/****************************************************************************** * $Id$ * * Project: CPL - Common Portability Library * Author: Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com * Purpose: Include file defining Virtual File System (VSI) functions, a * layer over POSIX file and other system services. * ****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 1998, Frank Warmerdam * Copyright (c) 2008-2014, Even Rouault * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef CPL_VSI_H_INCLUDED #define CPL_VSI_H_INCLUDED #include "cpl_port.h" #include "cpl_progress.h" #include /** * \file cpl_vsi.h * * Standard C Covers * * The VSI functions are intended to be hookable aliases for Standard C * I/O, memory allocation and other system functions. They are intended * to allow virtualization of disk I/O so that non file data sources * can be made to appear as files, and so that additional error trapping * and reporting can be interested. The memory access API is aliased * so that special application memory management services can be used. * * It is intended that each of these functions retains exactly the same * calling pattern as the original Standard C functions they relate to. * This means we don't have to provide custom documentation, and also means * that the default implementation is very simple. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* We need access to ``struct stat''. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Unix */ #if !defined(_WIN32) #include #endif /* Windows */ #include CPL_C_START /*! @cond Doxygen_Suppress */ #ifdef ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT #define EXPERIMENTAL_CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT #else #define EXPERIMENTAL_CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT #endif /*! @endcond */ /* ==================================================================== */ /* stdio file access functions. These do not support large */ /* files, and do not go through the virtualization API. */ /* ==================================================================== */ /*! @cond Doxygen_Suppress */ FILE CPL_DLL *VSIFOpen(const char *, const char *) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; int CPL_DLL VSIFClose(FILE *); int CPL_DLL VSIFSeek(FILE *, long, int) EXPERIMENTAL_CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; long CPL_DLL VSIFTell(FILE *) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; void CPL_DLL VSIRewind(FILE *); void CPL_DLL VSIFFlush(FILE *); size_t CPL_DLL VSIFRead(void *, size_t, size_t, FILE *) EXPERIMENTAL_CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; size_t CPL_DLL VSIFWrite(const void *, size_t, size_t, FILE *) EXPERIMENTAL_CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; char CPL_DLL *VSIFGets(char *, int, FILE *) EXPERIMENTAL_CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; int CPL_DLL VSIFPuts(const char *, FILE *) EXPERIMENTAL_CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; int CPL_DLL VSIFPrintf(FILE *, CPL_FORMAT_STRING(const char *), ...) EXPERIMENTAL_CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT CPL_PRINT_FUNC_FORMAT(2, 3); int CPL_DLL VSIFGetc(FILE *) EXPERIMENTAL_CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; int CPL_DLL VSIFPutc(int, FILE *) EXPERIMENTAL_CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; int CPL_DLL VSIUngetc(int, FILE *) EXPERIMENTAL_CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; int CPL_DLL VSIFEof(FILE *) EXPERIMENTAL_CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; /*! @endcond */ /* ==================================================================== */ /* VSIStat() related. */ /* ==================================================================== */ /*! @cond Doxygen_Suppress */ typedef struct stat VSIStatBuf; int CPL_DLL VSIStat(const char *, VSIStatBuf *) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; /*! @endcond */ #ifdef _WIN32 #define