/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ */ /** * \file include/ump_msg.h * \brief API library for ALSA rawmidi/UMP interface * * API library for ALSA rawmidi/UMP interface */ #ifndef __ALSA_UMP_MSG_H #define __ALSA_UMP_MSG_H #include <stdint.h> #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** general UMP packet header in 32bit word */ typedef struct _snd_ump_msg_hdr { #ifdef SNDRV_BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t byte1; /**< First data byte */ uint8_t byte2; /**< Second data byte */ #else uint8_t byte2; /**< Second data byte */ uint8_t byte1; /**< First data byte */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ #endif } __attribute((packed)) snd_ump_msg_hdr_t; /** MIDI 1.0 Note Off / Note On (32bit) */ typedef struct _snd_ump_msg_midi1_note { #ifdef SNDRV_BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t note; /**< Note (7bit) */ uint8_t velocity; /**< Velocity (7bit) */ #else uint8_t velocity; /**< Velocity (7bit) */ uint8_t note; /**< Note (7bit) */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ #endif } __attribute((packed)) snd_ump_msg_midi1_note_t; /** MIDI 1.0 Poly Pressure (32bit) */ typedef struct _snd_ump_msg_midi1_paf { #ifdef SNDRV_BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t note; /** Note (7bit) */ uint8_t data; /** Pressure (7bit) */ #else uint8_t data; /** Pressure (7bit) */ uint8_t note; /** Note (7bit) */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ #endif } __attribute((packed)) snd_ump_msg_midi1_paf_t; /** MIDI 1.0 Control Change (32bit) */ typedef struct _snd_ump_msg_midi1_cc { #ifdef SNDRV_BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t index; /** Control index (7bit) */ uint8_t data; /** Control data (7bit) */ #else uint8_t data; /** Control data (7bit) */ uint8_t index; /** Control index (7bit) */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ #endif } __attribute((packed)) snd_ump_msg_midi1_cc_t; /** MIDI 1.0 Program Change (32bit) */ typedef struct _snd_ump_msg_midi1_program { #ifdef SNDRV_BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t program; /**< Program number (7bit) */ uint8_t reserved; /**< Unused */ #else uint8_t reserved; /**< Unused */ uint8_t program; /**< Program number (7bit) */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ #endif } __attribute((packed)) snd_ump_msg_midi1_program_t; /** MIDI 1.0 Channel Pressure (32bit) */ typedef struct _snd_ump_msg_midi1_caf { #ifdef SNDRV_BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t data; /**< Pressure (7bit) */ uint8_t reserved; /**< Unused */ #else uint8_t reserved; /**< Unused */ uint8_t data; /**< Pressure (7bit) */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ #endif } __attribute((packed)) snd_ump_msg_midi1_caf_t; /** MIDI 1.0 Pitch Bend (32bit) */ typedef struct _snd_ump_msg_midi1_pitchbend { #ifdef SNDRV_BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t data_lsb; /**< LSB of pitchbend (7bit) */ uint8_t data_msb; /**< MSB of pitchbend (7bit) */ #else uint8_t data_msb; /**< MSB of pitchbend (7bit) */ uint8_t data_lsb; /**< LSB of pitchbend (7bit) */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ #endif } __attribute((packed)) snd_ump_msg_midi1_pitchbend_t; /** System Common and Real Time messages (32bit); no channel field */ typedef struct snd_ump_msg_system { #ifdef SNDRV_BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t status; /**< Status */ uint8_t parm1; /**< First