** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
** This file is part of the QtXmlPatterns module of the Qt Toolkit.
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** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
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** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
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#include <QtCore/QUrl>
#include <QtXmlPatterns/QAbstractXmlNodeModel>
#include <QtXmlPatterns/QAbstractXmlReceiver>
#include <QtXmlPatterns/QXmlNamePool>


class QAbstractMessageHandler;
class QAbstractUriResolver;
class QIODevice;
class QNetworkAccessManager;
class QXmlName;
class QXmlNodeIndex;
class QXmlQueryPrivate;
class QXmlResultItems;
class QXmlSerializer;

/* The members in the namespace QPatternistSDK are internal, not part of the public API, and
 * unsupported. Using them leads to undefined behavior. */
namespace QPatternistSDK
    class TestCase;

namespace QPatternist
    class XsdSchemaParser;
    class XsdValidatingInstanceReader;
    class VariableLoader;

    enum QueryLanguage
        XQuery10                                = 1,
        XSLT20                                  = 2,
        XmlSchema11IdentityConstraintSelector   = 1024,
        XmlSchema11IdentityConstraintField      = 2048,
        XPath20                                 = 4096

    QXmlQuery(const QXmlQuery &other);
    QXmlQuery(const QXmlNamePool &np);
    QXmlQuery(QueryLanguage queryLanguage,
              const QXmlNamePool &np = QXmlNamePool());
    QXmlQuery &operator=(const QXmlQuery &other);

    void setMessageHandler(QAbstractMessageHandler *messageHandler);
    QAbstractMessageHandler *messageHandler() const;

    void setQuery(const QString &sourceCode, const QUrl &documentURI = QUrl());
    void setQuery(QIODevice *sourceCode, const QUrl &documentURI = QUrl());
    void setQuery(const QUrl &queryURI, const QUrl &baseURI = QUrl());

    QXmlNamePool namePool() const;

    void bindVariable(const QXmlName &name, const QXmlItem &value);
    void bindVariable(const QString &localName, const QXmlItem &value);

    void bindVariable(const QXmlName &name, QIODevice *);
    void bindVariable(const QString &localName, QIODevice *);
    void bindVariable(const QXmlName &name, const QXmlQuery &query);
    void bindVariable(const QString &localName, const QXmlQuery &query);

    bool isValid() const;

    void evaluateTo(QXmlResultItems *result) const;
    bool evaluateTo(QAbstractXmlReceiver *callback) const;
    bool evaluateTo(QStringList *target) const;
    bool evaluateTo(QIODevice *target) const;
    bool evaluateTo(QString *output) const;

    void setUriResolver(const QAbstractUriResolver *resolver);
    const QAbstractUriResolver *uriResolver() const;

    void setFocus(const QXmlItem &item);
    bool setFocus(const QUrl &documentURI);
    bool setFocus(QIODevice *document);
    bool setFocus(const QString &focus);

    void setInitialTemplateName(const QXmlName &name);
    void setInitialTemplateName(const QString &name);
    QXmlName initialTemplateName() const;

    void setNetworkAccessManager(QNetworkAccessManager *newManager);
    QNetworkAccessManager *networkAccessManager() const;

    QueryLanguage queryLanguage() const;
    friend class QXmlName;
    friend class QXmlSerializer;
    friend class QPatternistSDK::TestCase;
    friend class QPatternist::XsdSchemaParser;
    friend class QPatternist::XsdValidatingInstanceReader;
    friend class QPatternist::VariableLoader;
    template<typename TInputType> friend bool setFocusHelper(QXmlQuery *const queryInstance,
                                                             const TInputType &focusValue);
    QXmlQueryPrivate *d;

