTNL_ARF_UPDATE, // Internal Altref Frame
} SvtAv1FrameUpdateType;

typedef struct SvtAv1FrameScaleEvts {
    uint32_t  evt_num;
    uint64_t *start_frame_nums;
    uint32_t *resize_kf_denoms;
    uint32_t *resize_denoms;
} SvtAv1FrameScaleEvts;

// Will contain the EbEncApi which will live in the EncHandle class
// Only modifiable during config-time.
typedef struct EbSvtAv1EncConfiguration {
     * @brief Encoder preset used.
     * -2 and -1 are for debug purposes and should not be used.
     * 0 is the highest quality mode but is the slowest,
     * 13 is the fastest mode but is not as high quality.
     * Min value is -2.
     * Max value is 13.
     * Default is 12.
    int8_t enc_mode;

    // GOP Structure

    /* The intra period defines the interval of frames after which you insert an
     * Intra refresh. It is strongly recommended to set the value to multiple of
     * 2^(hierarchical_levels), subtracting one if using open GOP (intra_refresh_type == 1).
     * For instance, to get a 5-second GOP (default being >=5 seconds)
     * with hierarchical_levels = 3 and open GOP you could use 319, 279, 159
     * for 60, 50, or 30 respectively.
     * -1 = no intra update.
     * -2 = auto.
     * Default is -2. */
    int32_t intra_period_length;

    /* Random access.
     * 1 = CRA, open GOP.
     * 2 = IDR, closed GOP.
     * Default is 1. */
    SvtAv1IntraRefreshType intra_refresh_type;

    /* Number of hierarchical layers used to construct GOP.
     * Minigop size = 2^HierarchicalLevels.
     * Default is 5 upt to M12 4, for M13. */
    uint32_t hierarchical_levels;

    /* Prediction structure used to construct GOP. There are two main structures
     * supported, which are: Low Delay (P or B) and Random Access.
     * In Low Delay structure, pictures within a mini GOP refer to the previously
     * encoded pictures in display order. In other words, pictures with display
     * order N can only be referenced by pictures with display order greater than
     * N, and it can only refer pictures with picture order lower than N. The Low
     * Delay structure can be flat structured (e.g. IPPPPPPP...) or hierarchically
     * structured. B/b pictures can be used instead of P/p pictures. However, the
     * reference picture list 0 and the reference picture list 1 will contain the
     * same reference picture.
     * In Random Access structure, the B/b pictures can refer to reference pictures
     * from both directions (past and future).
     * Refer to SvtAv1PredStructure enum for valid values.
     * Default is SVT_AV1_PRED_RANDOM_ACCESS. */
    uint8_t pred_structure;

    // Input Info

     * @brief Frame width in pixels.
     * Min is 64.
     * Max is 16384.
     * Default is 0.
    uint32_t source_width;

     * @brief Frame height in pixels
     * Min is 64.
     * Max is 8704.
     * Default is 0.
    uint32_t source_height;

    /* Specifies the maximum frame width/height for the frames represented by the sequence header
     * (max_frame_width_minus_1 and max_frame_height_minus_1, spec 5.5.1).
     * Actual frame height could be equal to or less than this value. E.g. Use this value to indicate
     * the maximum height between renditions when switch frame feature is on.
    uint32_t forced_max_frame_width;
    uint32_t forced_max_frame_height;
    /* Frame rate numerator. When zero, the encoder will use -fps if
     * FrameRateDenominator is also zero, otherwise an error is returned.
     * Default is 0. */
    uint32_t frame_rate_numerator;
    /* Frame rate denominator. When zero, the encoder will use -fps if
     * FrameRateNumerator is also zero, otherwise an error is returned.
     * Default is 0. */
    uint32_t frame_rate_denominator;
    /* Specifies the bit depth of input video.
     * 8 = 8 bit.
     * 10 = 10 bit.
     * Default is 8. */
    uint32_t encoder_bit_depth;

     * @brief Encoder color format.
     * Only YUV420 is supported for now.
     * Min is YUV400.
     * Max is YUV444.
     * Default is YUV420.
    EbColorFormat encoder_color_format;

     * @brief Currently unused.
     * Default is 0.
    uint8_t high_dynamic_range_input;