VSI_ISLNK(x) (0) /* N/A on Windows */ #define VSI_ISREG(x) ((x)&S_IFREG) #define VSI_ISDIR(x) ((x)&S_IFDIR) #define VSI_ISCHR(x) ((x)&S_IFCHR) #define VSI_ISBLK(x) (0) /* N/A on Windows */ #else /** Test if the file is a symbolic link */ #define VSI_ISLNK(x) S_ISLNK(x) /** Test if the file is a regular file */ #define VSI_ISREG(x) S_ISREG(x) /** Test if the file is a directory */ #define VSI_ISDIR(x) S_ISDIR(x) /*! @cond Doxygen_Suppress */ #define VSI_ISCHR(x) S_ISCHR(x) #define VSI_ISBLK(x) S_ISBLK(x) /*! @endcond */ #endif /* ==================================================================== */ /* 64bit stdio file access functions. If we have a big size */ /* defined, then provide prototypes for the large file API, */ /* otherwise redefine to use the regular api. */ /* ==================================================================== */ /** Type for a file offset */ typedef GUIntBig vsi_l_offset; /** Maximum value for a file offset */ #define VSI_L_OFFSET_MAX GUINTBIG_MAX /** Opaque type for a FILE that implements the VSIVirtualHandle API */ typedef struct VSIVirtualHandle VSILFILE; VSILFILE CPL_DLL *VSIFOpenL(const char *, const char *) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; VSILFILE CPL_DLL *VSIFOpenExL(const char *, const char *, int) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; VSILFILE CPL_DLL *VSIFOpenEx2L(const char *, const char *, int, CSLConstList) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; int CPL_DLL VSIFCloseL(VSILFILE *) EXPERIMENTAL_CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; int CPL_DLL VSIFSeekL(VSILFILE *, vsi_l_offset, int) EXPERIMENTAL_CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; vsi_l_offset CPL_DLL VSIFTellL(VSILFILE *) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; void CPL_DLL VSIRewindL(VSILFILE *); size_t CPL_DLL VSIFReadL(void *, size_t, size_t, VSILFILE *) EXPERIMENTAL_CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; int CPL_DLL VSIFReadMultiRangeL(int nRanges, void **ppData, const vsi_l_offset *panOffsets, const size_t *panSizes, VSILFILE *) EXPERIMENTAL_CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; size_t CPL_DLL VSIFWriteL(const void *, size_t, size_t, VSILFILE *) EXPERIMENTAL_CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; int CPL_DLL VSIFEofL(VSILFILE *) EXPERIMENTAL_CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; int CPL_DLL VSIFTruncateL(VSILFILE *, vsi_l_offset) EXPERIMENTAL_CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; int CPL_DLL VSIFFlushL(VSILFILE *) EXPERIMENTAL_CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; int CPL_DLL VSIFPrintfL(VSILFILE *, CPL_FORMAT_STRING(const char *), ...) EXPERIMENTAL_CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT CPL_PRINT_FUNC_FORMAT(2, 3); int CPL_DLL VSIFPutcL(int, VSILFILE *) EXPERIMENTAL_CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; /** Range status */ typedef enum { VSI_RANGE_STATUS_UNKNOWN, /**< Unknown */ VSI_RANGE_STATUS_DATA, /**< Data present */ VSI_RANGE_STATUS_HOLE /**< Hole */ } VSIRangeStatus; VSIRangeStatus CPL_DLL VSIFGetRangeStatusL(VSILFILE *fp, vsi_l_offset nStart, vsi_l_offset nLength); int CPL_DLL VSIIngestFile(VSILFILE *fp, const char *pszFilename, GByte **ppabyRet, vsi_l_offset *pnSize, GIntBig nMaxSize) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; int CPL_DLL VSIOverwriteFile(VSILFILE *fpTarget, const char *pszSourceFilename) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; #if defined(VSI_STAT64_T) /** Type for VSIStatL() */ typedef struct VSI_STAT64_T VSIStatBufL; #else /** Type for VSIStatL() */ #define VSIStatBufL VSIStatBuf #endif int CPL_DLL VSIStatL(const char *, VSIStatBufL *) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; /** Flag provided to VSIStatExL() to test if the file exists */ #define VSI_STAT_EXISTS_FLAG 0x1 /** Flag provided to VSIStatExL() to query the nature (file/dir) of the file */ #define VSI_STAT_NATURE_FLAG 0x2 /** Flag provided