/* * Copyright (c) 2017 Mellanox Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This software is available to you under a choice of one of two * licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file * COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the * OpenIB.org BSD license below: * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _MLX4DV_H_ #define _MLX4DV_H_ #include #include #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* Always inline the functions */ #ifdef __GNUC__ #define MLX4DV_ALWAYS_INLINE inline __attribute__((always_inline)) #else #define MLX4DV_ALWAYS_INLINE inline #endif enum { MLX4_OPCODE_NOP = 0x00, MLX4_OPCODE_SEND_INVAL = 0x01, MLX4_OPCODE_RDMA_WRITE = 0x08, MLX4_OPCODE_RDMA_WRITE_IMM = 0x09, MLX4_OPCODE_SEND = 0x0a, MLX4_OPCODE_SEND_IMM = 0x0b, MLX4_OPCODE_LSO = 0x0e, MLX4_OPCODE_RDMA_READ = 0x10, MLX4_OPCODE_ATOMIC_CS = 0x11, MLX4_OPCODE_ATOMIC_FA = 0x12, MLX4_OPCODE_MASKED_ATOMIC_CS = 0x14, MLX4_OPCODE_MASKED_ATOMIC_FA = 0x15, MLX4_OPCODE_BIND_MW = 0x18, MLX4_OPCODE_FMR = 0x19, MLX4_OPCODE_LOCAL_INVAL = 0x1b, MLX4_OPCODE_CONFIG_CMD = 0x1f, MLX4_RECV_OPCODE_RDMA_WRITE_IMM = 0x00, MLX4_RECV_OPCODE_SEND = 0x01, MLX4_RECV_OPCODE_SEND_IMM = 0x02, MLX4_RECV_OPCODE_SEND_INVAL = 0x03, MLX4_CQE_OPCODE_ERROR = 0x1e, MLX4_CQE_OPCODE_RESIZE = 0x16, }; enum { MLX4_CQ_DOORBELL = 0x20 }; #define MLX4_CQ_DB_REQ_NOT_SOL (1 << 24) #define MLX4_CQ_DB_REQ_NOT (2 << 24) enum { MLX4_CQE_VLAN_PRESENT_MASK = 1 << 29, MLX4_CQE_QPN_MASK = 0xffffff, }; enum { MLX4_CQE_OWNER_MASK = 0x80, MLX4_CQE_IS_SEND_MASK = 0x40, MLX4_CQE_OPCODE_MASK = 0x1f }; enum { MLX4_CQE_SYNDROME_LOCAL_LENGTH_ERR = 0x01, MLX4_CQE_SYNDROME_LOCAL_QP_OP_ERR = 0x02, MLX4_CQE_SYNDROME_LOCAL_PROT_ERR = 0x04, MLX4_CQE_SYNDROME_WR_FLUSH_ERR = 0x05, MLX4_CQE_SYNDROME_MW_BIND_ERR = 0x06, MLX4_CQE_SYNDROME_BAD_RESP_ERR = 0x10, MLX4_CQE_SYNDROME_LOCAL_ACCESS_ERR = 0x11, MLX4_CQE_SYNDROME_REMOTE_INVAL_REQ_ERR = 0x12, MLX4_CQE_SYNDROME_REMOTE_ACCESS_ERR = 0x13, MLX4_CQE_SYNDROME_REMOTE_OP_ERR = 0x14, MLX4_CQE_SYNDROME_TRANSPORT_RETRY_EXC_ERR = 0x15, MLX4_CQE_SYNDROME_RNR_RETRY_EXC_ERR = 0x16, MLX4_CQE_SYNDROME_REMOTE_ABORTED_ERR = 0x22, }; struct mlx4_err_cqe { uint32_t vlan_my_qpn; uint32_t reserved1[5]; uint16_t wqe_index; uint8_t vendor_err; uint8_t syndrome; uint8_t reserved2[3]; uint8_t owner_sr_opcode; }; enum mlx4_cqe_status { MLX4_CQE_STATUS_TCP_UDP_CSUM_OK = (1 << 2), MLX4_CQE_STATUS_IPV4_PKT = (1 << 22), MLX4_CQE_STATUS_IP_HDR_CSUM_OK = (1 << 28), MLX4_CQE_STATUS_IPV4_CSUM_OK = MLX4_CQE_STATUS_IPV4_PKT | MLX4_CQE_STATUS_IP_HDR_CSUM_OK | MLX4_CQE_STATUS_TCP_UDP_CSUM_OK }; struct mlx4_cqe { __be32 vlan_my_qpn; __be32 immed_rss_invalid; __be32 g_mlpath_rqpn; union { struct { __be16 sl_vid; __be16 rlid; }; __be32 ts_47_16; }; __be32 status; __be32 byte_cnt; __be16 wqe_index; __be16 checksum; uint8_t