parameter */ uint8_t parm2; /**< Second parameter */ #else uint8_t parm1; /**< First parameter */ uint8_t parm2; /**< Second parameter */ uint8_t status; /**< Status */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ #endif } __attribute((packed)) snd_ump_msg_system_t; /** MIDI 1.0 UMP CVM (32bit) */ typedef union _snd_ump_msg_midi1 { snd_ump_msg_midi1_note_t note_on; snd_ump_msg_midi1_note_t note_off; snd_ump_msg_midi1_paf_t poly_pressure; snd_ump_msg_midi1_cc_t control_change; snd_ump_msg_midi1_program_t program_change; snd_ump_msg_midi1_caf_t channel_pressure; snd_ump_msg_midi1_pitchbend_t pitchbend; snd_ump_msg_system_t system; snd_ump_msg_hdr_t hdr; uint32_t raw; } snd_ump_msg_midi1_t; /** MIDI 2.0 Note-on/off attribute type */ enum { SND_UMP_MIDI2_NOTE_ATTR_NO_DATA = 0x00, /**< No attribute data */ SND_UMP_MIDI2_NOTE_ATTR_MANUFACTURER = 0x01, /**< Manufacturer specific */ SND_UMP_MIDI2_NOTE_ATTR_PROFILE = 0x02, /**< Profile specific */ SND_UMP_MIDI2_NOTE_ATTR_PITCH79 = 0x03, /**< Pitch 7.9 */ }; /* MIDI 2.0 Note Off / Note On (64bit) */ typedef struct _snd_ump_msg_midi2_note { #ifdef SNDRV_BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t note; /**< Note (7bit) */ uint8_t attr_type; /**< Attribute type */ uint16_t velocity; /**< Velocity (16bit) */ uint16_t attr_data; /**< Attribute data (16bit) */ #else uint8_t attr_type; /**< Attribute type */ uint8_t note; /**< Note (7bit) */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ uint16_t attr_data; /**< Attribute data (16bit) */ uint16_t velocity; /**< Velocity (16bit) */ #endif } __attribute((packed)) snd_ump_msg_midi2_note_t; /** MIDI 2.0 Poly Pressure (64bit) */ typedef struct _snd_ump_msg_midi2_paf { #ifdef SNDRV_BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t note; /**< Note (7bit) */ uint8_t reserved; /**< Unused */ uint32_t data; /**< Pressure (32bit) */ #else uint8_t reserved; /**< Unused */ uint8_t note; /**< Note (7bit) */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ uint32_t data; /**< Pressure (32bit) */ #endif } __attribute((packed)) snd_ump_msg_midi2_paf_t; /** MIDI 2.0 Per-Note Controller (64bit) */ typedef struct _snd_ump_msg_midi2_per_note_cc { #ifdef SNDRV_BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t note; /**< Note (7bit) */ uint8_t index; /**< Control index (8bit) */ uint32_t data; /**< Data (32bit) */ #else uint8_t index; /**< Control index (8bit) */ uint8_t note; /**< Note (7bit) */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ uint32_t data; /**< Data (32bit) */ #endif } __attribute((packed)) snd_ump_msg_midi2_per_note_cc_t; /** MIDI 2.0 per-note management flag bits */ enum { SND_UMP_MIDI2_PNMGMT_RESET_CONTROLLERS = 0x01, /**< Reset (set) per-note controllers */ SND_UMP_MIDI2_PNMGMT_DETACH_CONTROLLERS = 0x02, /**< Detach per-note controllers */ }; /** MIDI 2.0 Per-Note Management (64bit) */ typedef struct _snd_ump_msg_midi2_per_note_mgmt { #ifdef SNDRV_BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t note; /**< Note (7bit) */ uint8_t flags; /**< Option flags (8bit) */ uint32_t reserved; /**< Unused */ #else uint8_t flags; /**< Option flags (8bit) */ uint8_t note; /**< Note (7bit) */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ uint32_t reserved; /**< Unused */ #endif } __attribute((packed)) snd_ump_msg_midi2_per_note_mgmt_t; /** MIDI 2.0 Control Change (64bit) */ typedef struct _snd_ump_msg_midi2_cc { #ifdef SNDRV_BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t