/****************************************************************************** * * Project: PROJ * Purpose: ISO19111:2019 implementation * Author: Even Rouault * ****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2018, Even Rouault * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef DATUM_HH_INCLUDED #define DATUM_HH_INCLUDED #include #include #include #include "common.hpp" #include "io.hpp" #include "util.hpp" NS_PROJ_START /** osgeo.proj.datum namespace \brief Datum (the relationship of a coordinate system to the body). */ namespace datum { // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Abstract class of the relationship of a coordinate system to an * object, thus creating a coordinate reference system. * * For geodetic and vertical coordinate reference systems, it relates a * coordinate system to the Earth (or the celestial body considered). With * other types of coordinate reference systems, the datum may relate the * coordinate system to another physical or * virtual object. A datum uses a parameter or set of parameters that determine * the location of the origin of the coordinate reference system. Each datum * subtype can be associated with only specific types of coordinate reference * systems. * * \remark Implements Datum from \ref ISO_19111_2019 */ class PROJ_GCC_DLL Datum : public common::ObjectUsage, public io::IJSONExportable { public: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_DLL ~Datum() override; //! @endcond PROJ_DLL const util::optional &anchorDefinition() const; PROJ_DLL const util::optional &anchorEpoch() const; PROJ_DLL const util::optional &publicationDate() const; PROJ_DLL const common::IdentifiedObjectPtr &conventionalRS() const; //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_INTERNAL bool _isEquivalentTo( const util::IComparable *other, util::IComparable::Criterion criterion = util::IComparable::Criterion::STRICT, const io::DatabaseContextPtr &dbContext = nullptr) const override; //! @endcond protected: PROJ_INTERNAL Datum(); #ifdef DOXYGEN_ENABLED std::string *anchorDefinition_; Date *publicationDate_; common::IdentifiedObject *conventionalRS_; #endif protected: PROJ_INTERNAL void setAnchor(const util::optional &anchor); PROJ_INTERNAL void setAnchorEpoch(const util::optional &anchorEpoch); PROJ_INTERNAL void setProperties(const util::PropertyMap &properties); // throw(InvalidValueTypeException) private: PROJ_OPAQUE_PRIVATE_DATA Datum &operator=(const Datum &other) = delete; Datum(const Datum &other) = delete; }; /** Shared pointer of Datum */ using DatumPtr = std::shared_ptr; /** Non-null shared pointer of Datum */ using DatumNNPtr = util::nn; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DatumEnsemble; /** Shared pointer of DatumEnsemble */ using DatumEnsemblePtr = std::shared_ptr; /** Non-null shared pointer of DatumEnsemble */ using DatumEnsembleNNPtr = util::nn; /** \brief A collection of two or more geodetic or vertical reference frames * (or if not geodetic or vertical reference frame, a collection of two or more * datums) which for all but the highest accuracy requirements may be * considered to be insignificantly different from each other. * * Every frame within the datum ensemble must be a realizations of the same * Terrestrial Reference System or Vertical Reference System. * * \remark Implements DatumEnsemble from \ref ISO_19111_2019 */ class PROJ_GCC_DLL DatumEnsemble final : public common::ObjectUsage, public io::IJSONExportable { public: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_DLL ~DatumEnsemble() override; //! @endcond PROJ_DLL const std::vector &datums() const; PROJ_DLL const metadata::PositionalAccuracyNNPtr & positionalAccuracy() const; PROJ_DLL static DatumEnsembleNNPtr create( const