     * @brief Bitstream profile to use.
     * 0: main, 1: high, 2: professional.
     * Min is MAIN_PROFILE.
     * Default is MAIN_PROFILE.
    EbAv1SeqProfile profile;
    /* Constraints for bitstream in terms of max bitrate and max buffer size.
     * 0 = Main, for most applications.
     * 1 = High, for demanding applications.
     * Default is 0. */
    uint32_t tier;

     * @brief Bitstream level.
     * 0: autodetect from bitstream, 20: level 2.0, 63: level 6.3, only levels 2.0-6.3 are properly defined.
     * The levels are defined at https://aomediacodec.github.io/av1-spec/av1-spec.pdf
     * under "A.3. Levels".
     * Min is 0.
     * Max is 73.
     * Default is 0.
    uint32_t level;

    /* Color description present flag
    * It is not necessary to set this parameter manually.
    * It is set internally to true once one of the color_primaries, transfer_characteristics or
    * matrix coefficients is set to non-default value.
    Default is false. */
    Bool color_description_present_flag;
    /* Color primaries
    * values are from EbColorPrimaries
    Default is 2 (CP_UNSPECIFIED). */
    EbColorPrimaries color_primaries;
    /* Transfer characteristics
    * values are from EbTransferCharacteristics
    Default is 2 (TC_UNSPECIFIED). */
    EbTransferCharacteristics transfer_characteristics;
    /* Matrix coefficients
    * values are from EbMatrixCoefficients
    Default is 2 (MC_UNSPECIFIED). */
    EbMatrixCoefficients matrix_coefficients;
    /* Color range
    * values are from EbColorRange
    * 0: studio swing.
    * 1: full swing.
    Default is 0. */
    EbColorRange color_range;
    /* Mastering display metadata
    * values are from set using svt_aom_parse_mastering_display()
    struct EbSvtAv1MasteringDisplayInfo mastering_display;
    /* Content light level
    * values are from set using svt_aom_parse_content_light_level()
    struct EbContentLightLevel content_light_level;

    /* Chroma sample position
     * Values as per 6.4.2 of the specification:
     * EB_CSP_UNKNOWN:   default
     * EB_CSP_VERTICAL:  value 0 from H.273 AKA "left"
     * EB_CSP_COLOCATED: value 2 from H.273 AKA "top left"
    EbChromaSamplePosition chroma_sample_position;

    // End input info

    /* Rate control mode.
     * Refer to the SvtAv1RcMode enum for valid values
     * Default is 0. */
    uint32_t rate_control_mode;

    // Rate control tuning

    // Quantization
    /* Initial quantization parameter for the Intra pictures used under constant
     * qp rate control mode.
     * Default is 50. */
    uint32_t qp;

    /* force qp values for every picture that are passed in the header pointer
    * Default is 0.*/
    Bool use_qp_file;

    /* Target bitrate in bits/second, only applicable when rate control mode is
     * set to 1 (VBR) or 2 (CBR).
     * Default is 2000000. */
    uint32_t target_bit_rate;
    /* maximum bitrate in bits/second, only apllicable when rate control mode is
     * set to 0.
     * Default is 0. */
    uint32_t max_bit_rate;

#if !SVT_AV1_CHECK_VERSION(1, 5, 0)
    /* DEPRECATED: to be removed in 1.5.0. */
    uint32_t vbv_bufsize;

    /* Maxium QP value allowed for rate control use, only applicable when rate
     * control mode is set to 1. It has to be greater or equal to minQpAllowed.
     * Default is 63. */
    uint32_t max_qp_allowed;
    /* Minimum QP value allowed for rate control use, only applicable when rate
     * control mode is set to 1. It has to be smaller or equal to maxQpAllowed.
     * Default is 0. */
    uint32_t min_qp_allowed;

#if !SVT_AV1_CHECK_VERSION(2, 0, 0)
    /* DEPRECATED: to be removed in 2.0.0. */
     * @brief Variable Bit Rate Bias Percentage
     * Indicates the bias for determining target size for the current frame.
     * A value 0 indicates the optimal CBR mode value should be used, and 100
     * indicates the optimal VBR mode value should be used.
     * Min is 0.
     * Max is 100.
     * Default is 100
    uint32_t vbr_bias_pct;

     * @brief Variable Bit Rate Minimum Section Percentage
     * Indicates the minimum bitrate to be used for a single GOP as a percentage
     * of the target bitrate.
     * Min is 0.
     * Max is 100.
     * Default is 0.
    uint32_t vbr_min_section_pct;