index; /**< Control index (7bit) */ uint8_t reserved; /**< Unused */ uint32_t data; /**< Control data (32bit) */ #else uint8_t reserved; /**< Unused */ uint8_t index; /**< Control index (7bit) */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ uint32_t data; /**< Control data (32bit) */ #endif } __attribute((packed)) snd_ump_msg_midi2_cc_t; /** MIDI 2.0 Registered Controller (RPN) / Assignable Controller (NRPN) (64bit) */ typedef struct _snd_ump_msg_midi2_rpn { #ifdef SNDRV_BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t bank; /**< Bank number (7bit) */ uint8_t index; /**< Control index (7bit) */ uint32_t data; /**< Data (32bit) */ #else uint8_t index; /**< Control index (7bit) */ uint8_t bank; /**< Bank number (7bit) */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ uint32_t data; /**< Data (32bit) */ #endif } __attribute((packed)) snd_ump_msg_midi2_rpn_t; /** MIDI 2.0 Program Change (64bit) */ typedef struct _snd_ump_msg_midi2_program { #ifdef SNDRV_BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint16_t reserved:15; /**< Unused */ uint16_t bank_valid:1; /**< Option flag: bank valid */ uint8_t program; /**< Program number (7bit) */ uint8_t reserved2; /**< Unused */ uint8_t bank_msb; /**< MSB of bank (8bit) */ uint8_t bank_lsb; /**< LSB of bank (7bit) */ #else uint16_t bank_valid:1; /**< Option flag: bank valid */ uint16_t reserved:15; /**< Unused */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ uint8_t bank_lsb; /**< LSB of bank (7bit) */ uint8_t bank_msb; /**< MSB of bank (8bit) */ uint8_t reserved2; /**< Unused */ uint8_t program; /**< Program number (7bit) */ #endif } __attribute((packed)) snd_ump_msg_midi2_program_t; /** MIDI 2.0 Channel Pressure (64bit) */ typedef struct _snd_ump_msg_midi2_caf { #ifdef SNDRV_BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint16_t reserved; /**< Unused */ uint32_t data; /** Data (32bit) */ #else uint16_t reserved; /**< Unused */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ uint32_t data; /** Data (32bit) */ #endif } __attribute((packed)) snd_ump_msg_midi2_caf_t; /* MIDI 2.0 Pitch Bend (64bit) */ typedef struct _snd_ump_msg_midi2_pitchbend { #ifdef SNDRV_BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint16_t reserved; /**< Unused */ uint32_t data; /** Data (32bit) */ #else uint16_t reserved; /**< Unused */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ uint32_t data; /** Data (32bit) */ #endif } __attribute((packed)) snd_ump_msg_midi2_pitchbend_t; /* MIDI 2.0 Per-Note Pitch Bend (64bit) */ typedef struct _snd_ump_msg_midi2_per_note_pitchbend { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t note; /**< Note (7bit) */ uint8_t reserved; /**< Unused */ uint32_t data; /**< Data (32bit) */ #else /* 0 */ uint8_t reserved; /**< Unused */ uint8_t note; /**< Note (7bit) */ uint8_t channel:4; /**< Channel */ uint8_t status:4; /**< Status */ uint8_t group:4; /**< UMP Group */ uint8_t type:4; /**< UMP packet type */ uint32_t data; /**< Data (32bit) */ #endif } __attribute((packed)) snd_ump_msg_midi2_per_note_pitchbend_t; /** MIDI2 UMP packet (64bit little-endian) */ typedef union _snd_ump_msg_midi2 { snd_ump_msg_midi2_note_t note_on; snd_ump_msg_midi2_note_t note_off; snd_ump_msg_midi2_paf_t poly_pressure; snd_ump_msg_midi2_per_note_cc_t per_note_acc; snd_ump_msg_midi2_per_note_cc_t per_note_rcc; snd_ump_msg_midi2_per_note_mgmt_t per_note_mgmt; snd_ump_msg_midi2_cc_t