to VSIStatExL() to query the file size */ #define VSI_STAT_SIZE_FLAG 0x4 /** Flag provided to VSIStatExL() to issue a VSIError in case of failure */ #define VSI_STAT_SET_ERROR_FLAG 0x8 /** Flag provided to VSIStatExL() to only use already cached results. * @since GDAL 3.4 */ #define VSI_STAT_CACHE_ONLY 0x10 int CPL_DLL VSIStatExL(const char *pszFilename, VSIStatBufL *psStatBuf, int nFlags) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; int CPL_DLL VSIIsCaseSensitiveFS(const char *pszFilename); int CPL_DLL VSISupportsSparseFiles(const char *pszPath); bool CPL_DLL VSIIsLocal(const char *pszPath); bool CPL_DLL VSISupportsSequentialWrite(const char *pszPath, bool bAllowLocalTempFile); bool CPL_DLL VSISupportsRandomWrite(const char *pszPath, bool bAllowLocalTempFile); int CPL_DLL VSIHasOptimizedReadMultiRange(const char *pszPath); const char CPL_DLL *VSIGetActualURL(const char *pszFilename); char CPL_DLL *VSIGetSignedURL(const char *pszFilename, CSLConstList papszOptions); const char CPL_DLL *VSIGetFileSystemOptions(const char *pszFilename); char CPL_DLL **VSIGetFileSystemsPrefixes(void); void CPL_DLL *VSIFGetNativeFileDescriptorL(VSILFILE *); char CPL_DLL ** VSIGetFileMetadata(const char *pszFilename, const char *pszDomain, CSLConstList papszOptions) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; int CPL_DLL VSISetFileMetadata(const char *pszFilename, CSLConstList papszMetadata, const char *pszDomain, CSLConstList papszOptions); void CPL_DLL VSISetPathSpecificOption(const char *pszPathPrefix, const char *pszKey, const char *pszValue); void CPL_DLL VSIClearPathSpecificOptions(const char *pszPathPrefix); const char CPL_DLL *VSIGetPathSpecificOption(const char *pszPath, const char *pszKey, const char *pszDefault); void CPL_DLL VSISetCredential(const char *pszPathPrefix, const char *pszKey, const char *pszValue) /*! @cond Doxygen_Suppress */ CPL_WARN_DEPRECATED("Use VSISetPathSpecificOption instead") /*! @endcond */ ; void CPL_DLL VSIClearCredentials(const char *pszPathPrefix) /*! @cond Doxygen_Suppress */ CPL_WARN_DEPRECATED("Use VSIClearPathSpecificOptions instead") /*! @endcond */ ; const char CPL_DLL *VSIGetCredential(const char *pszPath, const char *pszKey, const char *pszDefault) /*! @cond Doxygen_Suppress */ CPL_WARN_DEPRECATED("Use VSIGetPathSpecificOption instead") /*! @endcond */ ; /* ==================================================================== */ /* Memory allocation */ /* ==================================================================== */ void CPL_DLL *VSICalloc(size_t, size_t) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; void CPL_DLL *VSIMalloc(size_t) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; void CPL_DLL VSIFree(void *); void CPL_DLL *VSIRealloc(void *, size_t) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; char CPL_DLL *VSIStrdup(const char *) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; void CPL_DLL *VSIMallocAligned(size_t nAlignment, size_t nSize) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; void CPL_DLL *VSIMallocAlignedAuto(size_t nSize) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; void CPL_DLL VSIFreeAligned(void *ptr); void CPL_DLL *VSIMallocAlignedAutoVerbose(size_t nSize, const char *pszFile, int nLine) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; /** VSIMallocAlignedAutoVerbose() with FILE and LINE reporting */ #define VSI_MALLOC_ALIGNED_AUTO_VERBOSE(size) \ VSIMallocAlignedAutoVerbose(size, __FILE__, __LINE__) /** VSIMalloc2 allocates (nSize1 * nSize2) bytes. In case of overflow of the multiplication, or if memory allocation fails, a NULL pointer is returned and a CE_Failure error is raised with CPLError(). If nSize1 == 0 || nSize2 == 0, a NULL pointer will also be returned. CPLFree() or VSIFree() can be used to free memory allocated by this function. */ void CPL_DLL *VSIMalloc2(size_t nSize1, size_t nSize2) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; /** VSIMalloc3 allocates (nSize1 * nSize2 * nSize3) bytes. In case of overflow of the multiplication, or if memory allocation fails, a NULL pointer is returned and a CE_Failure error is raised with CPLError(). If nSize1 == 0 || nSize2 == 0 || nSize3 == 0, a NULL pointer will also be returned. CPLFree() or VSIFree() can be used to free memory allocated by this function. */ void CPL_DLL *VSIMalloc3(size_t nSize1, size_t nSize2, size_t nSize3) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; /** VSIMallocVerbose */ void CPL_DLL *VSIMallocVerbose(size_t nSize, const char *pszFile, int nLine) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; /** VSI_MALLOC_VERBOSE */ #define VSI_MALLOC_VERBOSE(size) VSIMallocVerbose(size, __FILE__, __LINE__) /** VSIMalloc2Verbose */ void CPL_DLL *VSIMalloc2Verbose(size_t nSize1, size_t nSize2, const char *pszFile, int nLine) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; /** VSI_MALLOC2_VERBOSE */ #define VSI_MALLOC2_VERBOSE(nSize1, nSize2) \ VSIMalloc2Verbose(nSize1, nSize2, __FILE__, __LINE__) /** VSIMalloc3Verbose */ void CPL_DLL *VSIMalloc3Verbose(size_t nSize1, size_t nSize2, size_t nSize3, const char *pszFile, int nLine) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; /** VSI_MALLOC3_VERBOSE */ #define VSI_MALLOC3_VERBOSE(nSize1, nSize2, nSize3) \ VSIMalloc3Verbose(nSize1, nSize2, nSize3, __FILE__, __LINE__) /** VSICallocVerbose */ void CPL_DLL *VSICallocVerbose(size_t nCount, size_t nSize, const char *pszFile, int nLine) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; /** VSI_CALLOC_VERBOSE */ #define VSI_CALLOC_VERBOSE(nCount, nSize) \ VSICallocVerbose(nCount, nSize, __FILE__, __LINE__) /** VSIReallocVerbose */ void CPL_DLL *VSIReallocVerbose(void *pOldPtr, size_t nNewSize, const char *pszFile, int nLine) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; /** VSI_REALLOC_VERBOSE */ #define VSI_REALLOC_VERBOSE(pOldPtr, nNewSize) \ VSIReallocVerbose(pOldPtr, nNewSize, __FILE__, __LINE__) /** VSIStrdupVerbose */ char CPL_DLL *VSIStrdupVerbose(const char *pszStr, const char *pszFile, int nLine) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; /** VSI_STRDUP_VERBOSE */ #define VSI_STRDUP_VERBOSE(pszStr) VSIStrdupVerbose(pszStr, __FILE__, __LINE__) GIntBig CPL_DLL CPLGetPhysicalRAM(void); GIntBig CPL_DLL CPLGetUsablePhysicalRAM(void); /* ==================================================================== */ /* Other... */ /* ==================================================================== */ /** Alias of VSIReadDir() */ #define CPLReadDir VSIReadDir char CPL_DLL **VSIReadDir(const char *); char CPL_DLL **VSIReadDirRecursive(const char *pszPath); char CPL_DLL **VSIReadDirEx(const char *pszPath, int nMaxFiles); char CPL_DLL **VSISiblingFiles(const char *pszPath); /** Opaque type for a directory iterator */ typedef struct VSIDIR VSIDIR; VSIDIR CPL_DLL *VSIOpenDir(const char *pszPath, int nRecurseDepth, const char *const *papszOptions); /*! @cond Doxygen_Suppress */ typedef struct VSIDIREntry VSIDIREntry; /*! @endcond */ /** Directory entry. */ struct VSIDIREntry { /** Filename */ char *pszName; /** File mode. See VSI_ISREG() / VSI_ISDIR() */ int nMode; /** File size */ vsi_l_offset nSize; /** Last modification time (seconds since 1970/01/01) */ GIntBig nMTime; /** Whether nMode is known: 0 = unknown, 1 = known. */ char bModeKnown; /** Whether nSize is known: 0 = unknown, 1 = known. */ char bSizeKnown; /** Whether nMTime is known: 0 = unknown, 1 = known. */ char bMTimeKnown; /** NULL-terminated list of extra properties. */ char **papszExtra; #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CPL_SUPRESS_CPLUSPLUS) /*! @cond Doxygen_Suppress */ VSIDIREntry(); ~VSIDIREntry(); VSIDIREntry(const VSIDIREntry &); VSIDIREntry &operator=(VSIDIREntry &) = delete; /*! @endcond */ #endif }; const VSIDIREntry CPL_DLL *VSIGetNextDirEntry(VSIDIR *dir); void CPL_DLL VSICloseDir(VSIDIR *dir); int CPL_DLL VSIMkdir(const char *pszPathname, long mode); int CPL_DLL VSIMkdirRecursive(const