#! /home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/mpich-mpi_1708438908961/_build_env/bin/perl ## ## Copyright (C) by Argonne National Laboratory ## See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory ## # Kill all processes running a specified command # # Many systems also have the "killall" command; this should be used instead # if it is available. # # This script relies on the ps command; where possible, it uses the # /proc//cmdline interface to more reliably access the commandline # (to avoid matching command line parameters as if they were functions). # $user = $ENV{'LOGNAME'}; $progname = ""; $noaddresses = 1; $debug = 0; $verbose = 0; $testing = 0; foreach $_ (@ARGV) { if (/-debug/) { $debug = 1; } elsif (/-verbose/) { $verbose = 1; } elsif (/-user=(.*)/) { $user = $1; } elsif (/-help/ || /-usage/) { print STDOUT "$0 [ -debug ] [ -verbose ] [ -user=name ] program\n"; print STDOUT "Kill all processes running \"program\". To use the -user option you must have superuser privilege.\n"; exit(1); } $progname = $_; } if ( $progname eq "" ) { print STDERR "You must specify a program name\n"; exit(1); } print "user is $user\n" if $debug; # # Get pids $remoteps = "ps"; $sysname=`uname -s`; chop $sysname; # Try to get nicer behavior from GNU ps. $ENV{'COLUMNS'} = 200; $ENV{'PS_PERSONALITY'} = "linux"; if ($sysname eq "Linux") { print "linux style ps\n" if $debug; # The -width option can cause trouble, even with GNU ps, if the ps # program either doesn't support it or #$psopts = "-width 200 -lfu"; # LINUX $psopts = "-lfu"; # LINUX $pidloc = 3; # 4 sometimes? } elsif ($sysname eq "SunOS" || $sysname eq "IRIX64") { print "solaris style ps\n" if $debug; $psopts = "-fu"; # Solaris $pidloc = 2; } elsif ($sysname eq "OSF1" ) { $psopts = "-fu"; $pidloc = 1; } elsif ($sysname eq "Darwin") { $psopts = "-aux -U"; $pidloc = 1; } else { print STDERR "Unsupported system \"$sysname\"\n"; exit(1); } open( FD, "$remoteps $psopts $user |" ) || die "Cannot execute ps\n"; while () { print $_ if $verbose; # Skip lines that may match this command if (/tcsh/) { next; } if (/grep/) { next; } if (/perl/) { next; } if (/\/bin\/sh /) { next; } if ($progname ne "mpiexec" && /mpiexec/) { next; } print $_ if $debug; my @items = split(/\s+/); my $pid = $items[$pidloc]; print "PID for this job is $pid\n" if $debug; my $procfile = "/proc/$pid/cmdline"; print "Looking for $procfile\n" if $debug; # We *CANNOT USE* -s with a file in /proc because -s filename returns # false always ! (BUG BUG BUG). Instead, we try to open and read from it $rc = open PFD, "<$procfile"; if ($rc) { my $cmdline = ; $cmdline =~ s/\r?\n//; print "Cmdline in /proc/$pid is $cmdline\n" if $debug; if ($cmdline =~ /^$progname/ || $cmdline =~ /^\.\/$progname/) { print "Found $progname in /proc/$pid/cmdline\n" if $debug; $pids[$#pids+1] = @items[$pidloc]; } close PFD; } else { # Just try to match the commandline to the entire ps output. if (/$progname/) { $pids[$#pids+1] = @items[$pidloc]; } } } close FD; if ($#pids >= 0) { print "Processes to kill are " . join(',',@pids) . "\n" if $debug; if ($testing) { exit 0; } foreach my $sig ("INT","QUIT","KILL") { my $cnt = kill $sig, @pids; print "Signaled (SIG$sig) $cnt processes\n" if ($debug || $verbose); } } else { print "No processes matched $progname for user $user\n" if $verbose; }