# # W A R N I N G # ------------- # # This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an # implementation detail. It may change from version to version # without notice, or even be removed. # # We mean it. # load(cmake_functions) # Several distros (ArchLinux, Fedora) have in the past installed libraries # in /lib(64)?, but are now moving to install libraries in /usr/lib(64)?/. # The /lib paths are made symlinks to the /usr/lib paths. If someone searching # for a Qt 5 package finds it in /lib/cmake/Qt5Core, although it has been # installed in /usr/lib/cmake/Qt5Core, relative paths to the includes and # executables will not work. # To work around this, we insert code into the generated config files to check # at cmake time whether package has been found via a symlink, and correct # that to an absolute path. This is only done for installations to # the /usr or / prefix. CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBS_DIR = $$cmakeTargetPath($$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS]) contains(CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBS_DIR, ^(/usr)?/lib(64)?.*): CMAKE_USR_MOVE_WORKAROUND = $$CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBS_DIR CMAKE_OUT_DIR = $$MODULE_BASE_OUTDIR/lib/cmake internal_module { MODULE = "$${MODULE}_private" } # Core, Network, an external module named Foo CMAKE_MODULE_NAME = $$cmakeModuleName($${MODULE}) # QtCore, QtNetwork, still Foo CMAKE_INCLUDE_NAME = $$eval(QT.$${MODULE}.name) # TARGET here is the one changed at the end of qt_module.prf, # which already contains the Qt5 prefix and QT_LIBINFIX suffix : # Qt5Core_{libinfix_suffix}, Qt5Network_{libinfix_suffix}, Foo_{libinfix_suffix} # (or QtCore_{libinfix_suffix}, Foo_{libinfix_suffix} on macos with -framework). CMAKE_QT_STEM = $${TARGET} # ANDROID_ABI is set by the android toolchain file, see https://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/cmake android: CMAKE_QT_STEM = $$replace(CMAKE_QT_STEM, "_$${QT_ARCH}", '_\$\{ANDROID_ABI\}') # On macOS when building just a debug configuration which is not part of debug_and_release, # $${TARGET} already contains a _debug suffix, as per the following call chain: # qt_module.prf -> qt5LibraryTarget -> qtLibraryTarget -> qtPlatformTargetSuffix. # Remove the _debug suffix in the stem, to keep all further uses of CMAKE_QT_STEM consistent. # The _debug suffix is then re-added where needed regardless if it's a debug_and_release build # or just debug. darwin:!qt_framework:!debug_and_release:CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { CMAKE_QT_STEM = $$replace(CMAKE_QT_STEM, _debug$, ) } !generated_privates { isEmpty(SYNCQT.INJECTED_PRIVATE_HEADER_FILES):isEmpty(SYNCQT.PRIVATE_HEADER_FILES): \ CMAKE_NO_PRIVATE_INCLUDES = true } split_incpath { CMAKE_ADD_SOURCE_INCLUDE_DIRS = true CMAKE_SOURCE_INCLUDES = \ $$cmakeTargetPaths($$QT_MODULE_INCLUDE_BASE $$QT_MODULE_INCLUDE_BASE/$${CMAKE_INCLUDE_NAME}) CMAKE_SOURCE_PRIVATE_INCLUDES = \ $$cmakeTargetPaths($$QT_MODULE_INCLUDE_BASE/$${CMAKE_INCLUDE_NAME}/$$eval(QT.$${MODULE}.VERSION) \ $$QT_MODULE_INCLUDE_BASE/$${CMAKE_INCLUDE_NAME}/$$eval(QT.