char *pszPathname, long mode); int CPL_DLL VSIRmdir(const char *pszDirname); int CPL_DLL VSIRmdirRecursive(const char *pszDirname); int CPL_DLL VSIUnlink(const char *pszFilename); int CPL_DLL *VSIUnlinkBatch(CSLConstList papszFiles); int CPL_DLL VSIRename(const char *oldpath, const char *newpath); int CPL_DLL VSICopyFile(const char *pszSource, const char *pszTarget, VSILFILE *fpSource, vsi_l_offset nSourceSize, const char *const *papszOptions, GDALProgressFunc pProgressFunc, void *pProgressData); int CPL_DLL VSISync(const char *pszSource, const char *pszTarget, const char *const *papszOptions, GDALProgressFunc pProgressFunc, void *pProgressData, char ***ppapszOutputs); int CPL_DLL VSIAbortPendingUploads(const char *pszFilename); char CPL_DLL *VSIStrerror(int); GIntBig CPL_DLL VSIGetDiskFreeSpace(const char *pszDirname); void CPL_DLL VSINetworkStatsReset(void); char CPL_DLL *VSINetworkStatsGetAsSerializedJSON(char **papszOptions); /* ==================================================================== */ /* Install special file access handlers. */ /* ==================================================================== */ void CPL_DLL VSIInstallMemFileHandler(void); /*! @cond Doxygen_Suppress */ void CPL_DLL VSIInstallLargeFileHandler(void); /*! @endcond */ void CPL_DLL VSIInstallSubFileHandler(void); void VSIInstallCurlFileHandler(void); void CPL_DLL VSICurlClearCache(void); void CPL_DLL VSICurlPartialClearCache(const char *pszFilenamePrefix); void VSIInstallCurlStreamingFileHandler(void); void VSIInstallS3FileHandler(void); void VSIInstallS3StreamingFileHandler(void); void VSIInstallGSFileHandler(void); void VSIInstallGSStreamingFileHandler(void); void VSIInstallAzureFileHandler(void); void VSIInstallAzureStreamingFileHandler(void); void VSIInstallADLSFileHandler(void); void VSIInstallOSSFileHandler(void); void VSIInstallOSSStreamingFileHandler(void); void VSIInstallSwiftFileHandler(void); void VSIInstallSwiftStreamingFileHandler(void); void VSIInstall7zFileHandler(void); /* No reason to export that */ void VSIInstallRarFileHandler(void); /* No reason to export that */ void VSIInstallGZipFileHandler(void); /* No reason to export that */ void VSIInstallZipFileHandler(void); /* No reason to export that */ void VSIInstallStdinHandler(void); /* No reason to export that */ void VSIInstallHdfsHandler(void); /* No reason to export that */ void VSIInstallWebHdfsHandler(void); /* No reason to export that */ void VSIInstallStdoutHandler(void); /* No reason to export that */ void CPL_DLL VSIInstallSparseFileHandler(void); void VSIInstallTarFileHandler(void); /* No reason to export that */ void CPL_DLL VSIInstallCryptFileHandler(void); void CPL_DLL VSISetCryptKey(const GByte *pabyKey, int nKeySize); /*! @cond Doxygen_Suppress */ void CPL_DLL VSICleanupFileManager(void); /*! @endcond */ bool CPL_DLL VSIDuplicateFileSystemHandler(const char *pszSourceFSName, const char *pszNewFSName); VSILFILE CPL_DLL * VSIFileFromMemBuffer(const char *pszFilename, GByte *pabyData, vsi_l_offset nDataLength, int bTakeOwnership) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; GByte CPL_DLL *VSIGetMemFileBuffer(const char *pszFilename, vsi_l_offset *pnDataLength, int bUnlinkAndSeize); /** Callback used by VSIStdoutSetRedirection() */ typedef size_t (*VSIWriteFunction)(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream); void CPL_DLL VSIStdoutSetRedirection(VSIWriteFunction pFct, FILE *stream); /** * Return information about a handle. Optional (driver dependent) * @since GDAL 3.0 */ typedef int (*VSIFilesystemPluginStatCallback)(void *pUserData, const char *pszFilename, VSIStatBufL *pStatBuf, int nFlags); /** * Remove handle by name. Optional * @since GDAL 3.0 */ typedef int (*VSIFilesystemPluginUnlinkCallback)(void *pUserData, const char *pszFilename); /** * Rename handle. Optional * @since GDAL 3.0 */ typedef int (*VSIFilesystemPluginRenameCallback)(void *pUserData, const char *oldpath, const char *newpath); /** * Create