util::PropertyMap &properties, const std::vector &datumsIn, const metadata::PositionalAccuracyNNPtr &accuracy); // throw(Exception) //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_INTERNAL void _exportToWKT(io::WKTFormatter *formatter) const override; // throw(io::FormattingException) PROJ_INTERNAL void _exportToJSON(io::JSONFormatter *formatter) const override; // throw(io::FormattingException) PROJ_FOR_TEST DatumNNPtr asDatum(const io::DatabaseContextPtr &dbContext) const; //! @endcond protected: #ifdef DOXYGEN_ENABLED Datum datums_[]; PositionalAccuracy positionalAccuracy_; #endif PROJ_INTERNAL DatumEnsemble(const std::vector &datumsIn, const metadata::PositionalAccuracyNNPtr &accuracy); INLINED_MAKE_SHARED private: PROJ_OPAQUE_PRIVATE_DATA DatumEnsemble(const DatumEnsemble &other) = delete; DatumEnsemble &operator=(const DatumEnsemble &other) = delete; }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PrimeMeridian; /** Shared pointer of PrimeMeridian */ using PrimeMeridianPtr = std::shared_ptr; /** Non-null shared pointer of PrimeMeridian */ using PrimeMeridianNNPtr = util::nn; /** \brief The origin meridian from which longitude values are determined. * * \note The default value for prime meridian name is "Greenwich". When the * default applies, the value for the longitude shall be 0 (degrees). * * \remark Implements PrimeMeridian from \ref ISO_19111_2019 */ class PROJ_GCC_DLL PrimeMeridian final : public common::IdentifiedObject, public io::IPROJStringExportable, public io::IJSONExportable { public: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_DLL ~PrimeMeridian() override; //! @endcond PROJ_DLL const common::Angle &longitude() PROJ_PURE_DECL; // non-standard PROJ_DLL static PrimeMeridianNNPtr create(const util::PropertyMap &properties, const common::Angle &longitudeIn); PROJ_DLL static const PrimeMeridianNNPtr GREENWICH; PROJ_DLL static const PrimeMeridianNNPtr REFERENCE_MERIDIAN; PROJ_DLL static const PrimeMeridianNNPtr PARIS; PROJ_PRIVATE : //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_INTERNAL void _exportToPROJString(io::PROJStringFormatter *formatter) const override; // throw(FormattingException) PROJ_INTERNAL void _exportToWKT(io::WKTFormatter *formatter) const override; // throw(io::FormattingException) PROJ_INTERNAL void _exportToJSON(io::JSONFormatter *formatter) const override; // throw(io::FormattingException) PROJ_INTERNAL bool _isEquivalentTo( const util::IComparable *other, util::IComparable::Criterion criterion = util::IComparable::Criterion::STRICT, const io::DatabaseContextPtr &dbContext = nullptr) const override; PROJ_INTERNAL static std::string getPROJStringWellKnownName(const common::Angle &angle); //! @endcond protected: #ifdef DOXYGEN_ENABLED Angle greenwichLongitude_; #endif PROJ_INTERNAL explicit PrimeMeridian( const common::Angle &angle = common::Angle()); INLINED_MAKE_SHARED private: PROJ_OPAQUE_PRIVATE_DATA PrimeMeridian(const PrimeMeridian &other) = delete; PrimeMeridian &operator=(const PrimeMeridian &other) = delete; PROJ_INTERNAL static const PrimeMeridianNNPtr createGREENWICH(); PROJ_INTERNAL static const PrimeMeridianNNPtr createREFERENCE_MERIDIAN(); PROJ_INTERNAL static const PrimeMeridianNNPtr createPARIS(); }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Ellipsoid; /** Shared pointer of Ellipsoid */ using EllipsoidPtr = std::shared_ptr; /** Non-null shared pointer of Ellipsoid */ using EllipsoidNNPtr = util::nn; /** \brief A geometric figure that can be used to describe the approximate * shape of an object. * * For the Earth an oblate biaxial ellipsoid is used: in mathematical terms, * it is a surface formed by the rotation of an ellipse about its minor axis. * * \remark Implements Ellipsoid from \ref