** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing/
** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
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** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
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#include <QtLocation/QPlaceContentReply>
#include <QtLocation/QPlaceContentRequest>
#include <QtLocation/QPlaceIdReply>
#include <QtLocation/QPlaceReply>
#include <QtLocation/QPlaceDetailsReply>
#include <QtLocation/QPlaceMatchReply>
#include <QtLocation/QPlaceMatchRequest>
#include <QtLocation/QPlaceSearchSuggestionReply>
#include <QtLocation/QPlaceSearchRequest>
#include <QtLocation/QPlaceSearchResult>

#include <QtCore/QLocale>
#include <QtCore/QVector>
#include <QtCore/QString>
#include <QtCore/QObject>
#include <QtLocation/QPlaceIcon>


class QPlaceManagerEngine;
class QPlaceSearchRequest;
class QPlaceSearchReply;

class Q_LOCATION_EXPORT QPlaceManager : public QObject

    QString managerName() const;
    int managerVersion() const;

    QPlaceDetailsReply *getPlaceDetails(const QString &placeId) const;

    QPlaceContentReply *getPlaceContent(const QPlaceContentRequest &request) const;

    QPlaceSearchReply *search(const QPlaceSearchRequest &query) const;

    QPlaceSearchSuggestionReply *searchSuggestions(const QPlaceSearchRequest &request) const;

    QPlaceIdReply *savePlace(const QPlace &place);
    QPlaceIdReply *removePlace(const QString &placeId);

    QPlaceIdReply *saveCategory(const QPlaceCategory &category, const QString &parentId = QString());
    QPlaceIdReply *removeCategory(const QString &categoryId);

    QPlaceReply *initializeCategories();
    QString parentCategoryId(const QString &categoryId) const;
    QStringList childCategoryIds(const QString &parentId = QString()) const;

    QPlaceCategory category(const QString &categoryId) const;
    QList<QPlaceCategory> childCategories(const QString &parentId = QString()) const;

    QList<QLocale> locales() const;
    void setLocale(const QLocale &locale);
    void setLocales(const QList<QLocale> &locale);

    QPlace compatiblePlace(const QPlace &place);

    QPlaceMatchReply *matchingPlaces(const QPlaceMatchRequest &request) const;

    void finished(QPlaceReply *reply);
    void error(QPlaceReply *, QPlaceReply::Error error, const QString &errorString = QString());

    void placeAdded(const QString &placeId);
    void placeUpdated(const QString &placeId);
    void placeRemoved(const QString &placeId);

    void categoryAdded(const QPlaceCategory &category, const QString &parentId);
    void categoryUpdated(const QPlaceCategory &category, const QString &parentId);
    void categoryRemoved(const QString &categoryId, const QString &parentId);
    void dataChanged();

    explicit QPlaceManager(QPlaceManagerEngine *engine, QObject *parent = nullptr);

    QPlaceManagerEngine *d;

    friend class QGeoServiceProvider;
    friend class QGeoServiceProviderPrivate;
    friend class QPlaceIcon;