$${MODULE}.VERSION)/$${CMAKE_INCLUDE_NAME}) cmake_extra_source_includes.input = $$PWD/data/cmake/ExtraSourceIncludes.cmake.in cmake_extra_source_includes.output = $$CMAKE_OUT_DIR/Qt5$${CMAKE_MODULE_NAME}/ExtraSourceIncludes.cmake !build_pass:QMAKE_SUBSTITUTES += \ cmake_extra_source_includes cmake_qt5_module_files.files = \ $$cmake_extra_source_includes.output } CMAKE_INCLUDE_DIR = $$cmakeRelativePath($$[QT_INSTALL_HEADERS], $$[QT_INSTALL_PREFIX]) contains(CMAKE_INCLUDE_DIR, "^\\.\\./.*") { CMAKE_INCLUDE_DIR = $$[QT_INSTALL_HEADERS]/ CMAKE_INCLUDE_DIR_IS_ABSOLUTE = True } CMAKE_LIB_DIR = $$cmakeRelativePath($$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS], $$[QT_INSTALL_PREFIX]) contains(CMAKE_LIB_DIR,"^\\.\\./.*") { CMAKE_LIB_DIR = $$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS]/ CMAKE_LIB_DIR_IS_ABSOLUTE = True } else { CMAKE_RELATIVE_INSTALL_LIBS_DIR = $$cmakeRelativePath($$[QT_INSTALL_PREFIX], $$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS]) # We need to go up another two levels because the CMake files are # installed in $${CMAKE_LIB_DIR}/cmake/Qt5$${CMAKE_MODULE_NAME} CMAKE_RELATIVE_INSTALL_DIR = "$${CMAKE_RELATIVE_INSTALL_LIBS_DIR}../../" } CMAKE_BIN_DIR = $$cmakeRelativePath($$[QT_HOST_BINS], $$[QT_INSTALL_PREFIX]) contains(CMAKE_BIN_DIR, "^\\.\\./.*") { CMAKE_BIN_DIR = $$[QT_HOST_BINS]/ CMAKE_BIN_DIR_IS_ABSOLUTE = True } CMAKE_PLUGIN_DIR = $$cmakeRelativePath($$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS], $$[QT_INSTALL_PREFIX]) contains(CMAKE_PLUGIN_DIR, "^\\.\\./.*") { CMAKE_PLUGIN_DIR = $$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]/ CMAKE_PLUGIN_DIR_IS_ABSOLUTE = True } win32:!static:!staticlib { CMAKE_DLL_DIR = $$cmakeRelativePath($$[QT_INSTALL_BINS], $$[QT_INSTALL_PREFIX]) contains(CMAKE_DLL_DIR, "^\\.\\./.*") { CMAKE_DLL_DIR = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/ CMAKE_DLL_DIR_IS_ABSOLUTE = True } } else { CMAKE_DLL_DIR = $$CMAKE_LIB_DIR CMAKE_DLL_DIR_IS_ABSOLUTE = $$CMAKE_LIB_DIR_IS_ABSOLUTE } static|staticlib:CMAKE_STATIC_TYPE = true internal_module { CMAKE_INTERNAL_MODULE = true } CMAKE_DEBUG_TYPE = CMAKE_RELEASE_TYPE = # Requirements: # * If Qt is configured with -debug, we're creating debug libraries and not # release libraries, regardless of whether we're on a platform where # debug_and_release is true. # * If Qt is configured with -release, we're creating release libraries and not # debug libraries, regardless of whether we're on a platform where # debug_and_release is true. # * If Qt is configured with neither -debug nor -release, and we are on a # platform where debug_and_release is true, we're creating both # debug and release libraries. # * If Qt is configured with -debug on a platform where debug_and_release is # true, and 'make release' is subsequently invoked, CMake is only aware of # the debug libraries at build time. equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Windows): CMAKE_BIN_SUFFIX = ".exe" if(debug_and_release:build_all)|CONFIG(debug, debug|release): CMAKE_DEBUG_TYPE = debug if(debug_and_release:build_all)|CONFIG(release, debug|release): CMAKE_RELEASE_TYPE = release # CMAKE_DEBUG_AND_RELEASE is used to tell the _populate_$${CMAKE_MODULE_NAME}_target_properties # functions whether a Configuration specific generator expression needs to be added to the values # of INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES and INTERFACE_LINK_OPTIONS. For debug_and_release builds, we do need # configuration specific values. For singular builds (only release or only debug), we want the # values to be applied regardless of the configuration. # This would allow on Linux and macOS (and with a recent enough version of CMake on Windows) to # build a Debug configuration of an application, even if Qt was built in a Release configuration. # # All IMPORTED_LOCATION_<CONFIG> paths are automatically considered by CMake if there is no # <CONFIG> equivalent to the value specified by CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE. # This means that when Qt was built in a Release configuration, and the application in a Debug # configuration, IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELEASE will be used for the Qt libraries. # # Note that we need to check for the "debug_and_release" feature, and not the CONFIG value, because # the CONFIG value is always set to true on Windows in msvc-desktop.conf disregarding whether the # configure line specified just -debug or just -release. # This also means that if a user configures and builds Qt with -release, and then calls nmake debug # to build debug libraries of Qt, the generated CMake file won't know about debug libraries, # and will always link against the release libraries. qtConfig(debug_and_release) { CMAKE_DEBUG_AND_RELEASE = TRUE } else { CMAKE_DEBUG_AND_RELEASE = FALSE } contains(CONFIG, plugin) { CMAKE_PLUGIN_NAME = $$PLUGIN_CLASS_NAME plugin_genex_check = equals(PLUGIN_EXTENDS, -) { CMAKE_PLUGIN_EXTENDS = - } else { list_plugin_extends = for (p, PLUGIN_EXTENDS) { m = $$cmakeModuleName($$p) list_plugin_extends += Qt::$$m # CMake introduced $<IN_LIST:> in 3.12 which is too new for Qt, so manually # unroll each module check with an STREQUAL genex plugin_genex_check += \"$<STREQUAL:$<TARGET_PROPERTY:Qt5::$${CMAKE_PLUGIN_NAME},QT_PLUGIN_EXTENDS>,Qt::$${m}>,\" } CMAKE_PLUGIN_EXTENDS = $$join(list_plugin_extends, ";") CMAKE_PLUGIN_EXTENDS_GENEX_CHECK = $$join(plugin_genex_check, "$$escape_expand(\\n) ") } PLUGIN_MODULE_NAME = unique_qt_modules = $$unique(QT_MODULES) # In case modules appear in multiple places for (mod, unique_qt_modules) { contains(QT.$${mod}.plugin_types, $$PLUGIN_TYPE) { !isEmpty(PLUGIN_MODULE_NAME): \ error("Multiple modules claim plugin type '$$PLUGIN_TYPE' ($$mod, in addition to $$PLUGIN_MODULE_NAME)") PLUGIN_MODULE_NAME = $$mod } } isEmpty(PLUGIN_MODULE_NAME): error("No module claims plugin type '$$PLUGIN_TYPE'") sorted_deps = $$sort_depends(QT_PLUGIN.