/* * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef FLATBUFFERS_STL_EMULATION_H_ #define FLATBUFFERS_STL_EMULATION_H_ // clang-format off #include "flatbuffers/base.h" #include <string> #include <type_traits> #include <vector> #include <memory> #include <limits> #ifndef FLATBUFFERS_USE_STD_OPTIONAL // Detect C++17 compatible compiler. // __cplusplus >= 201703L - a compiler has support of 'static inline' variables. #if (defined(__cplusplus) && __cplusplus >= 201703L) \ || (defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L) #define FLATBUFFERS_USE_STD_OPTIONAL 1 #else #define FLATBUFFERS_USE_STD_OPTIONAL 0 #endif // (defined(__cplusplus) && __cplusplus >= 201703L) ... #endif // FLATBUFFERS_USE_STD_OPTIONAL #if FLATBUFFERS_USE_STD_OPTIONAL #include <optional> #endif #ifndef FLATBUFFERS_USE_STD_SPAN // Testing __cpp_lib_span requires including either <version> or <span>, // both of which were added in C++20. // See: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/feature_test #if defined(__cplusplus) && __cplusplus >= 202002L #define FLATBUFFERS_USE_STD_SPAN 1 #endif #endif // FLATBUFFERS_USE_STD_SPAN #if defined(FLATBUFFERS_USE_STD_SPAN) #include <array> #include <span> #else // Disable non-trivial ctors if FLATBUFFERS_SPAN_MINIMAL defined. #if !defined(FLATBUFFERS_TEMPLATES_ALIASES) #define FLATBUFFERS_SPAN_MINIMAL #else // Enable implicit construction of a span<T,N> from a std::array<T,N>. #include <array> #endif #endif // defined(FLATBUFFERS_USE_STD_SPAN) // This header provides backwards compatibility for older versions of the STL. namespace flatbuffers { #if defined(FLATBUFFERS_TEMPLATES_ALIASES) template <typename T> using numeric_limits = std::numeric_limits<T>; #else template <typename T> class numeric_limits : public std::numeric_limits<T> {}; #endif // defined(FLATBUFFERS_TEMPLATES_ALIASES) #if defined(FLATBUFFERS_TEMPLATES_ALIASES) template <typename T> using is_scalar = std::is_scalar<T>; template <typename T, typename U> using is_same = std::is_same<T,U>; template <typename T> using is_floating_point = std::is_floating_point<T>; template <typename T> using is_unsigned = std::is_unsigned<T>; template <typename T> using is_enum = std::is_enum<T>; template <typename T> using make_unsigned = std::make_unsigned<T>; template<bool B, class T, class F> using conditional = std::conditional<B, T, F>; template<class T, T v> using integral_constant = std::integral_constant<T, v>; template <bool B> using bool_constant = integral_constant<bool, B>; using true_type = std::true_type; using false_type = std::false_type; #else // MSVC 2010 doesn't support C++11 aliases. template <typename T> struct is_scalar : public std::is_scalar<T> {}; template <typename T, typename U> struct is_same : public std::is_same<T,U> {}; template <typename T> struct is_floating_point : public std::is_floating_point<T> {}; template <typename T> struct is_unsigned : public std::is_unsigned<T> {}; template <typename T> struct is_enum : public std::is_enum<T> {}; template <typename T> struct make_unsigned : public std::make_unsigned<T> {}; template<bool B, class T, class F> struct conditional : public std::conditional<B, T, F> {}; template<class T, T v> struct integral_constant : public std::integral_constant<T, v> {}; template <bool B> struct bool_constant : public integral_constant<bool, B> {}; typedef bool_constant<true> true_type; typedef bool_constant<false> false_type; #endif // defined(FLATBUFFERS_TEMPLATES_ALIASES) #if defined(FLATBUFFERS_TEMPLATES_ALIASES) template <class T> using unique_ptr = std::unique_ptr<T>; #else // MSVC 2010 doesn't support C++11 aliases. // We're manually "aliasing" the class here as we want to bring unique_ptr // into the flatbuffers namespace. We have unique_ptr in the flatbuffers // namespace we have a completely independent implementation (see below) // for C++98 STL implementations. template <class T> class unique_ptr : public std::unique_ptr<T> { public: unique_ptr() {} explicit unique_ptr(T* p) : std::unique_ptr<T>(p) {} unique_ptr(std::unique_ptr<T>&& u) { *this = std::move(u); } unique_ptr(unique_ptr&& u) { *this = std::move(u); } unique_ptr& operator=(std::unique_ptr<T>&& u) { std::unique_ptr<T>::reset(u.release()); return *this; } unique_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr&& u) { std::unique_ptr<T>::reset(u.release()); return *this; } unique_ptr& operator=(T* p) { return std::unique_ptr<T>::operator=(p); } }; #endif // defined(FLATBUFFERS_TEMPLATES_ALIASES) #if FLATBUFFERS_USE_STD_OPTIONAL template<class T> using Optional = std::optional<T>; using nullopt_t = std::nullopt_t; inline constexpr nullopt_t nullopt = std::nullopt; #else // Limited implementation of Optional<T> type for a scalar T. // This implementation limited by trivial types compatible with // std::is_arithmetic<T> or std::is_enum<T> type traits. // A tag to indicate an empty flatbuffers::optional<T>. struct nullopt_t { explicit FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 