ISO_19111_2019 */ class PROJ_GCC_DLL Ellipsoid final : public common::IdentifiedObject, public io::IPROJStringExportable, public io::IJSONExportable { public: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_DLL ~Ellipsoid() override; //! @endcond PROJ_DLL const common::Length &semiMajorAxis() PROJ_PURE_DECL; // Inlined from SecondDefiningParameter union PROJ_DLL const util::optional & inverseFlattening() PROJ_PURE_DECL; PROJ_DLL const util::optional & semiMinorAxis() PROJ_PURE_DECL; PROJ_DLL bool isSphere() PROJ_PURE_DECL; PROJ_DLL const util::optional & semiMedianAxis() PROJ_PURE_DECL; // non-standard PROJ_DLL double computedInverseFlattening() PROJ_PURE_DECL; PROJ_DLL double squaredEccentricity() PROJ_PURE_DECL; PROJ_DLL common::Length computeSemiMinorAxis() const; PROJ_DLL const std::string &celestialBody() PROJ_PURE_DECL; PROJ_DLL static const std::string EARTH; PROJ_DLL static EllipsoidNNPtr createSphere(const util::PropertyMap &properties, const common::Length &radius, const std::string &celestialBody = EARTH); PROJ_DLL static EllipsoidNNPtr createFlattenedSphere(const util::PropertyMap &properties, const common::Length &semiMajorAxisIn, const common::Scale &invFlattening, const std::string &celestialBody = EARTH); PROJ_DLL static EllipsoidNNPtr createTwoAxis(const util::PropertyMap &properties, const common::Length &semiMajorAxisIn, const common::Length &semiMinorAxisIn, const std::string &celestialBody = EARTH); PROJ_DLL EllipsoidNNPtr identify() const; PROJ_DLL static const EllipsoidNNPtr CLARKE_1866; PROJ_DLL static const EllipsoidNNPtr WGS84; PROJ_DLL static const EllipsoidNNPtr GRS1980; PROJ_PRIVATE : //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_INTERNAL void _exportToWKT(io::WKTFormatter *formatter) const override; // throw(io::FormattingException) PROJ_INTERNAL void _exportToJSON(io::JSONFormatter *formatter) const override; // throw(io::FormattingException) PROJ_INTERNAL bool _isEquivalentTo( const util::IComparable *other, util::IComparable::Criterion criterion = util::IComparable::Criterion::STRICT, const io::DatabaseContextPtr &dbContext = nullptr) const override; PROJ_INTERNAL void _exportToPROJString(io::PROJStringFormatter *formatter) const override; // throw(FormattingException) //! @endcond PROJ_INTERNAL static std::string guessBodyName(const io::DatabaseContextPtr &dbContext, double a); PROJ_INTERNAL bool lookForProjWellKnownEllps(std::string &projEllpsName, std::string &ellpsName) const; protected: #ifdef DOXYGEN_ENABLED common::Length semiMajorAxis_; common::Scale *inverseFlattening_; common::Length *semiMinorAxis_; bool isSphere_; common::Length *semiMedianAxis_; #endif PROJ_INTERNAL explicit Ellipsoid(const common::Length &radius, const std::string &celestialBody); PROJ_INTERNAL Ellipsoid(const common::Length &semiMajorAxisIn, const common::Scale &invFlattening, const std::string &celestialBody); PROJ_INTERNAL Ellipsoid(const common::Length &semiMajorAxisIn, const common::Length &semiMinorAxisIn, const std::string &celestialBody); PROJ_INTERNAL Ellipsoid(const Ellipsoid &other); INLINED_MAKE_SHARED PROJ_INTERNAL static const EllipsoidNNPtr createCLARKE_1866(); PROJ_INTERNAL static const EllipsoidNNPtr createWGS84(); PROJ_INTERNAL static const EllipsoidNNPtr createGRS1980(); private: PROJ_OPAQUE_PRIVATE_DATA Ellipsoid &operator=(const Ellipsoid &other) = delete; }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class GeodeticReferenceFrame; /** Shared pointer of GeodeticReferenceFrame */ using GeodeticReferenceFramePtr = std::shared_ptr; /** Non-null shared pointer of GeodeticReferenceFrame */ using GeodeticReferenceFrameNNPtr = util::nn; /** \brief The definition of the position, scale and orientation of a geocentric * Cartesian 3D