Directory. Optional * @since GDAL 3.0 */ typedef int (*VSIFilesystemPluginMkdirCallback)(void *pUserData, const char *pszDirname, long nMode); /** * Delete Directory. Optional * @since GDAL 3.0 */ typedef int (*VSIFilesystemPluginRmdirCallback)(void *pUserData, const char *pszDirname); /** * List directory content. Optional * @since GDAL 3.0 */ typedef char **(*VSIFilesystemPluginReadDirCallback)(void *pUserData, const char *pszDirname, int nMaxFiles); /** * List related files. Must return NULL if unknown, or a list of relative * filenames that can be opened along the main file. If no other file than * pszFilename needs to be opened, return static_cast * (CPLCalloc(1,sizeof(char*))); * * Optional * @since GDAL 3.2 */ typedef char **(*VSIFilesystemPluginSiblingFilesCallback)( void *pUserData, const char *pszDirname); /** * Open a handle. Mandatory. Returns an opaque pointer that will be used in * subsequent file I/O calls. Should return null and/or set errno if the handle * does not exist or the access mode is incorrect. * @since GDAL 3.0 */ typedef void *(*VSIFilesystemPluginOpenCallback)(void *pUserData, const char *pszFilename, const char *pszAccess); /** * Return current position in handle. Mandatory * @since GDAL 3.0 */ typedef vsi_l_offset (*VSIFilesystemPluginTellCallback)(void *pFile); /** * Seek to position in handle. Mandatory except for write only handles * @since GDAL 3.0 */ typedef int (*VSIFilesystemPluginSeekCallback)(void *pFile, vsi_l_offset nOffset, int nWhence); /** * Read data from current position, returns the number of blocks correctly read. * Mandatory except for write only handles * @since GDAL 3.0 */ typedef size_t (*VSIFilesystemPluginReadCallback)(void *pFile, void *pBuffer, size_t nSize, size_t nCount); /** * Read from multiple offsets. Optional, will be replaced by multiple calls to * Read() if not provided * @since GDAL 3.0 */ typedef int (*VSIFilesystemPluginReadMultiRangeCallback)( void *pFile, int nRanges, void **ppData, const vsi_l_offset *panOffsets, const size_t *panSizes); /** * Get empty ranges. Optional * @since GDAL 3.0 */ typedef VSIRangeStatus (*VSIFilesystemPluginGetRangeStatusCallback)( void *pFile, vsi_l_offset nOffset, vsi_l_offset nLength); /** * Has end of file been reached. Mandatory? for read handles. * @since GDAL 3.0 */ typedef int (*VSIFilesystemPluginEofCallback)(void *pFile); /** * Write bytes at current offset. Mandatory for writable handles * @since GDAL 3.0 */ typedef size_t (*VSIFilesystemPluginWriteCallback)(void *pFile, const void *pBuffer, size_t nSize, size_t nCount); /** * Sync written bytes. Optional * @since GDAL 3.0 */ typedef int (*VSIFilesystemPluginFlushCallback)(void *pFile); /** * Truncate handle. Mandatory (driver dependent?) for write handles */ typedef int (*VSIFilesystemPluginTruncateCallback)(void *pFile, vsi_l_offset nNewSize); /** * Close file handle. Optional * @since GDAL 3.0 */ typedef int (*VSIFilesystemPluginCloseCallback)(void *pFile); /** * This optional method is called when code plans to access soon one or several * ranges in a file. Some file systems may be able to use this hint to * for example asynchronously start such requests. * * Offsets may be given in a non-increasing order, and may potentially * overlap. * * @param pFile File handle. * @param nRanges Size of the panOffsets and panSizes arrays. * @param panOffsets Array containing the start offset of each range. * @param panSizes Array containing the size (in bytes) of each range. * @since GDAL 3.7 */ typedef void (*VSIFilesystemPluginAdviseReadCallback)( void *pFile, int nRanges, const vsi_l_offset *panOffsets, const size_t *panSizes); /** * struct containing callbacks to used by the handler. * (rw), (r), (w) or () at the end indicate whether the given callback is * mandatory for reading and or writing handlers. A (?) indicates that the * callback might be mandatory for certain drivers only. * @since GDAL 3.0 */ typedef struct { /** * Optional opaque pointer passed back to filemanager callbacks (e.g. open, * stat, rmdir) */ void *pUserData; VSIFilesystemPluginStatCallback stat; /**< stat handle by name (rw)*/ VSIFilesystemPluginUnlinkCallback unlink; /**< unlink handle by name ()*/ VSIFilesystemPluginRenameCallback rename; /**< rename handle ()*/ VSIFilesystemPluginMkdirCallback mkdir; /**< make directory ()*/ VSIFilesystemPluginRmdirCallback rmdir; /**< remove directory ()*/ VSIFilesystemPluginReadDirCallback read_dir; /**< list directory content (r?)