nullopt_t(int) {} }; #if defined(FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_DEFINED) namespace internal { template <class> struct nullopt_holder { static constexpr nullopt_t instance_ = nullopt_t(0); }; template<class Dummy> constexpr nullopt_t nullopt_holder<Dummy>::instance_; } static constexpr const nullopt_t &nullopt = internal::nullopt_holder<void>::instance_; #else namespace internal { template <class> struct nullopt_holder { static const nullopt_t instance_; }; template<class Dummy> const nullopt_t nullopt_holder<Dummy>::instance_ = nullopt_t(0); } static const nullopt_t &nullopt = internal::nullopt_holder<void>::instance_; #endif template<class T> class Optional FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS { // Non-scalar 'T' would extremely complicated Optional<T>. // Use is_scalar<T> checking because flatbuffers flatbuffers::is_arithmetic<T> // isn't implemented. static_assert(flatbuffers::is_scalar<T>::value, "unexpected type T"); public: ~Optional() {} FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 Optional() FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT : value_(), has_value_(false) {} FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 Optional(nullopt_t) FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT : value_(), has_value_(false) {} FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 Optional(T val) FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT : value_(val), has_value_(true) {} FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 Optional(const Optional &other) FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT : value_(other.value_), has_value_(other.has_value_) {} FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP14 Optional &operator=(const Optional &other) FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT { value_ = other.value_; has_value_ = other.has_value_; return *this; } FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP14 Optional &operator=(nullopt_t) FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT { value_ = T(); has_value_ = false; return *this; } FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP14 Optional &operator=(T val) FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT { value_ = val; has_value_ = true; return *this; } void reset() FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT { *this = nullopt; } void swap(Optional &other) FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT { std::swap(value_, other.value_); std::swap(has_value_, other.has_value_); } FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 FLATBUFFERS_EXPLICIT_CPP11 operator bool() const FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT { return has_value_; } FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 bool has_value() const FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT { return has_value_; } FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 const T& operator*() const FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT { return value_; } const T& value() const { FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(has_value()); return value_; } T value_or(T default_value) const FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT { return has_value() ? value_ : default_value; } private: T value_; bool has_value_; }; template<class T> FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 bool operator==(const Optional<T>& opt, nullopt_t) FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT { return !opt; } template<class T> FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 bool operator==(nullopt_t, const Optional<T>& opt) FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT { return !opt; } template<class T, class U> FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 bool operator==(const Optional<T>& lhs, const U& rhs) FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT { return static_cast<bool>(lhs) && (*lhs == rhs); } template<class T, class U> FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 bool operator==(const T& lhs, const Optional<U>& rhs) FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT { return static_cast<bool>(rhs) && (lhs == *rhs); } template<class T, class U> FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 bool operator==(const Optional<T>& lhs, const Optional<U>& rhs) FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT { return static_cast<bool>(lhs) != static_cast<bool>(rhs) ? false : !static_cast<bool>(lhs) ? false : (*lhs == *rhs); } #endif // FLATBUFFERS_USE_STD_OPTIONAL // Very limited and naive partial implementation of C++20 std::span<T,Extent>. #if defined(FLATBUFFERS_USE_STD_SPAN) inline constexpr std::size_t dynamic_extent = std::dynamic_extent; template<class T, std::size_t Extent = std::dynamic_extent> using span = std::span<T, Extent>; #else // !defined(FLATBUFFERS_USE_STD_SPAN) FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR