/****************************************************************************** * $Id$ * * Project: OpenGIS Simple Features Reference Implementation * Purpose: Some private helper functions and stuff for OGR implementation. * Author: Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com * ****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 1999, Frank Warmerdam * Copyright (c) 2008-2014, Even Rouault * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef OGR_P_H_INCLUDED #define OGR_P_H_INCLUDED /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Include the common portability library ... lets us do lots */ /* of stuff easily. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "cpl_string.h" #include "cpl_conv.h" #include "cpl_minixml.h" #include "ogr_core.h" #include "ogr_geometry.h" #include "ogr_feature.h" /* A default name for the default geometry column, instead of '' */ #define OGR_GEOMETRY_DEFAULT_NON_EMPTY_NAME "_ogr_geometry_" #ifdef CPL_MSB #define OGR_SWAP(x) (x == wkbNDR) #else #define OGR_SWAP(x) (x == wkbXDR) #endif /* PostGIS 1.X has non standard codes for the following geometry types */ #define POSTGIS15_CURVEPOLYGON 13 /* instead of 10 */ #define POSTGIS15_MULTICURVE 14 /* instead of 11 */ #define POSTGIS15_MULTISURFACE 15 /* instead of 12 */ /* Has been deprecated. Can only be used in very specific circumstances */ #ifdef GDAL_COMPILATION #define wkb25DBitInternalUse 0x80000000 #endif /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* helper function for parsing well known text format vector objects.*/ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef OGR_GEOMETRY_H_INCLUDED #define OGR_WKT_TOKEN_MAX 64 const char CPL_DLL *OGRWktReadToken(const char *pszInput, char *pszToken); const char CPL_DLL *OGRWktReadPoints(const char *pszInput, OGRRawPoint **ppaoPoints, double **ppadfZ, int *pnMaxPoints, int *pnReadPoints); const char CPL_DLL * OGRWktReadPointsM(const char *pszInput, OGRRawPoint **ppaoPoints, double **ppadfZ, double **ppadfM, int *flags, /* geometry flags, are we expecting Z, M, or both; may change due to input */ int *pnMaxPoints, int *pnReadPoints); void CPL_DLL OGRMakeWktCoordinate(char *, double, double, double, int); std::string CPL_DLL OGRMakeWktCoordinate(double, double, double, int, OGRWktOptions opts); void CPL_DLL OGRMakeWktCoordinateM(char *, double, double, double, double, OGRBoolean, OGRBoolean); std::string CPL_DLL OGRMakeWktCoordinateM(double, double, double, double, OGRBoolean, OGRBoolean, OGRWktOptions opts); #endif void CPL_DLL OGRFormatDouble(char *pszBuffer, int nBufferLen, double dfVal, char chDecimalSep, int nPrecision = 15, char chConversionSpecifier = 'f'); std::string CPL_DLL OGRFormatDouble(double val, const OGRWktOptions &opts); int OGRFormatFloat(char *pszBuffer, int nBufferLen, float fVal, int nPrecision, char chConversionSpecifier); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Date-time parsing and processing functions */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Internal use by OGR drivers only, CPL_DLL is just there in case */ /* they are compiled as plugins */ int CPL_DLL OGRGetDayOfWeek(int day, int month, int year); int CPL_DLL OGRParseXMLDateTime(const char *pszXMLDateTime, OGRField *psField); int CPL_DLL OGRParseRFC822DateTime(const char *pszRFC822DateTime, OGRField *psField); char CPL_DLL *OGRGetRFC822DateTime(const OGRField *psField); char CPL_DLL *OGRGetXMLDateTime(const OGRField *psField); char CPL_DLL *OGRGetXMLDateTime(const OGRField *psField, bool bAlwaysMillisecond); // 30 = strlen("YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss+hh:mm") + 1 #define OGR_SIZEOF_ISO8601_DATETIME_BUFFER 30 int CPL_DLL OGRGetISO8601DateTime(const OGRField *psField, bool bAlwaysMillisecond, char szBuffer[OGR_SIZEOF_ISO8601_DATETIME_BUFFER]); char CPL_DLL *OGRGetXML_UTF8_EscapedString(const char *pszString); bool CPL_DLL OGRParseDateTimeYYYYMMDDTHHMMSSZ(const char *pszInput, size_t nLen, OGRField *psField); bool CPL_DLL OGRParseDateTimeYYYYMMDDTHHMMSSsssZ(const char *pszInput, size_t nLen, OGRField *psField); int OGRCompareDate(const OGRField *psFirstTuple, const OGRField *psSecondTuple); /* used by ogr_gensql.cpp and ogrfeaturequery.cpp */ /* General utility option processing. */ int CPL_DLL OGRGeneralCmdLineProcessor(int nArgc, char ***ppapszArgv, int nOptions); /************************************************************************/ /* Support for special attributes (feature query and selection) */ /************************************************************************/ #define SPF_FID 0 #define SPF_OGR_GEOMETRY 1 #define SPF_OGR_STYLE 2 #define SPF_OGR_GEOM_WKT 3 #define SPF_OGR_GEOM_AREA 4 #define SPECIAL_FIELD_COUNT 5 extern const char *const SpecialFieldNames[SPECIAL_FIELD_COUNT]; #ifdef SWQ_H_INCLUDED_ extern const swq_field_type SpecialFieldTypes[SPECIAL_FIELD_COUNT]; #endif /************************************************************************/ /* Some SRS related stuff, search in SRS data files. */ /************************************************************************/ OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRGetEllipsoidInfo(int, char **, double *, double *); /* Fast atof function */ double OGRFastAtof(const char *pszStr); OGRErr CPL_DLL OGRCheckPermutation(const int *panPermutation, int nSize); /* GML related */ OGRGeometry *GML2OGRGeometry_XMLNode(const CPLXMLNode *psNode, int nPseudoBoolGetSecondaryGeometryOption, int nRecLevel = 0, int nSRSDimension = 0, bool bIgnoreGSG = false, bool bOrientation = true, bool bFaceHoleNegative = false); /************************************************************************/ /* PostGIS EWKB encoding */ /************************************************************************/ OGRGeometry CPL_DLL *OGRGeometryFromEWKB(GByte *pabyWKB, int nLength, int *pnSRID, int bIsPostGIS1_EWKB); OGRGeometry CPL_DLL *OGRGeometryFromHexEWKB(const char *pszBytea, int *pnSRID, int bIsPostGIS1_EWKB); char CPL_DLL *OGRGeometryToHexEWKB(OGRGeometry *poGeometry, int nSRSId, int nPostGISMajor, int nPostGISMinor); /************************************************************************/ /* WKB Type Handling encoding */ /************************************************************************/ OGRErr CPL_DLL OGRReadWKBGeometryType(const unsigned char *pabyData, OGRwkbVariant wkbVariant, OGRwkbGeometryType *eGeometryType); /************************************************************************/ /* WKT Type Handling encoding */ /************************************************************************/ OGRErr CPL_DLL OGRReadWKTGeometryType(const char *pszWKT, OGRwkbGeometryType *peGeometryType); /************************************************************************/ /* Other */ /************************************************************************/ void CPL_DLL OGRUpdateFieldType(OGRFieldDefn *poFDefn, OGRFieldType eNewType, OGRFieldSubType eNewSubType); #endif /* ndef OGR_P_H_INCLUDED */