*/ VSIFilesystemPluginOpenCallback open; /**< open handle by name (rw) */ VSIFilesystemPluginTellCallback tell; /**< get current position of handle (rw) */ VSIFilesystemPluginSeekCallback seek; /**< set current position of handle (rw) */ VSIFilesystemPluginReadCallback read; /**< read from current position (r) */ VSIFilesystemPluginReadMultiRangeCallback read_multi_range; /**< read multiple blocks ()*/ VSIFilesystemPluginGetRangeStatusCallback get_range_status; /**< get range status () */ VSIFilesystemPluginEofCallback eof; /**< has end of file been reached (r?) */ VSIFilesystemPluginWriteCallback write; /**< write bytes to current position (w) */ VSIFilesystemPluginFlushCallback flush; /**< sync bytes (w) */ VSIFilesystemPluginTruncateCallback truncate; /**< truncate handle (w?) */ VSIFilesystemPluginCloseCallback close; /**< close handle (rw) */ size_t nBufferSize; /**< buffer small reads (makes handler read only) */ size_t nCacheSize; /**< max mem to use per file when buffering */ VSIFilesystemPluginSiblingFilesCallback sibling_files; /**< list related files*/ /** The following optional member has been added in GDAL 3.7: */ VSIFilesystemPluginAdviseReadCallback advise_read; /**< AdviseRead() */ /* Callbacks are defined as a struct allocated by a call to VSIAllocFilesystemPluginCallbacksStruct in order to try to maintain ABI stability when eventually adding a new member. Any callbacks added to this struct SHOULD be added to the END of this struct */ } VSIFilesystemPluginCallbacksStruct; /** * return a VSIFilesystemPluginCallbacksStruct to be populated at runtime with * handler callbacks * @since GDAL 3.0 */ VSIFilesystemPluginCallbacksStruct CPL_DLL * VSIAllocFilesystemPluginCallbacksStruct(void); /** * free resources allocated by VSIAllocFilesystemPluginCallbacksStruct * @since GDAL 3.0 */ void CPL_DLL VSIFreeFilesystemPluginCallbacksStruct( VSIFilesystemPluginCallbacksStruct *poCb); /** * register a handler on the given prefix. All IO on datasets opened with the * filename /prefix/xxxxxx will go through these callbacks. pszPrefix must begin * and end with a '/' * @since GDAL 3.0 */ int CPL_DLL VSIInstallPluginHandler( const char *pszPrefix, const VSIFilesystemPluginCallbacksStruct *poCb); /* ==================================================================== */ /* Time querying. */ /* ==================================================================== */ /*! @cond Doxygen_Suppress */ unsigned long CPL_DLL VSITime(unsigned long *); const char CPL_DLL *VSICTime(unsigned long); struct tm CPL_DLL *VSIGMTime(const time_t *pnTime, struct tm *poBrokenTime); struct tm CPL_DLL *VSILocalTime(const time_t *pnTime, struct tm *poBrokenTime); /*! @endcond */ /*! @cond Doxygen_Suppress */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* the following can be turned on for detailed logging of */ /* almost all IO calls. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef VSI_DEBUG #ifndef DEBUG #define DEBUG #endif #include "cpl_error.h" #define VSIDebug4(f, a1, a2, a3, a4) CPLDebug("VSI", f, a1, a2, a3, a4); #define VSIDebug3(f, a1, a2, a3) CPLDebug("VSI", f, a1, a2, a3); #define VSIDebug2(f, a1, a2) CPLDebug("VSI", f, a1, a2); #define VSIDebug1(f, a1) CPLDebug("VSI", f, a1); #else #define VSIDebug4(f, a1, a2, a3, a4) \ { \ } #define VSIDebug3(f, a1, a2, a3) \ { \ } #define VSIDebug2(f, a1, a2) \ { \ } #define VSIDebug1(f, a1) \ { \ } #endif /*! @endcond */ CPL_C_END #endif /* ndef CPL_VSI_H_INCLUDED */