# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from .. import lexer from .. import parser from .. import Fields, This, Child from . import arithmetic as _arithmetic from . import filter as _filter from . import iterable as _iterable from . import string as _string class ExtendedJsonPathLexer(lexer.JsonPathLexer): """Custom LALR-lexer for JsonPath""" literals = lexer.JsonPathLexer.literals + ['?', '@', '+', '*', '/', '-'] tokens = (['BOOL'] + parser.JsonPathLexer.tokens + ['FILTER_OP', 'SORT_DIRECTION', 'FLOAT']) t_FILTER_OP = r'=~|==?|<=|>=|!=|<|>' def t_BOOL(self, t): r'true|false' t.value = True if t.value == 'true' else False return t def t_SORT_DIRECTION(self, t): r',?\s*(/|\\)' t.value = t.value[-1] return t def t_ID(self, t): r'@?[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_@\-]*' # NOTE(sileht): This fixes the ID expression to be # able to use @ for `This` like any json query t.type = self.reserved_words.get(t.value, 'ID') return t def t_FLOAT(self, t): r'-?\d+\.\d+' t.value = float(t.value) return t class ExtentedJsonPathParser(parser.JsonPathParser): """Custom LALR-parser for JsonPath""" tokens = ExtendedJsonPathLexer.tokens def __init__(self, debug=False, lexer_class=None): lexer_class = lexer_class or ExtendedJsonPathLexer super(ExtentedJsonPathParser, self).__init__(debug, lexer_class) def p_jsonpath_operator_jsonpath(self, p): """jsonpath : NUMBER operator NUMBER | FLOAT operator FLOAT | ID operator ID | NUMBER operator jsonpath | FLOAT operator jsonpath | jsonpath operator NUMBER | jsonpath operator FLOAT | jsonpath operator jsonpath """ # NOTE(sileht): If we have choice between a field or a string we # always choice string, because field can be full qualified # like $.foo == foo and where string can't. for i in [1, 3]: if (isinstance(p[i], Fields) and len(p[i].fields) == 1): # noqa p[i] = p[i].fields[0] p[0] = _arithmetic.Operation(p[1], p[2], p[3]) def p_operator(self, p): """operator : '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' """ p[0] = p[1] def p_jsonpath_named_operator(self, p): "jsonpath : NAMED_OPERATOR" if p[1] == 'len': p[0] = _iterable.Len() elif p[1] == 'sorted': p[0] = _iterable.SortedThis() elif p[1].startswith("split("): p[0] = _string.Split(p[1]) elif p[1].startswith("sub("): p[0] = _string.Sub(p[1]) elif p[1].startswith("str("): p[0] = _string.Str(p[1]) else: super(ExtentedJsonPathParser, self).p_jsonpath_named_operator(p) def p_expression(self, p): """expression : jsonpath | jsonpath FILTER_OP ID | jsonpath FILTER_OP FLOAT | jsonpath FILTER_OP NUMBER | jsonpath FILTER_OP BOOL """ if len(p) == 2: left, op, right = p[1], None, None else: __, left, op, right = p p[0] = _filter.Expression(left, op, right) def p_expressions_expression(self, p): "expressions : expression" p[0] = [p[1]] def p_expressions_and(self, p): "expressions : expressions '&' expressions" # TODO(sileht): implements '|' p[0] = p[1] + p[3] def p_expressions_parens(self, p): "expressions : '(' expressions ')'" p[0] = p[2] def p_filter(self, p): "filter : '?' expressions " p[0] = _filter.Filter(p[2]) def p_jsonpath_filter(self, p): "jsonpath : jsonpath '[' filter ']'" p[0] = Child(p[1], p[3]) def p_sort(self, p): "sort : SORT_DIRECTION jsonpath" p[0] = (p[2], p[1] != "/") def p_sorts_sort(self, p): "sorts : sort" p[0] = [p[1]] def p_sorts_comma(self, p): "sorts : sorts sorts" p[0] = p[1] + p[2] def p_jsonpath_sort(self, p): "jsonpath : jsonpath '[' sorts ']'" sort = _iterable.SortedThis(p[3]) p[0] = Child(p[1], sort) def p_jsonpath_this(self, p): "jsonpath : '@'" p[0] = This() precedence = [ ('left', '+', '-'), ('left', '*', '/'), ] + parser.JsonPathParser.precedence + [ ('nonassoc', 'ID'), ] def parse(path, debug=False): return ExtentedJsonPathParser(debug=debug).parse(path)