/* ========================================================================== */ /* === Include/cholmod_gpu.h ================================================ */ /* ========================================================================== */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CHOLMOD/Include/cholmod_gpu.h. * Copyright (C) 2014, Timothy A. Davis * http://www.suitesparse.com * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* CHOLMOD GPU module */ #ifndef CHOLMOD_GPU_H #define CHOLMOD_GPU_H #ifdef GPU_BLAS #include "omp.h" #include <fenv.h> #ifndef SUITESPARSE_GPU_EXTERN_ON #include <cuda.h> #include <cuda_runtime.h> #endif #endif /* CHOLMOD_GPU_PRINTF: for printing GPU debug error messages */ /* #define CHOLMOD_GPU_PRINTF(args) printf args */ #define CHOLMOD_GPU_PRINTF(args) /* define supernode requirements for processing on GPU */ #define CHOLMOD_ND_ROW_LIMIT 256 /* required descendant rows */ #define CHOLMOD_ND_COL_LIMIT 32 /* required descendnat cols */ #define CHOLMOD_POTRF_LIMIT 512 /* required cols for POTRF & TRSM on GPU */ /* # of host supernodes to perform before checking for free pinned buffers */ #define CHOLMOD_GPU_SKIP 3 #define CHOLMOD_HANDLE_CUDA_ERROR(e,s) {if (e) {ERROR(CHOLMOD_GPU_PROBLEM,s);}} typedef struct cholmod_gpu_pointers { double *h_Lx [CHOLMOD_HOST_SUPERNODE_BUFFERS] ; double *d_Lx [CHOLMOD_DEVICE_STREAMS] ; double *d_C ; double *d_A [CHOLMOD_DEVICE_STREAMS] ; void *d_Ls ; void *d_Map ; void *d_RelativeMap ; } cholmod_gpu_pointers ; int cholmod_gpu_memorysize /* GPU memory size available, 1 if no GPU */ ( size_t *total_mem, size_t *available_mem, cholmod_common *Common ) ; int cholmod_l_gpu_memorysize /* GPU memory size available, 1 if no GPU */ ( size_t *total_mem, size_t *available_mem, cholmod_common *Common ) ; int cholmod_gpu_probe ( cholmod_common *Common ) ; int cholmod_l_gpu_probe ( cholmod_common *Common ) ; int cholmod_gpu_deallocate ( cholmod_common *Common ) ; int cholmod_l_gpu_deallocate ( cholmod_common *Common ) ; void cholmod_gpu_end ( cholmod_common *Common ) ; void cholmod_l_gpu_end ( cholmod_common *Common ) ; int cholmod_gpu_allocate ( cholmod_common *Common ) ; int cholmod_l_gpu_allocate ( cholmod_common *Common ) ; #endif