     * @brief Variable Bit Rate Maximum Section Percentage
     * Indicates the maximum bitrate to be used for a single GOP as a percentage
     * of the target bitrate.
     * Min is 0.
     * Max is 10000.
     * Default is 2000.
    uint32_t vbr_max_section_pct;

     * @brief UnderShoot Percentage
     * Only applicable for VBR and CBR.
     * Indicates the tolerance of the VBR algorithm to undershoot and is used
     * as a trigger threshold for more agressive adaptation of Quantization.
     * Min is 0.
     * Max is 100.
     * Default is 25 for CBR and 50 for VBR.
    uint32_t under_shoot_pct;

     * @brief OverShoot Percentage
     * Only applicable for VBR and CBR
     * Indicates the tolerance of the VBR algorithm to overshoot and is used as
     * a trigger threshold for more agressive adaptation of Quantization.
     * Min is 0.
     * Max is 100.
     * Default is 25.
    uint32_t over_shoot_pct;

     * @brief MaxBitRate OverShoot Percentage
     * Only applicable for Capped CRF.
     * Indicates the tolerance of the Capped CRF algorithm to overshoot
     * and is used as a trigger threshold for more agressive adaptation of
     * Quantization.
     * Min is 0.
     * Max is 100.
     * Default is 50.
    uint32_t mbr_over_shoot_pct;

     * @brief Starting Buffer Level in MilliSeconds
     * Only applicable for CBR.
     * Indicates the amount of data that will be buffered by the decoding
     * application prior to beginning playback, and is expressed in units of
     * time. Must be less than maximum_buffer_size_ms.
     * Min is 20.
     * Max is 10000.
     * Default is 600.
    int64_t starting_buffer_level_ms;

     * @brief Optimal Buffer Level in MilliSeconds
     * Only applicable for CBR.
     * indicates the amount of data that the encoder should try to maintain in the
     * decoder's buffer, and is expressed in units of time. Must be less than
     * maximum_buffer_size_ms.
     * Min is 20.
     * Max is 10000.
     * Default is 600.
    int64_t optimal_buffer_level_ms;

     * @brief Maximum Buffer Size in MilliSeconds
     * Only applicable for CBR.
     * indicates the maximum amount of data that may be buffered by the
     * decoding application, and is expressed in units of time.
     * Min is 20.
     * Max is 10000.
     * Default is 1000.
    int64_t maximum_buffer_size_ms;

    // input / output buffer to be used for multi-pass encoding
    SvtAv1FixedBuf rc_stats_buffer;
    int            pass;

    // End rate control tuning

    // Individual tuning flags
    /* use fixed qp offset for every picture based on temporal layer index
    * 0: off (use the auto mode QP)
    * 1: on (the offset is applied on top of the user QP)
    * 2: on (the offset is applied on top of the auto mode QP)
    * Default is 0.*/
    uint8_t use_fixed_qindex_offsets;
    int32_t qindex_offsets[EB_MAX_TEMPORAL_LAYERS];
    int32_t key_frame_chroma_qindex_offset;
    int32_t key_frame_qindex_offset;
    int32_t chroma_qindex_offsets[EB_MAX_TEMPORAL_LAYERS];

    int32_t luma_y_dc_qindex_offset;
    int32_t chroma_u_dc_qindex_offset;
    int32_t chroma_u_ac_qindex_offset;
    int32_t chroma_v_dc_qindex_offset;
    int32_t chroma_v_ac_qindex_offset;

     * @brief Deblocking loop filter control
     * Default is true.
    Bool enable_dlf_flag;

    /* Film grain denoising the input picture
    * Flag to enable the denoising
    * Default is 0. */
    uint32_t film_grain_denoise_strength;

    * @brief Determines how much denoising is used.
    * Only applicable when film grain is ON.
    * 0 is no denoising
    * 1 is full denoising
    uint8_t film_grain_denoise_apply;

    /* CDEF Level
    * Default is -1. */
    int cdef_level;

    /* Restoration filtering
    *  enable/disable
    *  set Self-Guided (sg) mode
    *  set Wiener (wn) mode
    * Default is -1. */
    int enable_restoration_filtering;

    /* motion field motion vector
    *  Default is -1. */
    int enable_mfmv;

    /* Flag to enable the scene change detection algorithm.
     * Default is 1. */
    uint32_t scene_change_detection;

     * @brief API signal to constrain motion vectors.
     * Default is false.
    Bool restricted_motion_vector;