$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}.DEPENDS, QT.) mod_deps = lib_deps = aux_mod_deps = aux_lib_deps = for (dep, sorted_deps) { cdep = $$cmakeModuleName($$dep) mod_deps += $$cdep lib_deps += Qt5::$$cdep } CMAKE_PLUGIN_MODULE_DEPS = $$join(mod_deps, ";") CMAKE_PLUGIN_QT5_MODULE_DEPS = $$join(lib_deps, ";") CMAKE_MODULE_NAME = $$cmakeModuleName($$PLUGIN_MODULE_NAME) CMAKE_PLUGIN_TYPE = $$PLUGIN_TYPE CMAKE_PLUGIN_TYPE_ESCAPED = $$replace(PLUGIN_TYPE, [-/], _) win32 { !mingw|qtConfig(debug_and_release): debug_suffix="d" CMAKE_PRL_FILE_LOCATION_RELEASE = $$PLUGIN_TYPE/$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}.prl CMAKE_PRL_FILE_LOCATION_DEBUG = $$PLUGIN_TYPE/$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}$${debug_suffix}.prl isEmpty(CMAKE_STATIC_TYPE) { CMAKE_PLUGIN_LOCATION_RELEASE = $$PLUGIN_TYPE/$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}.dll CMAKE_PLUGIN_LOCATION_DEBUG = $$PLUGIN_TYPE/$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}$${debug_suffix}.dll } else:mingw { CMAKE_PLUGIN_LOCATION_RELEASE = $$PLUGIN_TYPE/lib$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}.a CMAKE_PLUGIN_LOCATION_DEBUG = $$PLUGIN_TYPE/lib$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}$${debug_suffix}.a } else { # MSVC static CMAKE_PLUGIN_LOCATION_RELEASE = $$PLUGIN_TYPE/$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}.lib CMAKE_PLUGIN_LOCATION_DEBUG = $$PLUGIN_TYPE/$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}$${debug_suffix}.lib } } else { mac { isEmpty(CMAKE_STATIC_TYPE): CMAKE_PLUGIN_EXT = .dylib else: CMAKE_PLUGIN_EXT = .a CMAKE_PLUGIN_LOCATION_RELEASE = $$PLUGIN_TYPE/lib$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}$${CMAKE_PLUGIN_EXT} CMAKE_PLUGIN_LOCATION_DEBUG = $$PLUGIN_TYPE/lib$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}_debug$${CMAKE_PLUGIN_EXT} CMAKE_PRL_FILE_LOCATION_RELEASE = $$PLUGIN_TYPE/lib$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}.prl CMAKE_PRL_FILE_LOCATION_DEBUG = $$PLUGIN_TYPE/lib$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}_debug.prl } else { isEmpty(CMAKE_STATIC_TYPE): CMAKE_PLUGIN_EXT = .so else: CMAKE_PLUGIN_EXT = .a CMAKE_PLUGIN_LOCATION_RELEASE = $$PLUGIN_TYPE/lib$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}$${CMAKE_PLUGIN_EXT} CMAKE_PLUGIN_LOCATION_DEBUG = $$PLUGIN_TYPE/lib$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}$${CMAKE_PLUGIN_EXT} CMAKE_PRL_FILE_LOCATION_RELEASE = $$PLUGIN_TYPE/lib$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}.prl CMAKE_PRL_FILE_LOCATION_DEBUG = $$PLUGIN_TYPE/lib$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}.prl } } cmake_target_file.input = $$PWD/data/cmake/Qt5PluginTarget.cmake.in cmake_target_file.output = $$CMAKE_OUT_DIR/Qt5$${CMAKE_MODULE_NAME}/Qt5$${CMAKE_MODULE_NAME}_$${PLUGIN_CLASS_NAME}.cmake cmake_qt5_plugin_import_file.input = $$PWD/data/cmake/Qt5ImportPlugin.cpp.in cmake_qt5_plugin_import_file.output = $$CMAKE_OUT_DIR/Qt5$${CMAKE_MODULE_NAME}/Qt5$${CMAKE_MODULE_NAME}_$${PLUGIN_CLASS_NAME}_Import.cpp !build_pass { QMAKE_SUBSTITUTES += cmake_target_file static|staticlib: QMAKE_SUBSTITUTES += cmake_qt5_plugin_import_file } cmake_qt5_plugin_file.files = $$cmake_target_file.output static|staticlib: cmake_qt5_plugin_file.files += $$cmake_qt5_plugin_import_file.output cmake_qt5_plugin_file.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS]/cmake/Qt5$${CMAKE_MODULE_NAME} INSTALLS += cmake_qt5_plugin_file return() } CMAKE_MKSPEC = $$[QMAKE_XSPEC] sorted_deps = $$sort_depends(QT.