coordinate system relative to the Earth. * * It may also identify a defined ellipsoid (or sphere) that approximates * the shape of the Earth and which is centred on and aligned to this * geocentric coordinate system. Older geodetic datums define the location and * orientation of a defined ellipsoid (or sphere) that approximates the shape * of the earth. * * \note The terminology "Datum" is often used to mean a GeodeticReferenceFrame. * * \note In \ref ISO_19111_2007, this class was called GeodeticDatum. * * \remark Implements GeodeticReferenceFrame from \ref ISO_19111_2019 */ class PROJ_GCC_DLL GeodeticReferenceFrame : public Datum { public: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_DLL ~GeodeticReferenceFrame() override; //! @endcond PROJ_DLL const PrimeMeridianNNPtr &primeMeridian() PROJ_PURE_DECL; // We constraint more than the standard into which the ellipsoid might // be omitted for a CRS with a non-ellipsoidal CS PROJ_DLL const EllipsoidNNPtr &ellipsoid() PROJ_PURE_DECL; // non-standard PROJ_DLL static GeodeticReferenceFrameNNPtr create(const util::PropertyMap &properties, const EllipsoidNNPtr &ellipsoid, const util::optional &anchor, const PrimeMeridianNNPtr &primeMeridian); PROJ_DLL static GeodeticReferenceFrameNNPtr create(const util::PropertyMap &properties, const EllipsoidNNPtr &ellipsoid, const util::optional &anchor, const util::optional &anchorEpoch, const PrimeMeridianNNPtr &primeMeridian); PROJ_DLL static const GeodeticReferenceFrameNNPtr EPSG_6267; // North American Datum 1927 PROJ_DLL static const GeodeticReferenceFrameNNPtr EPSG_6269; // North American Datum 1983 PROJ_DLL static const GeodeticReferenceFrameNNPtr EPSG_6326; // WGS 84 //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_INTERNAL void _exportToWKT(io::WKTFormatter *formatter) const override; // throw(io::FormattingException) PROJ_INTERNAL void _exportToJSON(io::JSONFormatter *formatter) const override; // throw(FormattingException) PROJ_INTERNAL bool _isEquivalentTo( const util::IComparable *other, util::IComparable::Criterion criterion = util::IComparable::Criterion::STRICT, const io::DatabaseContextPtr &dbContext = nullptr) const override; PROJ_INTERNAL bool isEquivalentToNoExactTypeCheck( const util::IComparable *other, util::IComparable::Criterion criterion, const io::DatabaseContextPtr &dbContext) const; //! @endcond protected: #ifdef DOXYGEN_ENABLED PrimeMeridian primeMeridian_; Ellipsoid *ellipsoid_; #endif PROJ_INTERNAL GeodeticReferenceFrame(const EllipsoidNNPtr &ellipsoidIn, const PrimeMeridianNNPtr &primeMeridianIn); INLINED_MAKE_SHARED PROJ_INTERNAL static const GeodeticReferenceFrameNNPtr createEPSG_6267(); PROJ_INTERNAL static const GeodeticReferenceFrameNNPtr createEPSG_6269(); PROJ_INTERNAL static const GeodeticReferenceFrameNNPtr createEPSG_6326(); bool hasEquivalentNameToUsingAlias( const IdentifiedObject *other, const io::DatabaseContextPtr &dbContext) const override; private: PROJ_OPAQUE_PRIVATE_DATA GeodeticReferenceFrame(const GeodeticReferenceFrame &other) = delete; GeodeticReferenceFrame & operator=(const GeodeticReferenceFrame &other) = delete; }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DynamicGeodeticReferenceFrame; /** Shared pointer of DynamicGeodeticReferenceFrame */ using DynamicGeodeticReferenceFramePtr = std::shared_ptr; /** Non-null shared pointer of DynamicGeodeticReferenceFrame */ using DynamicGeodeticReferenceFrameNNPtr = util::nn; /** \brief A geodetic reference frame in which some of the parameters describe * time evolution of defining station coordinates. * * For example defining station coordinates having linear velocities to account * for crustal motion. * * \remark Implements DynamicGeodeticReferenceFrame from \ref ISO_19111_2019 */ class PROJ_GCC_DLL DynamicGeodeticReferenceFrame final : public GeodeticReferenceFrame { public: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_DLL ~DynamicGeodeticReferenceFrame() override; //! @endcond PROJ_DLL const common::Measure &frameReferenceEpoch() const; PROJ_DLL const util::optional &deformationModelName() const; // non-standard PROJ_DLL static DynamicGeodeticReferenceFrameNNPtr create(const util::PropertyMap &properties, const EllipsoidNNPtr &ellipsoid, const util::optional &anchor, const PrimeMeridianNNPtr &primeMeridian, const common::Measure &frameReferenceEpochIn, const util::optional &deformationModelNameIn); //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_INTERNAL bool _isEquivalentTo( const util::IComparable *other, util::IComparable::Criterion criterion = util::IComparable::Criterion::STRICT, const io::DatabaseContextPtr &dbContext = nullptr) const override; PROJ_INTERNAL void _exportToWKT(io::WKTFormatter *formatter) const override; // throw(io::FormattingException) //! @endcond protected: #ifdef DOXYGEN_ENABLED Measure frameReferenceEpoch_; #endif PROJ_INTERNAL DynamicGeodeticReferenceFrame( const EllipsoidNNPtr &ellipsoidIn, const PrimeMeridianNNPtr &primeMeridianIn, const common::Measure &frameReferenceEpochIn, const util::optional &deformationModelNameIn); INLINED_MAKE_SHARED private: PROJ_OPAQUE_PRIVATE_DATA DynamicGeodeticReferenceFrame(const DynamicGeodeticReferenceFrame &other) = delete; DynamicGeodeticReferenceFrame & operator=(const DynamicGeodeticReferenceFrame &other) = delete; }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief The specification of the method by which the vertical reference frame * is realized. * * \remark Implements RealizationMethod from \ref ISO_19111_2019 */ class PROJ_GCC_DLL RealizationMethod : public util::CodeList { public: PROJ_DLL static const RealizationMethod LEVELLING; PROJ_DLL static const RealizationMethod GEOID; PROJ_DLL static const RealizationMethod TIDAL; private: PROJ_FRIEND_OPTIONAL(RealizationMethod); PROJ_DLL explicit RealizationMethod( const std::string &nameIn = std::string()); PROJ_DLL RealizationMethod(const RealizationMethod &other) = default; PROJ_DLL RealizationMethod &operator=(const RealizationMethod &other); }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class VerticalReferenceFrame; /** Shared pointer of VerticalReferenceFrame */ using VerticalReferenceFramePtr = std::shared_ptr; /** Non-null shared pointer of VerticalReferenceFrame */ using VerticalReferenceFrameNNPtr = util::nn; /** \brief A textual description and/or a set of parameters identifying a * particular reference level surface used as a zero-height or zero-depth * surface, including its position with respect to the Earth. * * \note In \ref ISO_19111_2007, this class was called VerticalDatum. * \remark Implements VerticalReferenceFrame from \ref ISO_19111_2019 */ class PROJ_GCC_DLL VerticalReferenceFrame : public Datum { public: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_DLL ~VerticalReferenceFrame() override; //! @endcond PROJ_DLL const util::optional &realizationMethod() const; // non-standard PROJ_DLL static VerticalReferenceFrameNNPtr create(const util::PropertyMap &properties, const util::optional &anchor = util::optional(), const util::optional &realizationMethodIn = util::optional()); PROJ_DLL static VerticalReferenceFrameNNPtr create(const util::PropertyMap &properties, const util::optional &anchor, const util::optional &anchorEpoch, const util::optional &realizationMethodIn = util::optional()); //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_INTERNAL bool _isEquivalentTo( const util::IComparable *other, util::IComparable::Criterion criterion = util::IComparable::Criterion::STRICT, const