    /* Log 2 Tile Rows and columns . 0 means no tiling,1 means that we split the dimension
        * into 2
        * Default is 0. */
    int32_t tile_columns;
    int32_t tile_rows;

    /* When RateControlMode is set to 1 it's best to set this parameter to be
     * equal to the Intra period value (such is the default set by the encoder).
     * When CQP is chosen, then a (2 * minigopsize +1) look ahead is recommended.
     * Default depends on rate control mode.*/
    uint32_t look_ahead_distance;

    /* Enable TPL in look ahead
     * 0 = disable TPL in look ahead
     * 1 = enable TPL in look ahead
     * Default is 0  */
    uint8_t enable_tpl_la;

    /* recode_loop indicates the recode levels,
     * DISALLOW_RECODE = 0, No recode.
     * ALLOW_RECODE_KFMAXBW = 1, Allow recode for KF and exceeding maximum frame bandwidth.
     * ALLOW_RECODE_KFARFGF = 2, Allow recode only for KF/ARF/GF frames.
     * ALLOW_RECODE = 3, Allow recode for all frames based on bitrate constraints.
     * ALLOW_RECODE_DEFAULT = 4, Default setting, ALLOW_RECODE_KFARFGF for M0~5 and
     *                                            ALLOW_RECODE_KFMAXBW for M6~8.
     * default is 4
    uint32_t recode_loop;

    /* Flag to signal the content being a screen sharing content type
    * Default is 0. */
    uint32_t screen_content_mode;

    /* Enable adaptive quantization within a frame using segmentation.
     * For rate control mode 0, setting this to 0 will use CQP mode, else CRF mode will be used.
     * Default is 2. */
    uint8_t enable_adaptive_quantization;

     * @brief Enable use of ALT-REF (temporally filtered) frames.
     * Default is true.
    Bool enable_tf;

    Bool enable_overlays;
     * @brief Tune for a particular metric; 0: VQ, 1: PSNR, 2: SSIM.
     * Default is 1.
    uint8_t tune;

    // super-resolution parameters
    uint8_t superres_mode;
    uint8_t superres_denom;
    uint8_t superres_kf_denom;
    uint8_t superres_qthres;
    uint8_t superres_kf_qthres;
    uint8_t superres_auto_search_type;

#if !SVT_AV1_CHECK_VERSION(1, 5, 0)
    /* DEPRECATED: to be removed in 1.5.0. */
    PredictionStructureConfigEntry pred_struct[1 << (MAX_HIERARCHICAL_LEVEL - 1)];

    /* DEPRECATED: to be removed in 1.5.0. */
    Bool enable_manual_pred_struct;

    /* DEPRECATED: to be removed in 1.5.0. */
    int32_t manual_pred_struct_entry_num;
    /* Decoder-speed-targeted encoder optimization level (produce bitstreams that can be decoded faster).
    * 0: No decoder speed optimization
    * 1: Decoder speed optimization enabled (fast decode)
    Bool fast_decode;

    /* S-Frame interval (frames)
    * 0: S-Frame off
    * >0: S-Frame on and indicates the number of frames after which a frame may be coded as an S-Frame
    int32_t sframe_dist;
    /* Indicates how an S-Frame should be inserted
    * values are from EbSFrameMode
    * SFRAME_STRICT_ARF: the considered frame will be made into an S-Frame only if it is an altref frame
    * SFRAME_NEAREST_ARF: if the considered frame is not an altref frame, the next altref frame will be made into an S-Frame
    EbSFrameMode sframe_mode;

    // End of individual tuning flags

    // Application Specific parameters

     * @brief API signal for the library to know the channel ID (used for pinning to cores).
     * Min value is 0.
     * Max value is 0xFFFFFFFF.
     * Default is 0.
    uint32_t channel_id;

     * @brief API signal for the library to know the active number of channels being encoded simultaneously.
     * Min value is 1.
     * Max value is 0xFFFFFFFF.
     * Default is 1.
    uint32_t active_channel_count;

    // Threads management

    /* The number of logical processor which encoder threads run on. If
     * LogicalProcessors and TargetSocket are not set, threads are managed by
     * OS thread scheduler. */
    uint32_t logical_processors;

    /* Unpin the execution .This option does not
    * set the execution to be pinned to a specific number of cores when set to 1. this allows the execution
    * of multiple encodes on the CPU without having to pin them to a specific mask
    * 1: pinned threads
    * 0: unpinned
    * default 0 */
    uint32_t pin_threads;

