// Include standard font and media definitions
#include <font.defs>
#include <media.defs>

// List the fonts that are supported, in this case all standard
// fonts...
Font *

// Manufacturer and version
Manufacturer "Foo"
Version 1.0

// Each filter provided by the driver...
Filter application/vnd.cups-raster 100 rastertofoo

// Supported page sizes
*MediaSize Letter
MediaSize A4

  // Supported resolutions
  *Resolution k 8 0 0 0 "600dpi/600 DPI"

  // Specify the model name and filename...
  ModelName "FooJet 2000"
  PCFileName "foojet2k.ppd"

  // Supported resolutions
  *Resolution k 8 0 0 0 "1200dpi/1200 DPI"

  // Specify the model name and filename...
  ModelName "FooJet 2001"
  PCFileName "foojt2k1.ppd"