io::DatabaseContextPtr &dbContext = nullptr) const override; PROJ_INTERNAL bool isEquivalentToNoExactTypeCheck( const util::IComparable *other, util::IComparable::Criterion criterion, const io::DatabaseContextPtr &dbContext) const; PROJ_INTERNAL void _exportToWKT(io::WKTFormatter *formatter) const override; // throw(io::FormattingException) PROJ_INTERNAL void _exportToJSON(io::JSONFormatter *formatter) const override; // throw(FormattingException) PROJ_INTERNAL const std::string &getWKT1DatumType() const; //! @endcond protected: #ifdef DOXYGEN_ENABLED RealizationMethod realizationMethod_; #endif PROJ_INTERNAL explicit VerticalReferenceFrame( const util::optional &realizationMethodIn); INLINED_MAKE_SHARED private: PROJ_OPAQUE_PRIVATE_DATA }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DynamicVerticalReferenceFrame; /** Shared pointer of DynamicVerticalReferenceFrame */ using DynamicVerticalReferenceFramePtr = std::shared_ptr; /** Non-null shared pointer of DynamicVerticalReferenceFrame */ using DynamicVerticalReferenceFrameNNPtr = util::nn; /** \brief A vertical reference frame in which some of the defining parameters * have time dependency. * * For example defining station heights have velocity to account for * post-glacial isostatic rebound motion. * * \remark Implements DynamicVerticalReferenceFrame from \ref ISO_19111_2019 */ class PROJ_GCC_DLL DynamicVerticalReferenceFrame final : public VerticalReferenceFrame { public: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_DLL ~DynamicVerticalReferenceFrame() override; //! @endcond PROJ_DLL const common::Measure &frameReferenceEpoch() const; PROJ_DLL const util::optional &deformationModelName() const; // non-standard PROJ_DLL static DynamicVerticalReferenceFrameNNPtr create(const util::PropertyMap &properties, const util::optional &anchor, const util::optional &realizationMethodIn, const common::Measure &frameReferenceEpochIn, const util::optional &deformationModelNameIn); //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_INTERNAL bool _isEquivalentTo( const util::IComparable *other, util::IComparable::Criterion criterion = util::IComparable::Criterion::STRICT, const io::DatabaseContextPtr &dbContext = nullptr) const override; PROJ_INTERNAL void _exportToWKT(io::WKTFormatter *formatter) const override; // throw(io::FormattingException) //! @endcond protected: #ifdef DOXYGEN_ENABLED Measure frameReferenceEpoch_; #endif PROJ_INTERNAL DynamicVerticalReferenceFrame( const util::optional &realizationMethodIn, const common::Measure &frameReferenceEpochIn, const util::optional &deformationModelNameIn); INLINED_MAKE_SHARED private: PROJ_OPAQUE_PRIVATE_DATA DynamicVerticalReferenceFrame(const DynamicVerticalReferenceFrame &other) = delete; DynamicVerticalReferenceFrame & operator=(const DynamicVerticalReferenceFrame &other) = delete; }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TemporalDatum; /** Shared pointer of TemporalDatum */ using TemporalDatumPtr = std::shared_ptr; /** Non-null shared pointer of TemporalDatum */ using TemporalDatumNNPtr = util::nn; /** \brief The definition of the relationship of a temporal coordinate system * to an object. The object is normally time on the Earth. * * \remark Implements TemporalDatum from \ref ISO_19111_2019 */ class PROJ_GCC_DLL TemporalDatum final : public Datum { public: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_DLL ~TemporalDatum() override; //! @endcond PROJ_DLL const common::DateTime &temporalOrigin() const; PROJ_DLL const std::string &calendar() const; PROJ_DLL static const std::string CALENDAR_PROLEPTIC_GREGORIAN; // non-standard PROJ_DLL static TemporalDatumNNPtr create(const util::PropertyMap &properties, const common::DateTime &temporalOriginIn, const