    /* Target socket to run on. For dual socket systems, this can specify which
     * socket the encoder runs on.
     * -1 = Both Sockets.
     *  0 = Socket 0.
     *  1 = Socket 1.
     * Default is -1. */
    int32_t target_socket;

    /* CPU FLAGS to limit assembly instruction set used by encoder.
    * Default is EB_CPU_FLAGS_ALL. */
    EbCpuFlags use_cpu_flags;

    // Debug tools
    /* Instruct the library to calculate the recon to source for PSNR calculation
    * Default is 0.*/
    uint32_t stat_report;

     * @brief API Signal to output reconstructed yuv used for debug purposes.
     * Using this will affect the speed of encoder.
     * Default is false.
    Bool recon_enabled;
    // 1.0.0: Any additional fields shall go after here

     * @brief Signal that force-key-frames is enabled.
    Bool force_key_frames;

     * @brief Signal to the library to treat intra_period_length as seconds and
     * multiply by fps_num/fps_den.
    Bool multiply_keyint;

    // reference scaling parameters
     * @brief Reference scaling mode
     * the available modes are defined in RESIZE_MODE
    uint8_t resize_mode;
     * @brief Resize denominator
     * this value can be from 8 to 16, means downscaling to 8/8-8/16 of original
     * resolution in both width and height
    uint8_t resize_denom;
     * @brief Resize denominator of key frames
     * this value can be from 8 to 16, means downscaling to 8/8-8/16 of original
     * resolution in both width and height
    uint8_t resize_kf_denom;
     * @brief Signal to the library to enable quantisation matrices
     * Default is false.
    Bool enable_qm;
     * @brief Min quant matrix flatness. Applicable when enable_qm is true.
     * Min value is 0.
     * Max value is 15.
     * Default is 8.
    uint8_t min_qm_level;
     * @brief Max quant matrix flatness. Applicable when enable_qm is true.
     * Min value is 0.
     * Max value is 15.
     * Default is 15.
    uint8_t max_qm_level;

     * @brief gop_constraint_rc
     * Currently, only applicable for VBR and  when GoP size is greater than 119 frames.
     * When enabled, the rate control matches the target rate for each GoP.
     * 0: off
     * 1: on
     * Default is 0.
    Bool gop_constraint_rc;

     * @brief scale factors for lambda value for different frame update types
     * factor >> 7 (/ 128) is the actual value in float
    int32_t lambda_scale_factors[SVT_AV1_FRAME_UPDATE_TYPES];

    /* Dynamic gop
    * 0 = disable Dynamic GoP
    * 1 = enable Dynamic GoP
    *  Default is 1. */
    Bool enable_dg;

     * @brief startup_mg_size
     * When enabled, a MG with specified size will be inserted after the key frame.
     * The MG size is determined by 2^startup_mg_size.
     * 0: off
     * 2: set hierarchical levels to 2 (MG size 4)
     * 3: set hierarchical levels to 3 (MG size 8)
     * 4: set hierarchical levels to 4 (MG size 16)
     * Default is 0.
    uint8_t startup_mg_size;

    /* @brief reference scaling events for random access mode (resize-mode = 4)
     * evt_num:          total count of events
     * start_frame_nums: array of scaling start frame numbers
     * resize_kf_denoms: array of scaling denominators of key-frame
     * resize_denoms:    array of scaling denominators of non-key-frame
    SvtAv1FrameScaleEvts frame_scale_evts;

    /*Add 64 Byte Padding to Struct to avoid changing the size of the public configuration struct*/
    /* ROI map
    * 0 = disable ROI
    * 1 = enable ROI
    *  Default is 0. */
    Bool    enable_roi_map;
    uint8_t padding[64 - sizeof(Bool)];

} EbSvtAv1EncConfiguration;

 * Returns a string containing "v$tag-$commit_count-g$hash${dirty:+-dirty}"
 * @param[out] SVT_AV1_CVS_VERSION
EB_API const char *svt_av1_get_version(void);

 * Prints the version header and build information to the file
 * specified by the SVT_LOG_FILE environment variable or stderr
EB_API void svt_av1_print_version(void);