std::size_t dynamic_extent = static_cast<std::size_t>(-1); // Exclude this code if MSVC2010 or non-STL Android is active. // The non-STL Android doesn't have `std::is_convertible` required for SFINAE. #if !defined(FLATBUFFERS_SPAN_MINIMAL) namespace internal { // This is SFINAE helper class for checking of a common condition: // > This overload only participates in overload resolution // > Check whether a pointer to an array of From can be converted // > to a pointer to an array of To. // This helper is used for checking of 'From -> const From'. template<class To, std::size_t Extent, class From, std::size_t N> struct is_span_convertible { using type = typename std::conditional<std::is_convertible<From (*)[], To (*)[]>::value && (Extent == dynamic_extent || N == Extent), int, void>::type; }; template<typename T> struct SpanIterator { // TODO: upgrade to std::random_access_iterator_tag. using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag; using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; using value_type = typename std::remove_cv<T>::type; using reference = T&; using pointer = T*; // Convince MSVC compiler that this iterator is trusted (it is verified). #ifdef _MSC_VER using _Unchecked_type = pointer; #endif // _MSC_VER SpanIterator(pointer ptr) : ptr_(ptr) {} reference operator*() const { return *ptr_; } pointer operator->() { return ptr_; } SpanIterator& operator++() { ptr_++; return *this; } SpanIterator operator++(int) { auto tmp = *this; ++(*this); return tmp; } friend bool operator== (const SpanIterator& lhs, const SpanIterator& rhs) { return lhs.ptr_ == rhs.ptr_; } friend bool operator!= (const SpanIterator& lhs, const SpanIterator& rhs) { return lhs.ptr_ != rhs.ptr_; } private: pointer ptr_; }; } // namespace internal #endif // !defined(FLATBUFFERS_SPAN_MINIMAL) // T - element type; must be a complete type that is not an abstract // class type. // Extent - the number of elements in the sequence, or dynamic. template<class T, std::size_t Extent = dynamic_extent> class span FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS { public: typedef T element_type; typedef T& reference; typedef const T& const_reference; typedef T* pointer; typedef const T* const_pointer; typedef std::size_t size_type; static FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR size_type extent = Extent; // Returns the number of elements in the span. FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 size_type size() const FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT { return count_; } // Returns the size of the sequence in bytes. FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 size_type size_bytes() const FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT { return size() * sizeof(element_type); } // Checks if the span is empty. FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 bool empty() const FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT { return size() == 0; } // Returns a pointer to the beginning of the sequence. FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 pointer data() const FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT { return data_; } #if !defined(FLATBUFFERS_SPAN_MINIMAL) using Iterator = internal::SpanIterator<T>; Iterator begin() const { return Iterator(data()); } Iterator end() const { return Iterator(data() + size()); } #endif // Returns a reference to the idx-th element of the sequence. // The behavior is undefined if the idx is greater than or equal to size(). FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 reference operator[](size_type idx) const { return data()[idx]; } FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 span(const span &other) FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT : data_(other.data_), count_(other.count_) {} FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP14 span &operator=(const span &other) FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT { data_ = other.data_; count_ = other.count_; } // Limited implementation of // `template <class It> constexpr std::span(It first, size_type count);`. // // Constructs a span that is a view over the range [first, first + count); // the resulting span has: data() == first and size() == count. // The behavior is undefined if [first, first + count) is not a valid range, // or if (extent != flatbuffers::dynamic_extent && count != extent). FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 explicit span(pointer first, size_type count) FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT : data_ (Extent == dynamic_extent ? first : (Extent == count ? first : nullptr)), count_(Extent == dynamic_extent ? count : (Extent == count ? Extent : 0)) { // Make span empty if the count argument is incompatible with span<T,N>. } // Exclude this code if MSVC2010 is active. The MSVC2010 isn't C++11 // compliant, it doesn't support default template arguments for functions. #if