$${MODULE}.depends, QT.) mod_deps = lib_deps = aux_mod_deps = aux_lib_deps = # Until CMake 3.0 is the minimum requirement of Qt 5, we need to filter # out header-only modules from dependencies. CMake 3.0 provides INTERFACE # libraries which are equivalent to header-only modules. for (dep, sorted_deps) { cdep = $$cmakeModuleName($$dep) !contains(QT.$${dep}.module_config, no_link) { mod_deps += $$cdep lib_deps += Qt5::$$cdep } else { aux_mod_deps += $$cdep aux_lib_deps += Qt5::$$cdep } } CMAKE_MODULE_DEPS = $$join(mod_deps, ";") CMAKE_QT5_MODULE_DEPS = $$join(lib_deps, ";") CMAKE_INTERFACE_MODULE_DEPS = $$join(aux_mod_deps, ";") CMAKE_INTERFACE_QT5_MODULE_DEPS = $$join(aux_lib_deps, ";") CMAKE_MODULE_PLUGIN_TYPES = $$join(QT.$${MODULE}.plugin_types, ";") # Interface libraries have to have all properties starting with "INTERFACE_". CMAKE_FEATURE_PROPERTY_PREFIX = "" equals(TEMPLATE, aux): CMAKE_FEATURE_PROPERTY_PREFIX = "INTERFACE_" mac { !isEmpty(CMAKE_STATIC_TYPE) { CMAKE_LIB_FILE_LOCATION_DEBUG = lib$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}_debug.a CMAKE_LIB_FILE_LOCATION_RELEASE = lib$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}.a CMAKE_PRL_FILE_LOCATION_DEBUG = lib$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}_debug.prl CMAKE_PRL_FILE_LOCATION_RELEASE = lib$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}.prl } else { qt_framework { # Intentionally there is no '_debug' infix for framework builds. CMAKE_LIB_FILE_LOCATION_DEBUG = $${CMAKE_QT_STEM}.framework/$${CMAKE_QT_STEM} CMAKE_LIB_FILE_LOCATION_RELEASE = $${CMAKE_QT_STEM}.framework/$${CMAKE_QT_STEM} CMAKE_BUILD_IS_FRAMEWORK = "true" } else { CMAKE_LIB_FILE_LOCATION_DEBUG = lib$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}_debug.$$eval(QT.$${MODULE}.VERSION).dylib CMAKE_LIB_FILE_LOCATION_RELEASE = lib$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}.$$eval(QT.$${MODULE}.VERSION).dylib } } } else:win32 { CMAKE_WINDOWS_BUILD = "true" CMAKE_FIND_OTHER_LIBRARY_BUILD = "true" !mingw|qtConfig(debug_and_release): debug_suffix="d" CMAKE_LIB_FILE_LOCATION_DEBUG = $${CMAKE_QT_STEM}$${debug_suffix}.dll CMAKE_LIB_FILE_LOCATION_RELEASE = $${CMAKE_QT_STEM}.dll !isEmpty(CMAKE_STATIC_TYPE) { CMAKE_STATIC_WINDOWS_BUILD = "true" CMAKE_PRL_FILE_LOCATION_DEBUG = $${CMAKE_QT_STEM}$${debug_suffix}.prl CMAKE_PRL_FILE_LOCATION_RELEASE = $${CMAKE_QT_STEM}.prl } mingw { CMAKE_WINMAIN_FILE_LOCATION_DEBUG = libqtmain$${QT_LIBINFIX}$${debug_suffix}.a CMAKE_WINMAIN_FILE_LOCATION_RELEASE = libqtmain$${QT_LIBINFIX}.a CMAKE_IMPLIB_FILE_LOCATION_DEBUG = lib$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}$${debug_suffix}.a CMAKE_IMPLIB_FILE_LOCATION_RELEASE = lib$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}.a } else { CMAKE_WINMAIN_FILE_LOCATION_DEBUG = qtmain$${QT_LIBINFIX}$${debug_suffix}.lib CMAKE_WINMAIN_FILE_LOCATION_RELEASE = qtmain$${QT_LIBINFIX}.lib CMAKE_IMPLIB_FILE_LOCATION_DEBUG = $${CMAKE_QT_STEM}$${debug_suffix}.lib CMAKE_IMPLIB_FILE_LOCATION_RELEASE = $${CMAKE_QT_STEM}.lib } } else { !isEmpty(CMAKE_STATIC_TYPE) { CMAKE_LIB_FILE_LOCATION_DEBUG = lib$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}.a CMAKE_LIB_FILE_LOCATION_RELEASE = lib$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}.a