control_change; snd_ump_msg_midi2_rpn_t rpn; snd_ump_msg_midi2_rpn_t nrpn; snd_ump_msg_midi2_rpn_t relative_rpn; snd_ump_msg_midi2_rpn_t relative_nrpn; snd_ump_msg_midi2_program_t program_change; snd_ump_msg_midi2_caf_t channel_pressure; snd_ump_msg_midi2_pitchbend_t pitchbend; snd_ump_msg_midi2_per_note_pitchbend_t per_note_pitchbend; snd_ump_msg_hdr_t hdr; uint32_t raw[2]; } snd_ump_msg_midi2_t; /** * UMP message type */ enum { SND_UMP_MSG_TYPE_UTILITY = 0x00, /* Utility messages */ SND_UMP_MSG_TYPE_SYSTEM = 0x01, /* System messages */ SND_UMP_MSG_TYPE_MIDI1_CHANNEL_VOICE = 0x02, /* MIDI 1.0 messages */ SND_UMP_MSG_TYPE_DATA = 0x03, /* 7bit SysEx messages */ SND_UMP_MSG_TYPE_MIDI2_CHANNEL_VOICE = 0x04, /* MIDI 2.0 messages */ SND_UMP_MSG_TYPE_EXTENDED_DATA = 0x05, /* 8bit data message */ SND_UMP_MSG_TYPE_FLEX_DATA = 0x0d, /* Flexible data messages */ SND_UMP_MSG_TYPE_STREAM = 0x0f, /* Stream messages */ }; /** * UMP MIDI 1.0 / 2.0 message status code (4bit) */ enum { SND_UMP_MSG_PER_NOTE_RCC = 0x0, SND_UMP_MSG_PER_NOTE_ACC = 0x1, SND_UMP_MSG_RPN = 0x2, SND_UMP_MSG_NRPN = 0x3, SND_UMP_MSG_RELATIVE_RPN = 0x4, SND_UMP_MSG_RELATIVE_NRPN = 0x5, SND_UMP_MSG_PER_NOTE_PITCHBEND = 0x6, SND_UMP_MSG_NOTE_OFF = 0x8, SND_UMP_MSG_NOTE_ON = 0x9, SND_UMP_MSG_POLY_PRESSURE = 0xa, SND_UMP_MSG_CONTROL_CHANGE = 0xb, SND_UMP_MSG_PROGRAM_CHANGE = 0xc, SND_UMP_MSG_CHANNEL_PRESSURE = 0xd, SND_UMP_MSG_PITCHBEND = 0xe, SND_UMP_MSG_PER_NOTE_MGMT = 0xf, }; /** * MIDI System / Realtime message status code (8bit) */ enum { SND_UMP_MSG_REALTIME = 0xf0, /* mask */ SND_UMP_MSG_SYSEX_START = 0xf0, SND_UMP_MSG_MIDI_TIME_CODE = 0xf1, SND_UMP_MSG_SONG_POSITION = 0xf2, SND_UMP_MSG_SONG_SELECT = 0xf3, SND_UMP_MSG_TUNE_REQUEST = 0xf6, SND_UMP_MSG_SYSEX_END = 0xf7, SND_UMP_MSG_TIMING_CLOCK = 0xf8, SND_UMP_MSG_START = 0xfa, SND_UMP_MSG_CONTINUE = 0xfb, SND_UMP_MSG_STOP = 0xfc, SND_UMP_MSG_ACTIVE_SENSING = 0xfe, SND_UMP_MSG_RESET = 0xff, }; /** MIDI 2.0 SysEx / Data Status; same values for both 7-bit and 8-bit SysEx */ enum { SND_UMP_SYSEX_STATUS_SINGLE = 0, SND_UMP_SYSEX_STATUS_START = 1, SND_UMP_SYSEX_STATUS_CONTINUE = 2, SND_UMP_SYSEX_STATUS_END = 3, }; /** UMP Utility Type Status (type 0x0) **/ enum { SND_UMP_UTILITY_MSG_STATUS_NOOP = 0x00, SND_UMP_UTILITY_MSG_STATUS_JR_CLOCK = 0x01, SND_UMP_UTILITY_MSG_STATUS_JR_TSTAMP = 0x02, SND_UMP_UTILITY_MSG_STATUS_DCTPQ = 0x03, SND_UMP_UTILITY_MSG_STATUS_DC = 0x04, }; /** UMP Stream Message Status (type 0xf) */ enum { SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_STATUS_EP_DISCOVERY = 0x00, SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_STATUS_EP_INFO = 0x01, SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_STATUS_DEVICE_INFO = 0x02, SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_STATUS_EP_NAME = 0x03, SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_STATUS_PRODUCT_ID = 0x04, SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_STATUS_STREAM_CFG_REQUEST = 0x05, SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_STATUS_STREAM_CFG = 0x06, SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_STATUS_FB_DISCOVERY = 0x10, SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_STATUS_FB_INFO = 0x11, SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_STATUS_FB_NAME = 0x12, SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_STATUS_START_CLIP = 0x20, SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_STATUS_END_CLIP = 0x21, }; /** UMP Endpoint