defined(FLATBUFFERS_SPAN_MINIMAL) FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 span() FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT : data_(nullptr), count_(0) { static_assert(extent == 0 || extent == dynamic_extent, "invalid span"); } #else // Constructs an empty span whose data() == nullptr and size() == 0. // This overload only participates in overload resolution if // extent == 0 || extent == flatbuffers::dynamic_extent. // A dummy template argument N is need dependency for SFINAE. template<std::size_t N = 0, typename internal::is_span_convertible<element_type, Extent, element_type, (N - N)>::type = 0> FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 span() FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT : data_(nullptr), count_(0) { static_assert(extent == 0 || extent == dynamic_extent, "invalid span"); } // Constructs a span that is a view over the array arr; the resulting span // has size() == N and data() == std::data(arr). These overloads only // participate in overload resolution if // extent == std::dynamic_extent || N == extent is true and // std::remove_pointer_t<decltype(std::data(arr))>(*)[] // is convertible to element_type (*)[]. template<std::size_t N, typename internal::is_span_convertible<element_type, Extent, element_type, N>::type = 0> FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 span(element_type (&arr)[N]) FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT : data_(arr), count_(N) {} template<class U, std::size_t N, typename internal::is_span_convertible<element_type, Extent, U, N>::type = 0> FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 span(std::array<U, N> &arr) FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT : data_(arr.data()), count_(N) {} //template<class U, std::size_t N, // int = 0> //FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 span(std::array<U, N> &arr) FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT // : data_(arr.data()), count_(N) {} template<class U, std::size_t N, typename internal::is_span_convertible<element_type, Extent, U, N>::type = 0> FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 span(const std::array<U, N> &arr) FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT : data_(arr.data()), count_(N) {} // Converting constructor from another span s; // the resulting span has size() == s.size() and data() == s.data(). // This overload only participates in overload resolution // if extent == std::dynamic_extent || N == extent is true and U (*)[] // is convertible to element_type (*)[]. template<class U, std::size_t N, typename internal::is_span_convertible<element_type, Extent, U, N>::type = 0> FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 span(const flatbuffers::span<U, N> &s) FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT : span(s.data(), s.size()) { } #endif // !defined(FLATBUFFERS_SPAN_MINIMAL) private: // This is a naive implementation with 'count_' member even if (Extent != dynamic_extent). pointer const data_; size_type count_; }; #endif // defined(FLATBUFFERS_USE_STD_SPAN) #if !defined(FLATBUFFERS_SPAN_MINIMAL) template<class ElementType, std::size_t Extent> FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 flatbuffers::span<ElementType, Extent> make_span(ElementType(&arr)[Extent]) FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT { return span<ElementType, Extent>(arr); } template<class ElementType, std::size_t Extent> FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 flatbuffers::span<const ElementType, Extent> make_span(const ElementType(&arr)[Extent]) FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT { return span<const ElementType, Extent>(arr); } template<class ElementType, std::size_t Extent> FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 flatbuffers::span<ElementType, Extent> make_span(std::array<ElementType, Extent> &arr) FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT { return span<ElementType, Extent>(arr); } template<class ElementType, std::size_t Extent> FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 flatbuffers::span<const ElementType, Extent> make_span(const std::array<ElementType, Extent> &arr) FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT { return span<const ElementType, Extent>(arr); } template<class ElementType, std::size_t Extent> FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 flatbuffers::span<ElementType, dynamic_extent> make_span(ElementType *first, std::size_t count) FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT { return span<ElementType, dynamic_extent>(first, count); } template<class ElementType, std::size_t Extent> FLATBUFFERS_CONSTEXPR_CPP11 flatbuffers::span<const ElementType, dynamic_extent> make_span(const ElementType *first, std::size_t count) FLATBUFFERS_NOEXCEPT { return span<const ElementType, dynamic_extent>(first, count); } #endif // !defined(FLATBUFFERS_SPAN_MINIMAL) } // namespace flatbuffers #endif // FLATBUFFERS_STL_EMULATION_H_