std::string &calendarIn); //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_INTERNAL void _exportToWKT(io::WKTFormatter *formatter) const override; // throw(io::FormattingException) PROJ_INTERNAL void _exportToJSON(io::JSONFormatter *formatter) const override; // throw(FormattingException) PROJ_INTERNAL bool _isEquivalentTo( const util::IComparable *other, util::IComparable::Criterion criterion = util::IComparable::Criterion::STRICT, const io::DatabaseContextPtr &dbContext = nullptr) const override; //! @endcond protected: PROJ_INTERNAL TemporalDatum(const common::DateTime &temporalOriginIn, const std::string &calendarIn); INLINED_MAKE_SHARED private: PROJ_OPAQUE_PRIVATE_DATA }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class EngineeringDatum; /** Shared pointer of EngineeringDatum */ using EngineeringDatumPtr = std::shared_ptr; /** Non-null shared pointer of EngineeringDatum */ using EngineeringDatumNNPtr = util::nn; /** \brief The definition of the origin and orientation of an engineering * coordinate reference system. * * \note The origin can be fixed with respect to the Earth (such as a defined * point at a construction site), or be a defined point on a moving vehicle * (such as on a ship or satellite), or a defined point of an image. * * \remark Implements EngineeringDatum from \ref ISO_19111_2019 */ class PROJ_GCC_DLL EngineeringDatum final : public Datum { public: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_DLL ~EngineeringDatum() override; //! @endcond // non-standard PROJ_DLL static EngineeringDatumNNPtr create(const util::PropertyMap &properties, const util::optional &anchor = util::optional()); //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_INTERNAL void _exportToWKT(io::WKTFormatter *formatter) const override; // throw(io::FormattingException) PROJ_INTERNAL void _exportToJSON(io::JSONFormatter *formatter) const override; // throw(FormattingException) PROJ_INTERNAL bool _isEquivalentTo( const util::IComparable *other, util::IComparable::Criterion criterion = util::IComparable::Criterion::STRICT, const io::DatabaseContextPtr &dbContext = nullptr) const override; //! @endcond protected: PROJ_INTERNAL EngineeringDatum(); INLINED_MAKE_SHARED private: PROJ_OPAQUE_PRIVATE_DATA }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ParametricDatum; /** Shared pointer of ParametricDatum */ using ParametricDatumPtr = std::shared_ptr; /** Non-null shared pointer of ParametricDatum */ using ParametricDatumNNPtr = util::nn; /** \brief Textual description and/or a set of parameters identifying a * particular reference surface used as the origin of a parametric coordinate * system, including its position with respect to the Earth. * * \remark Implements ParametricDatum from \ref ISO_19111_2019 */ class PROJ_GCC_DLL ParametricDatum final : public Datum { public: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_DLL ~ParametricDatum() override; //! @endcond // non-standard PROJ_DLL static ParametricDatumNNPtr create(const util::PropertyMap &properties, const util::optional &anchor = util::optional()); //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_INTERNAL void _exportToWKT(io::WKTFormatter *formatter) const override; // throw(io::FormattingException) PROJ_INTERNAL void _exportToJSON(io::JSONFormatter *formatter) const override; // throw(FormattingException) PROJ_INTERNAL bool _isEquivalentTo( const util::IComparable *other, util::IComparable::Criterion criterion = util::IComparable::Criterion::STRICT, const io::DatabaseContextPtr &dbContext = nullptr) const override; //! @endcond protected: PROJ_INTERNAL ParametricDatum(); INLINED_MAKE_SHARED private: PROJ_OPAQUE_PRIVATE_DATA }; } // namespace datum NS_PROJ_END #endif // DATUM_HH_INCLUDED