from hvac.api.system_backend.system_backend_mixin import SystemBackendMixin class Capabilities(SystemBackendMixin): def get_capabilities(self, paths, token=None, accessor=None): """Get the capabilities associated with a token. Supported methods: POST: /sys/capabilities-self. Produces: 200 application/json POST: /sys/capabilities. Produces: 200 application/json POST: /sys/capabilities-accessor. Produces: 200 application/json :param paths: Paths on which capabilities are being queried. :type paths: List[str] :param token: Token for which capabilities are being queried. :type token: str :param accessor: Accessor of the token for which capabilities are being queried. :type accessor: str :return: The JSON response of the request. :rtype: dict """ params = { "paths": paths, } if token and accessor: raise ValueError("You can specify either token or accessor, not both.") elif token: # params["token"] = token api_path = "/v1/sys/capabilities" elif accessor: # params["accessor"] = accessor api_path = "/v1/sys/capabilities-accessor" else: # api_path = "/v1/sys/capabilities-self" return url=api_path, json=params, )