Discovery filter bitmap */ enum { SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_REQUEST_EP_INFO = (1U << 0), SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_REQUEST_DEVICE_INFO = (1U << 1), SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_REQUEST_EP_NAME = (1U << 2), SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_REQUEST_PRODUCT_ID = (1U << 3), SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_REQUEST_STREAM_CFG = (1U << 4), }; /** UMP Function Block Discovery filter bitmap */ enum { SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_REQUEST_FB_INFO = (1U << 0), SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_REQUEST_FB_NAME = (1U << 1), }; /** UMP Endpoint Info capability bits (used for protocol request/notify, too) */ enum { SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_EP_INFO_CAP_TXJR = (1U << 0), /* Sending JRTS */ SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_EP_INFO_CAP_RXJR = (1U << 1), /* Receiving JRTS */ SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_EP_INFO_CAP_MIDI1 = (1U << 8), /* MIDI 1.0 */ SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_EP_INFO_CAP_MIDI2 = (1U << 9), /* MIDI 2.0 */ }; /** UMP Endpoint / Function Block name string format bits */ enum { SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_FORMAT_SINGLE = 0, SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_FORMAT_START = 1, SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_FORMAT_CONTINUE = 2, SND_UMP_STREAM_MSG_FORMAT_END = 3, }; /** * \brief get UMP status (4bit) from 32bit UMP message header */ static inline uint8_t snd_ump_msg_hdr_status(uint32_t ump) { return (ump >> 20) & 0x0f; } /** * \brief get UMP channel (4bit) from 32bit UMP message header */ static inline uint8_t snd_ump_msg_hdr_channel(uint32_t ump) { return (ump >> 16) & 0x0f; } /** * \brief get UMP message type (4bit) from 32bit UMP message header */ static inline uint8_t snd_ump_msg_hdr_type(uint32_t ump) { return (ump >> 28); } /** * \brief check if the given UMP type is a groupless message */ static inline int snd_ump_msg_type_is_groupless(uint8_t type) { return type == SND_UMP_MSG_TYPE_UTILITY || type == SND_UMP_MSG_TYPE_STREAM; } /** * \brief get UMP group (4bit) from 32bit UMP message header */ static inline uint8_t snd_ump_msg_hdr_group(uint32_t ump) { return (ump >> 24) & 0x0f; } /** * \brief get UMP status from UMP packet pointer */ static inline uint8_t snd_ump_msg_status(const uint32_t *ump) { return snd_ump_msg_hdr_status(*ump); } /** * \brief get UMP channel from UMP packet pointer */ static inline uint8_t snd_ump_msg_channel(const uint32_t *ump) { return snd_ump_msg_hdr_channel(*ump); } /** * \brief get UMP message type from UMP packet pointer */ static inline uint8_t snd_ump_msg_type(const uint32_t *ump) { return snd_ump_msg_hdr_type(*ump); } /** * \brief get UMP group from UMP packet pointer */ static inline uint8_t snd_ump_msg_group(const uint32_t *ump) { return snd_ump_msg_hdr_group(*ump); } /** * \brief get UMP sysex message status */ static inline uint8_t snd_ump_sysex_msg_status(const uint32_t *ump) { return (*ump >> 20) & 0xf; } /** * \brief get UMP sysex message length */ static inline uint8_t snd_ump_sysex_msg_length(const uint32_t *ump) { return (*ump >> 16) & 0xf; } int snd_ump_msg_sysex_expand(const uint32_t *ump, uint8_t *buf, size_t maxlen, size_t *filled); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __ALSA_UMP_MSG_H */