# Fax a test page using Create-Job + Send-Document
# Usage:
#    ./ipptest -f filename ipp://... fax-job.test
	# The name of the test...
	NAME "Create FaxOut Job for 555-1212 and an IPP destination"

	# The operation to use

	# Attributes, starting in the operation group...
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR language attributes-natural-language en
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
	ATTR name requesting-user-name $user

	GROUP job-attributes-tag
	ATTR collection destination-uris {
		MEMBER uri destination-uri tel:4055551212
		MEMBER uri destination-uri ipp://
		MEMBER enum print-quality 5
		MEMBER keyword media na_letter_8.5x11in

	# What statuses are OK?
	STATUS successful-ok
	STATUS successful-ok-ignored-or-substituted-attributes

	# What attributes do we expect?
	EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer WITH-VALUE >0
	EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri
	# The name of the test...
	NAME "Send FaxOut Document"

	# The operation to use
	OPERATION Send-Document

	# Attributes, starting in the operation group...
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR language attributes-natural-language en
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
	ATTR integer job-id $job-id
	ATTR name requesting-user-name $user
	ATTR mimetype document-format $filetype
	ATTR boolean last-document true

	FILE $filename

	# What statuses are OK?
	STATUS successful-ok
	STATUS successful-ok-ignored-or-substituted-attributes