CMAKE_PRL_FILE_LOCATION_DEBUG = lib$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}.prl CMAKE_PRL_FILE_LOCATION_RELEASE = lib$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}.prl } else:unversioned_libname { CMAKE_LIB_FILE_LOCATION_DEBUG = lib$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}.so CMAKE_LIB_FILE_LOCATION_RELEASE = lib$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}.so CMAKE_LIB_SONAME = lib$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}.so } else { CMAKE_LIB_FILE_LOCATION_DEBUG = lib$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}.so.$$eval(QT.$${MODULE}.VERSION) CMAKE_LIB_FILE_LOCATION_RELEASE = lib$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}.so.$$eval(QT.$${MODULE}.VERSION) CMAKE_LIB_SONAME = lib$${CMAKE_QT_STEM}.so.$$section(QT.$${MODULE}.VERSION, ., 0, 0) } } INSTALLS += cmake_qt5_module_files cmake_config_file.input = $$PWD/data/cmake/Qt5BasicConfig.cmake.in cmake_config_file.output = $$CMAKE_OUT_DIR/Qt5$${CMAKE_MODULE_NAME}/Qt5$${CMAKE_MODULE_NAME}Config.cmake CMAKE_PACKAGE_VERSION = $$eval(QT.$${MODULE}.VERSION) cmake_config_version_file.input = $$PWD/data/cmake/Qt5ConfigVersion.cmake.in cmake_config_version_file.output = $$CMAKE_OUT_DIR/Qt5$${CMAKE_MODULE_NAME}/Qt5$${CMAKE_MODULE_NAME}ConfigVersion.cmake !build_pass:QMAKE_SUBSTITUTES += \ cmake_config_file \ cmake_config_version_file cmake_qt5_module_files.files = \ $$cmake_config_file.output \ $$cmake_config_version_file.output cmake_extras_file.input = $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/Qt5$${CMAKE_MODULE_NAME}ConfigExtras.cmake.in exists($$cmake_extras_file.input) { CMAKE_MODULE_EXTRAS = "true" cmake_extras_file.output = $$CMAKE_OUT_DIR/Qt5$${CMAKE_MODULE_NAME}/Qt5$${CMAKE_MODULE_NAME}ConfigExtras.cmake !build_pass:QMAKE_SUBSTITUTES += cmake_extras_file cmake_qt5_module_files.files += \ $$cmake_extras_file.output } cmake_macros_file.input = $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/Qt5$${CMAKE_MODULE_NAME}Macros.cmake exists($$cmake_macros_file.input) { CMAKE_MODULE_MACROS = "true" cmake_macros_file.output = $$CMAKE_OUT_DIR/Qt5$${CMAKE_MODULE_NAME}/Qt5$${CMAKE_MODULE_NAME}Macros.cmake cmake_macros_file.CONFIG = verbatim !build_pass:QMAKE_SUBSTITUTES += cmake_macros_file cmake_qt5_module_files.files += $$cmake_macros_file.output } cmake_qt5_module_files.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS]/cmake/Qt5$${CMAKE_MODULE_NAME} # We are generating cmake files. Most developers of Qt are not aware of cmake, # so we require automatic tests to be available. The only module which should # set CMAKE_MODULE_TESTS to '-' is enginio because that is known to be broken. # Other modules should either create proper tests in tests/auto/cmake or, as # a temporary measure, disable the generation of cmake files # with 'CONFIG -= create_cmake' !internal_module:!equals(CMAKE_MODULE_TESTS, -) { isEmpty(CMAKE_MODULE_TESTS): CMAKE_MODULE_TESTS = $$MODULE_BASE_INDIR/tests/auto/cmake !exists($$CMAKE_MODULE_TESTS): \ error("Missing CMake tests. Either create tests in tests/auto/cmake," \ "or disable cmake config file creation with CONFIG-=create_cmake.") }