reserved3; uint8_t ts_15_8; uint8_t ts_7_0; uint8_t owner_sr_opcode; }; enum mlx4dv_qp_comp_mask { MLX4DV_QP_MASK_UAR_MMAP_OFFSET = 1 << 0, }; struct mlx4dv_qp { __be32 *rdb; uint32_t *sdb; __be32 doorbell_qpn; struct { uint32_t wqe_cnt; int wqe_shift; int offset; } sq; struct { uint32_t wqe_cnt; int wqe_shift; int offset; } rq; struct { void *buf; size_t length; } buf; uint64_t comp_mask; off_t uar_mmap_offset; }; enum mlx4dv_cq_comp_mask { MLX4DV_CQ_MASK_UAR = 1 << 0, }; struct mlx4dv_cq { struct { void *buf; size_t length; } buf; uint32_t cqe_cnt; uint32_t cqn; __be32 *set_ci_db; __be32 *arm_db; int arm_sn; int cqe_size; uint64_t comp_mask; void *cq_uar; }; struct mlx4dv_srq { struct { void *buf; size_t length; } buf; int wqe_shift; int head; int tail; __be32 *db; uint64_t comp_mask; }; struct mlx4dv_rwq { __be32 *rdb; struct { uint32_t wqe_cnt; int wqe_shift; int offset; } rq; struct { void *buf; size_t length; } buf; uint64_t comp_mask; }; struct mlx4dv_obj { struct { struct ibv_qp *in; struct mlx4dv_qp *out; } qp; struct { struct ibv_cq *in; struct mlx4dv_cq *out; } cq; struct { struct ibv_srq *in; struct mlx4dv_srq *out; } srq; struct { struct ibv_wq *in; struct mlx4dv_rwq *out; } rwq; }; enum mlx4dv_obj_type { MLX4DV_OBJ_QP = 1 << 0, MLX4DV_OBJ_CQ = 1 << 1, MLX4DV_OBJ_SRQ = 1 << 2, MLX4DV_OBJ_RWQ = 1 << 3, }; /* * This function will initialize mlx4dv_xxx structs based on supplied type. * The information for initialization is taken from ibv_xx structs supplied * as part of input. * * Request information of CQ marks its owned by DV for all consumer index * related actions. * * The initialization type can be combination of several types together. * * Return: 0 in case of success. */ int mlx4dv_init_obj(struct mlx4dv_obj *obj, uint64_t obj_type); static MLX4DV_ALWAYS_INLINE uint8_t mlx4dv_get_cqe_owner(struct mlx4_cqe *cqe) { return cqe->owner_sr_opcode & MLX4_CQE_OWNER_MASK; } static MLX4DV_ALWAYS_INLINE void mlx4dv_set_cqe_owner(struct mlx4_cqe *cqe, uint8_t val) { cqe->owner_sr_opcode = (val & MLX4_CQE_OWNER_MASK) | (cqe->owner_sr_opcode & ~MLX4_CQE_OWNER_MASK); } static MLX4DV_ALWAYS_INLINE uint8_t mlx4dv_get_cqe_opcode(struct mlx4_cqe *cqe) { return cqe->owner_sr_opcode & MLX4_CQE_OPCODE_MASK; } /* * WQE related part */ enum { MLX4_SEND_DOORBELL = 0x14, }; enum { MLX4_WQE_CTRL_SOLICIT = 1 << 1, MLX4_WQE_CTRL_CQ_UPDATE = 3 << 2, MLX4_WQE_CTRL_IP_HDR_CSUM = 1 << 4, MLX4_WQE_CTRL_TCP_UDP_CSUM = 1 << 5, MLX4_WQE_CTRL_FENCE = 1 << 6, MLX4_WQE_CTRL_STRONG_ORDER = 1 << 7 }; enum { MLX4_WQE_BIND_TYPE_2 = (1UL<<31), MLX4_WQE_BIND_ZERO_BASED = (1<<30), }; enum { MLX4_INLINE_SEG = 1UL << 31, MLX4_INLINE_ALIGN = 64, }; enum { MLX4_INVALID_LKEY = 0x100, }; enum { MLX4_WQE_MW_REMOTE_READ = 1 << 29, MLX4_WQE_MW_REMOTE_WRITE = 1 << 30, MLX4_WQE_MW_ATOMIC = 1UL << 31 }; struct mlx4_wqe_local_inval_seg { uint64_t reserved1; __be32 mem_key; uint32_t reserved2; uint64_t reserved3[2]; }; struct mlx4_wqe_bind_seg { __be32 flags1; __be32 flags2; __be32 new_rkey; __be32 lkey; __be64 addr; __be64 length; }; struct mlx4_wqe_ctrl_seg { __be32 owner_opcode; union { struct { uint8_t reserved[3]; uint8_t fence_size; }; __be32 bf_qpn; }; /* * High 24 bits are SRC remote buffer; low 8 bits are flags: * [7] SO (strong ordering) * [5] TCP/UDP checksum * [4] IP checksum * [3:2] C (generate completion queue entry) * [1] SE (solicited event) * [0] FL (force loopback) */ union { __be32 srcrb_flags; __be16 srcrb_flags16[2]; }; /* * imm is immediate data for send/RDMA write w/ immediate; * also invalidation key for send with invalidate; input * modifier for WQEs on CCQs. */ __be32 imm; }; struct mlx4_av { __be32 port_pd; uint8_t reserved1; uint8_t g_slid; __be16 dlid; uint8_t reserved2; uint8_t gid_index; uint8_t stat_rate; uint8_t hop_limit; __be32 sl_tclass_flowlabel; uint8_t dgid[16]; }; struct mlx4_wqe_datagram_seg { struct mlx4_av av; __be32 dqpn; __be32 qkey; __be16 vlan; uint8_t mac[6]; }; struct mlx4_wqe_data_seg { __be32 byte_count; __be32 lkey; __be64 addr; }; struct mlx4_wqe_inline_seg { __be32 byte_count; }; struct mlx4_wqe_srq_next_seg { uint16_t reserved1; __be16 next_wqe_index; uint32_t reserved2[3]; }; struct mlx4_wqe_raddr_seg { __be64 raddr; __be32 rkey; __be32 reserved; }; struct mlx4_wqe_lso_seg { __be32 mss_hdr_size; __be32 header[0]; }; struct mlx4_wqe_atomic_seg { __be64 swap_add; __be64 compare; }; enum mlx4dv_qp_init_attr_mask { MLX4DV_QP_INIT_ATTR_MASK_INL_RECV = 1 << 0, MLX4DV_QP_INIT_ATTR_MASK_RESERVED = 1 << 1, }; struct mlx4dv_qp_init_attr { uint64_t comp_mask; /* Use enum mlx4dv_qp_init_attr_mask */ uint32_t inl_recv_sz; }; struct ibv_qp *mlx4dv_create_qp(struct ibv_context *context, struct ibv_qp_init_attr_ex *attr, struct mlx4dv_qp_init_attr *mlx4_qp_attr); /* * Direct verbs device-specific attributes */ struct mlx4dv_context { uint8_t version; uint32_t max_inl_recv_sz; uint64_t comp_mask; }; /* * Control segment - contains some control information for the current WQE. * * Output: * seg - control segment to be filled * Input: * owner_opcode - Opcode of this WQE (Encodes the type of operation * to be executed on the QP) and owner bit. * wqe_cnt - Number of queue entries. * ind - WQEBB number of the first block of this WQE. * fence_size - Fence bit and WQE size in octowords. * srcrb_flags - High 24 bits are SRC remote buffer; low 8 bits are * flags which described in mlx4_wqe_ctrl_seg struct. * imm - Immediate data/Invalidation key. */ static MLX4DV_ALWAYS_INLINE void mlx4dv_set_ctrl_seg(struct mlx4_wqe_ctrl_seg *seg, uint32_t owner_opcode, uint8_t fence_size, uint32_t srcrb_flags, uint32_t imm) { seg->owner_opcode = htobe32(owner_opcode); seg->fence_size = fence_size; seg->srcrb_flags = htobe32(srcrb_flags); /* * The caller should prepare "imm" in advance based on WR opcode. * For IBV_WR_SEND_WITH_IMM and IBV_WR_RDMA_WRITE_WITH_IMM, * the "imm" should be assigned as is. * For the IBV_WR_SEND_WITH_INV, it should be htobe32(imm). */ seg->imm = imm; } /* * Datagram Segment - contains address information required in order * to form a datagram message. * * Output: * seg - datagram segment to be filled. * Input: * port_pd - Port number and protection domain. * g_slid - GRH and source LID for IB port only. * dlid - Remote LID. * gid_index - Index to port GID table. * state_rate - Maximum static rate control. * hop_limit - IPv6 hop limit. * sl_tclass_flowlabel - Service Level, IPv6 TClass and flow table. * dgid - Remote GID for IB port only. * dqpn - Destination QP. * qkey - QKey. * vlan - VLAN for RAW ETHERNET QP only. * mac - Destination MAC for RAW ETHERNET QP only. */ static MLX4DV_ALWAYS_INLINE void mlx4dv_set_dgram_seg(struct mlx4_wqe_datagram_seg *seg, uint32_t port_pd, uint8_t g_slid, uint16_t dlid, uint8_t gid_index, uint8_t stat_rate, uint8_t hop_limit, uint32_t sl_tclass_flowlabel, uint8_t *dgid, uint32_t dqpn, uint32_t qkey, uint16_t vlan, uint8_t *mac) { seg->av.port_pd = htobe32(port_pd); seg->av.g_slid = g_slid; seg->av.dlid = htobe16(dlid); seg->av.gid_index = gid_index; seg->av.stat_rate = stat_rate; seg->av.hop_limit = hop_limit; seg->av.sl_tclass_flowlabel = htobe32(sl_tclass_flowlabel); memcpy(seg->av.dgid, dgid, 16); seg->dqpn = htobe32(dqpn); seg->qkey = htobe32(qkey); seg->vlan = htobe16(vlan); memcpy(seg->mac, mac, 6); } /* * Data Segments - contain pointers and a byte count for the scatter/gather list. * They can optionally contain data, which will save a memory read access for * gather Work Requests. */ static MLX4DV_ALWAYS_INLINE void mlx4dv_set_data_seg(struct mlx4_wqe_data_seg *seg, uint32_t length, uint32_t lkey, uintptr_t address) { seg->byte_count = htobe32(length); seg->lkey = htobe32(lkey); seg->addr = htobe64(address); } /* Most device capabilities are exported by ibv_query_device(...), * but there is HW device-specific information which is important * for data-path, but isn't provided. * * Return 0 on success. */ int mlx4dv_query_device(struct ibv_context *ctx_in, struct mlx4dv_context *attrs_out); enum mlx4dv_set_ctx_attr_type { /* Attribute type uint8_t */ MLX4DV_SET_CTX_ATTR_LOG_WQS_RANGE_SZ = 0, MLX4DV_SET_CTX_ATTR_BUF_ALLOCATORS = 1, }; struct mlx4dv_ctx_allocators { void *(*alloc)(size_t size, void *priv_data); void (*free)(void *ptr, void *priv_data); void *data; }; /* * Returns 0 on success, or the value of errno on failure * (which indicates the failure reason). */ int mlx4dv_set_context_attr(struct ibv_context *context, enum mlx4dv_set_ctx_attr_type attr_type, void *attr); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _MLX4DV_H_ */