/* STEP 1: Call the library to construct a Component Handle.
     * Parameter:
     * @ **p_handle      Handle to be called in the future for manipulating the
     *                  component.
     * @ *p_app_data      Callback data.
     * @ *config_ptr     Pointer passed back to the client during callbacks, it will be
     *                  loaded with default params from the library. */
EB_API EbErrorType svt_av1_enc_init_handle(
    EbComponentType **p_handle, void *p_app_data,
    EbSvtAv1EncConfiguration *config_ptr); // config_ptr will be loaded with default params from the library

/* STEP 2: Set all configuration parameters.
     * Parameter:
     * @ *svt_enc_component              Encoder handler.
     * @ *pComponentParameterStructure  Encoder and buffer configurations will be copied to the library. */
EB_API EbErrorType svt_av1_enc_set_parameter(
    EbComponentType *svt_enc_component,
        *pComponentParameterStructure); // pComponentParameterStructure contents will be copied to the library

/* OPTIONAL: Set a single configuration parameter.
     * Parameter:
     * @ *pComponentParameterStructure  Encoder parameters structure.
     * @ *name                          Null terminated string containing the parameter name
     * @ *value                         Null terminated string containing the parameter value */
EB_API EbErrorType svt_av1_enc_parse_parameter(EbSvtAv1EncConfiguration *pComponentParameterStructure, const char *name,
                                               const char *value);

/* STEP 3: Initialize encoder and allocates memory to necessary buffers.
     * Parameter:
     * @ *svt_enc_component  Encoder handler. */
EB_API EbErrorType svt_av1_enc_init(EbComponentType *svt_enc_component);

/* OPTIONAL: Get stream headers at init time.
     * Parameter:
     * @ *svt_enc_component   Encoder handler.
     * @ **output_stream_ptr  Output buffer. */
EB_API EbErrorType svt_av1_enc_stream_header(EbComponentType     *svt_enc_component,
                                             EbBufferHeaderType **output_stream_ptr);

/* OPTIONAL: Release stream headers at init time.
     * Parameter:
     * @ *stream_header_ptr  stream header buffer. */
EB_API EbErrorType svt_av1_enc_stream_header_release(EbBufferHeaderType *stream_header_ptr);

/* STEP 4: Send the picture.
     * Parameter:
     * @ *svt_enc_component  Encoder handler.
     * @ *p_buffer           Header pointer, picture buffer. */
EB_API EbErrorType svt_av1_enc_send_picture(EbComponentType *svt_enc_component, EbBufferHeaderType *p_buffer);

/* STEP 5: Receive packet.
     * Parameter:
    * @ *svt_enc_component  Encoder handler.
     * @ **p_buffer          Header pointer to return packet with.
     * @ pic_send_done       Flag to signal that all input pictures have been sent, this call becomes locking one this signal is 1.
     * Non-locking call, returns EB_ErrorMax for an encode error, EB_NoErrorEmptyQueue when the library does not have any available packets.*/
EB_API EbErrorType svt_av1_enc_get_packet(EbComponentType *svt_enc_component, EbBufferHeaderType **p_buffer,
                                          uint8_t pic_send_done);

/* STEP 5-1: Release output buffer back into the pool.
     * Parameter:
     * @ **p_buffer          Header pointer that contains the output packet to be released. */
EB_API void svt_av1_enc_release_out_buffer(EbBufferHeaderType **p_buffer);

/* OPTIONAL: Fill buffer with reconstructed picture.
     * Parameter:
     * @ *svt_enc_component  Encoder handler.
     * @ *p_buffer           Output buffer. */
EB_API EbErrorType svt_av1_get_recon(EbComponentType *svt_enc_component, EbBufferHeaderType *p_buffer);

/* OPTIONAL: get stream information
     * Parameter:
     * @ *svt_enc_component  Encoder handler.
     * @ *stream_info_id SVT_AV1_STREAM_INFO_ID.
     * @ *info         output, the type depends on id */
EB_API EbErrorType svt_av1_enc_get_stream_info(EbComponentType *svt_enc_component, uint32_t stream_info_id, void *info);

/* STEP 6: Deinitialize encoder library.
     * Parameter:
     * @ *svt_enc_component  Encoder handler. */
EB_API EbErrorType svt_av1_enc_deinit(EbComponentType *svt_enc_component);

/* STEP 7: Deconstruct encoder handler.
     * Parameter:
     * @ *svt_enc_component  Encoder handler. */
EB_API EbErrorType svt_av1_enc_deinit_handle(EbComponentType *svt_enc_component);

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __cplusplus

#endif // EbSvtAv1Enc_h