<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "urn:fontconfig:fonts.dtd"> <fontconfig> <description>Set preferable fonts for emoji/math fonts</description> <!-- Keep in sync with 45-generic.conf --> <!-- Emoji --> <!-- Prefer to match color emoji font. --> <match> <test name="lang"> <string>und-zsye</string> </test> <test qual="all" name="color" compare="not_eq"> <bool>true</bool> </test> <test qual="all" name="color" compare="not_eq"> <bool>false</bool> </test> <edit name="color" mode="append"> <bool>true</bool> </edit> </match> <!-- TODO ! Match on "color" and alias B&W ones first if no color is requested. ! That's "hard" because <alias> doesn't work in match and needs to be ! expanded to its non-sugar form. !--> <alias binding="same"> <family>emoji</family> <prefer> <!-- System fonts --> <family>Noto Color Emoji</family> <!-- Google --> <family>Apple Color Emoji</family> <!-- Apple --> <family>Segoe UI Emoji</family> <!-- Microsoft --> <family>Twitter Color Emoji</family> <!-- Twitter --> <family>EmojiOne Mozilla</family> <!-- Mozilla --> <!-- Third-Party fonts --> <family>Emoji Two</family> <family>JoyPixels</family> <family>Emoji One</family> <!-- Non-color --> <family>Noto Emoji</family> <!-- Google --> <family>Android Emoji</family> <!-- Google --> </prefer> </alias> <!-- Math --> <alias binding="same"> <!-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Mathematical_OpenType_typefaces --> <family>math</family> <prefer> <family>XITS Math</family> <!-- Khaled Hosny --> <family>STIX Two Math</family> <!-- AMS --> <family>Cambria Math</family> <!-- Microsoft --> <family>Latin Modern Math</family> <!-- TeX --> <family>Minion Math</family> <!-- Adobe --> <family>Lucida Math</family> <!-- Adobe --> <family>Asana Math</family> </prefer> </alias> </fontconfig>